My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 50 – Sexual Training

As soon as Damien suggested continuing my training inside the cabin, we ran off to do just that, like a pair of giggling schoolchildren. After the strenuous and tiring activities of this morning, a good fuck was just what I needed. Sure, many of my muscles were tired and exhausted from all the exercise he put me through, but there were more than a few positions we could have sex in that would have allowed me to rest my body while still getting my pussy pounded into a sopping wet mess just like I wanted.

Since Damien’s bed was reinforced and the only place he could really go at it without risking him breaking any furniture in the heat of the moment, we quickly made our way to his bedroom. As soon as the door was shut behind us, I slid my arms around him and lifted myself to plant my lips on his. My tongue wasted no time sliding into the embrace with a desperate need for the man. He had teased me and led me on so much this morning that at this moment there was nothing more that I wanted than him.

As the heated, passionate kiss continued, we stripped the clothes from each other and tossed them aside. As shirts were removed, our chests were openly groped and fondled by one another. While he enjoyed the feeling of large, supple breasts, I enjoyed the feeling of his rather muscular abs. Soon enough, more clothes were stripped off, and my pants were pulled off, leaving me wearing only a pair of black lace panties. It was at this point, when I moved down to strip off Damien’s own pants, that our long kiss finally broke and I moved to put my lips to a different use.

As I pulled the big burly man’s pants and underwear down to his ankles, my hands immediately found his cock, which they coiled around and began to fervently stroke right off the bat. Without a moment's hesitation, I moved to lower myself to my knees to get a little taste of his cock before we got to the main event, but he stopped me.

"As good as your blowjobs are, Eve, that’s not why we are here." He said as his eyes flashed with a red light from his use of his identify skill on me. Apparently, he had no trepidation about using the skill without asking me first anymore since he practically knew everything it was going to say anyway. In fact, he knew more than his skill could have revealed. 

"You still need one rank in kissing, one rank in sex toys, and three ranks in vaginal intercourse to reach my recommendations for your 1st class evolution." He continued. "Now for anyone else, I would have said ranking up that much in such a short amount of time would be impossible, but if we play our cards right, you might very well achieve that before lunch. But if that fails, I’m certain you can definitely achieve it before the end of the day."

As much as I really wanted to suck on his cock and get a taste of his cum again, the prospect of achieving those ranks and getting to my class evolutions earlier really spoke to me. It sure helped that doing so would still involve getting my pussy fucked. However, a thought soon popped into my head about something the man didn’t mention, and as such, I voiced that thought immediately.

"What about sense gaze? Why didn’t you mention it?"

"Sense gaze…" Damien trailed off as he turned his attention back to the floating status screen that only he could see. "That skill is already rank 5, like all your other class skills."

"Oh, right, I have the system notifications on the do not disturb setting. It must have ranked up during the earlier training." I said, feeling a bit foolish about having completely forgotten about how I had set the system notification to behave only a few hours earlier this morning. Of course, when I quickly pulled up my delayed notifications, the rank-up message was there waiting for me.

Sense Gaze has reached Rank 5

However, as foolish as I felt, especially when it should have been rather obvious why he didn’t mention a skill, Damien didn’t react at all how I thought he would. His mouth was slightly agape, and he looked at me, puzzled, for a few seconds before saying. "Sorry Eve, you have the system notifications on what?"

"I, umm… I have the notifications on the do not disturb or delayed setting. You know, the setting where instead of popping up after the fact and distracting you from whatever you were going to do next, they just sit there waiting for you to look at them at a time convenient for you." I tried my best to explain, but it only led to more confusion.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Eve. As far as I know, system notifications just pop up whenever you've earned them. I’ve never heard of them waiting until after the fact or being able to delay them for a convenient time." 

"Wait really!" My mouth dropped at this revelation. The more I talked with people, the more and more unique my experiences seemed to be. First my class, then the rate of my levelling up, and now this. However, unlike my strong class, the fast levelling speed and whatever this was weren’t things I specifically asked for during my reincarnation. This begs the question, what makes me so special? Why does the system notification allow me to alter how and when they appear, while others can’t?

"As interesting as this is, I have no idea what it could mean and it's merely a distraction us from what we should be doing. Training," Damien said as he reached a hand out towards my chest and groped my breasts, reminding me of the fact that he was completely naked and I was just wearing a pair of skimpy, wet panties.

"Can you set the system notifications to pop up as soon as you rank up the skill, as it would normally do?" He asked as he ushered me to the bed, where he began to lie down as I sat on the edge of it.

"Hmm… let's see…" I responded before focusing my thoughts on the task.

Manipulating my notifications hadn’t even been something I really thought hard about doing. It had first happened when I was having lots of sex with Vel and didn’t want to be interrupted during the breaks in between when we were cuddling up to one another intimately. I had just thought of delaying them, and the system had complied. Until now, I just thought it was a normal thing and had taken it for granted.

I never actually thought of having the notifications set like Damien wanted them to be, but I could see how that would be useful for training as you would know when to move on to the next thing. A had thought that my way of doing was more useful overall, but if he wanted to me have them set to appear as they did for him, that was what I was going to do. 

Luckily, it didn’t actually take much effort to change the system notification settings. There was no physical way to interact with the system interface in this regard, but all it took was a focused thought of what I wanted, and there was a mental click in my mind, telling me that I had achieved what I wanted.

"It’s done."

"Good," Damiens responded, as he lay on his bed completely naked and idly stoking his hard, thick cock. "Now, since you have the most ranks to gain in your vaginal intercourse general skill, I thought that was where we should begin. As such, I want you to ride and bounce on my cock. Although you shouldn’t treat this exactly like normal sex you should still focus on using your vagina to pleasure my cock as best you can. This is just training, after all. The fact that it involves having sex is just happenstance."

"Okay…" I said wearily as I pulled off my panties and tossed them to the side. The position that Damien wanted me to take required the use of my thighs quite a bit, and they were still rather worn out from all the squats he made me do earlier.

Still, I was determined to do my best and climbed atop him. Once I was straddling his waist and could feel the length of his cock pressing up against my pussy, I wasted no time sliding him into me. Most women would have required a bit more foreplay or some lube before getting right to the main event like this, but given how wet I was at pretty much any point in time, taking his cock into me without a warm-up was an easy task.

As Damien’s length and girth spread me wider and wider until I was sitting on as much of his cock as my little, tight pussy could take, I let out a long, drawn-out groan. After my first taste of fucking this wonderful thing of his, a part of me had been craving having it inside me again, and he did not disappoint. His cock was just as good as it had ever been.

"Don’t just sit there, bounce on my cock!" Damien ordered me about with the same stern, strict voice that he had used when training me outside. However, this time he accompanied the spurring on with a light smack on my butt.

I immediately jerked into action, trying my best to raise myself up and down on the man’s thick cock, over and over again. Although the experience was quite pleasurable, it wasn’t quite as fun as sex normally was. This was partly because of the fact that this was more like training than it was actually sex, but mostly because my thighs were soon burning. After all, the exercises he had me do earlier, putting them to work like this was nearly excruciating.

"Come on, you can do better than that!" Damien cheered me on as he gave me another little slap on my butt, which was actually kind of helpful. Or at least, it was turning me on more and more.

"I can’t. My thighs are so damned tired." I groaned but still tried my best to bounce on his cock despite my complaints. "Why did you have to make me do all those squats before letting me fuck you? Why can't we do it in a less strenuous position."

"The strain of having to use a skill while fatigued or exhausted actually helps a skill grow more than doing it under normal circumstances, considerably more actually," Damien explained. But what I couldn’t really wrap my head around was the fact that he wasn’t letting out even the slightest moan. By this point during the last time we had sex, he was fully into it, moaning and gasping up a storm.

Was he putting on an act then or is he just restraining himself now?

The curiosity that fact brought was quickly snuffed out as my full attention needed to be focused on willing myself to keep bouncing on the man’s cock, pushing my thighs to their limits. As good as it felt to have his cock push into me again and again, my aching muscles made this feel more like a tiring session of exercise than anything else.

"That’s good, Eve. Just ten more bounces and you can take a moment to rest your thighs." Damien guided me along, much like a personal trainer would, making this feel even less like sex. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a bad experience or anything like that, just not at all what I had been expecting.

I eventually managed ten more bounces on his cock and it was time to rest, but only from the bouncing. Even as my thighs were given time to recover and relax, Damien still wanted me to put my vaginal intercourse skill to use in another way. To that end, he had me slowly rocking my hips back and forward, gyrating my pussy on his cock as I leaned forward and kissed him. Luckily, my lips weren’t as tired and worn out as the rest of my body, so I could still kiss him rather intensely, putting my kissing skill to good use.

However, soon enough, it was time to bounce on his cock again, and like that, we continued to alternate between bouncing and kissing over and over again. Every time we switched activities like that, Damien would tell me to focus on a different aspect of what I was doing. Sometimes he wanted me to bounce as fast as I could on his cock, other times at a slow and steady pace. One time, he wanted me to try and tense my vaginal muscles down on his cock in a rhythmic pattern in time with his fingers tapping on my leg. That last one was a little weird, but having to focus my attention on multiple things while also having to endure the strain of my tired thighs was certainly pushing me to my limits.

Although Damien didn’t actually know what kind of things I would need to know and get better at to be a good escort like I was planning, when it came to training skills, he was quite knowledgable. As such, our training bore fruit quite quickly, much quicker than it would have done if we were just having normal sex.

Vaginal Intercourse has reached Rank 8

"It ranked up…" I gasped in between moans of pleasure and groans from the physical strain of what I was doing.

"Excellent, that was even quicker than I expected." Damien grinned. "You can stop now and take a bit of a breather. Here, lie down next to me and wait for it."

Wait for what? I thought to myself as I did what was gestured for me to do, confused about what exactly I was waiting for. As I tried my best to catch my breath, baring through the aching in my thighs, soon enough it dawned on me just what I was waiting for as all the aches and pains fled my body. I was still tired and exhausted, sure, not to mention a little achy from the exercises done outside earlier, but the extra aches accumulated from what I was just doing were healed in the next few minutes by my blessed by an angel trait.

"I forgot about that! So amazing… I can’t believe my skill considers tired muscles to be minor damage." I grinned as I just lay there recovering.

"Since you managed to rank up vaginal intercourse so quickly and have the time to spare, how about a little reward before we move back on to training." Damien chuckled as his hands slid their way over my body, one of which found its way to my pussy, where it began to play with my clit. "You don’t even have to move a muscle. It will be my treat."

I didn’t say anything in response, only letting out an enthusiastic, but rather exhausted giggle. That response alone was all Damien needed to know I consented to what he was going to do. Even though I had told him he didn’t ever need to ask for such a thing and could take me and whatever he wanted with me, asking for consent anyway was a nice touch. After all, for all he knew, I may have been too exhausted to even want to think about fucking. In truth, though, he could have fucked me while I was sleeping and I wouldn’t have minded, so what was a little fun while I was exhausted in comparison to that? For him and Vel, I was willing to let them do nearly anything to me. I trusted them completely.

As I lay there on the bed breathing hard, sweaty, and rather worn out from the day's events, Damien’s fingers continued to go to town on me, playing with my clit, nipples, and whatever they could touch. I was slowly getting distracted from the strain my body had experienced earlier. Bit by bit, the pleasure grew higher and higher from his touch, but this was only the appetiser, as before too long, the big burly man repositioned himself, moving between my legs, where he looked down at my wet pussy and licked his lips. Apparently, my real reward was him going down on me. How fun!

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