My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

80 – Licking their wounds

Shadow and Simone stumbled into the dank, echoing chambers of their lair, their breaths ragged and their steps heavy with the weight of their defeat. The flickering torchlight cast eerie, dancing shadows on the walls, matching the turmoil and confusion etched on Shadow’s face. With a furious growl, he slammed his fist against the cold stone, the impact sending reverberations through the cave.

“How could this happen?” he roared, his voice filled with a mix of rage and disbelief. “How could that fox girl, Edelweiss, be so strong? I had everything planned perfectly! She should have been an easy target!”

Simone, still reeling from the retreat, cautiously approached. “Master, maybe we underestimated her... or maybe there’s something more to her power than we anticipated.”

Shadow shot her a venomous glare. “Underestimated? No! I had her cornered! Everything was in my favor. It doesn’t add up!”

As his frustration peaked, a low, menacing voice echoed through the cavern, silencing both of them. “Calm yourself, Shadow.”

Shadow froze, recognizing the voice instantly. It was his dark god, the entity to whom he had pledged his allegiance. A swirling mass of dark energy materialized before them, taking the vague form of a sinister deity, its presence oppressive and foreboding.

“Calm myself!? You assured me that I could beat her with the power of Legion!”

“You dare to blame me for your failure?” The god’s voice was calm, but each word dripped with an underlying threat. “You, who couldn’t even handle a mere mortal?”

Shadow’s defiance flared, but he knew better than to openly challenge his master. “It’s just… she was stronger than anticipated. Even with Legion, she managed to overpower us. It doesn’t make sense!”

The god’s laughter was cold and devoid of mirth. “Foolish mortal. Your problem isn’t her strength, but your arrogance. You had the proper tools at your disposal but you were clueless on how to use them. You believed that your powers and your mimic were enough. You failed to consider her resolve, her ingenuity. You focused on the flames emitted by her body, but completely overlooked the flames in her soul.”

Shadow clenched his fists, struggling to contain his frustration. “Then what should we do? How can we defeat her?”

The god’s form shifted, growing darker and more imposing. “Edelweiss is indeed powerful, but she is not invincible. She has suffered greatly in your confrontation. She needs time to heal, to regain her strength.”

Simone stepped forward, her voice trembling but determined. “So, we strike while she’s weak?”

The god’s eyes gleamed with a dangerous light. “Precisely. But not against her. You must bide your time, gather your forces, and prepare for the moment when she is vulnerable. Do not rush into another battle unprepared. Until she recovers we can move freely and prepare the perfect trap for her. After all… in order to show those pathetic Gods that there is no hope… we will kill her when she's at full strength. What better way to inspire fear in the hearts of the Gods?”

Shadow bowed his head, a mixture of respect and resentment simmering within him. “And what if she recovers before we’re ready?”

The god’s form began to dissipate, leaving behind an ominous echo. “Then you must ensure that she does not. Use every resource at your disposal. But remember, Shadow, your failure will not be tolerated again. If you ever want your wish to be granted… make sure you don't screw this up. Or else… the consequences will be devastating for you.”

As the presence of the god faded, the cavern fell silent once more. Shadow looked at Simone, his eyes burning with a renewed determination. “We won’t fail. We’ll gather our strength, and next time, Edelweiss won’t stand a chance.”

Simone nodded, her own resolve hardening. “We’ll make sure of it, Master. She won’t know what hit her.”

Together, they began to plot their next move, the darkness of their lair reflecting the depths of their malice. The cave, a labyrinth of shadows and echoes, seemed to close in around them, as if the very walls were whispering dark promises of vengeance. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and ancient stone, a fitting backdrop for their sinister scheming.

Shadow paced back and forth, his mind racing. “We need to find a way to neutralize her nether flames. They’re her greatest asset.”

“Didn't our Lord tell us not to focus on her physical flames too much?”

“We can't ignore them either. But don't worry. I think I know a way to snuff out her flames for good.”

Simone leaned against the wall, her eyes narrowing in thought. “There are rumors of an artifact that can absorb and negate elemental magic. Are you perhaps thinking about using that? If we could get our hands on it…”

Shadow’s eyes lit up with a malevolent gleam. “Yes. And we’ll need to recruit more followers, those who can serve as distractions and cannon fodder.”

Simone smirked. “I know just the place. There’s a village of outcasts and mercenaries not far from here. They’ll do anything for the right price.”

Shadow nodded, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. “Good. Gather them. We’ll use them to wear her down, to keep her off balance.”

The cave seemed to grow colder as their plotting continued, the air thick with the promise of impending doom. Shadow and Simone’s voices echoed through the cavern, mingling with the whispers of the dark god, creating a symphony of malevolence that seemed to reverberate through the very soul of the lair.

As they finalized their plans, Shadow’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of anticipation and malice. “Edelweiss may have won this battle, but the war is far from over. We’ll strike when she least expects it, and this time, there will be no escape.”

Simone’s smile mirrored his own, a chilling reflection of their shared resolve. “Yes. And when the time comes, she will fall. And we can finally create a world… where everyone is happy and full of smiles.”

With their dark plans set into motion, the lair seemed to hum with a newfound energy, a sinister promise of the chaos and destruction to come. Shadow and Simone’s defeat had only fueled their determination, and now, they were ready to unleash their full wrath upon Edelweiss and her companions. The stage was set for a confrontation that would shake the very foundations of their world.

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