My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

77 – Can a fox scare a shadow?

A young girl was sitting and tilting herself back and forth on a table. Her long pink twintails gave her a childish look. She really gave off the impression of being just an innocent kid. However both Scylla and Valefor jumped in front of Iris as if to shield her, ready to draw their weapons.

“To think that we couldn’t detect your presence… Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?” (Valefor)

“Who, little ol’ me? Names’ Simone. And you can think of me as a happy troublemaker. Well, that’s how master sees me at least. After all, I don’t like being sad. If I am happy, then others should be happy too, right? So chasing happiness is my hobby, even if some people are a bit annoyed. It’s just fun, games and pranks.

And speaking of fun… sealing that core away is something too boring. How about giving it to me instead? Master is going to show us a fun new world if it were to be in his possession.”

Something about her is giving me bad vibes. I mean she totally looks like a defenseless kid. Yet despite this, my fur is all standing straight. It’s not like she’s just a ditsy loli like Sasha or Stella. It’s more behind this. 

“What exactly are you planning?” (Scylla)

“I have no clue. I’m just following master’s will. The will… of Legion.”

The moment she said that, Valefor unsheathed his sword. Hou? That’s a pretty impressive stunt. I can tell just from looking at it. The user swings his sword and launches a vacuum slash that can't be blocked. I bet I could replicate that, but now it’s not the time to admire. Because more importantly.

“Whoa there!”

The loli hoped around and bent her body in ways it shouldn’t normally bend. She successfully dodged the vacuum slashes. But if she’s part of Legion, then I shouldn’t be surprised.

“Well that was rude. Is that how you always greet your guests? I wanted to sort things peacefully, but if you’re going to be grumpy like that, then I have no choice but to…”

“Stand down, Simone.” (???)

The air around us felt like it just got heavier.

“Onee-chan. My sensors are running at full throttle. Something extremely dangerous is approaching.” (Gamma)

She wasn’t wrong. But something else happened. Some sort of energy pulse fired from the girl. Like a dome that expanded and enveloped the room in mere seconds. When it passed through us, I slightly felt dizzy for a brief moment, but I quickly brushed it off.


Onee-chan, this girl has unleashed a powerful barrier!” (Gamma)

Gamma’s analysis was correct. I saw that Scylla tried pushing through an invisible wall. I’m more worried about the shock that I felt earlier. Just what is this girl planning? Is her goal Iris? Can't a fox ever get a break? Too many events have unfolded before me recently. But more importantly I focused on the voice that rang out earlier.

Something similar to a portal opened up and a man appeared. I recognized that figure. It was the same guy I met in the elf kingdom that snatched the other core. Is he making a collection or something?

“Aww, master, you’re spoiling my fun!” (Simon)

“Now, now Simone, how many times have I told you, when dealing with others you must first show some courtesy.” (???)

The girl called Simone puffed up her cheeks. The hooded man didn’t seem bothered and directed his attention towards us.

“Please forgive me, but the stage had to be set for nobody to bother us. I must say, you forced my hand a bit with this one. I wasn’t expecting Kartuja to be the one that would fall. If anything, I thought you were the one that would be annihilated, lady Iris.” (???)

“Enough of this farce! You dare invade the throne room? You better have a good explanation, or else, I’ll take your head here and now!” (Valefor)

“No, sir Valefor. I don’t think you or Miss Scylla would risk taking a step and leaving lady Iris exposed. But fret not. This barrier is only so nobody will disturb us. 

Ah, but where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Shadow. And I speak in the name of Legion.”

We were all ears when he said that. I can see that Valefor wants to charge straight in. Thankfully this current scenario won’t allow him to do that. I mean let’s be honest, it makes sense to gather information about your enemy before you engage him. I don’t want to make any movements either until I get a better read on him.

“Now then, Your Majesty Iris, let’s get down to business, shall we?”

“What do you want?” (Iris)

“I present you with two options.

Option A: hand over Kartuja’s core and I will leave here peacefully. 

Option B: Refuse and I’ll take it by force, killing everyone here in the process.”

“Kuh. Do you really think I would simply trust someone like you? How do I know you won’t try killing me regardless? Rumor has it that you want to collect the Demon King cores for some twisted plot. To drown the world in Darkness.”

“Oh my. Do you really think so shallow of me? Well, it’s not like we made our motives clear, so I can’t blame your speculation. Part of you is right. We do aim to drown the world in darkness, but think of it this way. A new light will emerge from that darkness. In order to rebuild, you must first destroy.”

Oh brother. It feels like he has the same syndrome as Gamma.

“I’ll let you in on a little secret. I have nothing against this world. My personal grudge is with the Gods that oversee it. But in order to strike fear into their hearts, I’m afraid that only another deity can do that. So our aim is simple. Invite a God into this world. A true God, that can eventually put the other Gods in their place for everything they did.”

He paused for a moment and then pointed at me.

“You. You are someone I can’t approve of. What did Nyarla see in you… I really don’t understand. She will be the first to feel my wrath.”

“Is that what this is all about? Jealousy? You’re pretty shallow, pal.”

“Shut up! You have no idea how I feel. The power you possess should have been mine, but I was cast away!”

“Probably because you have a nasty personality. Honestly the more I hear you open your mouth the more I understand how much of a lunatic you are. I wouldn't even trust to leave my dog in your hands.”

He turned his head towards Iris once again.

“Your Majesty, I have presented you with your options. Can we come to a desirable outcome?”

“That is…” (Iris)

I slammed my foot down making a small crater before Iris could reply.

“I can answer that one. You said we had two options, right? Since Valefor and Scylla can't move and you're really ticking me off, I present you with option C: I’ll kill you.”

Anri said I had to stop Legion. If this guy is their leader… I’ll just handle him right now.

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