My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 84: Mavi

"How about Mavi?" Daniel suggests. It took him only a few seconds to consider variations of the fusion's parts, but he immediately recognized nothing would ever fit as full as Marianne.

Anne concurs, tilting with a slight hum. "I think that's the best name. Everything else in my head sounds a little off."

Newly identified, Mavi's mouth hangs as she slumps forward. "N-no...surely not. Where's the effort? All you did was combine the first two letters of my parts like what was done with Vida."

Nearly forgetting the prior fusion, the slime mother gasps and taps her hand. "Oh, that's right! Vima doesn't sound too bad either. It'll even compliment Vida."

"What do you mean 'compliment'? Now you're just flipping the name!"

Anne giggles at her new sister's groan, then winks. "But seriously, doesn't 'Mommy Mavi' click together nicely?"


Mavi blinks for a few seconds. As she lets the alliteration echo through her headspace, she eventually straightens her posture and coughs.

"Well, maybe it's not so bad. Sometimes simplicity is the best choice."

'So easy,' Anne and Daniel think at the same time, their lips barely able to restrain their smile.

Although it's still too early to tell the leanings of Mary and Viviane's joined personalities, both get a sense that Mary's persistence is less here. After all, "simplicity," as she says, is far from what the ebony artist would personally prescribe.

There's more to question as Mavi dries her tears and steps to Daniel's side. Boldly, she takes his arm between her chest while her lips smooth delightfully to his flinching form.

"Well, my love, what do you think?" she poses. "Am I Mommy enough for you?"

How sassy. No surprise there, with Mary also at the subconscious wheel.

Recovering, Daniel thins his crooked lips. It might be easy to find the answer with his cock rising, but that's a perfectly normal reaction to two well-developed girls overlapped and naked in front of him.

"M-more than enough. It has always been more than enough," he insists before holding his breath.

Despite suffocating a little to his fusion-mother's intentions, he wraps his arm around her back and locks her closer. He can't be so reserved as to wade around his curiosity about this new black-and-white arrangement before him. With uncertainty always in the back of his mind, he bumps his head against her and squeezes her arm.

"Just promise me you'll be aware of yourself. I don't want you to make more unexpected changes to Mary."

The fusion warms, sliding a hand over his cheek again. "How sweet of you to care, but your dear Mummy-girlfriend will be fine. After all, I'm more aware of my form than Marianne had been."

Daniel snorts. "It's because you're also Mary that I'm worried you'll try crazy stuff."

Following that, Mavi smirks. "Why, my dear child, the only crazy stuff I'll do is with you~"

Her terrifying words are snuffed out of Daniel's mind as Miva draws her lips close. Grunting, he accepts and matches her pace as she slides his hand to his cock, stroking it. He didn't think he'd have more in him, and yet his cock is more than eager to pump to her warm, yet slippery touch. However, before he can let go for her, his mind slaps him with bigger dealings ahead.

He gasps, and jerks back. "Wait, hold up! You still haven't told us what you gained from mine and Mary's excursion into the fog."

Mavi clicks her tongue, hoping the worrisome memory would've been discussed later.

The aproned slime mother growls. Eager to get her fair share, she tugs at his arm on the other side. "Yeah, don't distract our son so soon!"

Relenting, the fusion sighs and raises her hands up. "Very well. I do have to still sort out some thoughts, so how about this..."

She claps her hands together for a moment, then her eyes shine before continuing, "Instead of having our usual boring table meeting, let's go for a nightly stroll together!"

Daniel raises his brows. At this hour, it feels too late, however, he also feels a walk will do him good after his "adventures" with the girls.

"You know, I think that would do good as a change of pace," he agrees. "Let's me get changed and...ah—M-mom!?"

This time, his surprise switches to Anne as she slides her hand down to his member. Undeterred, she huffs. "Oh, stop being so surprised, sweetie. If we're going out first, then we can't let Mavi's effect linger on you."

"N-no need! It'll go down on its own."

"So? We're not in a rush, are we? Just relax for Mama!"

At the sight of insistence by the slime mother, Mavi pouts. "If that's the case, there was no need to stop me."

Unwilling to stand by, she rejoins her lips against her son, breathing heat into him. Daniel struggles to keep up, kissing back while his slime mother lets her hand melt a little across his crotch.

"Hehe~ Let it all out, sweetie," Anne coos.

"Ngh, yes...cum for your mommies," Mavi adds between breaths, rubbing her hand against his chest.

The young artist is sandwiched, and there's not much he can do except jerk his hips at their urging. As he does, his mind blanks and his toes curl as he tries to hold on; however, his efforts are futile when, less than a minute later, he's spurting ropes of cum into Anne's partially melted hand.

The slime mother hums pleasantly, then rubs his back with her cool touch. Opposingly, Mavi glides her warm hand across his chest, kissing him more softly on his cheek as his body relaxes.

Although the fusion's a little wet for more, she knows to patiently wait to connect further with her son. In the back of her mind, though, part of her doesn't want to deal with the past revelation. It only adds to her unease when she thinks about what the dark-haired caretaker did to the cultists.

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Once outside at one of the nearby parks, a few clouds faintly poke through the dark sky by the scatter of light from the Keystone city below. It's fairly quiet, with only a few cars passing in the distance. Just as quiet are the gentle breezes that push Daniel, Anne, and Mavi along a lighted path through the acre of sectioned greenery surrounded by tall buildings.

"Ah, much better~" Mavi sighs, stretching the fabric of Mary's clothes as she lifts her arms. "Although, it would be nicer if we were able to visit the less urban spots near the observatory."

Having no human bond to feel anything, Anne can't help but curl her lips at the fusion's fortune. While recognizing that such comments derive from the elder slime, it seems a bit tasteless considering she's the odd one out. Of course, she could bond physically with her son like she had before, but she doesn't want to push for potential biological harm until after his check-up.

So, burying her jealousy, she clears her throat. "I also would like to go out and see the stars at some point. It would be better if we could visit the observatory like Rachel promised."

"One thing at a time," Daniel urges, but smiles. "Aside from Rachel's pending invitation to her work, I'll gladly drive nearby at the next new moon so we can see some stars. It's been a while since I last saw the Milky Way, too."

Anne holds her breath, then leans towards him with bright eyes. "That's a promise, right?"

Daniel chuckles and hugs her with one arm. "Of course, mom."

With barely anyone nearby, he felt it was okay to address his slime mother properly. Although a few could eventually pass by doing a nightly jog, Daniel hoped that being seen with two women wouldn't bear much in a stranger's mind.

Indeed, some men and women were encountered on the trail, but very few spare a glance as they soon come to a bench. While keeping an eye out on their surroundings, Mavi turns to the sky for a moment as she settles down.

"Now then, where to start? It would be better if I could sync the memory I experienced with you two."

Anne crosses her arms into an X, specifically blocking the fusion's view of Daniel. "Denied! Let's not give our baby a headache, okay? Just remembering how Viviane transferred memories through is enough to make me wince!"

Mavi closes her eyes and sighs. "I figured. At the very least, sister, I'm sure you'll get a better picture whenever you and Mary join."

The fusion then recounts her experience as the picked-up baby, trying hard to exclude any speculation or implications of what was seen, heard, or felt. She described the "witch" and her protection from Isis cultists, the odd lack of warmth she emitted, then the gain of such. Especially at the mentioned terror of one cultist's fate, Daniel increasingly pales to the supposed dangers of this mysterious adopter.

It's more than he could've expected. Naturally, more questions spawn as they move closer to other answers, but before that...

"Is she really...that Nimue?" Daniel asks, swallowing.

"Who else could it be?" Mavi replies, smiling weakly. "It makes sense since she referenced Merlin in the last memory. Not only that, but we know Arthurian literature alludes to two different enchantresses. It was never clear whether they were the same person or different, but now it seems they were separate."

She pauses, then grits her teeth. "Still, what frustrates me is why this memory called out to Viviane in her prison for so long. Is it really just a missing piece of her past? If so, I'm even less sure where or why she was trapped in such a unending fog."

Nobody is sure, for that matter, but Mavi doesn't expect an guess as she continues, "I feel a small sadness over the loss of this connection, and yet, I'm worried to learn more about this person who took her in."

"Why?" Anne asks, cocking her head. "It sounds like she saved Viviane!"

The fusion bites her lips as she looks down. "I certainly felt relieved when she saved her, but nothing felt exactly right about the woman. No...I should say something isn't right."

"... I've held many names myself, so it's only suitable that I bestow one to such an abandoned."

As Nimue's words flow through her head, Mavi narrows her eyes with difficulty. "It's as if that woman is..."

"You...What the hell are you!?"
"Whatever I aim to be."

"...staring into a black hole, growing endlessly," she finishes.

Daniel and Anne remain silent for a few seconds to Mavi's description. It's clear that whatever this woman is, they can rule her out as being human given how she may have handled the lone cultist.

In that case, she might really be a witch as far as others are concerned. To Daniel, however, more important is whether she's the same as Viviane and Anne.

"Let's not dig too much into what she is when we barely know how much about her is true," Anne suggests, sighing. She wraps a gentle hand across the fusion's back. "For now, the important thing is how you feel about yourself, sister. Does any of this matter to Viviane in you?"

Mavi takes a deep breath, then straightens. "I'm even more ready to move beyond this past, if that's anything to imply on her behalf. Although I'm not completely certain, I also accept that she could've been a clone, and that all these memories we're seeing are simply from the original."

She pauses, then looks at her hand. Although she feels human now, the reality is that she and other fusions are simply a borrowed existence. No matter what, Viviane and Anne would never individually be grounded to the Earth the same way that humans are.

But, is that such a bad thing? Viviane wouldn't have to adhere to burdens of her past self. She could be more like Anne — someone who is connected, but unique in her own way.

Snorting, she shakes her head. "Or maybe, I just want an excuse to run away from the past and live anew."

A\N: As implied, the name "Mavi" was overall picked between the ScribbleHub poll results, comments from CHYOA, and AO3. The alternate names suggested were "Vivary" and "Vary". Thanks to those who participated!

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