My Servant System

Chapter 774 773: Arrival

Chapter 774 773: Arrival

The cerulean portal flickered before dissipating entirely, leaving behind just under a hundred Cultists total on the outer walls of Nogart, their eyes drawn towards the layered concentric walls that resided in the middle of the city.

As such, their eyes were drawn up towards us, and we met their gazes as we stood atop our wall, nearly a quarter of a Century strong of elite, powerful soldiers, consisting primarily of Demon blood.

At the forefront of that collective of Cultists were two people radiating a sense of strength from even this distance, their blue robes lined with silver and emblazoned with a silver 'star' symbol proudly displayed above their hearts, the symbol of Change visible from here.

Besides their better robes - which were of a deeper blue and less patchy compared to their fellow Cultists - they also wielded unique weapons made for them, instead of simple blades and spears that one could find anywhere, meant for anyone.

On the left stood a man - Fulbargn, if they were the Deacons - wielding a thin silver staff that switched from uniform and symmetric at the bottom to chaotic at the top, the silver twisting around in odd ways whilst various blue and amber gemstones glittered beneath the moonlight, mana swirling lazily around the twisted silver head and radiating an equally chaotic power.

A sleek silver pauldron rested on one shoulder, whilst a collection of silver roots gnarled together on his other shoulder, the man deciding to play heavily into the whole 'change' theme that he had subscribed himself to; everything about him was asymmetrical and in constant flux, but despite his questionable fashion choices, the mana resting inside his Core was certainly at a high level.

Hooded and lanky, the man lazily stepped forwards and raised his staff, tapping it against the flagstone and pointing it towards us, ordering the Cultists forwards without much fanfare - like he had suspected this would happen.

On the right stood a woman - presumably Renama - wearing a set of silver plate beneath her blue robe, and the gigantic silver axe that rested on her shoulder was accompanied by a silver chain that acted as a counterweight to the heavy weapon, dangling loosely around her wrist and suggesting a rather interesting fighting style that was hard to master.

Unlike her male companion, the woman proudly displayed her sharp, thin features to the world, her pale skin broken up by a deep blue tattoo that started at the center of her brow and wrapped around towards her jawline, snaking beneath her right eye and continuing on towards her jaw.

Her silver hair was cropped short, but what drew my attention was the fluffy triangular ears atop her head, which when paired with the fluffy silver tail behind her made it clear she was a Foxkin, making me wonder if the bulk she exuded was actually her own muscle or if it was just the armor that was visible beneath the robes she wore.

She dropped from the wall before shrouding herself with a cloak of green mana, shooting forwards and leading the charge as she rushed towards the walls, the other Cultists letting out shouts and battlecries as they joined her, their mana flaring and bringing a frown towards our faces as we noticed that each and every one of the Cultists had an above average amount of mana seeping from their pores.

A few of the Cultists stayed back, gathering around the staff wielding man and forming a semi circle with him at their center, their own staves and wands raised as they focused their mana and channeled it towards him, lending him their power.

"Ammit, Leone and the rest of our mages, focus on that man and keep him occupied. Kat, slow them down for us, will you? The rest, let's enjoy ourselves~!"

Grinning, I glanced at the Demons beside me and leapt forwards, wanting to meet that silver haired Foxkin in battle and test her might myself; I could hear Satanya grumbling something, but considering the red skinned bitch was speeding alongside me, I didn't question it and instead hefted my dual metal great sword, the silver and gold blade shining in the moonlight and reflecting the golden hue that shrouded my body as I began to empower myself, my free hand tracing out the runes I needed for my spells.

Feeling a frigid breeze carrying me forwards, my grin widened as frost began to spread across the streets, the various lanes leading towards us occupied by these Cultists now, providing my fluffy lover the perfect array of targets to release her suppressed frustrations and test out her magic, all while the main road leading into the heart of Nogart was left to Satanya, Luci and I, the others taking the surrounding streets and meeting the Cultists head on.

Leraie had stayed back alongside one Beliali warrior, protecting the mages just in case whilst aiding us from afar with their ranged spells, which was evident by the rock lance that splintered against the flat of the Foxkin's axe.

A good foot and a half under me, the woman was just as tall as her weapon and likely just as heavy as it, which made it all the more impressive when she hurled it at me with immense speed and power, the gigantic silver axe slicing through the air in a haze of Wind Mana that threatened to cut straight through me...

If I had let it hit me straight on, unimpeded that is; instead, the axe was stopped by the flat of my great sword, its weight sending tremors up my arms that got my heart pumping with that familiar glee as she yanked the weapon back, retrieving her axe and transferring the chain to her free arm, fixing us with her startling emerald eyes.

"This is all the better... A host of inglorious Demons playing at Nobility, claiming to have the elegance and class needed for such a station; claiming to have the smarts and heart required to lead the people! Those who've reaped the suffering of the weak to steal the wealth from the people for far too long have delivered themselves to me..."

Her ears twitched, and the Foxkin sneered as she batted a thin needle out of the air, making Luci click her tongue before she threw out a dozen more, this time sending them flying past the Foxkin and towards the Cultists that lagged behind.


Shouting out a single word - a single, mana filled word - the Foxkin sent the various needles straight back at us, watching in anger as they embedded themselves in the golden shield that appeared in front of us before clattering to the cobblestone harmlessly.

"Only cowards and frauds utilize underhanded methods to fight! As expected of such unclean, unworthy Nobles..! Such insolence to mar the honor of a sacred battle with such..! Such..!"

Gnashing her teeth, the Foxkin glared at Luci before looking straight at me, her emerald eyes flashing to match the burst of mana that exploded from her Core, the woman sinking herself into a storm of harsh winds as she hoisted her axe into the air, preparing to fight once more - to fight alongside her Cultists as they caught up to her.

"My words are wasted upon you filth! Die knowing that it was the axe of Renama the Just that sent you to hell, where you belong!"

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