My O Got Pregnant After Dressing Like a Scum

Chapter 125

Chapter 100:

Does death really make this world a better place?

This is an open question.

But this is the question Qi Jiao asks when she is on the verge of despair.

Liang Shi didn’t expect Rainbow to even know Morse code, her childish voice rang in the car, and she read it intermittently, and the broken sentences were occasionally a bit strange, but she was able to express the meaning completely.

When she was translating, Liang Shi typed every word she said on the mobile phone note, and then connected it into that sentence.

This is a diary without a year, it should be Qi Jiao’s thing to read.

Rainbow asked Liang Shi after reading: “Sister Liang, do you still need to continue?”

Liang Shi shook his head: “No need.”

She put away all the papers and planned to go back and check by herself, but she couldn’t help but wonder about Rainbow, “Why do you even know Morse code?”

Rainbow pursed his lips: “I was bored at home before, so I flipped through a book and read it.”

Liang Shi was surprised: “Do you really remember it all?”

“90%,” Rainbow said.

Liang Shi always felt that Zhou Li’s remarks were aimed at children of their age, and she could not really remember everything correctly.

If it can really reach this level, what kind of memory does it need to be against the sky?

But now Liang Shi found that Rainbow’s memory seems to be really against the sky.

“How many times have you read that book?” Liang Shi asked.

“Twice.” Rainbow said.

“Is this child unforgettable?” Liang Xinzhou, who was driving in front of him, heard their opponent and couldn’t help but interject.

Liang got used to the sound, but suddenly became a little worried and asked: “Brother, do you think that like her, the brain will be overloaded?”

“Perhaps you know that there is a disease in this world called hyperamnesia?” Liang Xinzhou asked rhetorically.

Liang Shi: “…”

Knocked up, looked in the rearview mirror at the Rainbow sitting in the back row.

She is a very good little girl, quiet and polite.

Liang Xinzhou withdrew his gaze and continued to drive forward at the moment when the light turned green, “But people with hyperamnesia can’t forget, whether it’s good or bad, they can’t filter Memories, the joy will be doubled, the pain will be doubled, the impact on the body, I haven’t heard of it.”

Liang Shi was startled and looked at Rainbow, only to see her lips pursed tighter and fear in her eyes.

Liang Shi immediately said, “Brother!”

Liang Xinzhou was silent, also realized his gaffe, and said after a while: “But there are more geniuses in this world than hypersomniacs, this little girl should be an unforgettable one. Genius.”

Liang Shi nodded in agreement, “Definitely.”

Rainbow couldn’t be happy at all, but she lowered her eyebrows, took a deep breath, adjusted her state, and raised her head again, “Sister Liang, the diary just now was written by Teacher Qi. Is it?”

Liang Shi paused, “It’s not hers, it’s someone else’s.”

Rainbow sighed, and didn’t ask again, but she was a little depressed.

Liang Shi was disturbed by the diary, so he comforted her in a low voice, Rainbow said that he was fine, and then folded his arms in the middle of the back seat.

Liang Shi opened his phone and searched for Morse code.

The reason why she didn’t want Rainbow to continue translating was because she was afraid of too many dark things in this diary. After all, children are young and do not understand the true meaning of aging, depression, death, and pain.

Despite having debated with Rainbow before, Liang Shi insists on his point of view.

Children should grow up in an environment with love and sunshine. Even if there is pain, depression and sadness in this world, children should not be allowed to bear it.

It is best for children to grow up carefree.

Because she did not grow up in a carefree environment, if she has a child, she will do her best to create a carefree environment for her.

There are flowers, sunshine and endless love.

Liang Shi searched for a website that translates Morse code, but it was paid.

She saved the URL and plans to go back and get it again.

Sitting by the side and watching the whole thing, but not knowing what happened to them, the bell touched Rainbow’s arm, leaned over and asked in a low voice, “Zhou Caihong, what’s the matter with you?”

Rainbow muffled: “It’s okay.”

“Are you unhappy?” The bell leaned into her ear and said, “Is it because of the illness my uncle said?”

Rainbow pursed her lips and didn’t answer her, but Bell said, “My uncle often bluffs like this.

“My mother said that there are ordinary people and geniuses in this world.” Bell smiled, “Then I am an ordinary person, you are a genius, geniuses will not have troubles.”

Rainbow: “…”

The bell was touched from his pocket, and the little fat hand clenched the thing tightly, letting Rainbow reach out.

Rainbow reached out suspiciously.

Rainbow let go, and a white rabbit toffee fell into Rainbow’s palm.

“There is nothing that one candy can’t solve.” Bell said: “If there is, then two.”

Rainbow paused, hesitating with both hands when removing the candy wrapper, but still said: “Then why did you cry for two days?”

Bell: “…”

Liang Shi, who was bored and listened to their chat, said: “?”


Liang Xinzhou drove the car directly to the supermarket.

He pulled the bell to ask for monitoring on the day of the incident, but the person in charge of the supermarket said that he had shown them that day, and now he does not have permission to view it.

Liang Xinzhou was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he called the manager of the supermarket chain directly.

The other party smiled brightly after receiving the call from Liang Xinzhou, and greeted him friendly, “It’s Mr. Liang, what are you looking for from me?”

“I want to check the monitoring of the supermarket the night before.” Liang Xinzhou went straight in, “Give me permission.”

The other party was startled, “Which store?”

Liang Xinzhou reported the location.

In two minutes, someone respectfully greeted them to the monitoring room.

Liang Shi followed behind Liang Xinzhou, walking like a tiger.

She finally understood why Liang Xinhe would rather admit to cowardice and leave behind Liang Xinzhou.

Feel safe!

Liang Xinzhou will soon go to the surveillance, that place is the only surveillance, so everything they can see is similar to what Sun Meirou and the others saw that day.

From the surveillance video, it was indeed the bell that pushed the child, and the child fell to the ground.

Liang Xinzhou particularly trusted Bell, Bell said she didn’t do it, Liang Xinzhou asked her how the situation was at that time, Bell gave him a demonstration.

Then he let the bell stand aside, and he began to check the surveillance of all the entrances of the supermarket that day.

From morning to night.

I found out that Liang Xinran visited the supermarket at noon that day and only bought one piece of bread.

Including all the areas where she went to the supermarket, nothing unusual.

The couple went there for the first time that day. At first, they were very concerned about the children, but when they got to the snack area, there were many children nearby, so the couple started to pick in front of the shopping shelves. Pick and choose, don’t care about that kid.

The bell and the child did not stay there for long.

Liang Xinran was standing in a blind spot where the surveillance camera couldn’t get a view. She was standing facing the little boy, so she must have seen whether the bell pushed the little boy.

But when Sun Meirou asked that night, she said that she was short-sighted and couldn’t see clearly. Anyway, Bell stretched out her hand.

Qiu Zimin just ended the case.

It was mainly because Liang Xinran stood there apologizing and felt so distressed that she only wanted to lose money.

In the end, the couple said that they were not cheating and that they would not be able to confirm until they went to the hospital for examination, but Qiu Zimin had a lot of money and directly said to cover all the medical expenses of the other party.

The result is now.

Liang Xinzhou looked through the surveillance for nearly three days and found that the couple came to this supermarket almost every night. The shopping list was very simple. They often only bought a handful of vegetables or some discounted eggs. , and do not buy too many things, but their shopping time is almost more than half an hour.

Sometimes the woman comes alone, sometimes the couple comes with their children.

Between 7:30 and 9:30 almost every day, Liang Xinzhou narrowed the scope directly, checked the monitoring from 7:30 to 9:30 for a week, and found that five days ago, Liang Xinran was in I have been to this supermarket during this time period, but the shopping time of the husband and wife is wrong, and there is no direct meeting in the supermarket.

Liang Xinzhou asked people to check Liang Xinran’s call records again.

And I asked here for surveillance outside the supermarket. After checking around, I did not find out that Liang Xinran had a relationship with the couple.

But Liang Shi stood for a while at the place where the bell pushed the child. Although there is only one monitor in this area, there are people standing behind the bell in other places, just so you can see the movement of the bell .

And monitoring that perspective is not entirely accurate.

There was a one-second time difference between when the bell reached out and Xu Tong fell, although from the visual effect, it seemed that as soon as the bell reached out, Xu Tong fell.

But generally there will be a reaction time when being pushed, and it will not fall directly. Moreover, when Xu Tong fell, his left foot stumbled on his right foot, which can be seen when you zoom in. The main reason is that the monitoring pixels of this supermarket are too blurry, which makes it not clear.

It’s not clear, and no one wants to really watch it carefully, as long as you see what’s going on from the video.

So the bell is rightfully wronged.

Liang Xinzhou copied the video and drove them to the hospital.

When the woman saw Liang Shi and Bell, she wanted to scold people, but thinking of what happened last night, she became silent again.

The tall Liang Xinzhou stood there, his aura raised two degrees, and said to her in a cold voice, “Come out, let’s talk.”

The woman frowned, “Who are you? I won’t talk to you.”

Liang Xinzhou looked down at her, “Aren’t you going to talk?”

After speaking, she took out her mobile phone, squeezed it in her hand and shook it. The gold-rimmed glasses still reflected light in the sun. As evening approached, the orange-red setting sun cast a faint glow on the distant sky. The golden light fell on Liang Xinzhou, making him very dazzling.

Liang Xinzhou said, “I’ll give you ten minutes. If you don’t come out, I don’t mind that your son will never be hospitalized.”

“Threat me?!” The woman was annoyed, “I’ll tell you! I’ve never been afraid of anyone in my life! Come on, if you have the ability, you can kick us out of the hospital, I’ll go online Expose you!”

“Okay.” Liang Xinzhou pressed the number, and after a few seconds, the other party connected, “President Zheng, it’s like this, the beds in your hospital are so scarce now that a person who is not sick is occupied by them. Not so good?”

Liang Xinzhou only said a few words, and the other party immediately understood what he meant.

The woman sneered, “It’s really interesting, I made a call here, I said it was for the mayor, arrest you all. Do you think I’m a fool?! Here Pretend to be an uncle, damn, I…”

Before the woman finished speaking, the phone rang.

She frowned, “I’m sorry, ma’am, after the doctor’s diagnosis, Xu Tong is no longer in serious condition. Come downstairs now and go through the discharge procedures.”

The woman was stunned for a few seconds, then said in surprise, “Aren’t you going to get off work soon?!”

The other party: “After you finish this, we can get off work, please go downstairs as soon as possible.”

The woman was stunned. After she hung up the phone, her lips moved slightly, and she did not know what to say.

Liang Xinzhou stood in front of her and said coldly, “You still have a chance now.”

The woman looked up at him, and suddenly said angrily: “Can you just waste your life if you are rich?! Your daughter pushed my son down. She had a high fever last night. I want to force my son out of the hospital! If there is something wrong with my son, will you be responsible?!”

Standing in the corridor of the hospital, she scolded Liang Xinzhou with red eyes, “You are so rich, what’s wrong with paying my son a medical fee?! What are you doing? Do you want me to die?! When I die, do you think it’s your child’s fault! Ah?!”

The last word was roaring, the woman’s sad voice echoed in the corridor, and everyone couldn’t help but put their heads together to watch the fun.

Bell hid behind Liang Xinzhou, holding Liang Shi’s hand.

Bell let go of Liang Shi’s hand and stepped forward to pull Liang Xinzhou.

Liang Xinzhou looked down, saw the bell shaking his head at him, and said in a low voice: “Uncle, let’s go, I don’t want you to do this, let’s go…”

Liang Xinzhou patted her hand, squatted down and wiped her tears, “Bell, you just need to tell me, have you done it?”

Bell shook his head and cried, “I didn’t do it, but I don’t want you to be scolded…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Liang Xinzhou said, “It’s not what our bell did, so no one can wrong you.”

Liang Shi stood there, and suddenly a tear fell.

It fell directly to the ground, and there were residual water droplets hanging on the eyelashes.

Suddenly someone in front of her handed her a piece of paper. It was a very beautiful hand, her nails were neatly trimmed, her fingers were slender and worthy of the words “greenish white”. But a little too thin.

Liang Shi looked sideways and found that it was Shen Fen.

She took a breath and realized she had lost her way.

She took the paper from Shen Hui’s hand, thanked her in a low voice, and wanted to comfort the bell, but Liang Xinzhou led her to the woman.

Because her emotions were out of control, the woman was already a little crazy, and she kept mumbling something. When she saw Liang Xinzhou walking over, her pupils trembled, and then her eyes widened, “Don’t come here! Do you want to I’m going to die! You rich people just want to kill us! Okay, I’m going to die! I won’t let you go even if I die!”

She was about to hit the wall, but Liang Xinzhou grabbed her and threw her directly to the ground.

Liang Xinzhou looked at her condescendingly, and said coldly, “It’s nothing to be rich, and I don’t want to force you to death.”

The woman sat on the ground with tears in her eyes.

Liang Xinzhou did not soften his heart because of this, “The children taught by our family can’t lie, so my niece said she didn’t do it, she just didn’t do it. Our family is rich, very rich, we can give it to your son He was treated and even paid for his full medical bills, but we do not accept your blackmail.”

“I’m going to expose you online! Don’t let the poor see a doctor!” The woman shouted, struggling to get up by the way, “You just want to kill the poor!”

“Then you are free.” Liang Xinzhou said: “I checked the monitoring of the supermarket and your son’s past medical records. You and your husband will go to that supermarket every night this week. My son is inseparable, why didn’t both of us stay with my son the night before yesterday? Your son’s illness is a chronic disease, right? Your husband lost his job last month, which led to your family’s mortgage break, and your company laid off staff two months ago. You can’t pay for your son’s medical bills, so you thought of blackmail, right?”

Liang Xinzhou looked at her with sharp eyes, “If you use normal methods to obtain donations, I can donate medical expenses and living expenses to your son, but you have wronged our children, no. ”

When Liang Xinzhou said the last two words, he bit very hard, as if to say – this is my last bottom line.

The woman sat on the ground in despair, her eyes dull, Liang Xinzhou took out her mobile phone and put Liang Xinran’s photo in front of her, “Do you know this person?”

The woman does not speak.

Liang Xinzhou said: “If you cooperate with me, I will help you pay for your son’s medical bills, and you can also let your son continue to live in this hospital.”

The woman’s eyes lit up, Liang Xinzhou asked her, “Do you know her?”

The woman said: “This is not the little…”

The swearing words have come to the mouth, but they are swallowed because of fear and fear.

“It’s your niece’s aunt.” The woman said: “Your sister, why are you asking me?”

“I mean, have you seen her before this happened?” Liang Xinzhou asked.

The woman said calmly: “I must have never seen it before. It was the first time we saw your child that day.”

When she said this, the woman also asked: “If I tell the truth, you will pay me the medical bills, right?”

Liang Xinzhou nodded: “Yes.”

The woman was relieved, but she kept her mind when she wanted to say, “You give me twenty… no, five hundred thousand.”

“Okay.” Liang Xinzhou said.

After speaking, I turned on the recording function on my phone.

The woman spoke out their plan with great eloquence.

They went to the supermarket every day, and then looked at the monitoring corners of the supermarket. They didn’t want to deceive people that day. They just wanted to simply take the child to buy a vegetable. As a result, they saw Liang Xinran wearing that dress. Clothes are expensive, so I figured it was a wealthy family, so I left my son alone there.

I didn’t expect everything to go so smoothly.

If…these people don’t track it down.

After the woman finished speaking, she wiped her tears, “The woman is so rich and weak, who would have known your family was so powerful, if I had known, I would not have done such a thing Son.”

Liang Xinzhou saved the recording file, “So you haven’t seen that girl before this incident?”

The woman shook her head, “No.”

Liang Xinzhou got the information he wanted, “Okay, that’s it.”

“Where’s half a million?” The woman was startled, grabbed his sleeve and asked, “Where is my money?”

Liang Xinzhou looked back at her and showed a cold smile, “The money is only called your money when it is credited into your account.”

“You promised me the money!” said the woman.

Liang Xinzhou asked, “Where’s your evidence?”

Woman: “…”

Now it’s time to take the child home and collect the summons.”

The woman was completely stunned.

Liang Xinzhou’s methods are all polished in the shopping mall, this woman is not Liang Xinzhou’s opponent at all.

First coercion and then lure, slap a jujube.

The classic means of capitalists.

Liang Shi stood in the back and was amazed.

When Liang Xinzhou was about to leave with the bell, a child suddenly walked out of the ward.

Liang Xinzhou turned around and saw the little boy running towards the woman, then showed a cute smile, and Xiao Liwu.

He wiped the woman’s tears, “Mom, why are you crying?”

The woman didn’t look like she was crazy and clamoring to die just now. Instead, there was a soft glow all over her body, and she forced a smile, “Mom is fine.”

Liang Xinzhou paused for a moment, then said, “I won’t give you the money, but I will pay for your son’s treatment.”


No one understood Liang Xinzhou’s intentions.

Liang Shi asked him when he went downstairs, “Is it because I thought of my sister-in-law?”

Liang Xinzhou only said, “It’s not easy.”

At this moment, Liang Xinzhou empathized with the crazy woman from the perspective of his father and from the perspective of a person.

She became a lunatic for the sake of the child.

But also for the sake of her children, she is still trying to live.

Liang Shi sat in the back seat of the car with two children in his arms. After the car drove out for a while, he praised: “Brother, you are great.”

Liang Xinzhou: “Huh?”

“Cold and severe, but exuding the brilliance of humanity, it’s too cool.” Liang Shi said and asked the bell, “Is the uncle cool?”

“Cool!” Bell said without hesitation: “Uncle is so handsome!”

Liang Xinzhou frowned: “Why did you learn so many new words? Did your aunt teach it?”

Liang Shi waved his hand, “I don’t.”

“It’s Sheng Yu.” Bell said, “Uncle, I have a new friend.”

Liang Xinzhou responded perfunctorily.

Then when Rainbow was sent away, Bell became sleepy in the car and fell asleep on Liang Shi’s lap before Liang Xinzhou asked about the Morse code.

And she heard Yu Wan talk about Qi Jiao before, so she guessed, “Is it the diary left by the dead Qi Jiao?”

Liang Shi nodded: “It should be.”

“Bring it.” Liang Xinzhou said.

Liang Shi: “Huh?”

“I can understand.” Liang Xinzhou said.

Liang Shi: “…”

Do these people know so much about Morse code?

She almost thought Morse code had become a language too.

Liang Xinzhou’s translation is much faster than Rainbow’s, and he translated everything above in less than five minutes.

Liang Shi: “…”

Is this what you mean?

This is your second language.

Liang Shi felt that after coming here, his IQ was being crushed all the time.

It may also be related to the fact that she is surrounded by big bosses.

Liang Xinzhou read to her, and she typed everything on a note on her mobile phone.

[April 7th, sunny.

I fell in love with a girl in my class, she is not beautiful, nor tall, she is very quiet, just like me, she is a quiet freak, I wonder if she is also I have experienced the same painful and difficult days? 】

[March 9th, overcast.

It was raining today. I saw Liang Shi at the school gate. She didn’t seem to remember me. I hope she can forget about me and those unpleasant things. 】

[On February 1, it snowed heavily.

I dreamed of my younger sister again when I was a child, and I said to her: My elder sister wants to protect my younger sister, but I did not protect her well. I have 10,000 words of sorry I want to say to her, but it seems that I have no chance. I really can’t hold it anymore. I don’t know if that sister will be beaten again. It really hurts when the whip hits her body. I just hope that her life will be safe and smooth, and she will never experience it again. 】

[February 17th, rain.

The weather is really strange recently, it was snowing a few days ago, it is raining today, and it is raining in my heart, just like many days in the past, I don’t know my world Will there be a day when the clouds will clear up? It should be impossible. I often wonder, what was I born for? I remember asking Liang Shi before and she said – we are angels, born to heal demons. Yes, my sister is an angel, but I am not. 】

[April 9, wind.

Liang Shi, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, no amount of I’m sorry can’t make up for you, but I can’t seem to say anything except sorry. Why do we all have a devil mother? Can we live without a mother in our next life? 】

With the translation provided by Rainbow, there are six in total.

Most of the content is related to Liang Shi, and Liang Xinzhou looked at Liang Shi after the translation and asked her: “So what did you experience with Yang Jiani?”

“I said it last time.” Liang Shi smiled, “It’s nothing more than being beaten, scolded, and not given food.”

Liang Xinzhou clenched his fists, “Why did Mom send you there?”

Liang Shi smiled bitterly, “I said this question last time, you should also ask her why she would kill a child? Ask her why she wants to go crazy I?”

Liang Xinzhou did not speak, but Liang Shi said solemnly: “I also do not understand, she killed me in 10,000 ways, but she wants to keep me, support me, and abuse me I made me thank her later.”

“Brother, she is your mother.” Liang Shi slowly shook his head and said, “But it’s not mine.”

Liang Xinzhou wanted to say something, but was pressed back by Liang Shizhi’s words, “You can stand up for the bell, you are very reliable, and I also regard you as a brother.”

When Liang Xinzhou stood in front of the bell and carried the sky for her, a memory also appeared in Liang Shi’s mind.

Liang Xinzhou took her by the hand and stood in front of the checkout counter of the bookstore when she was a child. The cashier of the bookstore wronged her for stealing the book. She said no, Liang Xinzhou took her to find the other party. theory.

It is also like today, he stood in front of her and said firmly to everyone: “My sister said she didn’t do it, that is, she didn’t do it. Our children never lie.”

At that time, he was also a minor, but he was convincing, blocked all the abuse for her, and believed her on the opposite side of the world.

So Liang shed tears in due course.

But now, Liang Shi said to him: “Brother, this time you stand in the middle, don’t ask anything, it’s the greatest protection for me.”

She didn’t want to embarrass Liang Xinzhou, nor did she want Liang Xinzhou to do anything for her.

Liang Xinzhou has done enough for her.

“Big Brother.” Liang Shi said, “This time I will protect you.”

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