My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

76 – Female butler to the rescue part 2

The Demon King, as damaged as he was, he dashed towards me. Naturally I jumped out the of the way and pulled the spare weapon that was prepared for me. A light rapier. Honestly fencing isn’t exactly my forte, but I have to make do with what I can. From my jump I immediately slashed with the rapier and unleashed a flame burst. But I was shocked. The moment it should have made contact… it almost looked like it got absorbed. 

“My turn!”

Red electric sparks formed around him, and 6 red orbs were fired towards me. With the skills of an acrobat, I did a few somersaults and managed to avoid them.

“There’s more where those came from.”

Another barrage. But this time I slashed one more time with my rapier and created a large flaming ball. His 6 orbs clashed with my attack. For a few moments they struggled against each other. It’s pretty hard to adjust my power if I’m not using Yuki. This weapon can’t handle my flames at maximum output.

Eventually my blast shattered his, but once again the moment it wanted to make contact with him… it vanished. I think I get what he’s doing. He said that he wanted my magic power. This guy… is absorbing my magic.

Going *GAAaaa!!*, and raising a roar like that of a beast, Kartuja came rushing in. Fast.

Those movements that even made my eyes struggle. If I didn’t have the mystic eyes from that angel I once devoured I probably wouldn’t have a harder time reading his patterns. I jumped out of the way.

"As expected, you are fast but… You shalt not get away!"


Various tentacles emerged from his body and completely wrapped around my body, apparently immobilizing me.

“It’s futile. You cannot break free. I will now absorb your magic. Your power shall be mine!”

Soon enough I could feel energy leaving my body. He was siphoning it with his tentacles. 


“Giving up? Good. I shall give you a painless death thanks to the power I shall obtain from you.”

“That’s not it. I guess you really live up to your title. You’re really mad if you think you can take my power. You want to taste it? How about I help you out a bit?”

I started forcing my magic and deliberately poured it into him.

“What!? This is… too much… what’s with this… cold?”

The tentacles started to freeze. His breath became chaotic and could only let out steam. 

“As if my power could be contained by such a pathetic excuse for a body.”

Because his tentacles froze I twisted my body and broke free. The moment I landed on the ground I dashed towards him and pierced his chest with the rapier.

“It’s over. Now disappear. [Azure Blaze]!”

Through the rapier I unleashed a nether flame blessed that caused a large pillar to erupt. Naturally he was completely engulfed in it. When the light show ended, nothing but white ash remained. That and his core. These guys are technically immortal, so their cores can’t be broken.

I picked it up and pointed it towards the Madness army.

“Does anyone else want to suffer the same fate?”


“No way… the Great Demon King…”

“She is a demon from hell!! Troops, retreat!! We can’t face something like that!!”

Thankfully it had the impact I desired. The Madness army eventually fled. I should devour this core, but I need to take it back to Iris as proof of doing my part. Honestly I’m tired. I’m really tired. And I bet Iris will also scold me for breaking her sword. But it couldn’t withstand my force.

“Edel… err… I mean Canada, are you… alright?”

“You’re still here, Scylla?”

“I wouldn’t have abandoned you, you know? I would betray Her Majesty if I turned tails. But… seeing such force… just who are you?”

“I’ll answer that if you do me a favor.”

“What favor?”

I pointed behind her. When she turned around, she saw that our troops were starting to gather. Most likely to congratulate, interrogate or other troublesome things.

“You handle that crowd. I’ll go hide somewhere.”

And with that I dashed from the spot.

“Hey wait! You vixen fox!! You can’t do this to me!!!”

I already did.


“And that’s what happened, Your Majesty! This impossible woman just left me there having to deal with all the masses! Do you know how much trouble I had to put up with?” 

A few days later, back at the main palace, Scylla was presenting her report towards Iris. And obviously, Yuki, Sasha, Stella, Gamma and myself were all present. And once again Valefor was next to Iris. Scylla is clearly not happy that I ditched her back then. But I must say, she does look cute pouting like that.

“I don’t even know how to react to that. Even with the proof right in front of me… the core of the Demon King of Madness… it feels like everything happened too fast.”

“What’s there to understand? You gave me a job and I did it. Because of that I doubt that anyone will challenge you for a while. Because they all think you have someone on your side who can kill Demon Kings. Can we move on to my reward?”

“Watch your tongue, woman! You really should address Her Majesty with more respect.” (Valefor)

“Don’t want to.”

It was clear that Valefor still wasn’t a good match for my temper. What can I say? It wouldn’t actually be the first time I pissed someone off. But at the same time, as long as Iris is amused, I don’t see a problem in this. Naturally Iris had to calm both Scylla and Valefor before moving on to anything else.

“Now then, with the core of the Demon King of Madness in our hands, I have received your feelings. I’m looking forward to a future with mutual trust between us. Your request shall be granted. It will take some time to deal with the paperwork, but you will obtain access to the Grand Floating Library.”

In many science fiction novels, floating cities and islands are a common trope, which range from cities and islands that float on water to ones that float in the atmosphere of a planet by purported scientific technologies or by magical means. Apparently, this library is of such a type. A construction made to float. However it’s guarded by the highest grade of concealment magic. That’s why I couldn’t see anything in the sky when I came to this castle. And its defenses are also no joke.

“Mou… I don’t like the books you read, Shishou. There are too many words in them and not enough pictures.” (Sasha)

“Analyzing. Even I can attest that graphical illustrations will improve the overall learning capacity of one person, onee-chan.” (Gamma)

“Should we make a book club and see which one can find the prettiest pictures?” (Yuki)

“Enough, you lot. I’ll admit that what I read isn’t exactly a light lecture, and yes, pictures help, but the brain has something called imagination. Try painting your own picture, if you don’t have one.”

“But we don’t have paint and brushes.” (Stella)

“It’s a figure of speech. Don’t actually take it literally. Anyway, we’ll resume this later. I’ll find something else for you to do while I do my research.”

Never a moment of boredom with these idiot girls around. However, I will admit… I’m getting used to having them around me. It’s not… a bad feeling. That aside, I turned towards Iris once again.

“What are you going to do with that core, if you don’t mind me asking? I hope you’re not crazy enough and try absorbing it.”

“Heavens, no. Don’t be silly. This will be sealed away under strict security for ages to come. It will never surface or be reborn again.”

“Huh? That’s boring. Sorry, but I don’t think I can let you do that.” (???)

A voice from a third party echoed throughout the throne room. Wasn’t this supposed to be a private meeting?

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