My Servant System

Chapter 812 811: Making Our Way Back

Chapter 812 811: Making Our Way Back

"Damn... That was... probably some of the best sex we've had."

I continued to pant, my throat sore both inside and out as I glanced over at my lover, who was leaning against the ice chest and staring up at the still dark sky, her own breathing labored as she came off of her orgasmic high alongside me, the two of us incapable of much as we lounged inside this clearing.

My neck was slightly raw, the imprints of the Demoness' fingers and arm still very visible and very obvious on my throat, whilst my vocal cords were recovering slowly from the sheer amount of moaning she had made me do; meanwhile, my belly felt full despite only one hole getting used, the sheer amount tricking my body into thinking I was full thanks to the way my insides were now arranged.

Mentally, I was still groggily descending from seventh heaven, my mind slow to return to normal as pleasure filled my body, which was only made worse as the mental facilities I did retain were now being devoted to capturing and harvesting that pleasure for later, to try and contain some of it for study so that I could unlock the ability to - at the very, very least - infuse my mana with Lust Mana, giving it that boost that only someone linked to a Fiend could receive.

If I had to give it numerical representation, the potency of my Ice Mana felt like it received a ten percent minimum buff, if not a maximum of twenty percent; in other words, a rather sizable boost for just having my mana be laced with this newer, stronger mana variant.

Trying to learn how to permanently unlock just the ability to infuse my mana with this stronger mana variant would be a significant boost, let alone being able to wield that mana variant directly; I had seen the power of it first hand merely in passing, and it had completely and utterly altered my mind as it was wielded.

Sure, I might not be as adept with it as an Arch Fiend with who knows how much experience with it, but still!

Even in a child's hands a knife can be immensely deadly to anyone who that child tries to attack.

So learning how to harness Lust Mana was a priority of mine, and I continued to harvest the Pleasure that was permeating my crest and store it away for later, when I had a few minutes to myself to study and understand it better.

Perhaps I could learn how to wield it sooner than I believed now that I had gotten a taste of it directly, and that taste had showed me a key factor in wielding Lust Mana, something that seemed rather foreign... but that was for later.

Looking at Jahi, I smiled tiredly as I caressed my stomach, saying "You said that same thing when we first started roleplaying during our trysts after social events. The sex itself was much the same, was it not?"

She just smirked as she said "Sure, the movements were the same, but the mentality and passion far surpassed what we normally have. The suddenness, the words spoken, the exchange we had, the passion we both showed... all of it changed this from something normal to something rather unique."

Her observation of what had just transpired made me nod in agreement, my mind still muddled somewhat as I sat their tiredly, before I added "You were a bit more heated the entire time, weren't you? Rougher and lacking in that finesse that usually hides beneath your powerful performance that you proudly put on display..."

A chuckle escaped her lips as she lifted herself off the grass, a golden light shrouding her for a moment as she said "Just like you were. Usually you slip into some sort of character to spice things up, or remain relatively quiet and tame as you let me treat you like a toy, but this time you made it clear what you were looking for. You 'challenged' me, taunted me, demanded things of me... you didn't let me be directly selfish with everything, instead making me 'earn' it as I took you for myself."

I nodded again and accepted her hand as she lifted me up, the Demoness leaning down to kiss me again, after which I began to clean us both up properly as my Water Mana cleansed the excess scents and 'grime' from our bodies, preparing us to set off back for Custodia with our haul.

"Kat, you do understand how sexy that was in the beginning, don't you? The way you cut straight to the put and demanded I claim you as mine, the directness of your actions and words? And you do understand that before we tried to do something we both know is impossible, the words I spoke were true?"

With her hands still on my body, the Demoness made me look into her eyes and give her an answer, the blue skinned woman who had such confidence all the time now staring at me with an anticipatory gaze, waiting and hoping for a certain kind of answer.

An answer that I gave her, an answer that was the truth; even if that answer made me blush slightly, embarrassment gripping my heart as I nodded and said "That I would make an excellent mother, correct? I do... and I hope I can live up to your expectations as well in that regard, someday."

Jahi beamed at me before she kissed me again, and this time I leaned into it as we embraced in the middle of the forest again, though we kept it brief and entirely romantic... or at least as romantic as Jahi could manage, which wasn't as much as I would have liked, but was about as much as I knew she was capable of giving.

And the amount she gave was of higher quality than I felt like I deserved, causing my heart to leap for joy as she kissed me again, even if her hands found themselves 'ruining' the moment as she lifted me up and walked me over to a tree, undoing my efforts to clean us off as she got the two of us dirty again...

But, I was more than willing to clean her off again as she poured her love for me inside me one more time, all while her lips were locked to mine.

Another moment that would forever be engrained into my memories for as long as I lived, even if it was something that 'looked' like many others in my short life in this world.

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