My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

82 – Always pay your debt to a fox

Freya led me through the snowy streets of Mistgard, my legs wobbling slightly but supported Freya led me through the snowy streets of Mistgard, my legs wobbling slightly but supported by her steady presence and the two girls who had been called to assist. The town was a marvel, a blend of rustic charm and a sense of timeless magic. Wooden houses lined the cobblestone streets, their roofs laden with snow, and smoke rising from chimneys added a touch of warmth to the chilly atmosphere. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter, creating a lively contrast to the serene landscape.

As we approached a tall wooden house at the edge of the village, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The house stood out among the others, its size and intricate carvings indicating its importance. The exterior was adorned with symbols and runes that glowed faintly, hinting at the magic that permeated this place. The front door was massive, made of dark wood reinforced with iron, and it creaked open as we approached.

Inside, the house was spacious and inviting. A large hearth dominated the main room, its fire crackling merrily and casting a warm glow. The walls were lined with bookshelves and decorated with tapestries depicting various scenes of battle and mythical creatures. Comfortable-looking furniture was arranged around the hearth, and thick rugs covered the wooden floor, adding to the cozy atmosphere.

"Please, have a seat," Freya said, guiding me to a plush armchair near the fire. "Your companions will be here shortly."

I barely had time to sit down before the door burst open and four familiar faces came rushing in. Yuki, Sasha, Stella, and Gamma all barreled toward me with such enthusiasm that I barely had a moment to brace myself. They piled onto me in a tangle of limbs and laughter, their joy at seeing me awake palpable.

"Edelweiss! You're okay!" Yuki exclaimed, her arms wrapped tightly around my neck.

"We were so worried!" Stella added, her voice muffled as she buried her face in my shoulder.

Sasha's grip on my arm was firm, her eyes shimmering with relief. "Don't ever scare us like that again!"

Gamma, the quietest of the group, simply held my hand, her usually stoic expression softening with a rare smile. "It's good to see you, onee-chan."

"Guys... I can't breathe..." I managed to wheeze out, feeling the weight of all four of them pressing down on me.

They immediately scrambled back, their concern evident. "Sorry!" they chorused, their faces flushed with embarrassment.

"It's okay," I said, chuckling despite the soreness in my body. "I'm just glad to see you all safe and sound."

Freya stepped forward, her expression serene. "Now that you're all reunited, let me explain a bit more about this place. As you might have suspected, Mistgard was indeed created by the Goddess of War, Anri. It exists as a safe haven, built specifically for you, Edelweiss."

I blinked, trying to process her words. "Created by Anri? So that handjob Goddess finally played her part?"

Freya smiled. "As part of the agreement with the Gods, all the villagers here are females. They are modified souls, meant to obey you no matter what order you may give them. This place is designed to be a sanctuary, a base of operations for whatever endeavors you might undertake."

Yuki looked around, her eyes wide. "So this entire town... it's here just for us? Just for Edelweiss?"

Freya nodded. "Yes. Anri believed that you needed a place where you could recover and plan your next moves without constant danger. The people here are devoted to you and will do everything in their power to assist you."

I let out a slow breath, feeling the weight of Freya's words. "This is... a lot to take in. But it sounds like exactly what we need."

Sasha grinned, her usual cheerfulness returning. "Well, I say we make the most of it! We've got a whole town at our disposal!"

Stella nodded, her expression serious. "We can use this time to regroup and figure out our next steps."

Gamma squeezed my hand gently. "We'll be with you, no matter what."

I looked at each of them, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, all of you. We'll rest, recover, and then we'll figure out our next move together."

Freya inclined her head. "Whatever you need, just ask. This place and its people are at your service."

With that, we settled into the warmth of the house, the fire crackling merrily as we began to plan our future. Despite the challenges ahead, I felt a renewed sense of hope. We had a safe haven, loyal companions, and a purpose. And together, we would face whatever came our way.

I stood up, feeling the weight of the moment settle over me. My face hardened into its usual serious expression, and I took a deep breath, ready to call upon the one who owed me a favor.

"There is only one thing I need right now." I inhaled deeply and shouted, "Hey! Anri! You still owe me a favor! Move your fat ass over here right now!"

The room fell silent, my companions looking at me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Moments later, a flash of light filled the room, and Anri appeared, her face a mix of embarrassment and annoyance.

"Must you always be so loud and disrespectful?" Anri huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at me. "You could have summoned me with a bit more decorum."

I smirked, crossing my arms in return. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, you owe me, remember?"

Anri sighed, clearly exasperated. "Yes, yes, I remember. What do you want? Remember, don't ask for the impossible."

I gestured around the room. "First, let me say thanks for this place. But you sure everyone here will obey me?"

"Of course I'm sure. Don't believe me? Try giving someone an order."

I turned my attention to one of the girls.

"Hey, you there. Kill yourself."

"With pleasure, my lady."

Surprinsgly she pulled out a dagger and slit her throat in an instant.

"What the hell kind of order is that? Are you an idiot?"

"I wanted to make sure anything goes."

I took a deep breath, absorbing the information. "Alright. Now I need to know what the next steps are. During my fight with Shadow and that mimic... I realized I need more strength. And I know exactly how to obtain it. So here's the favor I want you to grant me."

I got close to Anri and whispered in her ear.

"Are you fucking crazy? No mortal has ever stepped inside there. It's true that my owner compels me to grant this request but... you're just gonna get yourself killed on top of angering the other Gods."

"I'm well aware of the consequences. And you are aware of my power. That's my wish. So, can you make it happen?"

Anri rolled her eyes but nodded. "Fine. Just try not to summon me in such a... dramatic manner next time. And please try to mind your manners."

"No promises."

But before that there are just a few more steps I need to achieve before I can put the next step of my plan in motion. But before anything else... I need to properly recover. My feet still feel like jelly.

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