My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 70: Flooding Possibilities

Peering through a lava lamp mounted on a decorative book with teeth on the edges, Anne takes in the merchandise and the general feel of the store with a pleasant hum.

"Everything here is actually pretty well put together."

That goes without saying: a horror and supernatural themed shop would have to be good to attract foot traffic, and that's without needing Halloween.

"Anything that interests you?" Daniel asks, scanning shelves as he takes in various monster figurines.

Anne curls her lips to the side. "It's cool to browse, but as far as buying, probably not. Besides, anything here would have to find a place in your studio."

Daniel snorts. "That's true. Why would I need anything here when I already have the best monsters around?"

There's a pause before Anne catches the corner of her son's lips. Narrowing her eyes, she pouts. "You know, calling your sweet mother a monster isn't very nice."

"What do you mean? I said the best, didn't I?"

"Look at you being a smartass again," Anne replies flatly before smirking, glancing towards the figurines. "Perhaps your dear mother needs to show you what a 'best' monster does?"

Daniel swaps his lips and closes his eyes, chuckling rigidly. "N-no need. You're right, my mother is all sweet, no monster."

Like a switch, Anne claps her hands together in delight. "Aww~ She would love to hear that!"

Nearby shoppers sweat, thinking the couple gets along differently with the boyfriend's mother at a home. All too common, they can't help but feel for the artist.

If only they knew.

Not far from them, Viviane is pursuing the literary section of the shop. Having read many stories online to find clues to her origin, she found some tales were quite fun to read, even if they weren't exactly relevant to her.

However, none of the spooky books here seem interesting.

'Shouldn't there be a more varied bookstore of some kind in this mall?' she ponders, humming.

Rather than shop for clothes, she'd much rather immerse herself in stories that are filled with excitement, adventure, and intrigue.

"Excuse me!"

Viviane blinks away from her thoughts before turning towards a bang-covering female employee near the end of the aisle. She seemed to be in the middle of restocking a few shelves before noticing the elder slime's focus on books.

"Yes?" Viviane answers, cocking her head. Although she and Anne haven't caught any suspicion, there's always a worry that their human appearance is off in some way.

However, pointing to a basket near the register, the employee's smile back reveals no such thought. "Figured I'd let you know there are more books in that bin that are discounted. One even seems to relate to the news of that star that disappeared. Pretty interesting stuff, in my opinion."

Viviane straightens more. "How so?"

The employee leans to her side. "Well, apparently some theologian claimed five years ago that a star disappearing within the Aquarius constellation would spell the coming end or something. Pretty crazy now, right?"

Stiffening, Viviane holds her smile more crookedly. "Oh, that's...really strange."

"Yeah, but it's just a coincidence, if you ask me, just like all the previous calls for the end of the world," the worker dismisses, waving her hand. "If the world really was ending, I'd hope it's more exciting than just a star disappearing. Like, an actual monster or something, you know?"


The employee laughs heartily at Viviane's flat-lined lips. "Sorry, maybe I'm the only one who'd want to see something like that."

"N-no, it's fine," Viviane reassures, feigning a cough. "Thanks for reminding me about the sale. I'm assuming the matter of the book is referenced to by the sign outside?"

The employee grins. "Yep, that was me! Doomsday messages do well for marketing, don't they? We've always had problems selling copies of that book, but with the recent news, I just had to ask my boss if I could set up the sale messaging this time."

"Well, it certainly sounds interesting. I'll take a look, but the book you're recommending is called...?"

"Oh, um...I think it's 'The Fallen Star'? Even though it's intended to be a study, it feels more of a line between a memoir and fiction. I guess that's religion for ya! Anyway, enjoy your shopping, and don't hesitate to call if you need any help or suggestions!"

As the employee moves on with her duties, whistling, Viviane slowly slides the book she was holding into its spot on the shelf before making her way over to the basket near the register.

'What the hell, might as well check it out.'

Previously, the elder slime saw Anne had been trying to look up connections to the disappearance of the Al-Bali star on her phone, but nothing really came up in terms of prior history and myths. As such, the recommendation of this book is more than she could ask for, even if it's a joke.

Arriving at the bin, she immediately catches the book in question among a few copies. It doesn't really stand out with its brown cover, which probably didn't help its sales. Picking it up, she glances at the bottom for the author's name.

'Layna Moore?'

Humming, nothing comes to mind to the elder slime, even with the collective knowledge of her son and fellow mothers. For all she knows, the name could even be a pseudonym. Examining further, she flips it over, catching that the book was published five years ago, just as the employee mentioned.

'If the author is a theologian, then her arguments would be based on some belief or religion, right?'

Only one way to find out, Viviane starts reading the first page, which provides a foreword. Soon, her forehead creases.

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A few hours later in Daniel's studio, Mary leans against the lounge couch with her phone and hand flopped by her side. She sighs, her exhausted eyes twitching after having an even more honest call with Marlin.

"Uncle, you stingy man."

Money matters aside, Mary is glad that her uncle agreed to visit. All she revealed was that she was back with her ex, and with him, they host two otherworldly shapeshifters that came out of a green fire.

That's the oversimplified version, considering the talk went on longer than expected. She mainly had to elaborate on her former "dreams" from their last discussion, revealing they're actually connected to said shapeshifters.

Her bald relative was dubious, of course, unaware of such beings in his discovery so far; however, he understood his niece's caution on hiding their existence. If it weren't for witnessing the magic of the Isis book, he wouldn't even be willing to see Mary's claims for himself.

That said, the catch was that he expected his niece to cover the full cost of the flight to leave Britain. During the current Summer month, that's not cheap.

'Cost of family and trust, he says,' Mary scoffs before closing her eyes.

The sound of the front door clicking jerks the girl from further thoughts. Burying her troubles, she clears her throat and hops up from the couch, moving to greet her fellow artist and slime mothers.

"Welcome back, love. Everything went well?"

Taking off his shoes, Daniel smiles lightly as he enters first. "Somehow, but we found-"

"Mary, you have to see this!"

Viviane pulls ahead of her son, carrying the discounted book from the Occult Matters. There's little time to react before the book is eagerly dropped into the female artist's hands.

Blinking, Mary frowns as she takes the title in. "Fallen Star?"

The elder slime tilts her chin proudly for the find. "It was on sale at a horror shop called Occult Matters. As it turns out, the author's grandfather was a follower of Isis!"

Mary lifts her gaze with eyebrows raised. "Oh? Wait, I think I've seen that store as well! But, if what you're saying is true, doesn't that imply the cult may exist even today?"

"Maybe," Daniel agrees, sighing. "I looked into it a little while we shopped for clothes for Viviane, but I couldn't find much information as far as the author's personal life nor any modern version of such religion. As far as the book goes, it's almost universal reviews dismissing it, although that was when it was first published."

Mary hums, opening to the foreword page that disclosed the author's grandfather. "Alright, but what does this have to do with us?"

"The author, Layna, inferred from her grandfather's journals that a star falling from the Aquarius constellation would spell doom...supposedly," Viviane answers, glancing away.

Mary flinches. "W-what?!"

"Hey, apocalypse or not, can we please move on from the hallway already!" Anne interrupts, huffing as she reaches the doorsteps with a shopping bag in hand.

The three chuckle weakly to the slime mother's annoyance, but follow through to the lounge. Once settled in, Anne plants herself down on the blue couch, crossing her arms next to her elder sister while Mary and Daniel sit across.

Mary sweats to Anne's pout. "So...did everything go well outside the book find, love?"


"Er, just yes?"

Viviane breathes out, then shakes her head at her fellow mother's attitude. "Dear sister, are you seriously still upset about my picks?"

"I am!" Anne finally snaps before shutting her eyes. "You knew...everything! You have my measurements, Mary and Daniel's sense of color, and an instinctive design sense! The worst part of it all, I agreed with everything you picked out! Where's the fun in experimenting? What happened to our sisterly bonding time?!"

"Ooh, can I see what you two picked out?" Mary asks, her eyes sparkling.

"Later," Viviane dismisses before patting her sister's head. "Now, let's not sulk. We'll have plenty of time to have fun together, won't we?"

Anne keeps her lips curled as she looks away. "I guess..."

"We may not have time if this author's claim is true," Daniel notes, bringing the topic back to the book laid in front of them.

Mary furrows her brows. "Alright, please elaborate."

"From what I've read so far," Viviane begins, her eyes narrowing. "Layna surmised from her grandfather's journals that a flood will consume humanity. Apparently, Aquarius was long seen as the barrier between this world and Isis to some followers. It's a gift to cleanse the Earth and reborn anew."

The female artist thins her lips. "So basically, Noah's flood 2.0. If I recall, Aquarius has long been represented as a water-carrier, but I never thought it would be associated with the goddess of fertility."

Humming for a moment, her face then sours a little. "Honestly, I wish you all had texted me about this book. I could've asked about it before my call with Marlin finished."

"How did that go?" Daniel presses.

Mary tilts her head to the side. "It went well, I think. He was dubious when I said we're hosting two shapeshifters out of the gate, but since he already knows that green fire is associated with summoning, he didn't dismiss the truth. As such, he's agreed to come visit with the book. I just have to coordinate his tickets."

"What about the realm linked to Anne and the disappearing star? Did he have insight on that?"

"I tried, but couldn't explain Anne's domain very well. Magical realms aren't something he's ever considered. When I asked about the Al-Bali star, though, he mentioned that some stars seem to align to certain rituals in his book, but nothing ever matches Aquarius in his. Still, taking his words and this recent account, maybe..."

With a glance at Viviane, the elder slime flinches before sighing. "I're thinking I'm the so-called flood, huh?"

Mary waves her hands quickly. "I'm not accusing you! We know you mean no harm; however, if your escape out of Anne caused a star to disappear, that's the only way I can imagine this book's claim being somewhat true."

The elder slime harrumphs as she turns her head. "Even if I could, I wouldn't do anything like that. Besides, what happened to me being the 'Lady of the Lake'?"

Anne stifles a giggle, placing a hand to her mouth. "Lakes can flood too, you know?"

"Great way to twist it, sister."

After rolling her eyes, Viviane grabs the book and taps on it. "I'll finish reading this before we let our imaginations run too wild. Plus, now that I have a phone, I can finally do my own research! Speaking of which..."

She squints at her cheeky sister, then grabs her shoulder. "You have your own research to do!"


"Think about it. I've already synced everything through Mary to you, so now is the time to practice control of your mass."

Anne inhales sharply, her eyes shimmering. "Oh, you're right! Maybe I can become two Mamas!"

Mary closes her eyes and stifles a laugh to Daniel's horrified groan. Before long, the two slime girls slip away to the main studio area, leaving Mary and Daniel alone.

"Should we go observe them?" the female artist asks, stretching her arms forward.

Daniel sighs, but lifts a small corner of his lips as he stares into his artistic counterpart. "Rather than that, I recall you saying so slyly that you would have a surprise for me?"

Mary freezes, then glances away, breathing rigidly. "Oh, ha ha...surprise...right. Well, love, you see..."

"You forgot."

"No, my call went on longer than expected!" Mary defends.

Daniel snorts, shaking his head. "I don't even need your memories to imagine. You were probably thinking of coming to me naked by the door, just as you've done when we were living together."

"Hehe, you know me well~"

"Perhaps too well now."

Shrugging, Mary raises her hands out with a grin. "Although, if I had the time, I was planning to make icing with some of my breast milk and presenting it on myself."

Daniel widens his eyes. "Shit, I should've let my mothers shop more!"

The ebony beauty breaks into a short laugh. Uplifted from possible doom, she eases forward. "I'm flattered, love."

The two draw to a close, exchanging sweet kisses on the couch. Slowly, their hands roam over each other as they reconnect in familiar ways, just as if they never separated to begin with.

After a minute, the couple pulls back with a bridge of saliva dropping between them. Breathing slowly, they stare into each other's eyes before the male artist makes the next move, sliding one hand down to her hip.

"Mary, you're plenty sweet as is. You don't need Anne to sugarcoat you."

"That's true," Mary answers softly, taking a final breath before her eyes warm. "Should we continue in your bedroom, love?"

"How can I even say no to th-"

Daniel halts, realizing something about the ebony beauty as his hand trails down her hips. "Sorry,'re wearing one of Anne's clothes, right?"

Mary cocks her head. "Yeah? The ones I came with are in the dryer right now."

"So they fit you well?"

The female artist frowns. "Of course, but why would that"

As Mary's words break, the meaning behind her boyfriend's observations strikes her. Putting aside her chest, which would've naturally grown due to lactating, she does wonder why Anne's pants aren't looser on her. After all, the two slimes have made their default proportions more curvaceous than most humans could barely maintain.

Gulping, Mary's eyes swirl. "Y-you wouldn't happen to have a measuring tape, would you?"

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