My Servant System

Chapter 178 177: Tests (1)

Staring at the back of the sheet of paper that landed on my desk, I then looked up at Vice-Headmaster Bijilo as he said "The test shall begin shortly!"

My eyes flickered back to Jillian and Ayla, the two Elves giggling as they talked quietly to one another.

"My skin crawls every time I see them like that..."

Returning my gaze forwards, I nodded at Leone as the Vampire glanced up at the two Elves, her body shivering as she shook her head.

"I mean, we all know Jillian's a bitch, and that Ayla has something wrong with her head, and yet they can act so... innocently in front of everyone else..."

I raised a brow at that, blinking as I stared at her, my voice low as I said "It's actually really easy to put on a mask; I should know."

Leone flinched slightly at that before slumping, her voice small as she muttered "Sorry... didn't mean to-"

Rolling my eyes, I laid my hand on her thigh and squeezed, making her shiver again, but this time from feeling something else.

Leaning closer to her, I whispered "If you're really sorry, you could Dual Cultivate with me a little more tonight..."

Chuckling at how she blushed, I turned my attention to Vice-Headmaster Bijilo as he took to his podium, his expression serious.

"Listen up everyone. This is the first test in this class; think of it as a Quarterly Exam, because you only have three more in the future. Now, for my class, I have always handed out similar tests from this first Quarter to the end of the year.

That doesn't mean you could just memorize the questions and be fine for the next three tests. Each one will be examining your skill level at that moment, and while the questions may seem similar, they will always have a different answer that requires you to utilize everything that I've taught you in this hall.

These tests will have a three different sections; the practical, which is you displaying your spell sequence to me up front.

Then you have the written sequence theory, where you will devise a sequence based on the theory provided; you will be graded there for the utility, complexity, and if that spell works.

Finally, you all have been provided different sequences of all kinds, and you will need to break them down and tell me what they do and which runes do what. You can also get extra credit for suggesting improvements that work for those spells, meaning you would alter the sequence itself and resubmit it.

Now, you will have the next forty-five minutes to complete the written portion, and then we will use the remaining portion of class for the practical. Get ready... and... begin!"

Flipping the paper over, I raised a brow as I saw the various sequences listed out on the paper, with enough space below each to allow a few lines of text.

Scouring over each rune, I scribbled down the effects of each sequence before 'attempting' to amplify the spells or remove the unneeded runes to streamline the activation.

Making sure to fudge a few on purpose, I then turned my attention to the formulation of a spell based on the question.

'Create a spell that would shower down a rain of spears using Fire Magic'

'Create a spell that would heal someones wounds using Water Magic'

'Create a spell for an exploding spear using Earth Magic'

There were a few more spells that Vice-Headmaster Bijilo wanted us to try and create, and I found myself nodding to myself as I scribbled down the runic sequences, my mind easily piecing each spell together.

My previous works inside this class were always pretty good, so I didn't need to hold back a lot, but I was just being cautious at this moment, not wanting to display incredible talent so early in the year.

Finishing my written portions, I went back and double checked everything before flipping the papers over, waiting for the allotted time period to end.

Leone finished moments after me, and a few minutes later Jahi did as well.

We all glanced at Anput, who was chewing on the edge of her pen as she stared at her test sheets, before letting out a low groan and scribbling something down.

Leone and I exchanged worried glances before Vice-Headmaster Bijilo clapped his hands together, the loud noise startling many.

"Time is up! Release your papers."

Placing my pen down, I watched in mild interest as a gust of wind gathered my test sheets, floating them down towards the older man.

Once he had all the papers stacked before him, he nodded before speaking again.

"For the practical, you will come up when called and display your spell to me; no need to activate it, because I will know whether or not it will works when I see it. Alright, first... Lady Rialo!"

Vice-Headmaster Bijilo started calling out names, and I watched as Draka and her entourage went first, each one displaying a good set of spells.

Next was Jahi, and the large Demoness stood before the class, her golden runes making not only the students gasp in awe, but Vice-Headmaster Bijilo also widened his eyes as he stared at her runes.

Casting a smirk over at Jilian and Ayla, Jahi then went back to her seat, before muttering a few  words to our wife Anput.

The Jackalkin stood up, her tail swishing slightly as she made her way down to the podium.

Taking a deep breath, she stood beside the Vice-Headmaster and traced the silvery runes into the air, the Vice-Headmaster nodding before frowning slightly.

Writing down a few things, he sent Anput back to her seat, and she nervously glanced at me.

Giving her a nod, I was relieved to know that, while she made a mistake in the spell, it had just been an unneeded rune, meaning the spell would still work.

So, she passed.

Leone went next, and she easily traced the runes with a practiced ease, making the Vice-Headmaster nod before his eyes went wide, rapidly writing something down.

The Vampire wore a smug smirk as she returned to her seat, before she watched me walk up to the podium as well.

Tracing the runes for a basic blizzard spell, I nodded to the Vice-Headmaster when I finished, the man staring at the runes before nodding back.

The rest of the class went up one after another, the only ones that surprised me being Countess Aurim, Greselda, Miss Grangeri, and Ayla.

Countess Aurim had written a complex sequence using Earth Magic, which would create a sturdy fortress around the user.

Greselda displayed another complex spell, hers being a Fire enhancement that would coat her arms in a blaze, making it near impossible to approach her without risking burns.

Miss Grangeri was a Lightning Mage, so she displayed the spell for a storm, impressing everyone with the length and intricacy it needed to be inscribed into the air.

Finally, as much as I might dislike the Elf and her fiancee, Ayla surprised me not due to her spells amazing structure or usability, but its element.

She was the first Nature Mage I had seen, making me frown.

I didn't know how to combat Nature Magic, let alone what it exactly entails; obviously they have Earth and Water, but what are they able to control?

Can they control existing Nature around them, like trees, roots, and plants?

My frown deepened slightly as the Elf smirked up at Leone, only to make the Vampire chuckle, her eyes flaring crimson.

The two were staring at one another for a few more moments before they let out huffs and looked away.

Giving Leone a dry look, I wondered why these two women seemed to have more personal beef than everyone else, before realizing that Ayla seemed to think that she was better than Leone since she was now engaged to Jillian.

Sighing, I got up and followed behind Jahi as she led us out into the halls, making our way towards Professor Xiant's class.

His exam was much more annoying, as we had multiple essays to write and dozens of questions to answer with short sentences.

It took us a long time, and eventually we all collapsed on our desks, our minds numb after writing so many words in such a short period of time.

Our Professor seemed to care little about the mental anguish he had just inflicted, as he informed us that our next class was a large debate on the cause and effects of certain policies on the various tribes in the north from centuries ago.

When we had all finished groaning at the news, he shoo'd us from his hall, telling us we were all complaining over nothing and that it wasn't that bad...

Debating the pros and cons of killing our Professor, we all trudged into the Training Grounds with heavy feet, only to perk up as we saw our three Combat Professors standing in the center, each one staring at us.

Besides them were a large variety of wooden weapons, all scattered on the ground.


Just doing 1 chap today, might not do many other novels either today; just going to chill...


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