My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 85: Long Night

After Mavi recalls as much as she could, she and the others continue their loop around the park. Needless to say, their thoughts collect around Nimue and her role in real history—if she's anything like medieval literature describes. At the same time, Anne's eyes lower as uncertainty grows in her own role to it all.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Anne blinks as Daniel's whisper spurs her out of thoughts. Quickly, she waves her hands.

"Oh, I'm good! Just...a little confused about myself. I understand that I stopped receiving Viviane's missing pieces ever since she left me, but you and Mary saw the beginnings of such within my dream world. Why can't I receive these on my own despite holding them?"

Daniel hums, twisting his lips. "Well, I can't say for sure, but Mother has always resided in you differently than Mary and me. Even now, her memories could be...well, both literally and figuratively foggy for you."

The slime mother stifles a laugh by the logic. "A bit annoying, but I suppose that's one way to put it. So, you think Mama's head is in the clouds, huh?"

"Of course not," Daniel answers, straightening. "You're obviously higher than the clouds."

"How high exactly?"

Daniel's gaze draws to the dark sky above. "I don't know, the great beyond?"

The slime mother rolls her eyes. "Wow. I wonder how you figured that. As much as that's my game, I'd rather be down to Earth with you, sweetie."

Her son curls his lips slightly but avoids a flush to her sentiment. It would seem his angle at lifting her spirits succeeded and failed at the same time.

"What about me?" Mavi asks, squeezing the artist's hand with bright eyes. "I, personally, would love to ascend to the skies!"

To this, Daniel raises a brow. "Last I checked, Mary hates heights. Wouldn't you too?"

Mavi freezes briefly, realizing the artist is right. She even sweats thinking about climbing ladders! Despite this, Viviane's eagerness to do many things after her time imprisoned poses a conundrum to the fusion.

Her lips break into a crooked smile. "Well, m-maybe it won't be that bad! You don't have to compare me to Mary or Viviane, you know? I'm sure I can be much braver being two!"

"I'm sooo convinced," Daniel replies, chuckling.

Mavi pouts, shaking off her fear further. "Oh hush! Whenever we visit the observatory, we can take one of the nearby trails up some of the mountains. I'll prove it to you there!"

Still, her son snorts. "I think it'll be difficult when you're two people."

The fusion gasps, staggering back. "Dear child, are you implying I'm heavy...again?"

Flinching, the poor artist waves his hands. "N-no, not like that! I mean mentally...uh, never mind! Also, what do you mean 'again'?"

Mavi narrows her eyes, harrumphing. "You know very well. In fact, you should owe Mommy for that uncalled attack against Mary in the dream world."

"Uncalled?" Daniel sputters. "For the record, that was an even measure after yours—I mean, Mary's watery comparison."

Mavi looks away. "What measure? The only measurement that matters is how kind you are to your mothers, no matter the form!"

Daniel sighs, rubbing his head. "Man, how is that even fair?"

While her son trembles with Mavi-but-mostly-Mary shenanigans, Anne raises her brow. Unwilling to be left out of the loop, she pokes him. "Did something happen in that world that you didn't mention?"

Removing his hands, her son just rolls his eyes. "Just the typical teasing from Mary."

"Ooh, I want to know!"

"Hehe, don't worry," Mavi assures, winking to the slime. "He's just insecure because his lake within you is smaller than expected. Even so, he's still big enough to handle us, don't you think?"

"Ah, I remember now! So that's why you referred to it as a 'pond' before."

Daniel groans. "It's. Not. A. Pond. Rather than me, how about you size yourself down a bit?"

The banter and giggles only increase as they return to the parking area, but amid their expressions, a figure with a hat and large coat looms afar against a lamp post.

Shadowed with a strange aura, the observer should alarm anyone, but an unwitting jogger passing by shows they're outside normal perception.

"So this is where she leads..."

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Back at the studio, Daniel feels a little better having walked with his two motherly lovers—even if they do sometimes drive him nuts. After all that was discussed on the new memory, it would be better to rest and clear his mind.

"Now that it's late," he begins, stretching. "Maybe we should-"

Before he can finish, Mavi and Anne hook their son's arms in perfect sync, then drags him from behind. He blinks, stupefied as he passes through the trim to his bedroom. A subsequent slimy appendage extends from Mavi's back to close the door in front of him.

With the exit's slam marking his end, he thins his lips before dropping his head.

'Oh, fuck.'

Indeed, that is their plan.

Dropped to his bed, the two girls return within his sprawled view. His heart races as their eyes swirl at him with a maternal longing and hunger. Despite conversing normally in the park, it's clear this moment was always set in the back of their minds. No late hour will delay their heated desire to embrace their dear son.

As such, Daniel gulps, watching them undress before him. He wishes he wouldn't react, but it's an impossible feat for his weak mind. Their shapely breasts and curves simply harden his focus and equally harden him below.

Once naked, Mavi approaches first, unbuckling his pants and sliding his underwear down. No resistance is to be had from the artist, knowing this intimate experience is especially important to Viviane as part of this fusion. Although the elder slime had bonded with him partially, then fully as Vida, this is an opportunity to provide a warmth like none other.

That said, the fusion pauses. Her thoughts momentarily roam to Nimue, wondering what the enchantress had done to the cultist to obtain similar warmth. It would make sense she's also a slime, given the initial lack of heat felt by the baby. Regardless, she shudders to think how she used the cultist to achieve it.

It was deserved...maybe.

Taking a deep breath, she forces such concerns away before they can show on her face. None of that matters compared to being Daniel's mother, girlfriend, and general lover—all wrapped into one. Her existence resulting from Viviane using Mary is a mutual one, unlike the means Nimue may have used to save her. Convinced of the difference, she starts off by grazing her son's cock, gently applying pressure with her thumb to the tip of his head, then downward to his base.

Daniel's breath hitches, jerking his head away as the fusion strokes his member. Before he can return his attention to her, his view is blocked as Anne stretches her way to him, blissfully compressing her chest against his own with a warm smile.

"Hi~" she sings before her eyes soften as she brushes his hair. "Mama and Mommy love you so much, you know?"

The artist knows more than anyone, but isn't able to say it back as his slime mother leans forward to connect lips with him. Against such tenderness, he closes his eyes and tries to return the favor, but it's difficult to focus as Mavi maintains her strokes below, partially melting her outer layer across to butter up her movements.

Schlip, schlip, schlip...

For a few minutes, he receives the girls' love as calmly as he can until he feels Anne loosen on top of him. Opening his eyes to check, they immediately widen to watch her morph back into her gooey form. He utters a muffled grunt of surprise as she spreads around him like honey.

Contrary to his expectations, she's melts off him into a pool around. His clearer view returns to Mavi once the blue tint wears off, but her smile reassures him over the slime's state. Much to his relief, he feels Anne's mass slither, squirming to hide behind him.


Before he can question the slime mother's plan, his body is raised as she rebuilds herself beneath him. He would've been more concerned if she had tried this before, but Viviane's shared experience truly helped the slime stabilize better. As such, she hums smoothly into his ear within seconds of reformation, then wraps her arms around his stomach, locking her baby close.

Pleasant shivers travel down as she kisses his cheek. From behind, his tingly spine aligns neatly against her front, while her mounds exist to ease his shoulders. His wobbling cock's signals approval as it grows even bigger in front of Mavi, much to her glee.

"Hehe, comfy?" Anne asks, sliding a hand across his chest. "Isn't it nice to be held by Mama like this?"

"I...I guess."

He's certainly been held in much stranger ways than this. No matter how Anne becomes his extra support, though, it's obvious that he wouldn't find a better gel cushion in the world.

Knowing that, he relaxes into her hold and focuses on the Mavi. The fusion already ended her strokes now that he was plenty hard and leaking pre-cum. With a twinkle, she slides her hair back, then leans in closer between his legs. Thanks to his elevation, her breasts lift his scrotum as she snuggles in.

"You two look so cute together," she says, giggling. "While Mama holds you, try not to squirm too much, okay?"

Daniel furrows his brows. Before he can question, Mavi lowers her lips to kiss the tip of his cock. He immediately tenses while his heart throbs to her piercing eyes. Finally understanding her intentions, he tries not to cum so early as she slides her tongue around the tip of his penis. She holds his cock like this for a few seconds before the rest of her lips split, sliding his member neatly into her mouth.

Like Marianne, Mavi doesn't even need to express saliva, since her mouth is already coated with a slime layer. That same layer allows her to minimize gag reflexes by extending nerves to muscles Mary wouldn't have been able to control otherwise. As a result, her head bobs and reaches his base effortlessly.

He's not sure why he bothered thinking he had a chance to hold out for long.

"Oh god, M-mother..." Daniel breathes, shaking.

It's the first time he's addressed his fusion mother without thought, but he's not entirely sure about the best term to use at the moment. In any case, he just goes with what he calls Viviane to differentiate from Anne. Hearing her muffled grunt and warm eyes, she evidently pleased by it.

Speaking of Anne, his slime mother behind him continues to caress his twitching form while enjoying his sounds of pleasure. She does her best to aid his movement by lifting her hips more, pushing her son's cock deeper into her sister's mouth.


The fusion savors the taste of her son, sliding her tongue deeper along his shaft while taking in his reaction. With each push and pull, her pussy aches to take more of him. Before that can happen, however, she must wait a bit longer until he gives her the real taste she's been wanting to know.


That coming taste is spurred by the long, drawn out squeezes between her lips and throat as she slides up and down. This goes on and on, hitting her son's with unwavering force like a ram to the gates of a kingdom.


To his surprise, he resisted longer than expected, but there's no stopping the pressure as he cries out, filling his hybrid mother according to her hunger. Along with his groans, his hips shake, bucking forward to extend the sensation.


Mavi takes it all in, swallowing slowly until she has to pull up to breathe. As her son's cock plops out of her mouth, she shivers in delight. There's more to do before his cock can grow limp, so her hand is quick to take it back and stroke it to peak.

"Mmm...that was so good, my love, but let's not go down so soon, yeah?" she says, her eyes narrowing slyly.

"That's right. Mama will want a turn too!" Anne reminds, kissing him on the cheek again.

Daniel gulps, wondering if he'll have the energy to please Anne at this pace.

"Don't worry, sister," Mavi reassures, licking her lips. "He'll be ready for you, but first..."

She climbs up the bed to straddle him after ensuring his cock is big again. Wiggling her butt, she positions her crotch over, and while holding his meat in place, descends slowly.

The artist holds his breath as her folds open for him, feeling the familiar yet enhanced squeeze of Mary's warm, tight walls with a coat of the elder slime. Preparing himself, he slides his hands to her hips and awaits her rocking.

However, Mavi remains still and curls her lips to the side.

Doubts fill her gaze. "Love, I should've asked, but...Mommy isn't hurting you, is she? I know your actual limits, but...well, it feels like it's been ages for me even though I..."

She lets her voice falter, confused over herself. Yet, her concern only somewhat surprises Daniel. So far, the contact with Mavi has been similar to Marianne, but he understands the hesitancy is in part due to Viviane.

On behalf of the elder slime, Mavi is certainly savoring tastes and bodily pleasure more than Marianne had. It stands to reason, for someone as old as Viviane, her reaction is because such contact is long overdue. Just the fact that she feels uncertain, even with Mary's experience, shows how disconnected she's been becoming a female that can actually utilize all five senses.

Daniel forces a smile, then reaches to intermingle with her hand.

"Hey, you're doing fine. Putting aside my...light dehydration, I trust the mothers within you, so naturally I trust you as well."

Mavi widens her eyes. For a moment, she holds herself before a line of tear spills out from her uncovered eye. From there, her lips break into a quiver. Emotions run rampant within, so she hurriedly turns away, letting her white bang hide the rest of her crumbling expression.

"Uhh...n-no, I'm..."

To experience being the most human she can be as a woman, then connect with a man who loves and accepts her after centuries of being alone, how could she possibly keep herself together?

She can't.


Thus, a sharp inhale escapes from Mary as her head stretches out from the fusion. Tears flow down her darker skin to no end as she cries out, "V-viviane, s-stop! You're making me cry! Oh god, Daniel, why did you have to say that?"

A squeak pipes from said slime, who finishes pulling away while returning to her original form. Of course, she loses her ability to cry, but her eyes shut as if she did.

"I can't help it! My child is...he's so..."

The two's sudden split luckily stops from the shoulders. They seem to have quickly recovered themselves enough to remain combined on top of Daniel, holding themselves steady as they let their shared emotions pass through each other.

Daniel is stunned, to say the least. While at a loss to the crying girls, Anne giggles more freely and pats her son's side. "You did good, sweetie."

"D-did I?" Daniel questions.

Regardless, it takes a long minute before they calm down. The elder slime closes the remaining parts of her face that were opened from the split, then breathes out in sync with Mary and their shared lungs.

Calmer, Viviane leans across the dark artist's shoulder to peek at her son meekly. "Sorry, my child. But as I thought, it's so much better to be connected with you like this."

Mary wipes her eyes away, then snorts. Having most of their fused form, she takes control to bounce against her boyfriend in agreement. Anne thankfully provides a nice added suspension to their meet, enabling a satisfying smack against her ass.

She purrs, narrowing her eyes at him. "Unf...definitely. May as well continue like this for a bit."

With that plan, they lean over their son. Mary is the first to catch his lips, sending vibrations into him like ocean waves. If he wasn't sandwiched before, he's definitely now as Anne and Viviane join in, pressing their cool lips to his cheeks while Mary leads against his mouth.

Chu, chu, chu.

It's so hard to focus.


Impossible, really.

They eventually escalate in their kisses, all the while Mary and Viviane's connected hips resume. His mind blanks as soon as the British tongue invades him, leaving him no recourse but to roll his eyes back. The most he can do is hold onto their ass, plunging onto him with abandon. With each thrust, their moans grow louder in sync, indiscernible from their bodies meeting.


Before Daniel knows it, he stops feeling Viviane's lips to the side while Mary's lips become more supple. Their reconnection is so seamless that when Daniel regains some mind back to look, Mavi returns to him in Mary's place as if she had never left. Her eyes smile with the reflection of his own before she gives one last smooch, pulling away and drawing bridges of saliva between them.

Another breath escapes before riding him more vertically, layering across her fellow mother's hands for support.

"Sorry about leaving, my love," she says, grinding her hips between pounds. "But, you're almost there, aren't you? It's okay to cum by now. Please cum for Mommy."

"Hmm...yes, you've done so well. Just let go, sweetie," Anne encourages, rubbing his sides.

Daniel grits his teeth, hoping to prolong for a little longer. Yet, unintentionally, Mavi flips her hair back in her reshuffle, giving Daniel the pleasure of seeing both of her lovely eyes. On top of her full chest swinging with each bounce, everything about this fusion is enough to send him away.


And she does, feeling his balls clench before the coming flood roars out of him. With it, he drives himself further into her, gripping her tanned ass with another cry.

"Oh, love!" Mavi cries back, similarly digging her fingers against his chest as she orgasms.

Splurt! Splurt!

She jerks for each rope of cum felt, her body heaving as the semen is absorbed by her slimy lining. She pushes her son to release everything as he had before, grinding her ass against him until his cock can't maintain its might. Even after, the lasting effects of their connection continue to spread sparks through her.

Time travels slowly until those signals pass, then their pants even out together. When all is finished, Mavi widens her lips against Daniel's tired gaze. Without another word, she leans forward and gifts him with more gentle kisses.

"You were wonderful, my love," Mavi praises after the last press of her lips. Inches away from him, she closes her eyes, sighs, then switches her focus to Anne underneath him.

Both of them nod silently before she cups her son's face.

"Now, please give your attention to your Mama," she requests.

Daniel's pupils shrink.

"W-wait, um-"


He can't finish as Mavi splits. This time, the elder slime completely rips away, leaving the female artist to gasp as she returns to full consciousness. As for the elder slime, she reforms into her pale self smoothly, only needing a few blinks before sighing with joy.

Daniel flattens his lips as she slides to his side and hooks his arm while nuzzling his shoulder. "Daniel~"

Swallowing to her sweet call, the said artist keeps his attention on Mary, who remains on top with his cock inside. Her eager smile sent shivers down his spine.

"Uh, h-hold on. Maybe we take a break first?" he asks. "Or, better yet, continue in the morning?"

Mary tilts her head, failing to hide her amusement. She raises a hand toward Anne as she responds. "Unfortunately, I can't stay here in the morning. Plus, that wouldn't be fair to your dear mother, who cushioned you for so long. Just have some faith in yourself, love. Your Mama and I will handle everything anyway. All you need to do is-"


Mary's words cut off as Anne slips out from underneath Daniel, sliding up the dark artist's arm and flooding her. Although the slime mother feels a little guilty for being impatient, she can't resist joining Mary to feel human again after Mavi's show. Her eager mass wraps tightly against familiar contours, all in response to becoming the best for her baby...their baby.


Their groans mix as they become a temporary human-shaped blob. What's terrifying to Daniel isn't just the joining process that he's literally up against, but how his cock somehow decides it can stiffen in this situation. Yet, that's the reality he shudders to Anne's mass thinning between himself and Mary's entrance. He can feel the gooey cells squeeze around his member for a second before aligning against Mary's inner walls, adding to their integrity.

Twitching and smoothing out, Anne eventually fades around Mary, overlaying her skin to a light brown. Their head lurches back as their face transforms anew and their hair extends long. When all is complete, Marianne comes to the front of her existence, and straightens her head back to him. With a giggle, she wiggles her ass as she feels his cock throbbing inside of her.

"...relax for Mama~" she purrs, finishing Mary's sentence with a glint in her fresh eyes.


Daniel only stares in muted horror, desperately needing some time for his mind and heart to recover from the transformation.

Somehow, his cock is still hard. What's wrong with him?

By his side, Viviane twists her lips toward the fusion while rubbing her wide-eyed son's side in comfort. She closes her eyes, and sighs, shaking her head.

"Dear sister, it would've been better if you merged a lot cleaner than that."

Marianne flinches. "H-huh?"

They exchange more words as the elder slime criticizes the fusion, but it's all lost on their son's ears as he closes his eyes with a bitter smile.

It's going to be a long night.

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