My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

81 – When a fox wakes after hibernation

I woke up slowly, my body aching all over. My vision was blurry at first, and I struggled to make out my surroundings. The first thing I saw was a plastic bottle next to my bed, containing the antidote for the poison. Relief washed over me; someone had taken care of me. I tried to sit up, my muscles protesting every movement, but I managed.

"Dang. That fight really pushed me more than I thought. But...

Where... The hell am I? This isn't the Demon King's castle."

I was in a wooden cabin of sorts, the walls made of rough-hewn logs, and the ceiling supported by sturdy beams. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the faint scent of pine. Viking-like shields and weapons adorned the walls, giving the place a northern, rustic feel. A large fireplace dominated one side of the room, its embers still glowing faintly, casting a warm, orange light. Thick animal pelts covered the floor, and a heavy woolen blanket was draped over me, adding to the sense of rugged comfort.

As my vision cleared further, I noticed a small window, its frosty panes revealing a world covered in snow. My initial suspicion was confirmed. I wasn't in the Demon King's castle anymore. The thought filled me with a mix of confusion and curiosity. How did I get here? Who brought me here?

"Darn it. My head feels like splitting open..."

I needed answers. Ignoring the protests of my sore muscles and my headache, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, steadying myself against the wall for a moment. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever lay outside. I moved to the door, the wooden floor creaking under my weight, and pushed it open.

The sight that greeted me took my breath away. Pure white snow stretched as far as the eye could see, blanketing the landscape in a pristine layer. Tall pine trees, their branches heavy with snow, formed a silent, majestic forest around the cabin. The sky was a brilliant, clear blue, the sun casting a dazzling light that made the snow sparkle like diamonds. But what's more... This was a town in the middle of a forest. Words can't even describe it.

I stepped outside, feeling the crunch of snow beneath my boots. The cold air was invigorating, filling my lungs with each breath. For a moment, I just stood there, taking in the serene beauty of the scene. It was a stark contrast to the chaos and violence of the battle I had just survived.

My thoughts turned back to my companions and the fierce fight against Shadow and his minions. Had they all made it out safely? I needed to find them, but first, I had to understand where I was and who had helped me.

A noise from behind me made me turn. A figure was approaching the cabin, their form wrapped in thick furs against the cold. As they came closer, I saw it was a woman with sharp, angular features and strikingly blue eyes. Her hair was a deep, raven black, contrasting with the white landscape.

"You’re awake," she said with a nod, her voice calm and steady. "Our lord has awakened!!"

"Lord!? Umm... Excuse me miss, but what's going on here? Where am I? Who are you?"

She smiled faintly. "My name is Freya. You’re in the northern lands. And you are in Mistgard."

"Mistgard!? Isn't that just a fairy tale? I thought it got obliterated."

"Well it is true that long ago, the king of Mistgard formed a sacred pact with the Tempest Dragon, who bestowed prosperity upon the city and safeguarded it with his mystical mist. In return, the dragon asked that one day the king or his rightful descendant would fulfill their end of the bargain by granting him a death.

However, as centuries passed, the once-honored pact faded from memory, and the king's descendants succumbed to greed and corruption, forsaking their duties and responsibilities. Instead of striving to grow stronger, they squandered the city's prosperity for their personal gains.

In response to this broken vow and the kingdom's descent into darkness, the Tempest Dragon decided that enough was enough and annihilated everyone.

That was long ago, but now this city has been restored for your sake, my lady."

"Ok... Look I don't need a history lesson. My head is crying right now. So let's try something else. How long was I out?"

"You've been asleep for 9 days."

9 days!? No wonder my stomach is growling like crazy. But food will have to wait. I'm not just about to trust a random stranger and a strange place so next is...

"My companions... I should have some noisy girls by my side. Have you seen them?"

Freya nodded. 

"Indeed. They are safe and sound and are treated with the utmost respect. I think it would be easier if they would explain the situation to you. Shall I take you to them?"

I nodded, grateful for the kindness of these strangers, but that didn't mean I lowered my guard. "Thank you, Freya. Please take me to my friends."

She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 

"Of course, but first let me call a few girls to help you walk. It's clear that you're tired and your feet are wobbling."


"Yes. Mistgard's population is made entirely of women, as per your taste."

Why do I have the feeling that these people know me, yet I know nothing about them? Wait... Could this be Anri's doing? That handjob Goddess sure takes liberties. She could have consulted with me. But if that was the case... No. That's not important right now.

"Ok, Freya. Then for the time being I'm in your hands. Let's do this already."

"Your wish is my command."

I sighed, feeling a mixture of relief and determination. As I looked out over the snowy landscape, I felt like this place was made specifically for me. I need to find my friends, and together, piece everything because it's too much burden for the current me alone.

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