My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

70 – This isn’t an anime, so wake up you idiots!

Doggy kept his word and didn't harm the 4 heroes. And although we were currently being guided towards the royal palace, I had some bad luck and ended up having to share the same carriage with the 4. Naturally, they were tied up, and I wasn't.

All of them kept looking back and forth between me and themselves. At some point it really got on my nerves, as it was no different than feeling the lecherous gazes of someone who keeps staring at my breasts.

"Alright you guys, it's clear that you got something on your mind. Speak up already if you have something to say."

"Eto… are you really the Winter Fox?" (Misaki)

"If you're going to ask dumb questions like that it's better to just shut up."

"No. It's just… all the rumors about you depicted you as an ally of justice. Yet we witnessed such a cruel order… killing all the humans."

"Ally of justice? That's a good one. The one I'm allied with are my own goals. If I ever saved or did something that would make you think I am a 'hero' it was only because I received proper compensation or it aligned with my own plans."

I took a moment to shift my position and face them properly, crossing my legs and my arms.

"As for the killing part, what was wrong about that? You invaded another country and started killing civilians that have nothing to do with warfare. And since humans were in my way, I simply removed them. What's wrong with that?"

"That's not true! This was supposed to be a subjugation only! No blood shed."

"For crying out loud… do you guys have cotton candy instead of brains? In what fantasy world do you guys think you live in? Even you can't be that gullible and believe that this would have ended without a fight, right?"

I paused for a moment. It seems that my words are starting to reach them. These guys literally think they live in an anime where they are the protagonist so nothing can go wrong. But this is the wake up call they need.

"It's my turn to ask you something. Why do you guys fight?"

"Eh?" (Ichiro)

"It's a simple question. What's your motivation for doing this."

"That is… so that the people of this land won't suffer. And to obtain from the Demon King the key to return to our home." (Amane)

"And just why would the Demon King hold the key to your return?"

"Huh? Eto…" (Misaki)

"It's because that's what the humans said, right? And you believed that? Yare yare. You blindly trusted the words of a stranger. And even if we were to assume that the Demon King does have the key to your return, what's to stop him from zapping you home just to get rid of you?"


"Are my words starting to sink in?"

They started looking at each other and had troubled expressions. They were starting to question themselves. What was the point of everything they did, what will happen to them from here on? Stuff like that. Although I have no obligation to comfort them… the mood is too gloomy for my taste.

"You guys may be heroes, but at the same time you are total idiots. So I'm pretty sure if you tell the Demon King the truth she won't punish you severely. Going by the rumors this Demon King is more of a pacifist rather than a berserker.

It will probably turn out someway or another with you guys alive. But you really need to learn from this and open your eyes already.”

My words were heavy, but they were the truth. These guys had to hear this sooner or later. And the quicker they get this behind them, maybe they will finally stop being idiots. Still, it’s not like me to go this far.

I mean sure, we were classmates, but we hardly exchanged any words at school. They weren’t my friends. I said I’m doing this as a courtesy, but I feel like I went a bit too far. The past me would probably laugh at me. Have I perhaps become too soft? Maybe it’s the influence of my girls. I can’t say for sure.

“Ano…” (Kasumi)


“This might sound weird, but have you by any chance encountered other otherworlders like us? We had one more person accompany us in this world and you… your speech pattern is reminding me of him. His name was Nakajima Saito.” (Kasumi)

Busted… not. There’s no way I will admit to that. Revealing my identity will only bring a million headaches on me. 

“Sorry. But I have no clue about who you’re talking about.”

“Is that… so?” (Kasumi)

Don’t give me those puppy eyes. It’s not gonna work. Being the girl with the largest breasts in school made anyone roll over for her… and to be honest even I find it hard to control my lower half, but this is something I absolutely can’t reveal. Thankfully the carriage came soon to a stop.

“We have arrived at the castle.” (Equinox)

I wanted to check out the castle because the carriage was covered and while having this discussion I didn’t check the road we came here.

Fifteen narrow, square towers surround the castle in almost a perfect circle around this incredible castle and are connected by large, wide walls made of black green stone.

Crude windows are scattered generously across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with huge crenelations for archers and artillery.

A regular gate with thick wooden doors and strong defenses offers a safe home to all those in need in these cold mountains.

Well kept gardens with fragrant flowers, gorgeous trees and many bushes decorate the outside of the castle. This castle has stood the test of time.

Equinox left us surrounded by mazoku guards for a few minutes. When he returned, he declared:

“The heroes will be taken to a cell for the time being. You will be given an audience with Her Majesty at a later time and be able to plead your case.”

Her. I wonder if the Demon King of Heart is a pretty woman?

“As for you, lady Edelweiss, since you were expected, you and your party will be granted an audience right away. However… before that, there is someone else who wishes to talk to you first.”

Huh? Someone else?

As I was wondering that I heard heavy footsteps approaching. And soon the figure of a man came into my view.

“You must be lady Edelweiss, I presume? I was brought up to speed by Equinox over here. Would you mind if we had a little chat? Just the two of us.” (???)

“That kinda feels troublesome, but fine. Let’s just get this over with.”

“I thank you for your understanding. Then this way, please.” (???)

“Care to tell me who you are first?”

“Hou? Pardon me, but I didn’t think there was a person who doesn’t know who I am. My name is Valefor. Leader of the Blade Squad.”

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