My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 64: Fusion X Fusion

This is the male version. The herm version is a bit shorter, but slightly different interactions: Enjoy!



Marianne inhales sharply as a more male Vida keeps his lips against hers, equally sliding his erect cock against her smooth thighs while they make their way to the bedroom. With a fever crossing them, it's a wonder how they even manage to navigate.

Nevertheless, the ebony fusion drops first to the bed, while her counterpart follows. Before flushing completely against each other, Vida catches himself with his lovely partner staring wide-eyed between his arms.

Breaths exchange silently between them before the questionably gendered fusion hums, caressing his more stable-gendered partner's right cheek with his thumb.

"You're beautiful, mom."

Swallowing to such easy words, Marianne raises her defenses as she huffs back, "Y-you don't get to say that to Mama while wearing such a pretty face!"

Vida tilts with a small chuckle, his cock throbbing more against her folds.

As much as he wants to plunge right into her, he also aims to take this slow and steady. After all, the Daniel within has already made love to the fusion, discounting Anne and Mary individually; Viviane, however, has not had any physical sense of warmth in ages.

"As I said before, I can always change myself if you don't like it," he reminds her.

Marianne wiggles her lips. "N-no, um...well, I don't mind it. Actually, come to think of it, how did you choose your appearance? I don't know about Viviane, but Daniel isn't someone who'd try to look cool."

Flinching, Vida manages a crooked smile as one of his eyes twitches. "Well, thank you for the kind words."

"Hehe, sorry~"

Vida clears his throat before sitting up, straddling the ebony beauty's thighs while resting his package on top. Feeling such eagerness that has barely dwindled, Marianne can only shiver as she wonders how the night will progress.

"If you must know," Vida begins. "I took some inspiration from a girl named Lily. You should remember that name."

Marianne's breath hitches. Indeed, shuffling through Mary's memories, she recalls the first and last time the female artist attempted body painting with a model. Such events are like a gut punch, causing the fusion to cover her face.

"Oh fuck, of course you had to be shared that!"

"I mean, I'm not in any position to judge, but it felt like she started the advance."

"That's not what matters!" Marianne growls, pulling her hands away. "It unprofessional, and not to mention, I..."

As her voice falls, Marianne's lips thin bitterly. "I...I hurt her."

Speaking from the bottom of Mary's guilty heart, there's little difference between them as she recalls how that went. Knowing the details well, Vida only nods silently with a weak smile.

It happened a few months after Daniel and Mary broke up. Naturally, a sense of loneliness lingered in the female artist, even though she would deny such an appearance.

Mary tried many things to distract herself — one of them being the exploration of body painting for the first time. Like she had dabbled with photography, she invested time in planning and learning. Eventually, she found the perfect canvas in a professional model named Lily, who was drawn to her previous works.

Despite best efforts, a spark occurred between the drawn and the drawer. Both were new to body painting, so perhaps the close intimacy of the brushes along the skin was too much.

Perhaps this was Lily's intention as an admirer of the artist.

Regardless of the reason, Mary allowed herself to be deceived into it, taking it as a way to push her boundaries; however, it would never work out. The issue had as little to do with gender as it did with role.

Simply put, Lily wasn't a creator. The line between one to be captured was a greater distance apart compared to one who paints alongside. In a way, it's a boundary that shouldn't be crossed.

That's not to say the free girl wasn't enjoyable as a person, but ultimately, the artist had to face the reality that her sense of longing wasn't disappearing.

A muse wasn't what she needed in life.

Remembering Lily's shock upon the breakup, Marianne looks away. "Vida, why did you have to remind me of that? Of all the people from whom you can draw inspiration, why her? Mary should've never started a relationship that she knew would-"

"It's because Daniel met this girl as well."

Marianne snaps her attention to the fusion above her. Under his shadow, his warm, reassuring smile burns a confusing light in her eyes.

"Met, as in...dated? Wait, so...she's bi?" she asks.

Vida shrugs before glancing downward as he recalls, "It was only a week through an app, but he met her a year ago. Trust me, he had no idea Mary had been with her as well, and she didn't give any indication either, but now that I think of it..."

"You know, Daniel, I find artists to be more complicated people than I first imagined. It's something I'd like to understand better because the last artist I dated was amazing. Sadly, it didn't work out, but...the passion and craft was beyond inspiring. I still want to experience it, so...I guess that's why I wanted to meet you!"

As Vida relays Lily's words, Marianne's eyes flood with tears. Sniffling, she rubs her eyes.

"Fuck, we're supposed to be having sex," she croaks a little before taking a heavy breath. "Instead, we're sharing stories about our parts and failed relationships. What the fuck are we doing, love?"

"Well, you're the one who asked," Vida grins. "Still, I think it's best that the Mary in you knows that, regardless of the hurt caused, you've left her with greater appreciation. She seemed well off and not bitter at all, so there's no need to be sad."

"I wasn't sad before you brought her up!" Marianne snaps before huffing. "So then, you based your appearance, specifically your hairstyle, all because you found out we shared her?"


"Pfft—that's so lame! Where's your creativity?"

As Marianne giggles more easily, Vida snorts. "Well, apparently someone set a high bar."

"Hu hu, I have no idea what you're talking about~ So, is there anything else you'd like to share now that you know me?"

"How about this?"

Leaning forward, Vida locks lips with his fusion partner, spurring delight back into his mouth; however, it doesn't last long when he shuffles off to her side. With less contact between them, Marianne nearly cries out, her hand gripping his, begging to keep him close.

The fusion isn't pulling off for no reason, however, as he positions himself to better cup one of his counterpart's breasts. While her nipple leaks a little under his squeeze, he drags his other hand down to her nether.

Distracted by his touch above, though, the ebony beauty tenses as she feels two fingers slip in. Moaning into his warm cavity as he excites her, her body twitches to his touch.



There's little to breathe between them as they taste each other's lips. While this goes on, Marianne can feel Daniel's cock on her leg, adding to her bodily twitches.

One has to wonder how Vida can remain sane with such a long-drawn libido. Daniel certainly would have lost patience to keep up such foreplay, much less converse; yet, as part of a fusion, he's able to remain resilient.

This can only be attributed to the lake dweller, who's used to waiting. On the other hand, Marianne can't let this go on as she becomes painfully aware of his cock.

"L-love, please..." Marianne pants, turning her head away. "Mama is at-"

"I know, I know," Vida whispers gently, chuckling. "I'll start now."

Removing his hand that drips with desire, the fusion returns himself on top of his partner. Bearing a cock that's more than ready, he positions himself and slowly enters her folds.


Taking in Marianne's sweet sounds, he easily slides into her. It helps that, like before, her insides are coated completely by the slime. Thus, the walls help flush him down completely. Locked in place, her body grips him — inside and out.

"Hehe...tight again, mom."

Marianne only inhales sharply in response, her head lurching back with pleasure. Wanting this new form of her lover to never leave, she wraps her arms around his back.


With a deeper breath, Vida begins rocking his fusion-lover, hugging her curves close as she does to him.



This joining of two calling lovers — two mothers that cover and enhance both — drives them with more appreciation than ever before.


Vida rises to a crescendo with his thrusts, throwing out the sounds of their layered skins slapping against each other. Compared to two humans, they are far more capable of absorbing the impacts of their meeting. This is, of course, all thanks to the elasticity gained from becoming slime-integrated fusions.

Shlap, shlap, shlap!

They can keep going with little worry about their form.

Splack! Splack!

"Oh fuck, love!"

Hold each other however they please...


Then, relax completely with their hearts bound.

The only thing greater than their union is to become literally one. Uncertain whether that's possible with human bases or if they could return to their individual influences, they knew not to let their fire grow too wild.

To that end, they come to an end. With little awareness of how long the moonlight has shined through the window while in different positions, the two expel their last breath.

"Oh fuck, love! I'm going to..."

It doesn't need to be said further, as Vida slams forward, holding her from behind. Letting out a weak groan, he cups her breasts, then kisses her nape as she trembles against him.

They cum together.


Vida shivers as tensions untangle within. He floods his fellow fusion's pussy, all becoming nutrients for the slime that coats the inside. Such an exchange of energy and love is more than filling as Marianne leans against him.

Although the ebony beauty initially had worries about Vida's identity, all those have been dispelled. After all, the person holding her is just as much Daniel as it is someone greater.

However, as they fall from their high, Marianne desires to hold her baby in his purest form for the night. Before she can request to depart from one, Vida disconnects, leaving no drip to be seen.

"I'll take my leave, okay?"

Marianne inhales silently. Despite the unspoken agreement, she's curious about the fusion.

"A-are you sure?"

"Very," he snorts sadly. "I'm sure you have the same feelings, but the maternal instincts in me want to hold him too."

Letting his arms drop and rubbing his head, Vida clears his throat before continuing, "Obviously, I can't exactly hold him when I'm him, can I?"

"Yikes, that must be an...awkward feeling."

"That's why I shouldn't remain for so long. It's less problematic for you, but do remember that he prefers all three of his mothers-"

Screeching to a halt, he coughs and corrects himself. "I mean his two mothers and girlfriend, of course."

"No way!" Marianne shouts, leaning forward with a smirk. "I won't let that slide past, love! Why even bother normalizing a relationship such as this?"

As much as Vida wants to reject such abandonment, even he questions whether there's a point to it anymore given all they share mentally and physically.

"Agh...w-whatever!" Vida grunts, shutting his eyes before taking the fusion off-guard into his arms. "I swear, you..."

Leaving it at that, he kisses the surprised ebony beauty one last time before...



With a strange squeak, Viviane's loose head stretches away from Daniel like a mask. As soon as the mass constituting her head is free, the rest of her body starts to slowly break from her son's body.


Hearing Viviane groan breaks Marianne from her stupor, but she isn't given the chance to worry about her slime sister as the male artist slumps further onto her lips.


Needing air, Marianne struggles before pulling him toward her shoulder. Immediately, her heart beats with fear as she shakes him. "Love!?"

The artist doesn't respond but rests against her shoulder, eyes shut and breathing well. Recognizing that he's only out cold from exhaustion, the fusion relaxes and hugs him close.

"Oh, thank goodness."

Swallowing down the rest of her worry, her eyes follow past Daniel to the second slime mother, who finishes pulling away from behind with a grunt, her form barely defined.


With the last strand of blue slime slipping away, the lake dweller drops behind the bed before rising. Although she picked blonde for her human appearance, she subconsciously reforms herself back into her original pale, silver form without thinking.

This is not an issue in private, of course. Since there are far bigger concerns, like her health, Marianne offers a worried smile.

"Are you okay, Viviane?"

The lake dweller hums as she balances herself. Having recovered from the split, her gaze settles on Daniel's limp form before widening her eyes. Gasping, she rushes back to his side, touching his shoulders.

"Oh dear,, I overdid it with our child! He's..."

Marianne giggles, then reaches past Daniel with her other hand to gently touch the lake dweller's arm. Squeezing it for comfort, she smiles at her fellow mother's equal love for their son.

"Viviane, it's okay. It's obvious he's exhausted."

"Exhausted...? Ah, yes...that's right. He and I shared a lot."

"Too much, I'd say."

Vivianne's eyes narrowed with delight before closing. "Well, there were some new things as well."


"We'll talk about it tomorrow. For now, our child needs to rest, and you should as well. Will you split?"

"Hehe, well...I don't think this bed will handle four. At least you can squeeze in however you want."

Viviane snorts. "How fortunate of you to have an excuse. Very well, let's cuddle our child together for this remaining night."

"That goes without saying~"

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