My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 63: Con(fusion) Fusion

Note "they"/"their", in place of "he"/"she" or "him"/"her", will be used to reference the Daniel-Viviane fusion for a little bit given the mixed genders. If there's any confusion over the sentences, please let me know!

As the sweet lips of Marianne press against their near-featureless state, the being composed of Daniel and Viviane moan into the warm depths that kiss them. Their pleasure vibrates through in sync, yet, separate in tone.

"'s okay, love...hah, Mama's here," Marianne reassures between the breaths, keeping herself available to the developing personality. Although anxious over the final result, she feels comforted by the way the fusion holds her.

Indeed, Daniel and Viviane are aware of their lover and fellow sister to kiss back with their remaining lips, but they can hardly focus as memories flood them...

"Oh, shit! Mom, this is...uh, look, I should've locked my door. No, please...I don't need the talk!"

"Hi, you must be...Mary? I heard you're looking for a model to do body painting on?"

"Mary, as your father, this worries me. Every time I talk to you, it feels like your English is turning more American."

"What the hell! Rachel, they rejected our paper...again! There shouldn't be anything controversial about-"

Certain pieces of Amy's memories are blocked. Of course, they know this is expected since Viviane prepared the memories that could be shared. Still, they feel the astronomer's frustration, and know that whatever prevented them from publishing, it was for family stability in the end.

So, while keeping what little exists in context, they continue sorting the experiences of those shared to them...

"I'm able to maintain my split thus far. Yes, if it's like this, maybe I can produce a clone I can talk to! Aha...ha...I'm losing it. This damned lake...this child...Why...Why am I here?!"

"Ugh...another date, another miss. Fuck me, Daniel and I actually hit it off well now that I can compare."

Such loneliness and need fills them.

"Mom, don't you dare fucking say that! The treatments have to help, understand?"

"Could I be given the chance? If he accepted Anne, who came from me, then maybe..."

Fear and hope surround them.

"You selfish asshole! Ten years...ten fucking years, and suddenly, you want to see MY child again? No, you made your choice."

"Oh my god, Mary! I get it, you're better than me. Are you happy that you always have something to say about my paintings?"

Frustration and regret shake them again.

"Love, stay a little longer in bed, will you?"

"Do you hear that, Viviane? Even if we're similar, Daniel is still my son! I won't let you have him that easily!"

"My, what a possessive sister I have! Well, I can understand it, at least. I hope we'll get along when we meet."

"Daniel, would you be interested in joining the art club? You have such remarkable potential, and I want to help you realize it!"

Then, there's so much immense love and dedication.

"Daniel? You can't sleep? It's okay, come here, my star."

So much...

"Oh my, Viviane. Was your lesson with Merlin harsh today? Here, come into my arms~"

...This one is new.


With the beginning of their first thought, the new fusion is pulled back with sudden clarity. Inhaling sharply, they break away from Marianne while stumbling back.

"Love?!" the ebony hybrid squeaks in response, nearly tripping as well by the sudden jerk.

The fusion of Daniel and Viviane manages to catch themselves as they turn away, grunting. They find themselves now racing over new details that neither existed between the current Viviane, Daniel, or anyone for that matter.

Just as it had come to Anne, they received another memory of old. In fact, this woman is the same one that was burned at the stake by the Isis cultists! There must've been something between Daniel and various memories which triggered such a warm moment.

'That didn't exist before! Who is...ungh!' they shout in their mind, grabbing their head. ', I need to sort myself out before making sense of this; plus, I can't worry Marianne. First, I should change to something suitable...ah? Yes, this might do.'

"L-love, please speak to me! Oh god, maybe this was a bad-"

"I'm...I'm fine, Marianne," they interrupt, tamping down on their quiver. Their voice, now unified into a slightly huskier version of Viviane's tone, causes Marianne to inhale sharply.

In a matter of seconds, they straighten with their back facing their shocked audience. What was left of Viviane's overlaying blonde hair, fades into Daniel's dark brown; its length recedes until it's just a little longer than a pixie-cut. As for the rest of their body, the slime layer that enables their existence ripples, smoothing out remaining muscles from Daniel within.

"Ugh, seriously..."

As they mutter to themselves, the fusion leaves one hand on their throbbing head before facing the ebony beauty. However, before they could meet her stunned gaze, their faded-bronze eyes open to look down on their new form.

"Huh...this is more awkward than I thought it would be," they declare, twisting their uncertain lips as they stare down at their large chest and erect cock.

Marianne begs to differ as she cups her mouth, her shock amplifying.

'Aaah! She', he? Well, whatever they are, they look amazing!'

In some ways, the mother-girlfriend is more surprised by the mother-boyfriend's unexpected style. Considering Daniel prefers to keep his appearance simple and kept, the lopsided bangs with silver highlights isn't something she'd ever expect from her fellow artist.

Viviane doesn't seem like the person to influence such a style, either; although, the silver highlights are certainly a choice in mind for the lake dweller.

Regardless of how they came to their appearance, the delighted Marianne breaks out as she notices tears brimming on one side of their faded bronze eyes. Quickly, she recomposes herself and hurries back to their side.

"Oh, love, are you okay?" she asks as she touches the fusion's cheek, wiping the tears away with her thumb.

The tomboyish fusion blinks before lifting her head to meet the dark beauty's worried gaze. Leaning into her hand, they force a weak smile.

"I think I'm fine, Marianne. It's just there are countless emotions and memories to process. So far, I feel like I can manage it, but I worry about the Daniel in me."

Raising a brow, Marianne snorts before pulling her hand away. "Oh, so you're not worried about yourself?"

"I mean, a little, but...I don't know. I'm feeling mostly calm, and maybe that's because of Viviane? Shit, it's so hard to tell!"

"Hehe, already self-analyzing, I see!"

The new fusion scoffs. "How can I not? I'm my own mother and son!"


"Fuck, of course you'd think that..."

After a pause, they continue with a slight smirk. "Well, I suppose I'm less surprised why the Mary in you is so weird. Man, the stuff she was into before college was certainly—umph!"

Marianne clasps her hand over her counterpart's mouth, her eyes swirling. "S-stop, stop! I realize you have her memories already, but don't you dare act as if you're innocent either, love. Mama may not have your personal moments yet, but Amy knew quite a bit about your own—mmgh!"

Now the ebony fusion has her mouth sealed as both of them cover one another in desperation over their parts' phases. At an impasse of words, they stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds as the clock ticks nearby.


Marianne is the first to break into laughter. Pulling away, the other fusion does the same, but stifles the amusement and shakes their head instead.

"Hehe... Anyway, just take it easy, love," Marianne begins after wiping some tears. "Mary also had some problems, but she was able to settle both Anne and Amy's memories. I have no doubt Daniel will adjust as well."

"Memories, huh."

With their smile receding, they close their eyes, recalling the earlier memory of the woman about to be burned. While they still have no name, it's clear she's more than related to Viviane and Merlin.

'But in what way?'

Merlin was also mentioned teaching Viviane. That does partially match with the tales of the wizard bestowing his knowledge, but there was never mention of a close figure to the Lady of the Lake.

Regardless, assuming Viviane was there during the burning, why did she allow such a person to die?

'Remember but stay hidden, stay safe. Live for yourself without
forgetting who we are. No matter what happens, I am a part of you and
will always be watching you from the stars.'

Those were the words that Anne received during from the burning memory, but in context, perhaps the lake dweller was being protected.

"Love, is something wrong?"

Blinking, the new fusion clears her throat. "Possibly. Did you feel anything strange as we were kissing?"

Marianne cocks her head, furrowing her brows. "No, why?"

'Then Anne isn't being shared the memories anymore.'

Meaning, all the visions before were indeed linked to Viviane as she resided within Anne. In some ways, this is good. Perhaps with more time, the lake dweller will remember her past and the reasons for her situation.

But, why do they feel so sad about it?

Seeing her fellow fusion staring down at the floor, the Marianne huffs, placing her hands on her hips. "Look, forget about that now. Currently, you're here; not Daniel nor Viviane. So you need to ask yourself: who are you?"

"Who am I?" the fusion repeats, lifting their head. Certainly, that's more important, plus they have time to disclose the new memory later.

Thus, curling their lips, they rub their own arm. "That's difficult to answer. I know I'm a shemale...actually, I'm not even sure of that. Aren't I technically still male since Daniel is my base?"

"Hah...fine, let's start with something basic: a name!"

"Ah, head's thumping harder."

"Wha!? Surely it can't be that hard!"

The unnamed groans, staring back in disbelief. "Speak for yourself! You two had it completely set up for you, Mary-Anne."

"Hehe, right? It was surely meant to be," Marianne agrees, tilting her chin.

The mother-son rolls their eyes trying to think. Humming to themselves, they shrug.

"Maybe Daviane or Vida?"

"See, that wasn't hard! I personally like Vida; short and sweet."

The fusion's gaze softens. "Then, I'll go with that."

"Ah, but...Daviane would've fit a theme going on. We have Anne, Marianne, Viviane..."

"Now you're the one making this hard!" Vida growls, then harrumphs, crossing her arms. "I'm sticking with Vida!"

Marianne titters, raising her hands without protest. With the name chosen, her heart beats to see such a fellow fusion come to life. "Fine~ But, Vida, you know...I'm still your Mama. Daniel may be stubborn, but surely you're different, about it?"

Vida stares blankly at the fellow fusion, brimming with undue anticipation. After a moment, they close their eyes and snort.

"If you want to play it like that, then I'm still your elder sister; but out of respect, since I love you, I'll call you mom, like usual."

Glass can be heard breaking in the background.

"N-no, no!" Marianne wails, slumping. Finding the cross-armed fusion-sister grinning, she growls. "Love, you were supposed to be a tad less Daniel for me! Your other mother is a part of you, and she would want you to call me Mama!"

"Ah, well, I can't deny that," Vida hums, raising a hand to her chin before gasping. "I've got a better idea, though. Instead of me calling you Mama, why don't you call me Mommy? That's a much better deal, isn't it?"

"The hell it is! Fuck!"

As Marianne's dreams are crushed, Vida giggles and moves to console her, sliding a hand down her waist.

Their cock, which has remained semi-hard and eager to move past their resolving identity, jerks back to life as it pokes Marianne's thigh.

"Now, now, mom, I think titles are hardly as important the way we are. What matters is that, as your son and elder sister, I love you."

Marianne shivers, her lips breaking upward despite her efforts to remain upset. Seeing such affection in the fusion's eyes, she can't shake her anticipation anymore.

Letting the matter go, she wraps her fingers along their throbbing member. In turn, Vida stifles a groan as they feel warmth traveling down.

"Unf, by the way, I can be fully one gender if you'd like," they offer.

The ebony fusion's eyes widen and she stops her strokes. "W-wait, how?! I mean, I understand you could deflate your chest, but to become female means..."

"Hehe, it won't be for real, mom," Vida begins, hugging the fusion closer. "I'll still be male thanks to Daniel, but, I can shape my outer layer. It'll be easy to tuck it in by shifting my mass and growing some height."

"A-ah, but...well...ngh..."

Vida kisses her as she struggles to come to a decision. Taking her breath away, they cup Marianne's breasts.



Marianne's eyes roll back and her pussy tenses as she feels Vida's cock leak pre-cum on her hand. While being attacked, she strokes their length.

"Mmm, I want, mom," Vida whispers, drawing their lips away to kiss the ebony fusion's neck. "I want to give you all my attention."


Marianne can barely keep massaging their cock as her shared senses spike wildly to their touch. While being pressed upon, her hand travels against Vida's chest, only to find that it flat during the time the fusion moved to their neck.

The sudden change is enough for the ebony fusion to break away, stepping back to better prepare herself before going crazy. Once free, she bites her lip at the warm, gaze of the eager counterpart, now fully male.

Or rather, a male with feminine curves and a pretty face.

Vida chuckles and extends a hand, his cock throbbing from the light exchange thus far. "So, shall we continue to the bedroom, mom?"

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