My Servant System

Chapter 773 772: Midnight

Chapter 773 Chapter 772: Midnight

Hefting the heavy dual metal blade that I had been gifted years ago, I admired its surface before looking around the various walls around the clearing, wondering from where and how the Cultists would show up.

The moons above were almost at their zenith, midnight drawing ever closer as yet another day crept by without much happening, the reality of any sort of battle makings itself known once more as we idly patrolled the plaza and the walls.

Most of the time in a war was spent waiting for something to happen so that you could plan an appropriate reaction before executing said reaction; more time was spent waiting, traveling, or preparing than actually fighting, and that was where most warriors tended to fester, mental wounds slowly worsening or appearing as you were given time to think and overanalyze things.

Waiting for an attack to happen from a group that was of an unknown strength was straining on the mind, and it took a lot of willpower to not succumb to that mental pressure, to remain assured of oneself and prepared for the dance of death that was about to unfold.

Thankfully we were all of tougher stock, with my own three bundles of energy having found themselves sufficient pastimes to distract their mind and remain calm; Anput was honing the edge of her various daggers and sword, sharpening them for the upcoming battle and using them for the familiar monotony that she loved so much.

Leone was concocting potions and distributing them to everyone, the various herbs she had found allowing her to create stamina enhancers and healing potions, which would give us a beneficial edge going into the battle.

As for Kat, she was humming to herself as she sat on the edge of one of the walls, the Dogkin blending into the shadows and only alerting people to her presence thanks to her hums and the scratching of her pen on paper, her notebook in hand.

All of us were relaxed, but I couldn't help but let out a sigh as I looked up towards the moons above, wondering if this would all be for naught or if time was playing its all too familiar tricks on us.

It wasn't something that one could become accustomed to, those tricks; drawing out a second for what seems like a millennia, only to then turn minutes into seconds when you're able to focus yourself and find enjoyment in that subject.

Each burst of fighting seemed to vanish instantly as soon as they began, barely whetting my appetite for a real fight where I could stretch and flex my muscles a bit before grinding myself against a worthy opponent, removing the rust and sharpening my edge so that I could become better...

And yet, those bursts were surrounded by periods of time that just slowed to a crawl, and I found them to be more than irritating as I was dropped into yet another dreadfully slow wait with few feasible things to keep myself occupied.

I couldn't spar since there was a chance I would need as much energy as I possibly could muster, I didn't have any books on hand that would ensnare my attention - not that I would want that, since a single second could be the difference between life and death if the Cultists launched a surprise attack - I couldn't indulge my lust, I couldn't really do much... except wait.

That... was irritating, so I tried to occupy my mind instead with thoughts on the imminent future after this battle; the things I wanted to do and the things that needed to be done when we returned to the Capital.

The influx of coin we received on this venture would be best used preparing for our future - years down the line, if not decades - via the acquisition of some properties and the securing of our own wealth passively.

Business ventures were the primary thing on my mind, and I had a few that would certainly work; things that I could certainly do with the coin we had on hand as well, and depending on the area, there were certain workforces that would start at a cheap price - relatively speaking, anyways.

With all three of my wives having marketable skills on their own, it was entirely possible to put them at the head of a business each, and if we hired on those hoping to learn a skill in exchange for a lower rate and the ability to eventually make themselves into something, that would be an excellent thing for us to try.

Anput with a myriad of apprentices learning to forge, trying to aid her and doing the menial work as we took on contracts with mercenaries, adventurers, Nobles and more.

Leone and her alchemy creating larger batches of 'sub par' potions - to her standards, anyways - to go along with the gear Anput sold, all while she continued to pursue a higher understanding of alchemy alongside her students..?

Kat with a few magically gifted apprentices learning how to imprint magic onto the material world in a way that lasts longer than a spell, be it through enchanting weapons and armor or enchanting flesh.

Each had something they could offer to the wider markets, and that was only if they were alright leading a more work oriented lifestyle, instead of an action oriented one like the life we live currently.

Teaching those hoping to make themselves into something in those respective fields would earn us a hefty profit through the things sold as well as the connections made, and we could certainly-

My head snapped towards the entrance of the city as a bright cerulean flash illuminated the darkness around us, drawing my attention and snapping me free from my thoughts as I leapt up onto the wall to get a better look.

The others followed after me, all of us now dragged free from our respective pastimes and our thoughts as we looked towards the looming portal resting atop Nogart's outer wall, where dozens upon dozens of figures could be seen walking out and stepping into the city.

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