My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 71: Thicker Mary


Mary's mousy peep is the most suppressed she can manage as Daniel holds a measuring tape along her hips. Having done the waist, there's no question about her sudden shift in body fat. That said, the ratio is within human possibility, but it takes certain genetics and effort to maintain such a state. Regardless of how, the dark artist's eyes quiver, seeing how she's changed within a few days without doing anything substantial.

Anne fidgets in the presence of the two artists, taken away before she could go on her own bodily excursion.

She fakes a cough. "W-well, that's quite strange!"

One knee down in front of Mary, Daniel stares blankly at his shifty-eyed slime mother before rising and letting the tape in his hands fall.

"I agree...quite strange," he repeats, less convinced.

Flattening her lips, Anne eventually shuts her eyes in shame. "Okay, it's obviously Mama's fault! How could I have known I'd be capable of molding people?"

Daniel sighs. "As always, there's a lot we don't know. While her measurements aren't exactly the same as yours, I imagine some shift happened after you and Mary went for shopping together as Marianne. That was also when you changed into a different pair of clothes."

The slime mother opens her gaze to the female artist, then bites her lips. "Above all, it's also the longest we've been together...oh no, Mary, I'm-"

"Love, don't apologize," said artist cuts, recovering from shock before swallowing slowly. With a small breath, she continues more firmly. "I'm a willing participant in joining you, and I don't regret it at all. At least now, we know you're able to modify people."

To what extent is another matter. Originally, Mary thought her lactation was just a hormonal side effect after gaining Amy's maternal memories, but now she's not sure. Are more drastic changes, such as a person's appearance or height, possible? While mildly curious, the female artist shakes her head.

"In any case," she continues, more upbeat. "If you can adjust me close to your proportions, then you can just adjust me back overnight!"

Daniel inhales sharply. "Wait, are you serious?"

"Obviously, we have to be more mindful of how your mothers add to us, but what else am I going to do? If I stay like this, I'll have to throw out all my clothes back at the studio."

"Forget that, I'll gladly pay for new ones," Daniel offers. "What's more important is taking a pause on any joining to make sure there's no other changes. That goes for me as well."

Anne nods in agreement, her eyes filled with concern. Stepping closer, she takes her friend's hands. "He's right. I'll even give you some of my clothes in the meantime!"

Mary smiles weakly to such insistence. "So that's it? We're going to just avoid connecting because of some new discovered? It's not as if there hasn't been changes with all the memories exchanged and my swelled chest."

The slime mother frowns. "Mary, in hindsight, we were dumb to not pause sooner. I think you and Daniel should at least schedule a physical before we try anything more."

"That's a good idea," Daniel hums, thinking back to his last clinical visit. "It's long overdue for me, at least."

Unable to refute, the female artist groans before slumping. "How annoying...alright, fine. Doesn't this mean we won't be able to check up on Anne's domain tonight?"

"Actually, you and Daniel can as long as I surround you two while you sleep," the slime reminds as a matter-of-fact. "The only thing to avoid right now is mixing in with your body."

"So...if I get a clean bill of health, we can keep mixing?"

The slime mother widens exasperatedly at the puppy-eyed artist before growling. "I swear, Mary, as much as I love being connected with you and loving our son together, your well-being comes first! We'll see when the time comes, okay?"

Mary pouts for a bit before raising her hands up with a sigh. "Fine, fine. I'll schedule an appointment as soon as I can."

Satisfied but not done, Anne points at her son and narrows her eyes. "Don't forget about yourself, mister. Vivi-Mama could've changed you in some sneaky way for all I know."

Daniel closes his eyes lightly. "Haha, no worries, mom. I'll do the same."

Not to leave his dear slime mother worried, he draws closer to her; however, Anne harrumphs as she's led into his embrace. Perhaps her attitude is merely to gain affection, but it works as Daniel eases his lips forward, eventually melting his mother with greater reassurance.


From dubiously strict to undeniably happy, Anne hums smoothly into her son's mouth as she's squeezed close. Before escalating unfairly in the presence of Mary, Daniel pulls away after a few drawn seconds while his head remains clear.

Unsatisfied, the wavy slime mother puffs back up as she grumbles, "You can kiss Mama for longer, you know?"

Closing his eyes, Daniel smiles bitterly. "Well, I wouldn't want to hold you from your trials."

Like a switch, Anne gasps, jerking away from her son as she brims with renewed scientific urge. "Oh yeah, that's right! I still have to see if I can match my sister's skills!"

"D-don't go overboard...ah..."

Unfortunately, his slime mother is already out of hearing range as she leaves the bedroom to join the lake dweller. Scared of what Anne might learn, he breathes out slowly in an attempt to calm his nerves.

Giggling, Mary strides closer and helps with a hug from behind. "I thought you didn't want Mama learning new tricks?"

Daniel gulps, shivering as he feels the ebony artist's adjusted contours. "T-technically, she already knows thanks to Mother. I'm just hoping she'll learn how to better maintain herself."

"Oh? Then, how about Mummy? Do you have any tricks against me?"

"Against?" Daniel questions before dropping his head. "I'm sorry, you have a defenseless boyfriend right now."

"Aw~ That's okay, love! Would it be okay for us to continue as I am?"

"I mean..."

Flipping around, Daniel holds Mary to his front and allows his hands to travel from her hips down to her shaped behind. With such proximity, his boner naturally presses against her crotch as he rubs her down.

Tittering, Mary leans closer to his face. "I'll take that as a yes~"

They lock lips, taking each other's air while also unraveling each other's pants. Although they've already connected, both are aware this is the first time they'll have each other without the elasticity of the slime mothers.

That's not a bad thing at all, though. Such an opportunity gives them a chance to reground themselves to purely human intimacy while they can. Thus, they stretch along the bed, their bodies bare and pounding with desire.

Daniel breaks from Mary's lips first to press against her neck as she holds him close. With more air to take in, he hears her breathing shakily as his fingers find their way to her nether. So easily is she wet, his gentle care more than enough while staring at the ceiling above.


Spurred by Mary's sweet whimper, his lips travel down to her left breast, where a few beads of her milk beg for him. Unable to resist, he opens wide and takes in as much of her mammary in, burying his nose as he does with a content hum.

The female artist's eyes flutter and moves her caressing hand from his shoulders up through his hair. Thanks to memories of Amy breastfeeding, her boyfriend's thirst fills her with warmth; although, his fingers sliding below is certainly not within the realm of motherly love.

It's a good thing then that Mary has become a pseudo-mother of sorts — one that can gain the benefits of the maternal affection that simply extends her existing love for him.


They stay in this position for a while as Daniel drinks her, but it's a bit one-sided, seeing how he's providing Mary the most pleasure. Unwilling to let that pass, she gently nudges him off her breast and smiles.

"Let me be on top, okay?"

Daniel removes his hand from her crotch, dripping with the ebony beauty's desires. With warm eyes, he accedes to her, lying down as she comes above.

His cock perfectly positioned upward, Mary wastes no time to slowly recline onto it. In response, her walls compress in anticipation as she inhales slowly.

Even without Anne lining her walls, Daniel immediately groans to her natural pressure. The one thing that had been missing was her warm juices surrounding him, given it was always absorbed by Anne. Now, their fluid desires are free to make their lovemaking just a little smoother.

Mary takes in her fellow artist's knitted expression with delight. Wiggling her ass against his crotch, she giggles as he moans.

"Wow, you are pretty defenseless, huh?"

Daniel only grunts in response as she starts rocking, closing her eyes as his meat is squeezed by her insides. Although slow, the shift in volume to her ass is apparent as slaps reverberate into the room.



With her ass rippling as she bottoms out, Mary moves slow and steady, preferring consistency as she appreciates this special bonding time. After several pounds and her lover reflected in her warm gaze, she lowers herself, pushing in her right tit into his mouth.

"Easy, love...just relax," she breathes, then continues her hip movements with smaller slaps as Daniel drinks from her other side.

Following her words, he wraps his arms around her as she grinds on top, her sweet milk lacing his tongue while some dribbles out from the corner of his mouth. They continue this skin in this position for as long as possible before until Mary feels him twitching, clearly trying to hold out for longer.

Already close herself, she picks up the pace.

Splack! Splack! Splack!

Daniel unlatches to gasp, his eyes wide open. "M-mary..."

"Haa, it's okay! Cum, love," she urges. "I'm close too!"

The breathing between them picks up, as do the smacks, jiggling Mary's entire body. With their world shaking, they hold each other close to stabilize, embracing each other's heat.

Reaching her limit, Mary slams one last time down and grunts.

Splack! Splish!

"Oh fuck, Daniel!" she screams out, lurching back with her hands to her face in ecstasy.

The two release, exchanging fluids. Meanwhile, Daniel holds on tightly to her thighs as he shakes into her very being, pumping out to this free woman who somehow clings to him.

With their exchange coming to a close, their movements slow as they crash down from sexual high. Mary chuckles between her breaths with a fully flushed face and tired smile before lifting off Daniel's cock. Once it flops out, she lies on top of his chest, cuddling him close.

Daniel tries to slow his heaving, then leans forward to kiss her head before wrapping her close to him.

"That was fantastic, love," she whispers, humming contently to his afterglow kisses.

"No, you're fantastic," Daniel returns, rubbing her back.


They hold each other in silence until Mary has enough energy to lift her head to meet his eyes. With warm lips, she pecks a few before the corner of her own pulls dangerously.

"Doesn't feel like anything wrong with me. Would you like it if I kept myself like this?" she purrs.

"I-It's up to you."

"No, stop with that bullshit; be honest!" Mary insists, pouting.

Daniel sighs. "Well, a little bounce is always nice."

"Ha ha, there we go," Mary chirps, then grins. "Would you be down to try my ass next, love?"

Reminded of all the times they had anal sex previously, Daniel gulps and holds her more tightly, for his own safety.

"Let's um, not open that door so soon," he pleads, causing her to giggle.

Perhaps it's best if Mary does reduce her bottom back to normal.

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In the main studio area, Anne extends her arm out, allowing her blue mass to escape her hand like a faucet. This is precisely how Viviane had demonstrated, but this time, the less experienced slime girl recalls Viviane's feeling while being trapped in that unknown foggy realm.

The desperation of her elder slime is painful, but perhaps it's what she needs to create a clone — a poor companion by her sister's assessment, but an achievement of self-control nevertheless.

Yet, even with her sister's experience, something is missing. Just as she had trouble in her dream world, the goopy mass that falls immediately attracts to her legs, seeping back into her skin like a ferrofluid as soon as she tries to reduce the flow.

Having heard her son and Mary's lovemaking, she internally cries.

'I should've joined them!'

Viviane peeks above the 'Fallen Star' book, one leg over the other. From her sister's various attempts, it appears she's still not able to clamp down on her mass' tendencies.

"So you're still not able to let go, even with my experience?"

Slumping, Anne sighs as her cells on the floor finish their loop back to her. "Yes. Just what am I missing here?"

The elder slime closes her book. So far, other than the prediction of the flood and connection to Aquarius, the author's analysis of her grandfather's journal has been utter speculative trash. Seeing how her sister needs guidance, though, she gladly takes a break from reading.

"Let's take a step back," she begins, rising from her chair. "First, I should check to see that I can still split, considering I'm constituted of your slime."

At least, that's how it seems, considering she's blue and all.

Viviane's about to split from behind, but is quick to remember she's wearing clothes which would rip. Clicking her tongue, she extends her arm and performs the same, but slower cloning method.

Just as before in the dream world, a mound builds up; however, unlike Anne, Viviane easily shuts off her flow, allowing her clone to reform without the slightest attraction back to herself.

Soon, a naked Viviane stands, blinking, then examines herself. "Hmmm...It feels the same as I've done it before."

The clothed Viviane crosses her arms, shrugging, then turns to her flabbergasted sister. "Well, if I was converted into this world from you, that means you should be able to do this with your slime as well."

Anne stammers before recovering her voice, raising her arms out. "How?! You make it seem so easy!"

"It seems there's more to our understanding than just knowledge and experience," the naked Viviane guesses, placing a hand to her chin.

"However," the clothed original continues, "Maybe...there's something subconscious that's holding you back."

"Holding me...back?" Anne repeats, raising a brow.

The lake twins nod, intuitively recognizing a difference between them, but aren't clear on the specifics. Thinking back to when the wavy slime mother tried to split the first time, the two slimes tap against the wooden floor for a few before gasping in sync.

"Wait! Maybe..." they both say at the same time. Then, the naked one raises her arm, flattening it into a sharp blue blade.

Immediately, Anne steps back and shakes her hand. "W-wait! You already tried-"

Contrary to her expectations, the clone swipes off her own arm instead, which immediately drops to the floor.

Holding herself silently, Anne stares as the surprise dismemberment wiggles on the ground before staying put, acting like a severed arm.

The clone reverts the blade arm back and picks up the limb, reattaching it like nothing. Taking a moment to sigh, she narrows her eyes at Anne.

"Your reaction says it all, dear sister. Forget about splitting. How can you even let go of yourself if you act like you have something to lose?"


Anne shakes, nearly losing her human layer as the difference between her and Viviane's mindset is made apparent.

'She's right. I...I got it all wrong.'

Behind the desperation when her elder sister was trapped, there's something even more troubling that she ignored about the lake dweller's long life.

That is, despite living, Viviane lost all sense of the word as time went on without meaning.

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A\N: We have an updated cover, this time with Viviane! I figured it's time to change it up as I improve my illustrations. At some point in the future, I'll do Mary next (Although she's no slime girl, maybe slightly covered by one of the slime mothers like a symbiote).

Second cover:

First cover (I can't find w/text currently):

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