My Servant System

Chapter 409 408: Meeting*

Kat PoV

My lust drained from my body in a single moment as I heard a voice I never thought I would hear again, and I turned around and turned the rod of ice I had been pleasuring myself with into a lance, wanting to stab the woman standing in my room.

However, when I turned and saw her face, I simply couldn't bring myself to do it, even though I very much wanted to.

"It's been awhile, Kat... a really long time, hasn't it?"

Standing beside my bed with her cocky, assured smile was Kyoka, my lover from my previous life.

It was her, and yet... it wasn't.

Sure, she was a few years younger than me, but here she stood in her prime, her skin smooth and unblemished, and her normally warm brownish black eyes were a shockingly bright pink.

"Y-You... You can't be here..! This isn't possible!"

My growl filled the room, and she just grinned at me, as arrogant as ever.

"Why not? Why couldn't I visit the room of my former lover? I did tell you I would get you back, didn't I~? Besides..."

Her eyes raked over my nude body, and her grin turned lecherous as she whispered "You look like you could use an extra set of hands, Kat... One to fondle those beautiful tits of yours and another to fuck you senseless... You know I'm good for it~ I made you cum so~ many times with just a few fingers, didn't I~?"

My skin crawled as she smirked at me, my silence amusing her greatly.

"Oh, but you always much preferred when I used a strap on, didn't you~? It was something that you retained from being bisexual; that need for a thick cock stirring up your cunt... I remember that greatly... you used to scream my name when I ravished you from behind... oh, your screams were so~ damn delectable, Kat... I miss them."

She tried to walk forwards, only for the icicle to press against her throat, my hand unwavering.

"Kyoka... You can't be here. It's impossible!"

My former lover just chuckled, her pink eyes flickering with amusement as she tilted her head to the side.

"Is it? Aren't you not meant to be here too~? Neither of us belong, and yet... here we are~! So if you can be here... why can't I?"

'She can't be here! Isn't that what you said?!'

[It is... and she isn't here. That... isn't Kyoka]

My eyes widened, and the pink eyed woman in front of me just giggled, her expression amused.

"Ah, you finally realized it? That I am her, but also... not her?"

I frowned, before my eyes widened as she added "Look closely, Kat... Watch, little puppy~! Let's see if you can figure it all out..."

Licking her thin lips, 'Kyoka' grinned at me before her face began to shift, and I watched on in horror as she went from a thin, arrogant human to a tall, equally arrogant Elf.

"You know very well who this is, do you not~?"

Standing before me now was the sadistic, crazy Jillian, her pink eyes fixated on my body as she licked her lips, and I grit my teeth as her clothes faded away, revealing her bare body.

"What do you think now, Kat~? How do you feel about me~? Want to have a taste..?"

I bit my cheek as she grinned at me, her raspy voice and lean body shimmering as she stood in front of me, tempting me.

"No. NO! Leave my room now!"

The icicle in my hand pushed deeper against her throat, and the woman just giggled once more.

"Mm~ I love when people get defiant... However, I do have to admit I am disappointed, Katherine Zara... I would have thought you'd have been more well versed in matters regarding Fiends~ Considering the scent of that honor bound prick Ka'Hondi lingers around you - the cloying scent of metal and blood and ash..."

'Jillian' curled her nose in disgust, before sighing as she vanished.

I searched the room desperately, my hands moving for the dagger under the pillow, but I yelped as I was pulled back onto the bed, Jillian holding me close.

"You're such a warm woman, Kat... The right amount of heat and insulation from you fur, but still cool enough to hold for long periods of time... oh, and the scent~ You smell like lemons, my favorite~!"

She was laying behind me, and once more I found myself being embraced from behind, a hard cock poking against my ass.

My earlier heat returned, and I had to bite my cheek to stifle a moan from escaping my lips, which only made the thing behind me giggle again.

"Well... very well~ If you don't desire to have a taste of me, I suppose we could just chat, woman to woman~"

The rigid cock that was poking against my back disappeared, and the woman vanished once more, this time reappearing on my dresser, wearing a new face.

A new everything...

Violet skin with a spattering of pink scales was left bare to the world, the woman forgoing any clothing as she sat nude in front of me.

A curvy body to match mine, she left her legs open to reveal her succulent pussy, a sickly sweet scent wafting from between her legs.

However, where her clit should have been was a hardened cock, pulsing angrily as it stood tall, and it was ribbed with scales.

Instead of hair, the woman had snakes that hissed softly as they hung from her head, while a set of thin pink horns crowned her skull.

Pink slitted eyes stared back at me, her pupils a striking violet, while her sclera was pure black.

Fangs curled behind her plump lips, and a forked tongue flickered out, tasting the air.

"I was hoping that such an aroused Dogkin like yourself would fall to temptations, but... well, I guess your will is stronger than most, Katherine Zara. Allow me to introduce myself..."

Trailing her clawed hands over her curvaceous body, she moaned softly as she said "Arch Fiend of Hidden Twisted Pleasures, Sla'Caligo~!"

She grinned at me, and I shuddered as I realized the enormity of what lounged before me.

An Arch Fiend, a being of such incredible power that they could easily wipe out entire portions of the world if they desired...

Killing a single woman was like breathing to them...

"Oh, I won't kill you, nor will I rape you, Katherine... that's rather boring, and after being sealed away for millennia, I desire entertainment... Do you understand? I want to strike a deal, Katherine Zara."

Her pink eyes flared, and I shivered as the sweet scent filling the room grew stronger.

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