My Servant System

Chapter 308 307: Perfect Distraction

Looking over the frozen figures of Eyoli and Valaka, I smirked as Oya calmly hung the curtain up before turning and staring straight at the two Arese.

Even without visible pupils, I could tell that they were both alternating their gazes between Oya and I, the confusion evident as they hesitantly stepped inside.

Finishing my own curtain, I watched on in amusement as Oya gestured towards the chairs, of which there were only three.

Eyoli gulped as she took a seat, her bulky frame dwarfing the chair, while Valaka blinked a few times as she looked towards Poepa and Quarta, who were watching on from the side just like me.

Oya took the final seat, her eyes locked on Valaka as she waited for the woman to sit down, which she did moments later.

Silence permeated the air inside the room, and even with the windows open the room felt stuffy and claustrophobic.

Leaning against the wall, I observed the three Arese, finding amusement in their actions.

"Eyolia, Valaka."

Hearing their names, the two Arese warriors stiffened up, turning towards Oya and focusing on her as she stared them down.

Gone was the semi gentle, warm woman from before; in her place was a serious, mature woman demanding their attention.

A grin tugged at my lips at this difference, and it became harder to hold in as I noticed Poepa's and Quarta's expressions as well.

The two sisters were trying their hardest to mimic their eldest sisters expression, even though their soft, tender features made that look... interesting.

"My sisters and I have come for a singular reason, and we hope to receive an answer to our question."

Eyoli nodded, while Valaka gulped, both meeting Oya's intense gaze, albeit with pursed lips and shifting gazes.

Taking a deep breath, Oya clenched her fists for a moment before her gaze hardened.

"Will either of you take us as mates?"

Watching as they both gaped at the woman's question, I had to bite my lip to hold in my laughter.

Eyoli's eyes were wide and unblinking as she sat there with a slack jaw, her whole body stiff as she tried to comprehend what just happened.

Valaka, on the other hand, was opening and closing her mouth as she tried to say something, stuttering as she blinked a dozen times, completely flabbergasted by the question.

As for Oya, she simply waited for a few moments, before continuing on.

"Since you both have lived together for so long, we don't mind being shared between you two if that's your wish. On the other hand, if you want to take only one of us... while not ideal, it would still be acceptable. All three of us know how to cook, clean, and are cloth weavers with Priestess Ressa, so we have jobs of our own to provide for some of the house.

Additionally, we are all open to whatever desires you two might have, unless it is something... physically painful. We have deliberated this for many nights, and each of us is willing to bear as many children you desire, as we have found you both to be high quality mates."

Pausing, Oya looked between the two women, who finally returned to their senses.

"W-Wait! W-Why me though?! I'm Priestess Liana's dancer, so I won't always be able to be here! Even more so than a normal warrior!"

Oya nodded, turning towards Eyoli and responding, her tone calm and patient.

"We know. However, partnering with a Priestess' dancer is nothing to be ashamed of, and we are willing to look after the child like it was our own. As for your... potential abundance of absences, as long as you don't simply abandon us, we won't have a problem. With all three of us here, we will always have company."

Eyoli leaned back into her chair, her eyes still wide as she pondered what Oya said.

This time, Valaka was the one to speak, her voice disbelieving as she asked "A-Are you sure? Unlike the other warriors, we will rarely remain in Scythiara for long, constantly being dragged away on a new expedition!"

Again, Oya nodded, replying in the same patient tone.

"We know full well that partnering with either of you isn't... going to be typical, however, we have weighed our options and still come to the conclusion that partnering with either one of you will be better for us and the Tribe. You both are too talented and powerful to not leave behind three of four children each."

With them both falling silent again, Oya pressed on, gesturing off towards her two sisters as she added "My sisters are capable of waiting, but I am not. My age is catching up to me, and I wish to settle down properly. The other reason I picked you two is simple; my sisters, who cling to me so desperately, could remain with me should you accept all three of us, split whichever way you desire. After all, for the last decade you two have been living together, almost like sisters of your own."

Valaka nodded absently, her eyes flickering over towards Poepa and Quarta, who returned her gaze.

"To be clear... you are asking Eyoli or I to take you as a mate and for the other to take your sisters as a mate?"

Chuckling softly, Oya shrugged as she said "Any configuration works; if you don't desire more then one mate, take whoever you like. As long as the other takes the remaining two. Or, conversely, should you both want us all, then we are open to being shared however you please. For me, I simply desire to settle down, but my sisters want to remain with me. So... I want to grant them that wish."

Nodding again, Valaka, glanced at Eyoli, who was still gaping at the bold Oya.

"Eyoli! Really, is this how you must act every time? Hah..."

Hearing her muttering to her companion, I held in a chuckle as I continued to watch on, remaining as silent as I could and keeping my presence as small as I could as well.

Eyoli flinched, before gulping as she looked around the room, taking in the three sisters.

"W-Well, I... I g-guess it's time for us to decide, Valaka..?"

Rolling her eyes, the huntress nodded as she sighed, rubbing at her jaw as she stared at Oya.

The entire time Oya never looked away, her eyes fixed on the two warriors before her, as calm and steady as ever.

Pursing her lips, Valaka turned back towards Eyoli and asked "You used to handle two at a time, right? If you take the twins, I can take their sister... Always did have a thing for the more mature women..."

Gulping again, Eyoli scratched her head as she stared at the twins, who finally cracked under her gaze.

They both giggled softly as they stared back at her, their features softening as the shyly waved at her, making the warrior shuffle in her seat.

"I-I uh... I g-guess I could..? T-They s-seem f-fun..."

Listening to her stuttering over her words was adorable, especially when taking into consideration her giant frame; she looked more like a hulking, warm teddybear then a warrior at the moment.

Oya breathed out a sigh of relief, smiling slightly as she looked towards Valaka and said "If you are really being serious, then... thank you. Sincerely, thank you, and I look forwards to our time together."

Getting up, the older of the three sisters approached Valaka, who got up and looked into the woman's eyes.

Reaching out, Oya grabbed Valaka's hand and continued to smile; if their skin was capable of showing it, I was sure Valaka would be blushing down to her neck at this point.

It had become to much for me, and I snickered as Eyoli was swarmed by the twins, stiffening completely as they pressed their chests against her arms.

Everyone in the room turned towards me, and I watched as both Eyoli and Valaka's eyes widened, making my snicker turn towards full bellied laughter.

They both just looked so adorable like this~!

Unknowingly, the two women had provided me with the perfect distraction for this upcoming trip Northwards; I had two new targets to tease the entire trip to Polaris City~!

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