My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 49 – Wake Up Call

After a night of restful sleep, I slowly began to wake up the following day. As my eyes fluttered awake and I came back to my senses bit by bit, it took me a second to remember where I was, what I had been doing last night, and more importantly, why the first thing I saw when I woke up was another woman’s pussy, practically right up in my face.

Vel and I had fallen asleep in a rather strange position, and I could even feel her slowly stirring in her sleep down there, with her head in a similar situation near my own pussy. The young elven woman wasn’t quite as awake as me yet, but in a few minutes she no doubt would be. However, the sight of her pussy before me brought a naughty little idea to my mind, one I could not ignore.

Back on Earth, I had read a few erotic stories and watched some porn that involved wake-up blowjobs and pussy eating. The idea of waking up someone with an orgasm like that had always fascinated me. If not for the jarring way in which I woke up yesterday, by falling out of bed, I probably would have woken up Vel like that then.

Since I had the perfect opportunity to live out that little fantasy of mine now, I wasted no time licking my lips and moving in for a taste of pussy in the morning. However, before my tongue could so much as touch the young elven woman, a loud, firm knock at the bedroom door interrupted me, and jarringly awoke Vel.

The knocking was immediately followed by the stern, strong voice of Damien shouting out from the other side of the door. "Up and at it, girls! It’s time for training!"

Vel let out a groan as she practically flopped out of bed. While the young elven woman quickly threw on the dress she wore yesterday to offer herself some modesty, I slowly stretched out on the bed, not at all caring about my own nudity. Everyone there had seen me in much more compromising positions, so what was the point of trying to even hide it?

Once she was decent enough to face her father, Vel threw open the door and gave him an angry glare as she said. "Gods above, does it have to be so early."

"There’s nothing better than warming up for a day of training than a nice, early morning run." Damien chuckled as his eyes moved past his daughter, further into the room where I lay naked for him to openly ogle. "You both agreed to my training and this is what it involves. If you’re not outside ready to do some training in five minutes, I’ll come back and drag you out myself, dressed or not." After the man said his peace, he simply shut the door and left.

"God damn it! Why does it have to be so early? Just what did we agree to?" I groaned as I still lay sprawled out on the bed. Waking up early was not my favourite thing but it could be tolerable, especially if it involved the prospects of a bit of morning fun, but waking up early to go run around and exercise just sounded like torture to me.

"As fun as it is, we can’t just lay around having sex all day. Some of us need to do other things to improve our skills and level up." Vel sighed as she took off her dress once more, changing it into a clean one as well as putting on a fresh pair of panties.

"It's a shame you can’t. If we both had sexual classes, we could spend the whole day having sex, levelling up and getting better and better at it until we were practically sex goddesses." I laughed as I went about getting ready myself, slipping on the second pair of lace panties that once belonged to the leader of those mercenaries, along with a fresh set of clothes.

As I slid up the panties, my eyes fell on the pair of butt plugs laying on Vel’s bedside table. Although I didn’t exactly remember when, at some point last night, the toys had been removed and cleaned, as sleeping with them in us was not the greatest idea. For butt plugs to be comfortably worn for longer periods of time, they need the lube to be reapplied every now and then, and since we only had a little bit left, maybe only three or four applications, we decided not to waste it all at once. Between that and the fact that wearing one while doing whatever strenuous training Damien had in mind for the morning might not be a good idea either, I decided to leave them behind for now, even if they were a good way of passively earning a bit of skill experience.

Before too long, Vel and I were dressed as we normally were, me in my tight, plain shirt and pants and her in her flowing green dress, with her mother’s amulet hanging from her neck. With plenty of time left to spare before Damien’s deadline, we gave each other a good morning kiss before heading out. On our way out of the log cabin, I pulled my status screen up and gave it a look over before setting the system notifications to the do not disturb setting once more. Since the plan was to spend today training, I figured it was best not to get distracted by the notifications and just dedicate my time, solely focusing on whatever practice Damien had in mind for us. I could always check back in and see what growth I had made during breaks in the training.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Pervert
Level: 10

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 26
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 13
Charm: 41

Class Skills:
Freshen Up, Rank 5
Fascinate, Rank 5
Sense Gaze, Rank 4
Stimulate, Rank 5
Tight Fit, Rank 5

General Skills:
Cunnilingus, Rank 10
Kissing, Rank 9
Sensual Massage, Rank 14
Sex Toys, Rank 9
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 7

Blessed By An Angel
Monster Lover

Not far to go now. Hopefully, I can hit the ranks I want before the end of the day and undergo my 1st class evolution soon.

As soon as Vel and I found our way outside and to her awaiting father, I dismissed my status screen once more and focused my attention on the man in question. "Alright!" He cheered excitedly as he clapped his hands together once. "To start things off, I want you two to run laps around the clearing."

"..." Neither Vel nor I said anything immediately. Instead, we just looked at each other and then at the forests surrounding the cramped collection of log cabin, garden, and shed.

"What are you waiting for? Go, Go!" Damien shouted, jarring the two of us into action.

Vel immediately went into action after that, charting a clear path around the treeline as I tried my best to follow behind her. Running like this was never really my thing back on Earth, but after only a few seconds, I realised it was much worse now. Although this new body of mine wasn’t going to get as tired as quickly as my old one would have thanks to my stat points in vitality, the bigger problem was my breasts.

The fun and appealing size of my tits were great in many regards, but they did come with a few downsides. Luckily, I managed to catch a few of those downsides, like getting a sore back from their weight, during the reincarnation and ruled them out, but one downside that completely slipped my mind was how much they bounced during fast-paced movement.

As such, my tits were bouncing all over the place as I tried my best to run laps around the clearing. It was really uncomfortable and not at all fun, to the point that I had to run while holding my breasts in place on my chest. It was easier and more comfortable to run like that, but still quite uncomfortable. It would have been much better— not perfect but better—if I had had a sports bra of some kind, but alas. I only got panties yesterday and had been going commando for an entire day beforehand, so where was I going to get a sports bra from? I don’t even know if they exist in this world.

As Vel and I ran in circles around the clearing, Damien shouted at us the whole time. Sometimes his words would be encouraging, and sometimes they would serve only to spur us on. Sometimes even, he would whisper in my ear all the lewd things he was going to do to me if only I put in that bit more effort. That really spurred me on and when combined with his gaze, which I could feel all over my body through my sense gaze skill, which Damien told me earlier to make use of as much as possible today, my horniness was driving me to run laps as fast as I could go in hopes of getting my lewd reward.

After more than a few minutes of this, Vel and I collapsed in a heap on the grass, unable to move another inch. Both of us were covered in quite a bit of sweat and thoroughly exhausted. This wasn’t like any casual workout I had heard about back on Earth. No, it seemed like Damien was trying to drive us to our limits, if not break us. At least he gave us a break, even if it was a short one.

"Alright! Rest and catch your breath. I’ll be back in five minutes to resume your training." The big burly man called out before going running off into the forest.

Vel and I shared a confused look with each other, but we were too exhausted to actually say anything to each other. Thankfully, by the time Damien returned, we had recovered somewhat and were able to actually stand up again and catch our breath a bit.

Damien’s return brought with it the realisation that we had completely forgotten that he had promised to retrieve and train Saph with us. As such, the small blue slime was clutched tightly in his hands upon his return, so tightly that it wasn’t clear whether or not Saph had come willingly or just been suddenly abducted from their home in the burrow under a tree. No light was shed on that matter when Damien opened up his hands, allowing the little slime to frantically bounce away and over to Vel.

Saph practically bowled into the young elven woman’s chest, where they were soon held firmly as they shook like a scared little puppy and let out a series of whining, gurgling noises. Vel just rubbed the smile’s body and tried to reassure them that everything was alright. "Dad’s not going to hurt you, Saph. There’s nothing to worry about. He’s known about you this entire time and hasn’t done anything bad. He just brought you here so that you could train with us."

After a bit of back and forth between Vel and the slime, only half of which I had any hope of understanding, it was time for more training. Hell, I didn’t even know for sure if Vel could really understand Saph’s gurgles or if she was just guessing because that was what I was doing most of the time. Now that we had warmed up, or at least that was what Damien said the gruelling run we just did was, it was time for some more focused exercise.

As such, we spent about an hour doing various different things. From push-ups to squats and even a little weight lifting, Damien had us doing a variety of things. Interestingly enough, though, he didn’t have any of the three of us doing the same regiment. My own exercises were more focused on stuff that would actually help build muscles for sex, like doing squats to strengthen my thighs, which were thoroughly put to use whenever I rode a man in the cowgirl position. Vel’s exercises were a little broader than my own, but she actually had a little more focus on upper body strength than I did.

Saph’s exercises were the most interesting though, not only because they didn’t have muscles in the same way Vel and I did, but because they were thoroughly getting into it. That said, the little blue slime’s exercise mostly consisted of them pushing and tossing around various different-sized rocks, the biggest of which was even larger than they were. I was completely astounded when they actually managed to lift that rock above them and manipulate their body in such a way that it looked like they were doing their own version of push-ups with the added weight the rock provided on top of them. Of course, I had no idea if doing such a thing was actually helping them, but Damien seemed to know what he was doing.

Soon enough, it was time for another break and breakfast. After a quick, small meal, it was time for more training. Only this training was different from the last and required each of us to be tutored individually. As soon as Damien mentioned that this training would be one-on-one, I got my hopes up, thinking it was time for more sex, only to be let down when he further went on to explain that he was going to teach us all to defend ourselves.

Since Vel was the one he was most concerned about, and the whole reason Damien was even training any of us, she was the first to receive her father’s tutelage. After going into the shed for a moment, the man returned with two long wooden staffs made of old, gnarled wood, one of which he gave to his daughter. As the pair went through a series of moves and stances related to fighting with a staff, Saph and I continued our earlier exercises on our own.

Once Vel was at a place where she could continue to practise what she had been taught on her own for at least a little while, Damien turned his attention to me. Once more, the man went into the shed, but this time he did not return with a wooden weapon. I now realised that I had falsely assumed that he was planning to teach us with wooden training weapons because the staff was made of wood, but that was just how it was made.

"Here, this is for you, Eve," Damien said as he held out a sheathed dagger with a little length of leather hanging from it, which would allow it to be tied to belts, pants, or any such place I wanted it to be tied. “Not just for training, but to keep.”

"Thank you…" I tentatively responded as I took the dagger and pulled it part way out of its sheath.

The weapon I held in my hands was no mere kitchen knife, but a real dagger. Both its edges were razor sharp and its end looked like it had a terrifyingly pointy tip, the kind that could easily kill a person. I had never seen a weapon like this up close before, let alone held one in my hands. As such, I was a little nervous, to say the least.

"I know you don’t plan on doing any fighting or the like, but sometimes fights choose you. Even if you don’t take the dagger skill, knowing how to use one could save your life." Damien explained before going through the motions of explaining how to hold the weapon correctly and take up the proper stance.

As nervous as I was, it was actually pretty easy and exciting to learn how to use a dagger. After all, it wasn’t like I was trying to master the sword or anything like that. Instead, I was just learning how to stab someone trying to hurt me, it was merely for self-defence. I really didn’t need much skill to use the dagger, as any time I came up against a situation with a more powerful opponent, I could probably just run away. Using the dagger like this was just for life-threatening emergencies.

Soon enough, Damien moved on from me, leaving me stabbing imaginary foes as he offered Saph his tutelage. Again, the little blue slime’s training was different from ours as he didn’t have anything to teach them. Saph’s weapon of choice was, of course, their own body, and since Damien didn’t and couldn’t fight in a manner similar to a slime, he had little advice to offer them. Instead, they did a sort of sparring that involved Saaph trying to land a hit on the man as he dodged and weaved out of the way, occasionally swinging out with his foot and lightly tapping the slime as a replacement for his own attacks, which would have reduced the poor little monster to a blue smear if he actually attacked with his full strength.

Like this, Damien cycled through the group, spending time with each of us a total of three times before he brought everyone back together and said. "Alright, so there is about an hour and a half left before lunch and your next break. During that time, I want Vel and Saph to spar with each other, but remember to pull your punches a little. I don’t want either of you actively hurting the other. I may be able to do a little bit of healing, but I can’t mend broken bones or core fractures."

Vel and Saph both responded excitedly to this prospect as they turned to face each other. Saph being so excited to learn to fight wasn’t all that surprising given that they were technically considered a monster, but Vel’s excitement was something I hadn’t been expecting. The young elven woman had taken to fighting and wielding the staff as a deadly weapon far better than I would have ever thought she would given her kind and gentle demeanour. She was practically a different woman when she held that weapon in her hands, one I never wanted to spar against, but luckily wouldn’t have to since that wasn’t really the kind of thing Damien was training me for at this point in time.

As the slime and half-elf walked off and began sparring among themselves, Damien stood there for a few moments, making sure they weren’t making any serious mistakes, before turning his attention back to me with a cheeky grin. "While those two are sparring, I thought we might continue your training… inside the cabin."

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