My Last Wish is to XXXX Hot Guys! – Huh? No you’re not. You’re going to bring peace to the Seven Kingdoms!

Chapter 44: Coming Full Circle. You Were Expecting One Isekai In This Shoujo Smut Novel. How About Two?

Bathory POV

The blond hunk dismisses himself from his post afterwards. Gesturing someone else to take over before escorting her where else beyond the gates. He refuses to elaborate on the way. But he claims he is taking her to Yggdrasil after she mentioned she isn’t supposed to go anywhere else. So, instead, she’s flicking her eyes about the surroundings. Everything here is dazzling white. She’s walking on marble pavements built atop cloud halos. The buildings and grass are glistering gold. Everyone that passes her by is breathtakingly captivating.  

This must be heaven that Lumeria mentioned huh. It’s pretty. They’re approaching a massive grand castle in the distance, atop a floating marble rock formation, across an ivory arched bridge. Silver water pouring down the sides endlessly to white fog. Bigger and shinier than anything she’s seen. The glass windows adorning it, glows like diamonds in the light. Putting the place where she grew up in complete shame.  

The interiors are just as impressive, a courtyard of crystal swan statues midst luminescent ponds. The endless rooms down the main halls hold quartz wells. Huh. This must be where Lumeria mentioned she sees the mortal world from. But something feels off. Everyone’s too fidgety. Scampering off in different directions. Then she looks out of the windows, uniformed Angels flying in, collecting at the square in formation lines. Almost like troops.  

Another scholar like Angel is approaching the blond hunk,  

“Is this the new Messiah? She is supposed to be taken to the Elders and not here!” the hunk brushes him off. But the Scholar does not relent, coming over to grab her shoulder,  

“Come with me. It’s dangerous here.” the hunk instantly gestures for him to be pulled away,  

“That’s a traitor right there. Throw him in the dungeons.”  

A fight breaks out behind her. She tilts over her shoulder, but by then, all she sees is a giant hole smashed into the wall and the scholar escaping into the air with two pursing angels.  

What’s that all about? She reaffirms again,  

“Is this place Yggdrasil? What’s going on?”  

“Yes.” He replies, bringing her up a spiraling flight of hovering stairs. A tower. Opening the room to gesture her in before closing the door behind her. It’s sparsely decorated in here. An ornate chair beneath tall clover shaped windows lining the ceiling, paned with crystal glass that fragments the light into rainbows. Clean and white if not otherwise like a prison. Someone’s already sitting on the bed. And her breath stops, her head goes silent, anything else doesn’t seem to matter anymore,  

“Holy shit. You’re the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.”  

A timeless beauty. His hair, a dazzling wheat gold, long and lank like the softest milkworm silk, pulled in a half braid. Eyes red as blood rose, thorns in his features. Razor sharp. His glance basically drips with condescend, a quiet haughtiness like he stands above it all. Dressed in a flowy white robe clasped in plated olive branches and does not at all deceive that he’s cut like gem. Then he smiles warmly, opens both his palms,  

“Welcome to Heaven, my child. I am your Father.” and something rubs her the wrong way. What is he even playing at? Is this one of the hot Angels Lumeria is giving her? 

“Child? Father?” she ponders a little, examining him closer,  

“Hm... I’m not feeling it. Incest is not really my thing. You don’t strike me as the domineering patriarchal type. You’re super pretty. Sultry pretty. Like the snake charmers of Xerysus levels of pretty. Can you pretend to be a male dancer instead?” She slips onto the bed beside him. Patting her lap,  

“Try it. Grind me as you strip your clothes off.” and she sees something visibly break in his composure,  


“You heard me. Give me a lap dance.” but he doesn’t understand her. She rolls her eyes. Couldn’t Lumeria have gotten someone with more experience? All pretty face and no expertise. She pulls on his wrist. Woah. He’s lighter than she thought he’d be. Maneuvering him to straddle her,  

“Like this.” before she grips his ass and pushes him against her stomach,  

“Rub your cock against me until you get hard and drippy. Seduce me.” but she is suddenly grabbed on the throat. Slammed against the wall. His grip chokes the air out of her,  

“Does she intend to mock me to this extent? A dirty little whore like you is meant to take my place as the new God?” His demeanor completely changes to that of short-temper and rage. Yet his voice is airy and light, conveying only tranquil arrogance.  

Wait. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Something feels off here. She’s done roleplay before, and she knows this isn’t it. She collects her thoughts. New God. Traitors. Uniformed Angels resembling troops. A room that looks like a prison. She’s seen this before. Just like when Genocia is preparing for an attack. They are troops! This is a prison! She sees what’s going on now. The crazy bitch actually went and did it! She waged a war because of Soril! God fucking damn, that’s epic! Lumeria told her to take the throne, which would mean she’s a threat to the current monarch. This guy is attacking her. He isn’t on Lumeria’s side. She got tricked! This isn’t Yggdrasil! She’s in enemy territories.

She claws against his grip,  

“Don’t you dare-” prying his fingers open one by one,  

“Look down on dirty little whores. You have no idea the kind of horrors we endure just to put food on the table, you shitty condescending prick!” she kicks him between the legs to make him drop her. But what she doesn’t expect is, it completely smashes him into the ceiling. Holy crap! She’s crazy strong! She’s got Lumeria’s strength! She makes a mad dash out, throwing the door wide open. It cracks into the marble walls.  

“Seize her!” but she just smacks the angels charging at her away easier than flies. Flurrying down the spiraling stairs. She’s quick too! Fuck yeah! She can get used to this. It feels good to be overpowered. But where does she even need to go? She flicks her eyes around.

The hallway up ahead is getting blocked by troops. They’re armed with some glowy sticks. Behind her, more are already catching up, a slash grazes her collarbone. She flings the assaulter away before clasping her hand over the injury. Staining her fingers red. It fucking burns. But her wounds aren’t healing like Lumeria’s did. Eh? Why isn’t it healing? Didn’t Lumeria say she’s giving her all her powers? She tries, 

“Down.” to halt the oncoming troops. It isn’t working,  


She doesn’t know how to fight. Shit. Shit. Shit. Emblems are being drawn midair. Something doesn’t look good here. In a panic, she throws herself out of the arch windows as darting jets of flashy beams collides into each other where she was at. Thumbling ungraciously into the clouds before she’s stopped by golden chains binding all over her body. Centimeters before she’s able to crash into a swan fountain. She tussles against it. She can’t break this. What is this bullshit? She's quickly surrounded by the troops. Then, the condescending prick lands before her. His wings furling with the graceful fold of an owl, before flaking away to golden light. He throws his hair over his shoulder with a flick of his wrist. A classy elegance in his actions, yet the gaze he looks down upon her with is demeaning with thorns,

“I will pardon your insolence because you do not know any better. Announce me as your God.” 

“I was told I'm going to be God.”  

“You? You are merely a visitor to this realm. What do you even know about our world. Do you truly think, you are capable of ruling?”  

“I was told I’ll learn, so who are my teachers supposed to be again? Elders? Where are they? Can you change them into Youngers instead? I prefer hot men. I’m sick of those naggy wrinkly scholars whacking me on my head and calling me an idiot every time I got the name of some old king long dead wrong.” she mimics Scholar Admond’s voice,  

“No, Princess Bathory, it’s King Joharis, not King Jotaris. Like shit if I care.”  

“I see she has also taken the liberty to restore your memory against my command. No matter. You won’t be here for long. Declare for me, and I shall return you from whence you come.”  

“No way. Astoran is a shit hole. I like it here. Everyone’s attractive. Even the troops are attractive.”  

“If you stay, this place will turn into the same shit hole as Astoran because of a childish act of spite.”  

She affirms, “You’re the current God?” 


“Can’t you simply make Astoran unshit?”  

“I will make it unshit once you renounce your position as Messiah.” the fuck does that even mean? But she does know,

“Bargaining doesn’t work this way. You got to fix Astoran first. Smite Estelis’s king or something. Same way you killed Lumeria’s lover.” he’s tightening the chains around her with a wave of his hand,  

“You will not tell me what to do.” it’s starting to hurt, “Declare for me.” She grimaces, 

“You dumb cunt. For a God, you’re super shit at this diplomacy type of thing. Don’t you realize, if you use unreasonable force, it’ll just make the other party want to defy you more? You are on the low ground if you want something from me. You got to appeal to me. We can make love, not war.” but he doesn’t even flinch. Instead, he’s squeezing her. The chains are beginning to sear into her skin. Smothering her flesh with sizzles, she yelps from the pain.

“You are not even of an equal status for me to want to consider diplomacy, child. Why do I need to hear your opinions when I can squash you easily as an ant? You are literally on the ground.” She hears something crack, her bones, she chokes blood out, shivering from agony as she grits her teeth in retaliation,  

“Then, fuck you. I will never declare for you. A violent haughty prick like you should never be God. I want to be God.”  

“Very well. You can be God in solitary confinement for the rest of your afterlife until you change your mind.” he gestures her to be taken away. Beautiful as he is, why is he an absolute piece of shit? She tussles against her chains, 

“Break!” goddammit. Nothing happens. How does Lumeria’s powers even function? She’s getting dragged on the collar by an Angel,  

“Stay!” come on! Shouldn’t there be a deus ex machina by now? Where the fuck are Lumeria’s allies? 

“Stay!” come on, come on, come on,  

“Drop me!” nothing works! Fucking hell. Then she’s suddenly swooped up like a rabbit by a hawk to the skies, held on the collar,

“You really are getting bold and lawless.” her savior says towards the condescending prick as he escapes. The wind pulls her hair back, pricking her eyes. Behind them, the troops begin chasing. Firing beams of white light that he’s weaving past the air. The sheer speed they’re travelling is throwing her heart into her throat. Thumping with adrenaline. 

She cranes her head up to witness him. A lone handsome young man with straggly dark hair, four jet black wings, narrow slitted irises that glows olive-gold like a cat’s in midnight. Oh. Oh? Is this her Soril from Lumeria’s world? He’s hot. He’s super-hot! The delinquent looking type with shark like teeth and a rebellious look on his face. Silver metal piercings on an ear.  

But the white Angels are looping around, trying to cut him off. The condescending prick has already arrived too, and he is attempting to negotiate this time,  

“We can still halt this, Elder Azarus. You sworn for Lumeria and not this pestilence of an useless child.”  

“You can halt this by abdicating with no resistance. But judging from your immediate reactions. I was right to guess, you have absolutely zero intentions to. This pestilence of an useless child is the person my Messiah chose, and she has spoken her words. You are no God, Ozymandeus the Usurper.”

This man must be on Lumeria’s side! The condescending prick is waving in the golden chains, but Azarus narrowly weaves through them. Avoiding capture and getting ahead. He scribbles a sigil in the air. A giant black emblem forms like a cage. Trapping the pursuers to leave them in clouds. He hollers at Ozymandeus, flipping his middle finger and sticking a tongue out,

“As per Divine Law, I will give you one month to pass the Soul Sorting over to your brother. See you on the battlefields, pretentious motherfucker!”  

Fuck yeah! Let’s go! That's what she’s talking about!  


Alright, alright. This marks the conclusion of the first major arc. My central premise is shattered, Lumeria's moving downwards on the moral ladder, Bathory's a trainwreck, I killed off my favourite boy to write about ;_; (ngl, I really liked writing about Soril) and several new plotlines has been started!

That being said, from this point onward, Lumeria wouldn't be the only lead POV that I will be using to drive the story forward as I want to explore some of the political driven intrigues and the nitty gritty resource management side of things for war. Lumeria was my introductory character to smoothly shoehorn in the exposition via dialogue and introduce the world of Astoran to you guys, my dear readers, without it being too infodumpy (Or at least I hope it wasn't infodumpy). And oh, if you are here for the smut, do not worry, I gotchu fam. There will still be smut. It will just be segwayed in a way that feels natural and earned and consequential to character development and plotlines instead of being the sole driving factor for a lead character to regain her powers.

That being said, I will also be slowing down my posting rate, because I tend to move back and forth between my working chapters to make sure the events of the story lines up. I won't claim that I am a good author, but I do try my best to tell a compelling story. If there are any portions that you have disliked so far, or any plotholes or contrivances that you have spotted, do let me know, I would love to hear your feedbacks and critiques. It will greatly help me improve my storytelling skills. Nevertheless, thank you so much for reading this story and joining me on this journey. See you on the next update! :D 

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