My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

71 – Let’s actually try meeting the Demon King already

Valefor guided me to what appeared to be his room. On the terrace, there was a circular table along with a couple of chairs.


After being offered to take a seat, I sat down silently.


“Can you drink?” (Valefor)


After he asked so, Valefor took out a bottle, which seemed to contain wine.


“Sorry, but I don’t really understand the appeal of alcohol.” 


“Hmm, you’re missing out on quite a bit in life.” 


“Hey, I can enjoy life even without drinking, you know?.” 


“Is that so? Well, pretend I tricked you and you tried drinking some. If it doesn’t suit your taste, you can just leave it be .” 


Then, Valefor tipped the bottle to the glass and a liquid similar to red wine flowed out.


“I’m telling you in advance, there’s no poison in it.” 


“I’m not worried about that. There is no merit in poisoning me at this point in time."


Technically I didn't reach the drinking age if I were to apply Japanese common sense, but this body should be able to handle it if it's just a sip. So I lifted the glass and brought it to my lips.




It gave a rather unexpected feeling. It wasn’t bitter at all, and if I had to say, it had a sweetness to it that made it rather easy to drink.


“How is it? There isn’t a lot of alcohol in it. Does it suit your taste?” 


“This stuff is actually pretty good. I could get used to this.” 


“Good to hear that.” 


Valefor sat down, took a small sip, and let it flow down his throat. Then, he silently placed the glass on the table and opened his mouth.


“Miss Edelweiss.” 




“You have my thanks.” 




…What are you thankful for?” 


“Various things.” 


“Various things…huh?” 


“That is right, various things.


To start off, I would express my thanks because of your intervention in saving our village which was under attack."


"That's not much of a big deal. That doggy probably would have done the same thing if I didn't show up."


"Nevertheless, it's a fact that by killing the human army proves that you have no allegiance towards them. This will help other mazoku get used to your presence.


As for the other thing, it's about the way you handled the heroes."


"Hou? You mean to say you're glad I requested them to be spared? That's a bit weird coming from you."


"Indeed. I understand how it may seem. Honestly, if it were up to me, I would have sliced their heads off in an instant."


"So what's holding you back?"


"What I am about to say is just for your ears. Understand?"


He's starting to release a menacing aura. I can see how a normal person could faint from this pressure. He might not be as scary as Anri, but he definitely is someone against whom you should let your guard down. I nodded to respond to his question.


"How should I put this? I must act according to Her Majesty's will. And… I'll try saying this as nice as I can. Her head is full of flowers."


I could only tilt my head when I heard that statement.


"She wishes to one day achieve true peace. An era where everyone can lay down their arms willingly."


“…..There really is something wrong with the rulers of this world.” 




Valefor quickly took another sip from his glass.


"However I am sure that Her Majesty will want to fight. Up until now she never wanted to fight, but now given our current age and the current times, she has finally opened her eyes to reality."


“Choosing not to fight can be considered a respectable thing. It is a wonderful notion.” 


“Indeed, a wonderful notion.” 


“However, that is something difficult to do in reality. Especially when you live in an era ruled by kings.” 


“That is indeed the case.”


"So, mister Valefor, can we get down to the main topic? I feel like we've been talking in circles."


"Very well. I would like for you to be aware. If you try to deceive Her Majesty or if I sense that you pose even the slightest threat to her, mark my words, I won’t hesitate to cut you down where you stand.”

“Hou? Those are some bold words. Think you can do it?”

Sparks flew between us. Neither of us backed down. But eventually he broke eye contact first and took another sip of his glass.

“I said what I had to say. I want to hear what you desire from Her Majesty before I make an assessment on you. Might I ask you to try and not be rude with Her Majesty?”

“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try my best.”

“Very well. Then for now I will take you to see Her Majesty.”


With that we had one more drink and got up. Eventually I was reunited with my girls and we were guided to a large room. If I were to guess, this was most likely the throne room.

A scarlet rug splits the entire room in half from the doors to the throne while burgee banners with burnished corners drape from the walls. Between each banner stand several tapers of various sizes, some of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the sculptures of gods and goddesses below them.

High, tinted glass windows are concealed by curtains colored the same scarlet as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with gold leaves and jewels.


A ceremonious throne of porcelain sits beneath an almost entirely closed canopy. The throne is covered in simple etchings and fixed on each of the stubby legs is a lavish demon wing. The bulky pillows are a light scarlet and these too have been adorned with burnished embroideries.

And on that throne was a woman. A beautiful woman. I have met many beauties on my journey, but she rivals every one of them. Her long pink hair and gorgeous pair of breasts. And one can only be mesmerized by her eyes. Still, I can feel her heavy authority aura, but it’s like it’s contradicting with a childish nature.

“Your Majesty, I have brought the visitors.” (Valefor)

Valefor took a step and stood near the throne as if acting like her bodyguard. The Demon King finally opened her mouth.

“Pleased to meet you. Although this probably isn’t necessary, formal etiquette dictates it, so allow me to introduce myself. I am the Demon King of the Heart, Iris Amalthya.”

Sasha and Stella slightly bent over and made a curtsey, while Gamma and Yuki made a proper bow. I should mention that Yuki is in her human form because obviously I wasn't allowed an audience with a weapon attached to me. As for me…


"Nice to meet you, Demon King-sama. I'm Edelweiss. You know… I gotta admit you're a lot cuter than I expected you to be."


"Aah!? Cute… this me? To talk towards me that way… I…"


Silence fell in the room. My girls giggled and Valefor's jaw dropped. And the Demon King blushed just like a young maiden. Did I perhaps make her embarrassed? I just stated the truth.

“You… What kind of idiot would state such words towards the ruler of the mazoku!? I see that letting you alive was a mistake after all!!”

“Ahem! Valefor, please quell your anger. I was just surprised as well, but how about we overlook this?”


If that is your order, then I must obey. Woman, consider yourself fortunate that Her Majesty is forgiving.”

“Can… we move on and start an actual conversation?”

Fine by me. I don’t know what the fuss was all about. Now let’s see if I might gain her favor somehow and gain access to her secret library.

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