My Servant System

Chapter 304 303: Amongst The Arese

As I looked at the awkward Eyoli and Valaka, I asked "I thought you two said you were important? Sought after? So... why are we alone now?"

Eyoli responded first, her voice slightly unsteady as she muttered "W-Well, y'see, I uh... Since I'm one of Priestess Liana's personal dancers, I'm uh... ahem..."

Sadly, she couldn't finish her sentence, her eyes not able to meet mine as she looked away, scratching her cheek.

As for Valaka, she coughed again as she said "I've... I've yet to c-commit to a mate yet..? S-So some of the women around don't... risk wasting their time, I guess? I-I'm still sought after though!"

Raising a brow, I looked between them for a few moments before sighing, shrugging my shoulders as I said "Uh-huh... well, come on then; show me around, or at least take me to somewhere to rest or something..."

They both nodded their heads quickly, pulling me towards a smaller stone building, the windows covered in vibrant orange cloth held up by a metal rod.

Noting that, we stepped inside and instantly coughed a few times, the sheer amount of dust that sat on each article of furniture making me grimace.

Seeing that, both Eyoli and Valaka froze, and I sighed again as I looked back at the two warrior Arese that I had once viewed as well kept and responsible.

"Is this another reason you two are... still looking around?"

The two women shivered for a moment before their shoulders drooped, their expressions looking much like a puppy that just got scolded.

Shaking my head, I moved in and pulled the curtains aside, letting the suns pale light wash over the room.

Much like their tent, the building these two inhabited was rather spartan and small, but still cozy.

It was made to house maybe four maximum, and that's if you were looking to allow everyone their own space; probably upwards of ten could live in here with decent comfort.

Anyways, both the back corners had faded cloth curtaining off small sleeping areas, while between those two corners was a small table holding up a mirror.

In the middle of the room was a larger table, and on the left was a fireplace and some counters, likely acting as the kitchen.

The right side of the room had some storage in the form of tall dressers and shelving, which only had a few plates, utensils, and a singular knickknack, which was a crudely carved statue.

Seeing the empty, almost desolate room, I sighed again as I gingerly placed the contents of their tent beside the door, my skin already crawling from all the dust around us.

Frowning, I glanced back at Eyoli and Valaka, who were watching me with embarrassed expressions.

Waving them away, I said "Go do... something. I'll clean this up for now... go find out when we leave and stuff like that..."

They nodded, Valaka scrambling from the door while Eyoli bowed slightly, before following her friend just as quickly.

Chuckling softly at their swift retreat, I left the door open and turned back towards the horrendously kept house, rolling up my sleeves as I felt my clean freak mind take over.

This would be a good chance to practice with my magic as well, completing the Daily Quests that I hadn't had the opportunity to complete in a long time.

The method was simple as well; I summoned a sphere of each magic I had access to and kept them under my control.

Which... was difficult.

I was focusing on keeping them inside a sphere like shape and hovering around me, all while I moved around the room and brushed the dust outside, starting with that first.

Having to resummon the spheres was a common occurrence, but I rather enjoyed the challenge of focusing on so many things at the same time, even if it was straining on my mind.

Using the small cloth that I had kept on my person at all times, I was able to clean everything faster then I should have been able to, and I found myself unpacking the contents of Eyoli and Valaka's packs onto the table, making sure to keep them separate from each other.

Whilst I was doing that, I glanced over my shoulder as I heard someone knock on the open door, prompting me to stop my humming and training.

Three of the 'female' Arese stood at the door, looking around the house curiously before focusing on me, their dark black skin not as intimidating as I thought it would be; they were rather expressive with their features, and the aura radiating off of them was calm and gentle.

The soft smiles and curious eyes, paired with the over all laid back posture made it hard to see them as a threat, even when I noticed that they all carried sharp knives on their belts.

I could probably learn something from them as well...

"Uhm... this is Eyoli and Valaka's house, correct?"

The woman in the center, who was a little taller and curvier than the other two, spoke first, her voice as smooth as silk.

"Yes it is; they went out to get some more details on when the expedition will be leaving for Polaris City. Can I help you?"

Nodding, the woman asked "Well... first, I guess introductions are in order, no? I'm Oya, and these are my younger sisters Poepa and Quarta."

Smiling warmly at them, I noticed that Poepa and Quarta were almost identical looking; short women with braided hair adorned with small colored beads, while their soft, jovial features gave them a sense of youth and mischievousness.

Oya, on the other hand, was more serious looking and mature, though her eyes were slightly droopy and warm, and her hair was tied into a ponytail using a yellow cloth.

"My name is Katherine, and I bought myself a spot amongst the expedition. Nice to meet you!"

Both Poepa and Quarta's eyes widened at that, their excitement becoming palpable as they tried to move forwards, only for Oya to chuckle as she held them back.

"Nice to meet you too, Katherine, but... forgive me if it's rude, but are you... 'with' Eyoli or Valaka?"

Her question made me chuckle, and I shook my head as I replied "No, no... I have my own lovers that I need to return to. Priestess Liana just assigned them to be my guides and guards on the journey, that's all!"

Her features relaxed slightly at that, before she frowned as she looked around the room again, shaking her head slightly.

"This is really their home? It's so... drab."

Snorting slightly, I nodded as I gestured for them to come in out of the cold, which they did.

As I closed the door, I chuckled again as I watched the three sisters mutter amongst themselves as they moved around the house, taking note of the lack of items and how they would change everything if they lived here.

Seems I spoke to harshly of Eyoli and Valaka~

Maybe they were just... dense?

Either way, I was rather grateful for this new distraction, even if it was a reminder that I was still alone myself...

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