My Servant System

Chapter 307 306: Girl Talk

Kat PoV

Oya and her two younger sisters, Poepa and Quarta, helped me clean out the rest of the house, Oya stating that she had nothing to do today and couldn't bear to let me do all this work on my own.

Besides that, after some poking and prodding, Oya finally relented as she stated her desire to find a mate sometime soon, and either Eyoli or Valaka were her first choices.

Even with Eyoli likely being the mother of one of the Priestess' child, Oya shrugged and stated that it would be an honor to help raise a Priestess' child, whilst also making it clear that she wouldn't let Eyoli sleep until she herself was pregnant.

I shivered slightly at the hard eyes that she had when she said that, making me send a prayer off for Eyoli's future.

Her two younger sisters stated that they wanted to remain with their older sister, which made Oya fake glare at them as she let out a long, weary sigh, only to look away and smile.

We talked for a long time as we cleaned, discussing what they were looking for in their mates; I learned very quickly that the Arese didn't have much 'shame' on that front, as all three stated that they picked Eyoli and Valaka for their sexual prowess.

That, and that they knew both women would be able to grant them stable futures from their positions, so they were hoping to become the mates of Eyoli and Valaka for that reason as well.

When I asked if all female Arese were like that, they all giggled and shook their heads, with Oya saying "No, not at all~! I'm just listing the upsides for becoming partners with them; we still look for good chemistry between us first. No reason to become mates if we hate each other~!"

Nodding, I went back to beating out the dust from the cloth curtains, still listening as Oya said "I find them both to be easy going and fun to be around; some warriors and hunters get arrogant or too prideful to deal with, but Eyoli and Valaka are both bearable. They treat everyone with the same attitude - save the Priestess', obviously - and don't stand on ceremony with us all."

"Yeah! I still remember dancing with Eyoli at one of the festivals~! She was so dreamy~!"

Glancing over my shoulder, I raised a brow as I saw Poepa spinning in circles, a wide grin on her face as she imitated the dance.

Her twin rolled her eyes as she chopped Poepa's head, snapping "You do remember that you then went and danced with seven other warriors, right?! One even took you home for the night!"

Sticking her tongue out at Quarta, Poepa turned away as she let out a huff, saying "You're just jealous since no one wanted to dance with you that night you ugly girl~!"

Receiving another chop, Poepa glared at Quarta as she growled "We look the exact same you imbecile!"

"Hmph! Then it's the inside that they were attracted to; you're such a boor sometimes, so they were all put off!"

"Oh that's it! C'mere!"

Before the two twins could launch themselves at each other, they found themselves rooted in place as their older sister grabbed them by the collar, grinning down at them.

Watching as the two jovial women stiffened up and assumed fearful expressions, I chortled as Oya growled "Must you both be so... insufferable? We're in the presence of another! Ah, what am I to do with the both of you?!"

Gulping, they remained silent as Oya glared at them some more, before she let them off with a quick swat to the back of their heads as she moved back towards me.

Helping me with the other curtain, Oya shook her head and let out a fake sigh, even as her lips were twitching into a smile as she listened to her sisters whisper quietly to one another.

"Out of curiosity, what will you do if Eyoli and Valaka both reject all three of you? Will you try again when they return, or..?"

Pursing her lips, Oya stared at the curtain for a few moments before muttering "No."

Peering over her shoulder, she looked at her two sisters for a moment before saying "Poepa and Quarta are free to try again, but... I'm reaching the end of my 'fertile' period. I have about three or four years left before it becomes extremely unlikely for me to reproduce, and so I need to find myself a mate. If they decline my advances, then I'll simply go to the next warrior I wish to mate with, until someone takes me and claims me as theirs. My sisters still have a decade left, so they can play around as much as they want, but I can't."

Her deep sigh and focus on the curtain made me purse my lips, before I muttered "From what I've seen, Eyoli and Valaka are... dense. Maybe a more forceful approach will help? State your desires and wishes clearly to them, let them know, and work from there. Though, I don't know what it's usually like to attempt to find a mate in your Tribe."

Nodding, Oya glanced over at me as she asked "You said you had lovers... how did you meet them?"

A wry smile appeared on my lips, and I thought for a moment before saying "I was born to be close to my main wife. We were tied together as children, and it moved from a... 'Master/Servant' relationship to something more. She wanted me to be her lover, but with the way it works where I'm from, she couldn't marry me and me alone.

So, she was given some choices on her other wives, and I got lucky there too; two beautiful women that were kind to me showed up, and my wife fell for them both, so she took them both. It... could have gone worse, but I just got lucky. Each of them loves me, and I love each of them... even though I never went out to court them or speak to them about becoming lovers. That's the crude, quick summary of it all, Oya. I just... got lucky, is all."

Smiling at her, I saw her tilting her head as she looked me over, her eyes falling onto my breasts and hips before going back to my face.

"They'd have been stupid to refuse you. You're gorgeous and perfect for child rearing; there was no luck involved, Katherine. They just weren't idiots."

Staring at her blankly for a moment, I began to laugh at her simplistic, yet logical words; in the eyes of a Tribe like this, I would be a prime candidate for mating, wouldn't I?

Physically, I have everything needed to birth a child safer, and from the little we had talked, it seemed that getting along with someone inside the Tribe is simple enough, so I would have likely been fought over...

Which, to the vain portion of my heart, was rather exciting to think about.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be fought over by dozens of gorgeous muscled women?


Anyways, as Oya and I went to hang the curtains back up, Eyoli and Valaka returned, freezing at the doorway yet again as they looked inside.

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