My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 167: Just What Do You Think You’re Doing?

Chapter 167: Just What Do You Think You're Doing?

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Chapter 167: Just What Do You Think You're Doing?


And that especially with his proficiency in using 'In' as well as trying to hide his presence as much as possible. He is a true hunter whose prey refused to take the bait, refused to fight him under its own condition and he definitely didn't like that so he of course decided to hunt the spiders himself one by one and he wasn't noticed at all... Until now.

Until he noticed that strange creature on the man's back looking directly at him, watching him carefully like he knows he's there, 'Just what is that? was it responsible for what happened before? Does it see me? I'm so confused...'

He of course who the man is, he knows it's Illumi's brother and the latter warned him from going after him but he didn't expect him to be such a monster, he already made an estimation of Yasuo's strength based on Illumi's and how the latter thinks about him.

Considering in his eyes, Illumi is a bit stronger than him and he seems to have plenty of tricks up his sleeves yet he seems to think that Yasuo is much stronger than him which stopped Hisoka from going after him until a later date of course, and he decided to do the same for Illumi, he will only face after he finishes his business with the spiders but this is much more than he ever imagined.

Hisoka held his breath not daring to let out even a small breath of air, he manipulated his Aura slowly to make sure not even a drop of his sweat falls touching the cloth, whether they can hear that small sound from this distance doesn't matter to him, he just wants to make sure not a sound be heard no matter how small it is.

However, his face couldn't help but twitch once he noticed Yasuo looking straight in his direction and that made him tense no matter how calm the latters' face appears to be, in fact, that made him even tenser.

He doesn't know Yasuo consumed his entire Aura in the previous confrontation but that wouldn't have mattered anyway, this is just how strong Yasuo's current physical capabilities have become and it will only continue to get stronger and stronger.

"Hmm, well, I'll leave it to him, he seems to really want to...' Remarked Yasuo turning his head looking at all the bodies and at this point, his Aura has regenerated to a point where he can teleport to the location that was prepared to leave the bodies in, the place prepared by Orilin as per his instructions, an isolated room on the second tier.

He really didn't like just standing there naked with the fire the disgusting stench all around is something he definitely didn't like so once his Aura has regenerated to the required degree which only took no more than 30 seconds, he teleported away with all of the bodies and heads.

He appeared in the room and put the bodies aside and wore new clean clothes then just focused on regenerating his Aura completely which didn't take long.

In fact, it was way too fast as the benefits of his new genes are quite abnormal especially considering how large his Aura pool is and how much larger it has become during the last month since the transformation.

And only once he did that did he start his next course of action which consists of manifesting his six-armed Vision construct and activating his negative rose. Then he put all the heads back to their previous bodies and started restoring them to their previous state one by one.

Of course, they remained dead but the blood that started clotting in their veins started vigorously moving again and their head was again reconnected to their bodies.

He teleported certain amounts of their blood out of their veins before drinking it all, a process he has to repeat several times to accelerate his genes' evolution.

This DNA of course is just like any other humans but according to his analysis, after learning Nen and creating abilities, something special will be added to it and his Genes and Nen can take that specialty and evolve based on it.

That is why he wanted Chrollo's blood more than the other, because of the latter's core ability which might heighten his ability to mimic abilities as well as his genes' functions, and perhaps he can reach a level where he can do the same as Meruem was able to do, absorbing Aura and abilities alike.

He teleported everybody to a few test tubes specifically prepared for this then teleported away for his next prey.

He didn't interfere in the succession contest so far but he deems it's time to do so, to accelerate the death of every prince using his invisible strings while waiting for the evolution process to finish as well as accelerating that process by continuously drinking his targets' blood.


At the same time, back in the lowest tier, hundreds of military soldiers could be seen cautiously walking in the direction of the previous incident's location with their guns up, everyone in the ship felt the horrifying quake that affected the whole ship and sends a shiver down people's spine and heard the thunderous explosion.

The Kakin empire of course left a part of their military in this tier but none of them were responding so they had to send the part they left in the fourth tier to check, just in case a flooding happened which can result in the entire black whale sinking.

The people from the control room informed them that detected no flooding but they still have to investigate the source of the previous incident.

And imagine their astonishment once they saw the numerous dead bodies scattered throughout the tier and among them are bodies of their comrades.

Deformed bodies while some are cut open or have no heads, some have bullet holes are over but no bullets to be seen, some are even cut to several parts and some are wrung to death, blood baths everywhere.

The lower tier has turned to a red hell hole with the stench of blood becomes apparent to anyone that set their feet there.

Even the three Nen users they sent are shaken by the gruesome state of the tier let alone the military soldiers that are terrified by just being here.

This isn't just the doing of the poisonous spider, it's also the result of the joker that dearly needed to let out his pent-up emotions.

The emotions coming from what he experienced today, and how frail and puny he felt so after remaining hidden for a few more hours, he continued the massacre the spider didn't finish.

And there is another predator in the tier, one that was also attracted by the chaos, he walked in the middle of the army of soldiers looking just like any other completely unnoticeable, or too noticeable except that he took the form of one of them.

He walked within them and waited until he prepared for what's to come then crouched, that seemed to be a signal because, at that instant, the sound of gunfire reverberated throughout the tier.

Tens of military soldiers were shooting, shooting at their comrades, the ones they spent a long time with and grew to be their brothers and sisters and they did so against their will.

Bodies fell to the ground as chaos emerged, no one knew what's happening but all they knew is that they're scared so they returned the fire and fired at anything that moves, even the ones that have their free will.

"W-what?!!" The confusion of the chaos and the gruesome environment made even the Nen users confused and before they could react, a bright yellow needle went through their brains and they stopped moving, they didn't fall to the ground, No, instead, they just stood there unmoving as the last of surviving soldiers fell to the ground.

The only ones that are left standing are the ones under the man's control, the one standing not far behind the three Nen users, he looked just like a normal soldier until he didn't anymore, his physique and face shape started changing until his true appearance showed itself.

Inky long black hair falling far below his shoulders and the same clothes he always wears beneath his current military clothes he just started taking off, his clothes are filled with the yellow needles he always has with him, the same ones he inserted into the soldiers' heads unnoticed hidden beneath their hair or hats, Illumi Zoldck.

And it was at that moment that his honed sense of danger warned him of the incoming danger so he spread his En and prone as low as he can while also manipulating the Zombies around him to surround him from everywhere.

Gunfires is what he was bombarded by which isn't dangerous to him but if his opponent is really who he thinks it is then they can be dangerous and amongst those numerous bullets coming from everywhere is a few extremely fatal playing cards.

Once those cards entered the range of his 60 meters En, he confirmed who his opponent is and knew he couldn't allow any of the attacks to come in contact with him.

Every bodied which his needles were inserted to seem to have a strange force acting upon it as they started flying towards him, he was like a planet producing a massive gravitational pull enough to attract everybody to him at an incredible speed.

The bodies started deforming as they flew to him like they have no bones, they started combining together until they reached him meeting the remaining bodies that have come from the other directions.

They formed into a massive monster of bones and flesh, a disgustingly deformed monster that enveloped Illumi protecting him from the incoming barrage of bullets and cards which would've proven to be useless considering the opponent's attacks are strengthened by Nen, a strong one at that.

However, the bullets and the cards appeared to have heat an indestructible metallic shield they simply couldn't go through, because strangely, the massive monster seems to have the ability to use Nen.

Once the barrage of attacks stopped, a calm sound was heard from beneath the deformed monster, "Hisoka, just what do you think you're doing?"

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