My Servant System

Chapter 177 176: Reminisce (Extra)


This is an extra chapter I prepared in case I don't ever have time to sit down and write; it has no connection to the current spot of the story, as it is from Julie's, Chordeva's, or Ria's perspective, and will usually be something about their pasts.

As such, I will label these chapters as (Extra), so if you wish to skip it, then do so. Also, I won't ever do smut inside these chapters, but I will used heavier language than usual, so think of them as half-lemons...

[(Current Author Note): Releasing this as a bonus, cause I realized I have a few more in store and wanted to see what everyone thinks of these PoV's]


Julie PoV

Rubbing my stomach, I smiled down at the slight bulge, anticipating the children that were growing inside me.

I loved Katherine a lot; obviously I did, as she was my daughter, but...

It felt like I only had a moment or two with her as a child. She had matured so quickly that it left me sad...

Right now she was off at the Academy, learning all about herself, her Mistress, her Mistress' wives, and the various different intricacies of our world and magic.

Sighing, I continued wiping off Chordeva's desk, ignoring the moaning in the bedroom beside me.

Once the pregnancy bump had become pronounced the two women I served and loved grew anxious, deciding to vent their lusts using one another instead of me.

Chuckling to myself, I gently slapped my cheeks; any other women in this situation would want to rest, to allow their unborn children the best rest they could get, but I wanted more...

Shining the handles of the large whitewood desk, I frowned slightly at the drawer that was left open, about to close it when something caught my eye.

Laying on top of all the other knickknacks and supplies on the bottom drawer was a photo.

In the center was Ria, who was smiling widely as she wrapped her arms around the taller, uninterested figure of Chordeva and an awkward younger me.

Flipping the photograph over, I read the line, chuckling.

"'A photo to commemorate our incredible study group!'"

Turning the photo back over, I stared at the younger versions of us, smiling down at it.

Back then...


Ria dragged Chordeva and I around, trying to get us to do all kinds of things both in and out of the Academy.

The Elven woman was different back then; more openly childish and free spirited.

She used to do all she could to make Chordeva look at her, and that fun personality of hers captivated the larger Demoness, who gradually became more smitten with her fiancee.

As for me, I simply was lucky enough to be seated between the two women inside one of our classes, subject to Chordeva's teasing and Ria's playfulness.

Hmm, it was...

[Fourteen Years Ago]

Glancing around the packed hall, I scurried towards the only open seat, which was nestled between an annoyed looking Demoness and pouting Elf.

"U-Um... may I..?"

The two turned towards me, the Demoness giving me a one over before grinning, which made the Elf frown.

"Go ahead~"

Her voice was deep and slightly scratchy, and while I shivered at her heavy gaze, I took the seat, shuddering as the Elf continued to glare at me.

The professor was still out, and I could feel the two women's gazes on me.

"So, what's your name?"

Glancing at the dark blue Demoness, I said "J-Julie Zara..."

Her ruby eyes went wide, and she sat up straighter, a small smile on her lips as she said "No way... Haha~ I'm Chordeva Asmodia; pleasure to meet you, Julie."


"Hmph! She's more than just a Marquise, dog! She's a Knight of Cinder in training!"

That made my jaw drop even more, the Elf's rudeness not registering.

Scratching her cheek, Chordeva gave me a wry smile, before she narrowed her eyes at the Elf.

"Ria, what have I told you, hmm? Do I need to remind you?"

I peeked to my left, only to be surprised as I saw the Elf blushing furiously under Chordeva's harsh glare.

"N-No... I-It's just..!"

"It's just nothing, Ria. Rank doesn't matter here; besides that, the Zara Pack is under the banner of the Asmodia's."

Ria grit her teeth, before letting out another 'Hmph!', making me more confused.

"Wait... a-aren't you two engaged..?"

That made the Demoness frown slightly, while Ria brightened up.

"Yes, we are!"


Hearing their two answers, my confusion grew.

If Chordeva didn't like Ria, then why..?

Ah, politics...

Time gradually passed, and after a few weeks the Elf had warmed up to me, even calling me her 'friend' a few times...

As for Chordeva...

Well, now I understood why Ria was so upset about me igniting Chordeva's interest...

"Do we need to..?"

"Yes! This harlot's been seducing Chordeva! Argh..."

We were currently hiding in a bush, looking towards the tall Demoness standing alone in the middle of a training ground.

Earlier someone had left a letter on Chordeva's desk, and Ria had caught a few words that were written down.

She was worried about our study group; after all, Chordeva begrudgingly spent time with her via that group, and Chordeva only did so because...

Pursing my lips, I flushed as I remembered her heated gaze, chiseled abs, and long-

Shaking my head, I tried to let that memory go...

Why did I enter before knocking!?

However, Ria was convinced that I wasn't interested in Chordeva, so she was friendlier to me.

Which led to us stalking her fiancee, trying to prevent another 'adulterous' relationship.


Coming down the steps from the Academy building, a short buxom Rabbitkin approached Chordeva, making the Demoness raise a brow.

"U-Uhm... L-Lady Asmodia..."

The woman's voice was small, and Chordeva stepped forwards, towering over the Rabbitkin.


Flinching, the Rabbitkin blushed furiously, her long ears twitching.

"I... I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the dance with me!"

She bowed forwards, extending a hand to the Demoness, her rapid fire confession echoing around the grounds.

Ria growled in annoyance, about to pounce.

"Ria, she wouldn't-"

"Hmm... maybe? Would you mind being a plus one?"

Chordeva leaned forwards, tilting her head to the side as she stared at the Rabbitkin.

"P-Plus one?"

"Yeah... Y'know I have a fiancee, right? Kinda have to take her. But if you don't mind tagging along..."

Bringing her face level with Rabbitkin, Chordeva whispered something, making the woman blush furiously before nodding.

"Then run along~"

Turning tail and fleeing, we watched as Chordeva turned towards us, her ruby eyes narrowing as she said "Ria, come out."

The Elf froze behind me, unsure of what to do or feel.


However, hearing that commanding tone, Ria stumbled forwards, her ears drooping as she stared at the ground.

Sniffling slightly, she took another step forwards, only to stop as she glanced up at the stoic face of Chordeva.

"So? Why were you hiding in a bush? With Julie no less?"

Ria shuddered, glancing back at me as I awkwardly stepped forwards as well.

"I-I r-read a l-little of t-the let-letter you g-got this morning..."

"Did you now? And? Why are you here?"

Shivering under Chordeva's hard stare, Ria shook her head, trying to say something, anything...

"Ria, this is getting... tiring. Yes, we're engaged, but..."

Approaching the petite Elf, Chordeva cupped her cheek, murmuring "We're not married, so mind your business."

Hearing that, Ria shook harder, her ears drooping even further before...

Letting out a sharp cry, she covered her eyes and turned towards the door, running away crying.

Chordeva just sighed, before looking over at me.


I shook my head, not understanding why Chordeva acted like this.

Sure, she was flirtatious, and I knew she already had a few flings, but...

That was no reason to be that harsh to Ria, not after the woman devoted all her time and affections to the blue Demoness.

Stepping away, I ran after Ria, hearing Chordeva sigh again.

[Back to Present]

Sighing, I recalled those tumultuous months at the beginning of the Academy; Chordeva had been completely different back then, doing many things I still don't understand or agree with.

Placing the photo back into the drawer, I shut it, returning to my cleaning.

I didn't particularly want to delve deeper into that memory now...

How Chordeva had almost pushed Ria away completely, and by proxy me as well.

How she made it up to Ria after the end of the first year, trying desperately to right as many wrongs as she could.

It had all been quite stressful, and that wasn't even adding in all the personal things I dealt with then as well...

Well, it's all the past now; considering the loud "More~ D-Do it harder, Chordeva~!" from the bedroom, I just chuckled, wiping off Chordeva's desk.

Wounds heal over time, but not completely...

Ria got her retribution once, and that had not been pretty either...

Sighing, I rolled my eyes as I thought about how our days at the Academy could fill an entire novel on it's own, with all the ups, downs, turns, surprises and heartwrenchers...

Sadly none of us know how to write novels, nor would we care to publish the stories of back then...



Anyways, I'm sure I alluded to it back in the beginning, but Chordeva was much, much different than now; maturity and all that.

Also, that sets up a few more interesting side plot lines I can follow for other bonus chapters, so yay~

Also, think I'll date these just for curiosity sake: (11/25/2022)


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