My O Got Pregnant After Dressing Like a Scum

Chapter 126

Chapter 101:

Liang Shi has no memory of getting along with his parents, whether in this world or another world.

But she has grandparents.

She knows what bond and affection are.

Especially one that is above bloodline.

Indeed, turn against Liang Xinzhou, let him treat himself like a bell, and continue to stand in front of him, while she stands behind him like a coward, let him help him resist Qiu Zimin, let He spoke ill of Qiu Zimin, and even cut off the mother-son relationship.

This must be painful for Qiu Zimin.

And this is also the evil result of Qiu Zimin’s own evil, but raising her son so righteous and awe-inspiring.

But what did Liang Xinzhou do wrong?

Parents cannot choose actively, and Qiu Zimin has nothing to say to the Liang family except Liang Shi, at least before Liang Xinran came back.

Liang Xinzhou stood in front of his family time and time again, propping up the sky for them against the slanting wind and cold rain outside.

But no one ever thought that Liang Xinzhou is also a person and needs to absorb warmth to move forward.

Liang Shi is unwilling to be a coward, and unwilling to let Liang Xinzhou become a tool for his revenge.

Accurately speaking, she is unwilling to let anyone become her tool of revenge against Qiu Zimin.

The matter of two people is left to two people to solve.

Maybe a little naive.

But she felt that this naivety could be retained.

When faced with Liang Xinzhou’s stunned expression, Liang Shi smiled more and more arbitrarily, “Brother, if you are tired, just get out of these things, there is no need to protect everyone.”

Liang Shi said: “Brothers and sisters are going to grow up.”

Liang Xinzhou pursed his lips, the glasses under the glasses were a little wet, after a moment of silence, he whispered: “That’s also the younger brother and sister.”

“But what about your wife?” Liang Shi said: “My sister-in-law and the children in her belly need you more than us.”

Liang Xinzhou frowned: “What about you? What are you going to do?”

Always pay for your own mistakes, right?”

Liang Xinzhou turned around and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, but there was no idle rhythm before, and the sound was dense enough to sound disturbing enough.

For a long time, Liang Xinzhou said: “When you need help, you speak.”

The implication is that as long as you speak, I will help you.

Liang Shi chuckled, “Okay.”



Bell fell asleep peacefully on Liang Shi’s lap, Liang Xinzhou drove Liang Shi back to Chenjiang Community.

There are dim yellow lights along the banks of the river, illuminating the flowing water softly.

The line above the bridge seems to lead to the sky, the city is inclusive and beautiful.

They originally planned to go to the hospital where Qiu Zimin and Liang Xinran were, but the bell fell asleep, and it was getting late, Liang Shi suggested to go home first, so as not to make a noise at night No one is comfortable.

It is mainly to give Liang Xinhe and his wife time to “draw money from the bottom of the pot”.

Liang Xinzhou also agreed, sent her back to the community, and asked her if she had moved in, and Liang Shi replied and said for a while.

When she wanted to hold the bell, Liang Xinzhou asked her to put the bell in the car, and let the bell follow him and Yu Wan tonight, Liang Shi hesitated, after all Yu Wan was pregnant, and the bell went away for fear of making a noise other side.

Liang Shi said and asked Bell for his opinion.

Bell slept in a daze, and did not cry after being woken up. Hearing Liang Shi ask her if she was going to her aunt’s house or her uncle’s house tonight, Bell rubbed her eyes and asked, “Sheng Yu is at your house. ?”

Liang Shi: “…I don’t know.”

“Then I won’t go.” Bell yawned, rather ruthlessly, “I’m going to find my aunt and play with the little sister in her belly.”

Liang Shi: “…Okay.”

After waking up the bell, she didn’t let her sleep again. She shrank her head in the seat, and told Liang Xinzhou to drive more carefully before Liang Shi returned home.

She also sent a message to Xu Qingzhu on her way home, asking her if she had eaten dinner and whether she had come back.

After sending the message, I suddenly thought of ‘shared roommate”, this state is indeed quite similar.

Living in the same house, but in different rooms, the daily question is: Are you home yet? Are you at home? What do you want to eat in the morning? What do you want to eat at night?

Occasionally there are other conversations in between.

Dangling between crossing and not crossing lines.

Everything goes at will, no one deliberately controls the rhythm between the two, but occasionally rushes towards an unstoppable place.

I don’t feel anything at the moment, but my heart is pounding, and I can laugh out loud when I look at the screen.

In hindsight, I found that it seemed to be out of line.

Liang Shi stood in the elevator and thought about this question carefully for the first time.

But she can’t tell where her feelings are, and what level Xu Qingzhu’s feelings are.

Do you like it?

It’s just pure dependence.

Liang Shi is a person who is very good at repressing her feelings, and her delayed gratification has reached the extreme.


Because she has always lived like this.

At that time, her agent and assistant said she lived too cautiously, too cautiously, not at all like someone in her twenties.

What does a twentysomething look like?

Publicity and arbitrariness, pride and conceit, I feel that all the peaks in this world are not high, all the sufferings in this world are not difficult, and nothing can make me retreat.

When you do something, you don’t think about what others should do, but what you think in advance.

But Liang Shi is over 20 years old, she is not arrogant or arrogant, not proud or conceited, like the most inconspicuous silent pine and cypress on the roadside, evergreen, always there, But it will never be noticed.

Adolescence is never a blessing.

The agent Wang Jie said that Liang Shi is the most worry-free artist she has ever brought.

Assistant Xiao Bai said that Liang Shi is the most unassuming actress in the entertainment industry.

But Liang Shi’s silence is limited to herself. If she is wronged, she will bear it silently.

If she makes others uncomfortable, she will actively communicate.

She wants others not to spend the night with unpleasant emotions.

When Sister Wang heard this sentence, she asked her, “What about you?”

—what about you?

—never thought about it.

Liang Shi really didn’t think about it. For her, grievances will not stay overnight.

Because no one will bear her grievances, they will be her trash can, and her safe haven.

So she doesn’t take anyone’s boat, and she can stand bravely and resolutely in the sea without being overturned by the violent waves.

It is precisely because she is such a person that she can think of Liang Xinzhou’s current situation and empathize with Liang Xinzhou.

She will go to worship the Buddha once a year, kneeling on the futon and making a single wish: May the world be peaceful and everyone is safe and happy.

Except for the year when her grandfather was seriously ill, she changed her wish once: I hope grandpa’s illness will get better soon.

Liang Shi has not yet understood his own emotions, only that he is happy when he is with Xu Qingzhu.

She will relax.

Because Xu Qingzhu knows all her secrets and has seen her unbearable, so she can be unscrupulous in front of Xu Qingzhu.

Only in front of Xu Qingzhu, she is still the former Liang Shi, and she does not need to wear a mask to live.

Although Zhao Xuning also knows about her, but the intersection between the two is small, and it will not be like her and Xu Qingzhu.

Liang Shi thought for a long time and felt that he was mostly indulging in Xu Qingzhu.

She indulged her emotions and indulged her somewhat wandering mind.

At some point, I indulge my own desires.

Physical and psychological.

When facing Xu Qingzhu, she was not so depressed.

Before she hadn’t figured out her emotions, or had not figured out a line for her emotions, the strange mechanical sound in her mind sounded again: [Hello host, you Accepted side quest 2 (S rank): The 24-hour stay with Xu Qingzhu has not been completed. It will expire at 23:00 tomorrow night, and you can choose it before 23:00 today…]

The system suddenly got stuck halfway through, and Liang Shi knew why it got stuck.

When I posted the task before, I said that after receiving it, you can choose to give up within 24 hours before the end of the task, but the PS added later also said that there are double-line tasks, you can’t give up after you get it, and you will be deducted ten if you don’t complete it. lucky value.

This system is still the same as the previous statement, but the rules have changed later, so it can’t straighten out the logic.

Stuck here for a bug.

Sure enough, the system sounded again after a moment of silence: [Wuwuwu, Xiaotong is sad. 】

Liang Shi: “…”

She was merciless: “Speak Tonghua.”

System: [? 】

“Did you think I would let you speak human language?” Liang Shi said, “If you can’t, don’t learn it. After you learn it, it will be nondescript.”

System: […]

】The system continued to speak in that humming tone, 【I wish the host was as simple and beautiful as before. 】

Liang Shi: “Are you still busy?”

System: […]

Within two seconds, the system immediately became serious: [Hello host, your…]

Crackling said a lot after that, which means that the countdown to the second side quest she accepted has already started. This is the last night for her to complete the quest. If she can’t complete it, ten lucky points will be deducted.

Anyway, in order to let her complete the task slowly, the system chirped when giving points, and splendidly when deducting points.

But every time I post a mission, I will say, please work hard to complete the mission!

Work hard… a ghost.

Liang Shi was used to it, and when he knew it, the system disappeared.

Being interrupted by the system like this, Liang Shi was too lazy to think. Every time she thought about her feelings, some unpleasant memories would always be pulled up, so she wanted to let it go.

After all, the task is not complete!


When Liang Shi went back, Xu Qingzhu was in the kitchen.

As if she had discovered a new hobby, Xu Qingzhu has been going to the kitchen more frequently recently.

Often when Liang Shi wakes up in the morning, she finds her in the kitchen, and she always likes to tinker with some “dark dishes”, but she doesn’t feed it into Liang Shi’s mouth, probably Xu Qingzhu has eaten a little .

After all, the residues of those “dark dishes” were discovered by Liang Shi when he cleaned up the kitchen.

The advantage of changing houses is that you can walk from the door to the kitchen in less than a few steps.

As night fell, Xu Qingzhu stood in front of the cooking table with a slender back. He didn’t look back when he heard the footsteps. He said hello in a cold voice: “Are you back?”

Liang adapts: “Hmm.”

“How do you know it’s me?” Liang Shi asked.

Xu Qingzhu said, “We’ve lived together for so long, and I can hear footsteps.”

Liang Shi: “…”

I forgot, Xu Qingzhu’s hearing is very good.

Because she got Qi Jiao’s diary, Liang Shi was not in a good mood, but standing in the kitchen at the moment, the bright incandescent lamp was shining down, illuminating the whole space as bright as day, and also driving away After getting rid of her bad mood, she stepped forward and asked Xu Qingzhu, “What are you going to do?”

Xu Qingzhu said, “I bought a handful of vegetables from downstairs to cook the porridge.”

Put the lid down and make a bang.

The kitchen suddenly became lively.

Different from being deserted just now, Liang Shi immediately put his finger to his mouth and blew, and the pulp of his finger turned red.

From her point of view, her long hair hangs down to cover most of her face, she can’t see the expression at all, but she can also tell from her movements…it hurts.

Xu Qingzhu put down what was in his hand, walked over and asked, “What’s wrong?”

I saw her red fingertips at a glance, frowned and whispered: “Why are you so careless?”

Liang Shi pursed his lips: “Forgot.”

Speaking in a low voice, with a bit of stuffiness, Xu Qingzhu pulled her wrist and pushed up her sleeve.

The silver-white bracelet looked particularly beautiful on her arm, making her complexion even whiter. Xu Qingzhu’s hands were so small that she couldn’t wrap all her wrists in her palm.

Liang Shi’s red finger pulp and palm are not the same tone at all, turn on the cold water, and the water flows through Liang Shi’s red fingers.

Xu Qingzhu lowered his head, Liang Shi suddenly said, “Xu Qingzhu, your hair is falling.”

Xu Qingzhu didn’t care, just asked her: “Does it still hurt?”

Liang Shi shook his head and wanted to retract his fingers, but he just curled up in Xu Qingzhu’s hands a few times, but failed.

Xu Qingzhu said: “Crush again.”

The cold water removed the scorching temperature just now, she and Xu Qingzhu were standing in the small space, their bodies were next to each other, and Liang Shi could see Xu Qingzhu’s hair when he turned his face to the side.

If there is anything on Xu Qingzhu that is similar to Sheng Yu, it is probably the hair.

Bright incandescent lamps illuminated this narrow space exceptionally bright and spacious, Liang Shi’s fingers were still pinched between Xu Qingzhu’s fingers, but his thoughts no longer drifted to where, facing Xu Qingzhu’s hair Can also be distracted.

Xu Qingzhu lowered her head and took her fingers and rinsed it with cold water. After confirming that there was no major problem, she turned off the faucet. The sound of running water disappeared in an instant.

What’s left in the kitchen is the small fire on the gas stove, the silver pot, and the porridge that is constantly bubbling in the pot. In the space, like the mist shrouded in the mountains in the early morning, it is as beautiful as a dream.

“I got Qi Jiao’s diary today.” Liang Shi was the first to speak to break the silence.

Xu Qingzhu raised her hair and put on thick gloves to lift the lid of the pot, her loose sleeves drooped down, and the mist passed through her sleeves and fell on her skin, “Rainbow gave yours?”

Liang Shi nodded, “It’s a diary written in Morse code.”

Xu Qingzhu: “…”

This is surprising.

But what’s even more surprising is, “Rainbow translated?”

“She translated one page, and the rest was translated by the elder brother.” Liang Shi told Xu Qingzhu about the previous situation in the car in detail, and Xu Qingzhu read her note again. those diaries.

The kitchen was quiet, after a long time, Xu Qingzhu smiled suddenly, “So warmth will be passed on.”

Qi Jiao once told Liang Shi that her sister wanted to protect her.

Liang Shi once told her during the days when they were running for their lives that her sister should protect her sister.

Liang Shi did not understand, “What do you mean?”

Xu Qingzhu smiled and changed the subject without going into details, “It’s nothing. Mr. Liang, get the cutlery and eat.”

Liang Shi was confused, but didn’t ask any more.

Both of them ate little for dinner, and no one said a word while sitting at a dining table. After eating quietly, Liang Shi went to clean up, and Xu Qingzhu went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When he came out, he found Liang Shi sitting on the sofa, with a few sheets of paper spread out in front of him.

Liang Shi was re-translating in front of a translation software, and with a notebook and pen on his lap, he was excerpting those contents neatly.

Xu Qingzhu asked: “Is this the original?”

“No.” Liang Shi said, “This paper is torn from Rainbow’s kindergarten lesson plan, it should be copied by Gu Xingyue.”

What did Gu Xingyue want to do by giving her these?


Liang Shi has been thinking about this question.

She doesn’t know what happened to Gu Xingyue now, whether it was because of her contact with herself or because of the exposure of her relationship with Cheng Ran, that Yang Jiani put her under strict supervision again.

But it is also very strange, Yang Jiani is so strict with her, according to common sense, she must be imprisoned at home, why would she let her go to work in kindergarten?

And when Gu Xingyue took the university entrance exam, he scored more than 600 points, which is clearly the result of being able to go to Beijing to study. As a result, he stayed in Haizhou City to study the major of kindergarten teachers, which was a waste of time. More than one hundred points.

She discussed this issue with Xu Qingzhu at the beginning, and they all tended to be that Gu Xingyue had an agreement with Yang Jiani when she was in school, and she has always been fighting for her own rights.

Although Gu Xingyue also looks very gentle, she is like water when facing children, but she is different from Qi Jiao.

Qi Jiao was facing her own mother, who was oppressed from childhood to adulthood, but Gu Xingyue passed halfway. For her, Yang Jiani is simply a crazy woman, and she is just a Just begging for a way out under a mad woman.

So to a certain extent, Gu Xingyue will be braver than Qi Jiao, making Yang Jiani more timid and difficult to control.

Liang Shi got these things very late, Xu Qingzhu sat next to him with a notebook and leaned on the sofa to work on documents.

It wasn’t until after ten o’clock in the evening that Liang Shi stretched and packed all his things, and then asked Xu Qingzhu, “Is Sheng Yu okay?”

“No.” Xu Qingzhu said, “It didn’t hit the nail on the head.”

“That’s fine.” Liang Shi breathed a sigh of relief, yawned before he could speak, his eyelids were drooping, and he was about to close his eyes.

Xu Qingzhu closed the notebook and comforted her, “Don’t think too much, go to bed early, wait for Monday to visit the gate of the kindergarten, or wait for Gu Xingyue to contact us, I can’t wait. You can also ask my sister-in-law to help, but it’s not impossible.”

“Hmmmm.” Liang Shizuo replied, she huddled on the sofa, her voice muffled, “I feel sorry for Gu Zhaoyuan.”

Have already agreed with Gu Zhaoyuan, the other party came to the city happily, but did not see Gu Xingyue.

There is a feeling that she has missed an appointment.

Xu Qingzhu said helplessly: “Mr. Liang, don’t blame yourself for everything, okay? This is an accident, why do you feel guilty about it?”

Liang Shi: “…”

Liang Shi touched his nose embarrassingly, “Got it.”

A person who has been taught and followed the instructions.

Xu Qingzhu: “?”

She admits that her tone is still soft, and she went with the heart of comforting Liang Shi, but it sounds like Liang Shi is still a little aggrieved?

I don’t know if it was Xu Qingzhu’s illusion.

After a while, Xu Qingzhu suddenly sat next to her, very close, “Liang Shi, are you in a bad mood today?”

Liang Shi nodded, then shook his head, “It was good at first, but after seeing Qi Jiao’s diary, I couldn’t help feeling sad.”

That kind of emotion is deliberately suppressed by you, but it will become more and more suppressed.

I tried to ignore it, but found that this is a thorn that will keep stabbing you and make you unable to ignore it.

Xu Qingzhu: “…”

She was silent, because she found that she was not good at comforting people and did not know where to comfort them.

Compared with comfort, Xu Qingzhu is better at finding and solving problems.

“Okay.” Liang Shi got up, stretched his waist and pretended to be meaningless: “Go to bed early, and everything will be fine when you wake up tomorrow. By the way, Mr. Xu, we couldn’t go today. The secret room, can we arrange it tomorrow?”

Xu Qingzhu nodded, “Okay.”

Then she also stood up and walked to the master bedroom with a lot of thought. When she reached the door, she suddenly turned her head, but she met Liang Shi, who suddenly turned around at the door of the second bedroom.

Liang Shi’s expression hesitated, Xu Qingzhu also paused.

After a while, Liang Shi asked in a muffled voice, “Xu Qingzhu, tonight… can I sleep with you?”

Her task is about to be completed, even if the question is abrupt and shameless, she can only ask shamelessly.


This question is abrupt.

But Xu Qingzhu agreed.

Liang Shi carried his quilt to Xu Qingzhu’s room, and then went to the bathroom to wash up. When she returned to the room after washing, Xu Qingzhu was leaning on the bedside and reading a book, holding a blue cover in his hand collection of English poetry.

Her soft hair hangs down, looking peaceful and beautiful, but the moment she raises her eyes, people can feel the chill in their eyes.

But it was only for a moment, when she saw that it was Liang Shi, she bent her eyes, nothing was deliberate.

This scene seems to go back to the time when Liang Shi just crossed over. They lived in the same room. Often when Liang Shi came out of the shower, she could be seen reading a book. It’s still cold now, with a secret hostility and disgust.

Although she will sleep with her in the same bed, it is like the Milky Way, and no one will meet each other all night.

At that time, Xu Qingzhu slept very lightly, and would wake up almost with a little noise, like a bird frightened, but now she can face Liang Shi who is about to lie on the same bed with her calmly.

There is even a faint expectation.

Liang Shi’s hair was still dry, Xu Qingzhu put down the book in his hand and called her, “Bring the hair dryer, I’ll blow it for you.”

Liang Shi hesitated for a moment, but listened to her. In order to make it more convenient for her, Liang Shi sat there lazily and bent a lot, while Xu Qingzhu sat on the bed, very serious Helping her to blow her hair, her slender fingers tangled in the brown strands, Liang Shi lowered his head and thought: how to spend this long night.

There is another key point in the system: coax Xu Qingzhu to sleep, sing or tell stories.

Xu Qingzhu went back to the quilt, Liang Shi went to put the blow dryer back in place, and suddenly turned around and touched Xu Qingzhu’s hair.

Xu Qingzhu chuckled: “It’s already done.”

Liang Shi smiled along with her unconsciously, “It’s done.”

When she came back from the bathroom again, the curtains in the room had been drawn, and the headlights had been turned off, leaving only two dim yellow lights at the head of the bed.


Liang Shi: “…”

She walked over and lifted Xu Qingzhu’s quilt up, Xu Qingzhu suddenly opened his eyes, his voice was hoarse and sleepy, “Go to sleep.”

Liang adapted to the sound, then went around to the other side and lay down carefully, reaching out to turn off the light on her side.

Xu Qingzhu turned over and turned her face towards her. The soft light illuminated her whole face beautifully. a song.”

Liang Shi: “?”

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