My Servant System

Chapter 407 406: Khanla's Mysteries*

Kat PoV

Like I had with the old man and his daughter back in that hamlet, I gave my food and drink a quick sniff, making sure it wasn't laced with anything that could put me in a terrible situation.

All I could smell on it was the mouthwateringly perfect scent of seared steak covered in a lime drizzle and seasoned with a mixture of herbs, while the tankard of ale was sweet and smooth.

And just like back at the hamlet, I kept an eye on the servers and patrons of this restaurant, making sure none of them were waiting in anticipation for me to begin eating my meal.

After a few moments of looking around and preliminary testing of my meal, I dug into the steak ravenously, the lack of real, cooked foods putting me in a sort of frenzy as I scarfed it down - albeit with manners.

The meat was perfectly cooked - left with a tad of pink in the center - while the vegetable salad was drizzled with a light dressing of lemon-lime juice.

And the mead...

Well, I always preferred sweet drinks over hard liquor, so... yeah, the mead was damn good.

I smacked my lips together in appreciation at the way the people of Khanla contrasted their flavors perfectly; the food was tinged with a sour taste, while their sweet mead perfectly countered that sourness, creating a perfect balance between the food and mead.

Most likely, they had an opposite dish where the meat and salad were sweeter and the mead sourer, but I was more appreciative of a sweet liquor...

With that meal firmly inside my stomach, I left a few coppers on the table before taking my medallion towards the room I was given, using it as a key to unlock my humble little residence for the night.

Barely a few feet wide and a dozen feet deep, the room was perfect for a temporary stay; a single bed, a dresser, window, washbasin...

Exactly what I needed, and I set my pack down on the dresser before checking out the room - after locking my door of course.

Not finding anything wrong with the quaint, cozy room, I swiftly went about setting up some basic wards and securing my residence, ethereal pale blue mana fading away into the wood.

Now that I had my room secured and checked, I stripped off my gear and set about cleaning it all off, all while the cool breeze of dusk brushed over my skin.

My window was covered with a thin shutter that still let air inside, and I hummed softly as I looked down at my weapons and armor that were on the dresser.

Standing in front of the dresser nude, I sighed as I rested my hand atop the travel worn gear, knowing that I was wearing it thin with constant use.

The leather cuirass, bracers, and shinguards were all scraped and fraying, while my blades were all nicked and dulled, my desire to keep moving forwards wearing at my equipment heavily.

So, I took a deep breath and grabbed one of the whetstones I still had as well as my Protective Fang, plopping a drop of water over the stone before beginning the boring process of grinding out the imperfections.

I could, at the very least, take care of my blades and sharpen them, but I couldn't do much for leather armor in my current state.

The materials I would need simply weren't on hand, and I didn't want to stop to gather them...

Time passed by slowly as I honed the edges of my blades back to relative sharpness, and when I finished I slid them all back into their sheathes, before placing them around the room; one under the pillow, another on the dresser, and the last inside my bag.

Just in case someone broke in, I could at least find myself a physical weapon quickly enough that way...

As for my armor, I simply washed it off and laid them out so that I could properly dress myself when morning came.

Until then...

Lowering myself onto the bed, I moaned as my fingers instinctively trailed down towards my pussy, which was already wet with need.

One hand began to tease my clit and cunt, while the other roamed up towards my chest, pinching and squeezing my sensitive nipples.

The pain was necessary for me at this point, Jahi's demands of abuse pushing me further into the throes of masochism, and I just... didn't feel complete without the pleasure pain brought me.

Demoness in more ways than one, Jahi was a cruel and self serving Mistress, always seeking out her own pleasures and desires, yet those moments where she suddenly shifted and demanded that I do what I want were always welcome.

She would pound herself relentlessly inside my womb, tearing me open with that dragon that hung between her legs and pouring her searing hot 'flames' inside me, filled me with such joy each time I was flooded to the brim.

Whenever she took up a toy to spice things up, I would always shudder as she doubled her abuse on my body, her eyes sadistically golden as she beat her lust into me, the contrast of her very being always arousing me.

Cruel and uncaring of others, yet someone who placed those she deemed worthy on such an opulent pedestal.

Evil in multiple ways, yet a bearer of Magics that most would consider holy and good.

Deceptively smart, lazy, yet so proactive with what she wants...

My breathing hitched as I curled my fingers deep inside my pussy, finding the spots that made me feel so good as I moaned.

The bed was wet under me as I grew drenched with lust, and I writhed around, seeking out the comfort of one of my lovers as I descended further into my building orgasm, my mind clouded with need.

Burying my face into my pillow, I moaned as I slipped my other hand towards my pussy as well, my Ice Magic activating on its own as I created something long and solid to fill me up.

Without wondering why I was so desperate to cum, I rammed that ice rod deep into my cunt and moaned again, my mind filled with a haze.

"You were always... such a needy little girl, Katherine..."

Just as fast as I had descended into lust, I swiftly found myself free of it, the rod that had just entered my womb leaping to my hand as I shifted it into a lance to pierce the woman standing in my room.

However, just before I could stab my intruder, the icicle stopped as I saw who it was, and my heart palpitated with too many emotions for me to understand.

"It's been awhile, Kat~! Did you miss me~? Because I certainly missed you..."

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