My Servant System

Chapter 305 304: Determination

Jahi PoV

Anput and I spent the day sparring with Nirinia and Mom, and we both were experiencing innumerable phantom aches and pains as we made our way back to the main Palace, where we would be given rooms to rest until tomorrow.

I noticed that Nirinia still had a lot on her mind, and the Djinn had become a more somber, quiet version of herself, even going so far as to drop the flourish she usually fought with, much to Mom's annoyance.

We had been given a show of Mom toying with Nirinia to draw her back out of her shell, but the woman was firmly entrenched inside her mind for the moment, though she still managed to show flashes of her former, flamboyant self.

When we went back inside for dinner, we sadly were on our own as Leone was still with her family, but that just gave Anput and I some time alone.

We made sure to eat quickly and retire early, before I called on my fluffy Jackalkin to warm my bed, much to her delight.

Leone was the one to wake us up the next morning, entering our room with a pout as she fake glared at Anput, who simply smirked back at her as she made a show of caressing my bare body.

Grinning at Leone, I watched as my Vampire wife made her way over to partake in me as well, her soft tongue joining Anput's raspy one in their marital duties.

After that was all done, we cleaned up and freshened up, making sure there was no sign of what had just occurred as we left the room; no sign besides the obviously satisfied smiles on Anput and Leone's faces.

Breakfast was held with everyone, and I got a quick glare from Lady Presa and a one over by the other members of Leone's family, which included the Snow Woman Lady Yusa and the holy looking Lady D'Arcon, who was frowning as she focused mainly on Nirinia.

A lavish feast of thin steaks, bacon, sausage links, and slices of ham joined a large helping of breads and pancakes, which Mom and I greedily moved onto our plates.

Fruits and berries were situated in small bowls around the giant table, and everyone found something to eat; even Lady Theresa munched on an apple, though it looked more like she was forcing herself to eat then anything else.

Whilst we ate, the Empress went over the details of the Crusade once more, filling us in on who would be accompanying us.

At the top, either Adelina or Mom would command the Legion, alongside the remnants of Adelina's Command Squad, Lady Sker, and some other veterans who volunteered from the other Legions.

Heading the magical and investigative detachment was a familiar face; Kolia would be joining us, my former magic teacher and mentor having strong armed her way in, throwing around her credentials until the Empress conceded.

Alongside Kolia was a half Faery half Elf named Bellara, who was an incredibly intelligent Earth Mage, and she and Kolia would be both our arcane firepower and the two responsible for the Tragon Investigation.

Next, a father daughter pair of Snakekin healers and Priests of the Medicinal Goddess Lamiana, Asklepious and Iaso.

Asklepious is a genius of alchemical healing, capable of brewing some of the strongest healing potions and concocting the best pills in the Empire, whilst his daughter Iaso has potent healing magic, fueled by her firm beliefs in her Goddess; though, admittedly, she might just be good with water magic and believe her values aid her spells.

Either way, her and her father would be invaluable in the Crusade, as they would be keeping everyone alive and ready to fight.

Additionally, the influx of volunteers and penal Legionaries would bolster our ranks, with quite a few veterans joining us, as well as some new blood that's feeling especially patriotic.

With that all given to us, alongside some reminders of our true purpose over in the Western Kingdoms, the Empress and her wives watched as we loaded into a carriages each of us preparing for the long months ahead.

Weapons, clothing, gear, and more was supplied to us, and we made sure to take advantage of the Empress' generosity, loading up on quality potions and pills, new blades, extra blades, some good armor, some more blades, and other things.

Oh, did I mention the blades?

Anput had a field day as she emptied everything into her bags, a giddy grin on her face as she inspected each new 'toy' for her to play with, whilst Leone and I strapped on an extra dagger and sword, shaking our heads at Anput's blatant thievery.

Though, the Empress simply smiled as she watched us all, whilst the others didn't even flinch or wince at Anput's actions.

Making sure everything was where it needed to be, we were about to board the carriage when someone else walked out of the Palace, surprising...

Nirinia, mainly; the rest of us rolled our eyes at her late arrival, which included Lady Yusa and Mom.

Adelina Leonisa was donned in a yellow cloak, which almost completely hid the hilt of her sword sitting on her hip.

Her golden hair was pulled back into a braid, and her golden eyes shone with unwavering resolve as she approached us.

Standing before Mom and I, the Lioness took a deep breath before bowing slightly, her head lowered as she said "I apologize for my late arrival, Marquess, Lady Jahi. If you would allow me, I would like to resume command of the Ashen Legion for the duration of the Crusade of the Western Kingdoms."

Glancing at Mom, I saw her breath a silent sigh of relief as she nodded, a grin pulling at her lips as she said "I'll allow it, Commander Leonisa. You know your troops better then I do. However..."

Her eyes hardened as she stared down at the bowing woman, who flinched as she growled "Should you be unfit for the mantle of Commander again, I will strip you of your titles and detain you for the duration of the Crusade. Do I make myself clear?"

Raising a brow, I stared down at the Lioness for a few moments, before she nodded her head.

"Crystal, Marquess Asmodia. I shall not blemish the title, nor my name again. That, I swear to everyone present."

"Good. Do you have anything you need to pack, or are we ready to depart?"

Turning, Mom fiddled with her bags for a moment as she hoisted them into the storage container, awaiting Adelina's response.

"I am ready to depart whenever, Marquess."

"Very well; get in. We leave now."

Adelina brushed past the confused Nirinia, and I stared at the Djinn for a moment as I muttered "This'll be a fun distraction..." before following Adelina inside.

Anput and Leone joined me a moment later, and I marveled at the large carriage the Empress gave us; it had space enough for all of us, even though Nirina, Mom and I could easily count as two people with our larger statures.

Ignoring the silent Nirinia, I glanced at Adelina, who's eyes were burning with determination as she gave me a curt nod.

"Well, I had it at a roughly 70% chance you'd stop dawdling, Commander. Good to see that I was right. Frankly, the idea of Mom running the Legion was..."

Pursing my lips, I glanced back at the Demoness who still stood outside, exchanging a few words with the Empress.

"Frankly... rather terrifying. She isn't suited for the nuances of leadership, nor am I. So, it's a relief to have someone who is with us."

The Lioness nodded again, her voice still as she said "I gave it some thought last night, and I couldn't bear the idea of not finishing what the Sariel's started. What they did was inexcusable, and I want to... I want to do whatever I can to bring them to justice, Lady Jahi. For the Empire, but..."

Trailing off, she glanced at Nirinia for a split second before turning towards the window, muttering "Mainly for myself."

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