My Servant System

Chapter 408 407: Yeah... Problems

Jahi PoV

With multiple different manas binding it to the ground - as well as two blades - the creature let out an agonized, fearful shriek as Kolia and Leone turned towards the Gate, their palms shining with potent mana as they prepared to close it with their attack.

As they did that, Anput and I strengthened the bonds holding down the creature, preventing it from moving and attacking us as best we could, all while Mom and Nirinia took this opportunity to silence the creature, slicing and chopping at its scaled neck.

There was no guarantee that the creature would either weaken or die if the Gate was closed - in fact, we had no valid reason to hope that would be the case - so if we could both close the Gate and kill it, then that would be excellent.

It tried to utilize its own mana to snap free of its constraints, only to fall silent as Mom pierced her sword through its snout, pinning its head to the ground.

Chanting quietly under their breath, Kolia and Leone raised their hands and aimed at the Gate, complex runes and Ritual Circles flaring to life around them.

Leone in particular was surrounded by a single Ritual Circle that held multiple other smaller circles inside itself, each part rotating as she created a complex tapestry of mana, the runes shining a brilliant crimson as she prepared to unleash hell upon the Gate.

Kolia was no less impressive, as she used her body as the conduit for her magic, both her sleeves burnt away to reveal azure tattoos that writhed around on her flesh, arcs of electricity singeing the air around her.

The two women braced themselves as they began to unleash their magics, and we all watched in awe as they spoke the names of their spells, finalizing their magics shape through words.

"Wrath of the Ardor Queen!"

"Pyramidion of the Lightning Temple!"

Named spells were amongst the pinnacle of magic, and they all had names that gave them power; names that held meaning to the caster, unique to them.

Leone's giant Ritual Circle erupted with reddish orange light, and flames began to spill forth around her, leaping through the air and coiling around the Gate, constricting and clinging to the rainbow entrance to the Labyrinthian.

As for Kolia, her Lightning Mana focused between her arms before snaking through her hands, which were pressed together to form a triangle, coalescing into a singular bolt of solid azure lightning.

It crackled through the air and slammed into the Gate, shaking the room as it combined with the tightening of the flames under Leone's control.

The air around the Gate was sapped of moisture from the raw heat that radiated from Leone's fire, while Kolia's lightning sparked and dripped condensed Fire Mana onto the floor, which smoldered and combined with Leone's flames.

Two powerful spells ravaged the Gate, and we watched on as the rainbow portal began to slowly shrink in on itself, the mana and magics supporting it being burnt away under the onslaught of the spells.

The creature howled in terror as it watched the Gate begin to dissipate, and Mom was forced to slam her boot into its skull, quieting it and breaking parts of its snout away, all while her claymore was left embedded in its head.

We watched the portal begin to shrink, only to dismay as it was stretched open, a golden set of claws forcing it open - a set of claws that looked similar to the dark silver creatures.

Ripping the Gate open more, another creature stepped through, its multicolored eyes roaming the room as it stuck its crowned head through the Gate, before it stopped on its bound brethren, which was currently under Mom's foot.

A low, raspy growl reverberated from its plated throat, and it opened the Gate further, allowing the two spells to wash over its golden scales.

Unlike the dark silver creature, this golden one had thick, plate like scales, while its body was built like a sturdy barrel.

Where the first creature was made for offense and killing, this golden variant was born for defense, and we got a good showing of just what kind of defense that was.

It stalked out of the Gate, the insanely hot flames and near solid bolt of lightning connecting with its scales, but not leaving behind a single mark.

In fact, the mana from the spells was being absorbed into the creatures scales, a shimmer of crimson and azure mana covering its body as it lumbered out.

A tad shorter than the first creature, this golden one was much larger than its kindred, and it ignored the flames around itself as it approached the trapped silver creature, its multicolored eyes focused entirely on its kindred.

The sheer weight of the creature shattered the marble tile under it, and its slow, methodical movements were vastly different from the silver one, who moved quickly.

Opening its maw, it tilted its head and glanced at the two spell casters, a Ritual Circle appearing in its jaws made from the same multicolored mana that fueled the Gate and formed its eyes.

When it completed the Ritual Circle, we all staggered back as a pulse of that mana burst over the room, and we gasped for breath as we felt the mana inside our Cores slowly deplete.

All the mana that was inside the room faded away, and our spells flickered out quickly, leaving the room in silence.

Silence that was only interrupted by the golden creature approaching Mom, glaring at her as it looked towards the claymore inside its kindred's snout.

Mom was panting, her fist clenching her chest as she tried to stand, but like the rest of us she felt weak with the sudden loss of her mana, unable to get up.

It opened its maw once more and roughly yanked the claymore free, throwing it aside before nudging the silver creature's head with its own snout, which was blunt.

Another low growl filled the room, but it faded away as the silver creature rumbled back at it, its 'voice' small.

The golden one glared at the silver creature before looking up towards the rest of us, its multicolored eyes narrowed as it scanned each of us, before it turned and lumbered back towards the gate, growling at its kindred.

Scrambling to its feet, the silver creature snarled as it raised its claws, wanting to kill Mom, but the gold creature hit it with its club like tail, growling harder at it.

It let out a low whimper as it looked towards the golden creature, before shrinking as it was met with a second growl.

We watched in stunned silence as the golden and silver creatures retreated through the Gate, before it was closed entirely behind them, the multicolored mana on the floor dissipating as well.

With the Gate closed, mana rushed back into the room, and we as gasped for breath as our Cores began to replenish themselves, allowing us to breath normally once more.

"W-What... What in the hells... was that?!"

I rose to my feet unsteadily, looking over towards Mom, who was silent, her fists clenched hard.

"T-There were two of them?! T-Two of those creatures?! Why?!"

Leone rose beside me, leaning on my shoulder as she coughed into her fist, her body trembling.

Anput growled, staring at the floor with her fists clenched as well.

"What... do we do now?"

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