My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 165: Perfection... But?

Chapter 165: Perfection... But?

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Chapter 165: Perfection... But?


Feitan again attacked not caring about the damage he suffered and this time Phinks did as well as Machi worked quickly on stitching his broken bones back together as he suffered the most damage.

And most importantly, Chrollo followed suit though he kept a bit of a distance from the two not going fully into close-range combat, instead, he conjured some kind of gun and just started shooting no matter how ineffective it is.

Yasuo's level of power just surpassed his expectations by far but there is still a way to win, one of their many plans. Yet for the next ten seconds, all Yasuo did is just messing around without them being able to do anything.

Phinks however didn't attack yet, he seems to be just circling around them while continuing the process of turning his arm waiting for a chance to attack, the man didn't even use his teleportation ability so attacking right now could prove to be useless.

"This is more than enough," What Feitan just said isn't just for himself but that was also a signal for someone else, to Bonolenov who already finished his dance and is ready to activate his ability, and that was a signal for Nobunaga to join the fight again and attack.

And so, one of their strategies took place as Chrollo retreated and shouted, "Machi, Now!" That started an interesting sequence of events that happened at the same time.

Fietan started running towards Yasuo with his sword high in the air ready to swing it expect there is a difference, a deep crimson fire appeared all over the sword and even on his hands seeking to melt them in contrast to the sword which seems fine in the middle of the flame that surpassed Lava's temperature by far.

Nobunaga didn't close distance much, instead, he focused his Aura on his sword, and once he swung his sword, several sharp blasts of Aura were released from it heading towards Yasuo.

A shroud of pure golden aura surrounded Shalnark who entered his Autopilot mode, By placing an antenna on himself and then giving instructions or a task to be performed, Shalnark's ability manipulates his body on autopilot and he temporarily gains immense aura, which results in a speed and strength boost, to perform the task given.

Once Shalnark has entered autopilot mode, he cannot withdraw from it until the task he instructed himself has been accomplished and the task he gave himself now is quite simple, follow Chrollo's plan so he started running towards Yasuo.

Bonolenov lifted his hand high in the air shouting, "Venus!!". Venus, the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon, and sometimes looks like a bright star in the morning or evening sky.

The most dangerous and hottest and toxic planet in the solar system made its appearance here although its a smaller version of it but it still retains the same characteristic, a small planet conjured by Bonolenov and the strongest planet he can conjure, one that'll follow its target until it made contact with it and its target now is Yasuo.

But none of the attacks were in each other's way, perfect teamwork just as they practiced because Chrollo wanted the fight to end as fast as possible, he felt like the longer the fight is the lower their chances will become.

The numerous bodies within the hall suddenly started flying towards Yasuo at an incredible speed as Machi appeared to be pulling something while Shizuku seems to be helping her using her vacuum cleaner called blinky to pull as well which is her Nen ability pushing the bodies' speed much higher.

Phinks also changed his position as he jumped back then jumped higher with Venus passing right below him. However, some kind of vague shining threads seems to be manipulating his movement in the air to make it faster allowing I'm to turn completely gaining more momentum, and punching the still ongoing Venus pushing its speed exponentially.

However, that's not the only thing that happened, it's not just Venus's speed that increased, even its power increased massively due to his dark yellow insanely strong aura enveloping it, he has done numerous clockwise winds with his arm and while the more circles he performs the less the power increase becomes, he still pushed its power to an unimaginable level.

That whole destructive power was transferred to the already dangerously destructive Venus, at a cost of course. The cost of such a thing is his whole right arm disintegrating to nothingness, Chrollo knew that sacrifices had to be made depending on how strong Yasuo appears to be and the previous scene got him to make his mind up, they have to make a sacrifice.

Feitan also suddenly stop once he reached enough distance for his ability to work and swung his sword finally able to release his rage, the rage that was built up to an astonishing degree due to Yasuo playing around with him.

Especially considering how many of his bones are broken and how much blood he lost and he was bleeding all over though that stopped due to the hot burning fire on his sword, a fire so hot it rivals Venus's temperature but with how concentrated the fire is, its power is much stronger.

"Rising Sun!!" And it only got stronger after he uttered the previous words as he activated his strongest ability, he transmutes his aura into scorching heat, its power depending on the pain and injuries inflicted to him in battle.

The ability is manifested by emitting a ball of aura into the air, which then transforms into a miniature sun that burns the victim to death. The more damage he has suffered, the hotter the fire, and the longer it will burn. Rising Sun has a huge attack radius. While Feitan wears his armor, he is not be harmed by the heat and is supplied a source of oxygen.

However, what he's using now is slightly different because it's solely directed towards Yasuo without damaging anything in its way like the only that burning fire can damage is its target, an ability he prefers not to use simply because of the state of his hands after using it.

The hot magma-like fire left little to no flesh on his hands leaving only his bones that are also burned crisp. Using his ability this way can make it extremely powerful but also quite costly.

He has to be holding his sword for 1 second before he can release his rage and fire towards the target and most importantly, he can't conjure the armor that can protect him from the fire that can also affect him as he has to conjure this armor to use the ability as it is now, an armor that doesn't provide much protection against the fire as it protects most of his arm but his hand.

Machi did as planned, manipulating every thread accurately to make sure not a spot in the hall is empty as not allow him to create a portal within, in fact, she's been working hard for days as to leave as many threads as she can all over the tier. She also has to manipulate each thread accurately to make a way for the moving spiders and close the gap behind as fast as she can.

She was also manipulating the countless bodies attracting them to Yasuo so it's safe to assume the pressure on her is unrivaled which is proven by the sweat coming down her face and the small trail of blood coming down her mouth due to her biting her mouth.

How can she not? a small mistake could lead to the death of her whole family and if any of them clashed with any of her threads, she will be responsible for that life but none of the spiders even took that into consideration, they have their absolute trust in her so they only followed Chrollo's plan word per word and action per action.

Machi manipulated one of the threads to bring Feitan back as he reached his limits and Shizuku helped by pulling him towards them while Phinks was retreating on his own and Franklin just continued fire a barrage of bullets knowing that his other ability is not needed here, something Nobunaga knows as well.

Everything was going perfectly in Chrollo's eyes because at that moment, a drop of blood fell on Yasuo's hair, a drop of Chrollo's blood, just one amongst the numerous drops of blood he prepared and put them on the ceiling of the hall on top of the webs constructed by Machi and once she got the signal, she manipulated her threads for that specific drop to fall on him.

But before it fell on his hair, something else happened, Franklin changed his attacking target from Yasuo to Chrollo, his bullets went through the latter's stomach without doing any harm that's too fatal but enough for Chrollo to bleed heavily.

The moment that drop of blood touched his hair, Yasuo noticed his Aura nodes getting forcefully closed entering forced Zetsu becoming completely defenseless against the oncoming disaster and most importantly, losing the ability to create portals which is what Chrollo wanted.

'The same ability he used previously on me huh.' Thought Yasuo who remained motionless without a change in his expression. The last phase of the plan is the sound of a bullet getting fired from behind him from something invisible or so it appears.

He can see a person, a person so small she's almost completely unnoticeable, Pakunoda who just fired a memory bomb at the perfect moment which is strange considering there is another Pakunoda still standing motionless behind Franklin with a height of less than a centimeter, Chrollo used an ability he stole to make her that small.

And a copy created by Kortopi to distract him from Paku who is standing close behind him, a memory bomb filled with all of her memories as well as the memories she harvested across the few past days, and Yasuo has to receive all of that instantly, so much information it's enough to drive anyone insane and he can't evade simply because there is no place to evade.

Surrounded by attacks coming from everywhere, they attacked at varying times perfectly understanding each other's abilities to allow this to happen, Chrollo planned this way too well. There is simply no escape but death for anyone and all Yasuo had to say is, "Medusa!"

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