My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 72: Fearless Jello

"I...I can't do it like that! Isn't there a better way?"

Such is the cry of Anne, swallowing nervously at the idea of slicing herself off without fear to split. Even though she knows she can't be harmed, her elder sister's disconnect mentality seems way unreachable now.

The original, clothed Viviane raises an eyebrow. "So, me bringing a blade to myself is somehow different than you stretching and tampering off some of your mass?"

"Yes!" Anne huffs. "Don't tease me. I know it doesn't make any sense, but to separate like that is scary!"

The naked Viviane clone drops her head and raises her hands. "My, what a picky sister I have. With that kind of logic, it's clear you're just holding yourself back."

The wavy-haired girl bites her lips before gazing down in thought.

'She's right. Even if there's nothing to be afraid of, why am I like this?'

As it turns out, just because one shares memories and the past feelings of others doesn't mean they can easily assume it completely. Certain experiences are way too ingrained to the individual, especially for one who has lived as long as Viviane.

Seeing the trouble eating at her sister, the aforementioned slime sighs and extends her arm to her nude clone. Upon touching, her twin's form collapses and gets sucked up through her limb, ceasing to be.

"Again, it's just my intuition," she reminds, casually reforming her hand and flexing it. "Maybe there are other reasons, but surely, you can see that to remove part of yourself as you want, you can't be self-preserving like a human would."


Indeed, the biggest difference between the two slime is the degree of humanity. To Anne, her foundation began with Amy, who was afraid of leaving the world so soon. On the other hand, Viviane's foundation began in solitude, only regaining some humanity through Amy after the fact.

Although the two slimes are more in sync than they have ever been, this divergence sets their natural tendencies and growth apart.

Anne thins her lips and rubs her arm. "But...isn't it natural to be close to human with our memories?"

Blinking, Viviane leans to the side with a hum. After a few seconds of thought, she shrugs and closes her eyes with a light smile. "Then, forget about splitting yourself because humans can't do that."

"Urgh, how blunt."

"Of course, It'd be preferable if we were human," the elder slime adds, looking at her hand with bitter desire. "Beyond feeling, tasting, and holding a warmth we can call our own, I don't think anyone should live as long as I have. At some point, though, we'll outlive our son, Mary, and everyone that we care for. Rather than trying to change what we are, we should ask: Can we accept not being human?"


It's not that Anne hadn't considered she'd outlive her son, but she chose not to think hard about the future, given he's more than healthy as a young man. Still, she can see how time moves fast for her elder sister, making every life seem so insignificant. Holding such perspective, wouldn't she have to accept her son's death as the natural course?

"I'll say, I can accept not being human with a condition..." Viviane begins, causing Anne to perk up. Reflecting back, the elder slime smiles, full of hope. After a pause, she steps forward while taking her fellow slime's hands, continuing, "I can accept it knowing our son has a fulfilling life, and that I have a sister like me who'll always be by my side."

Anne opens her mouth silently before quivering. Water remaining in her head brims in her eyes as more memories of the former silver slime flow through her head.

"S-stupid! What's up with always making me emotional?"

Burying her face into the elder slime's shoulder and sniffling, Viviane giggles and wraps her arms around. "There, there~ In any case, don't worry if you can't match me yet, okay? Perhaps your hesitation is a good thing. It says you are more human than me, which might be something you want to cherish while the feeling lasts."

Despite being warmed by Viviane's words, Anne allows her "tears" to dissipate before glancing away. "...It'd be cool to have my own clone, though."

"Hehe, Amy's drive is definitely more prominent in you, that's for sure."

Straightening, Anne clenches her fists and raises it with shining defiance in her eyes. "You know what? No. You're just trying to make me feel better for giving up! Holding fear may be a part of being human, but trying to overcome it is also a goal! To that end, I'm just a bunch of jello, and jello has no fear!"

With that in mind, she raises her arm and transforms it into a blade, just as Viviane had. Taking a moment to remind herself that she can't be harmed, she shuts her eyes and swings it down.



Despite the war cry, her blade-arm stops just short of slicing as she quivers in place, grunting as if an "invisible force" were preventing her following through.

"Uh...what's going on?"

Daniel's voice enters the studio as he and Mary come out of the hallway. After finishing showering and redressing after their bout, they naturally can't ignore the commotion in the studio; not to mention, the strange sight of a struggling slime trying to slice herself.

Viviane snorts, shaking her head. "Your Mama is being 'fearless' jello, that's all."

Blinking, Mary cocks her head before gasping. "Oh, I see it! She's even wobbling!"


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Several thousand kilometers away, Marlin steps into his local pub that's a few blocks from his building. He takes in the bustle of happy hour with only a tinge of envy.

Naturally, the place is packed with men and women looking to unwind from the workday, and their laughter is a nice counterpoint to his usual lonely, quiet, remote job. Since he visits about every week, though, the bartender instantly recognizes him with a smile.

"Evening, Marlin," the younger brunette greets as he approaches. She wipes down the bar top a bit before straightening. "Usual?"

"Please," the bald man replies, smiling back lightly.

As his drink is prepared, Marlin glances at the clock behind her.

6:34. A colleague-of-sorts should be arriving soon.

Exhaling, he takes a look at his phone, then raises a brow to see a ticket confirmation for Colorado, along with a bitter text:

I bought tickets this weekend, you cheapskate.
Seriously though, thank you for considering my crazy talk. I promise everything will be clear when you arrive. Love you, uncle.

Marlin only smiles a little before his expression deepens.

'A shapeshifter...' he recalls as his niece's words play back in his head. With no clear idea what that actually entails, he closes his eyes while his forehead creases. 'Mary, what the hell did you get yourself into?'

Not only is she back with her ex, whom he personally never met, she's also in cahoots with a otherworldly being.

No big deal, right?

Compared to the mysterious book he was given, this is way beyond what he could've imagined. It's true that he gathered a green fire would involve summoning, but he never expected the creative artist to be the one to provide evidence.

'Perhaps things were set into motion the moment she opened that damned book.'

It's pointless to regret now, but he can't help wonder who could've summoned such a creature? From the call, Mary mentioned that of one of Daniel's clients was high suspect, but wouldn't elaborate until they discussed in person. Seeing how she's bought his tickets, it's clear she's serious about a family visit that he wishes wasn't more.

Regardless, the implications of another party having the ability to summon is clear...

'There's another book out there.'

"Here's your drink, Marlin. Long day?" the bartender questions, intruding his thoughts as she slides over a glass.

"Always," Marlin answers after a pause, raising his glass with a forced smile before taking a sip.

Before the brunette could chat up more, a few customers come to the bar table. With a resigned sigh, she lifts up and greets them with the same energy, leaving the bald man with more time to consider what he may come to face.

However, a buzz on his phone takes him out of it. Glancing at the screen, he sees another text from Mary.

By the way, do you know anything about a book called 'Fallen Star' by Layna Moore? Supposedly, there's a relationship to Isis and the Al-Bali star that disappeared.

Marlin immediately buries his head into his hands, groaning. "Oh, fucking hell..."

"Hey, Marlin!"

The subsequent slap to his back jerks only adds to said man's problems, in addition to nearly spilling his drink too. He would get upset, if not knowing the personality of his arriving company.

Holding in complaints while slamming his glass down, he turns from his stool to a crooked smile at a slightly overweight, double-chinned man with a hair barely clinging to the sides of his head. Aside from his overall roundness, the sight of his thick brown eyebrows makes Marlin want to take wax paper and strip all of it off just so he can see how obnoxious he can be.

"Stavian," Marlin acknowledges, as composed as he can be.

The man laughs heartily. "Been a bit, hasn't it! Let's take a seat in the corner, shall we?"

The heavy-weight man requests a mug from the bartender as Marlin transfers to an empty table away from prying eyes. With how busy it is, their voices can only be lost in the mixture of laughter and drunken slur of patrons talking about their day and plans away.

"How's everything? Any luck with the ladies?" Stavian starts, his body causing a creak into the wooden chair as he settles down.

"None so far. Got a few people pinging me on one of those apps, but it's been difficult to find time to put in," Marlin answers, taking another sip before hardening his gaze. "More importantly, I received a letter from The Order. What the hell is that about?"

Stavian grins, leaning forward. "Why, the stars have aligned, my friend! Although you joined a year ago, surely you remember when some of our secrets was leaked to the public, right?"

Marlin closes his eyes. "Yes...Layna Moore."

Just one more reason for Marlin to worry about his niece now as she dips her toes into matters that simply dull the mind.

"Correct," Stavian nods. "Naturally, we can't keep track of every possible family who has ties to our group; however, in hindsight, it was a blessing. Her publishing from five years ago will now be scrutinized again by many with renewed interest."

"So, just because some star disappeared, we assume it's time to start coming out more publicly?"

"It's the natural course before The Flood comes."

Marlin takes a deep breath and rubs his temple. "Let me remind you: That claim is utter nonsense."

Stavian snorts, then shrugs. "It may very well be. I'm not blind to see that some of the old teachings don't add up, but we shouldn't ignore everything about the old journals, considering we're not the only group looking into it."

Straightening, Marlin furrows his brows. "What do you mean?"

"There seems to be another group kept well hidden like ours, but their movements revealed themselves in Egypt seeking a particular set of information related to Al Achsasi — the original astronomer who designated the disappearing star. Suffice to say, I heard our council doesn't approve of the probe."

The heavy-weight man pauses as a mug is delivered in front of him. With grim eyes, he takes a swig before staring straight into Marlin's eyes.

"Things are going to get ugly, my friend."

Holding his breath for a moment, Marlin chuckles. "Why? You're not saying..."

"Outsiders on their way to a greater truth have usually been dealt with swiftly. Layna was an example of that after her book was published. The only difference here is that we're dealing with a another group, so it may become a war if no common ground is established."

Marlin's heart beats. Of course, his initiation into this "Order" a year ago wasn't because he believed in their mission; rather, it was a way to find answers about his magical book.

He can't say it was worth it, especially given the risks to his well-being. So far, he has avoided suspicion, but if one were to realize he too held "greater truth" by keeping an important book, he's not sure how long he'll be standing around.

It won't be him either.


Stavian clears his throat. "I didn't mean to bring such a dour mood. All I'm saying is that, it'd be best if you lie low. Personally, even if I believe in the Goddess' return, I'm not crazy enough to abandon my life. It's important to live well, yeah?"

He grins, then lifts his mug. "On that note, shall we raise a toast? For Isis!"

Marlin smiles bitterly, then raises his glass with less enthusiasm. "For Isis."

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