My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 166: Medusa!!

Chapter 166: Medusa!!

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Chapter 166: Medusa!!


Surrounded by attacks coming from everywhere, they attacked at varying times perfectly understanding each other's abilities to allow this to happen, Chrollo planned this way too well. There is simply no escape but death for anyone and all Yasuo had to say is, "Medusa!"

His strange guardian beast that never leaves his side showed itself, it never really left his side. Medusa as he started calling it is quite obedient to him, every order or wish of his, she obeys or seeks to grant, and when he told her to go inside, what he meant is for her to go back to her primal form.

Every guardian beast's primal form is their smoke-like form where they exist within their hosts, and every guardian beast can do this, they can turn themselves into a pure gaseous form and go into their hosts' bodies just like the day they were born.

And when Yasuo allowed her to appear, she did so instantly. She appeared with her hands around his neck and her body sticking to his hugging him from his back, her long snake tail is also coiled around him as if she wants no harm to reach him, as if in the signs of anything endangering happening, she will instantly act and that's exactly what she did.

The numerous black snake on her head instantly sprung outwards observing everything around with their vertical eyes.

And they can see much more than what meets the eye, they could see the danger as well as its source, and they can see anything with negative intentions towards its master.

Yasuo's enormous Aura pool was instantly expended as Medusa activate it her ability, one she can't activate without his consent which is something vastly different from the other guardian beasts that don't need their host's consent at all and act independently all the time.

Medusa activated her simple yet rules-breaking ability resulting in Yasuo's whole Aura disappearing and at that moment, the scene changed and heads fell to the ground.

The black whale, the biggest ship ever created in the history of humankind shook in its entirely, even the ship wasn't able to handle the massive collision, the combination of the spiders' attacks almost lead to the ship sinking if Yasuo didn't mitigate the damage.

Yasuo who appeared in another location not far from his previous still within the hall, the collision of all of the attacks caused that raging fire to spread throughout the hall causing everything within to melt and create a massive crater on the bottom of the ship and what isolates the water beneath from coming in is the remaining thin line of the ship which wasn't also destroyed due to Yasuo's intervention.

While he was forced into a state of Zetsu, he can still use his control domain, in contrast to all his other abilities and most abilities in the known world, his domain requires input not output meaning even in the state of Zetsu, he can still use it so he used it to mitigate the damage though he was only able to do so for a second before every speck of his Aura disappeared.

Medusa was still clinging to him not disappearing at all, in fact. the snakes on her head are still looking in all directions observing everything around remaining cautious as Yasuo is in a quite vulnerable state right now.

According to what he observed about her, she's similar to him in staying cautious all the time, in fact, her cautiousness surpasses him by far.

Fire everywhere and the sounds of bodies falling sounded, the sound of heads rolling on the ground, on the hot burning ground.

The same moment Medusa activated her ability is the same moment each of their head was cut clean on top of teleporting him away from harm's way, her ability is truly wonderous, something that surpassed even Yasuo's expectations.

An ability quite simple but because of his complexity, it became way too strong, at a cost of course.

Once she activates her ability, and she can only do so when Yasuo is in danger or if something has too many negative intentions towards him, she can use all of his abilities to protect him and eliminate the danger while ignoring the limit of output and input.

She can consume all of his Aura instantly to make what he can't normally do happen just like how she used his control domain to control their heads off their bodies cleanly at the same time ignoring the limit of input his brain can handle.

However, there is a catch, he needs to have the necessary amount of Nen for her to achieve what she did as she can't simply destroy the whole planet if he doesn't have the necessary amount of Aura to do so.

Most importantly, if the aura necessary for the job is available then it doesn't matter how much of his aura will remain because once her ability is activated, she will always consume his whole Aura even if what's needed is to only kill a weak bug which will leave him Nenless though not for long as his Nen regeneration was massively increased after his transformation.

"Beautifully done." Remarked Yasuo finding her ability quite interesting and simple though he wouldn't have allowed such a thing if he didn't have total control over her, his soul just wouldn't allow that to happen so the result was an obedient guardian beast.

By this point, Yasuo's clothes were completely burned because he's still within the affected field of fire but it proved to be useless against his current body but the same couldn't be said for the bodies of the spiders scattered around so he used his pure physical capabilities to get all of the bodies from within the fire in a matter of seconds else they completely melt.

*Thud thud* The last of the spiders' heads rolled stabilizing next to the scattered bodies and heads far from the red burning fire that doesn't seem to want to die out any time soon.

The head of the spider, Chrollo lucilfer, completely dead with not a sign of life to be noticed in contrast to what his newest ability had let him know.

He genuinely thought he will still be alive by the end of the day but this is what happens when you face someone else that can see the future with an ability much better than his, the future changes according to his whims.

The smell of the burned melting bodies was obvious to anyone close by and the deformed state of the bodies and heads was also obvious but that wasn't a problem for Yasuo as he can simply use his Negative Rose to restore them to their optimal state.

He turned his attention to something else, something Medusa was observing for a while keeping an eye on for a while.

Most of the snakes on her head are looking at a specific spot on the ceiling of the hall far away, a spot that looks quite normal just like any other part but Medusa can see more, much more and so can Yasuo.

Because in that spot, someone with sweat coming down his face is hiding behind an invisible curtain.

A curtain that allowed him to be invisible also and he was watching the whole confrontation the entire time and all he can say is, chills were coming down his spine for that entire time.

Whether its the phantom troupe's plan that was carefully concocted by Chrollo that he wouldn't even have been alive to see as facing the whole team is a death wish even for him, or the fact that Yasuo forced them to go for such a plan and lived without even a scratch to see it... And survive it.

The man behind the curtain still has no idea what actually happened, he is still utterly confused.

At a point in time, he was watching the fight that gave birth to a deep desire for a deathmatch he never ever felt before, he had to force himself as to not join the fight.

It was simply the most beautiful and elegant fight he ever saw and he thought the spiders has won at that moment.

He simply saw no chances of winning against such a beautifully devised plan yet the next moment was enough to break down the already distorted common sense the man had as he saw their head falling to the ground.

'W-what happened?' Thought Hisoka seeing the strange scene before him hiding far from the confrontation location just far enough to still see everything clearly, hiding behind the curtain, a cloth that was affected by his Aura to make it look as he's not there at all.

An ability he calls texture surprise, he can apply his aura to any smooth, flat surface, such as paper or cloth, and manifest imagery on it to change its appearance and texture for deception.

He can replicate over one thousand different textures and he has tricked Nen users of the Spiders' caliber with this ability, with none of them realizing he had used it, either by sight or by touch.

He applied it to the piece of cloth and attached the cloth to the ceiling by using his Bunge gum ability while hiding behind it also attached to the ceiling.

The texture he applied was exactly the same as the color and the structure of the ceiling perfectly applied to appear as if nothing is actually there.

He has been there for days just observing the spiders' actions with none of them noticing a thing except when Machi was spreading her threads throughout the tier but thankfully she noticed nothing due to the ability's special function of even if someone touched it, they won't feel anything abnormal though if she spread any more threads, she could've possibly found him.

And that especially with his proficiency in using 'In' as well as trying to hide his presence as much as possible.

He is a true hunter whose prey refused to take the bait, refused to fight him under its own condition and he definitely didn't like that so he of course decided to hunt the spiders himself one by one and he wasn't noticed at all... Until now.

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