My Servant System

Chapter 813 812: Helping Custodia

Chapter 813 Chapter 812: Helping Custodia

"Well well well... look who finally~ showed up after sneaking out in the dark of night! Pray tell, where might the two of you have gone, hm? Because I asked your two wives that you left behind and they were just~ as confused as I was."

Satanya was grinning at us in front of the large hall that housed the humans, making Jahi and I both roll our eyes as we stared at the red skinned Demoness for a few moments before I answered "Hunting. We went hunting."

"Oh? I wasn't aware you considered yourself as prey, Miss Katherine~! You did a decent job covering and washing the scent away, but perhaps you need a few days away from the potent smell of your lover to recognize it again? You've gone a tad nose blind..."

Jahi just let out a bark of laughter as she grinned at Satanya, uncaring of the woman's frown as she said "Nah, that just means I did a better job than I thought I did~! Besides, I gotta make sure I mark my 'property' well, y'know? Helps keep pests away."

Satanya's frown deepened, before she sighed as Ammit stepped out of the building and approached us, the golden Demoness donning an inquisitive expression as she looked between the three of us, eventually asking "What happened? Where were they? Hunting?"

"Yes, we went hunting. Brought back a rather large haul of meat-"

"Proper, edible meat or the meat you like to eat~?"

"From a Kindred Sword Stag, probably around a hundred pounds total? Oh, and some bones and the like too, since those can be used for some meals if need be. Bone broth and all that."

Ignoring Satanya, I gestured towards the two ice chests that rested behind Jahi and I, their contents kept cool as we hauled them back to the city, with the sun slowly making itself known as the horizon gradually began to brighten, signaling the eventual arrival of dawn.

"Ooh... a Kindred Sword Stag..."

Walking forwards, Ammit nudged one of the chests open and added "Never heard of them." as she looked inside, the Cimeriesa looking over the rather standard red meat that was stacked up inside the chests, moving to the side to allow Jahi to pick them up and take them inside.

"Looks like a lot. A hundred pounds, you said? Impressive. Fatty. Tasty?"

Mumbling to herself, Ammit walked into the hall behind Jahi, continuing to speak quietly and leaving Satanya alone with me, the red skinned Demoness still smiling at me, even though her eyes were rather neutral.

I took a step forwards and smiled back, looking up at her and muttering "Take a nice, deep whiff, Satanya... that's the only time you'll ever get to smell MY woman's scent, so savor it."

My lips curled into a smirk as I met those crimson eyes for a moment, before I walked inside and took my spot beside Jahi, leaving Satanya behind and happily strutting beside her, Jahi's words from earlier still ringing clearly in my ears.

Her heartfelt honesty as she thought about having children with me, that admiration and expectation she had of me being the Mother of her children, the way she so passionately and assuredly handled me in the forest...

All of it had assuaged some of my ever present possessiveness and need to ensure Jahi, Anput and Leone weren't looking anywhere else besides towards me, and with the happenings after fending off Tza'Orbias, the marking of my glands, and the events inside the forest, well...

I had managed to assuage that worry of mine for now, each of my lovers firmly and utterly enamored with me, just as I was completely and utterly enamored with them.

So I was a rather happy, content Dogkin as I walked into the hall, specifically towards the large collection of fires and primitive ovens that acted as the kitchen for the humans.

Thanks to a rather thorough loving from Jahi, I was wide awake and able to remain this way for a good while, with my mana and eventually some good food and drink keeping me awake even longer, until I eventually would need some proper sleep; like I had discovered a long time ago, my new active lifestyle and stronger body - which included my Core that was filled with mana - allowed me to do things I wasn't able to before, and going without sleep and remaining in a real, completely functional state was one of them.

Sure, I used to pop a couple of energy drinks, eat my fair share of filling foods and do a bit of exercising, but after a certain period of time the human body began to lose its efficiency, something that was now pushed way back with both my Dogkin physique as well as my mana.

So, I had no issue taking over the kitchen to begin cooking up the meat we had harvested from that stag, preparing to make a feast for everyone when they woke up soon and ensure that they started the day off properly.

I wasn't too thrilled to be making meals for some of these humans - already I had seen the lust in their eyes when they looked at us, or the hate and anger burning deep inside themselves - but unless they acted on those emotions, I was going to treat them with indifference.

They could eat, they could benefit from my presence, but they would get no more from me, and unless they did something that I found reprehensible, I wasn't going do anything to them.

But if they decided to act upon their anger, their lust, then I would have no issue putting them in their place and showing them the difference between some random human and a member of the Asmodia Family.

Until then though, I began to work with the kitchen that I had available and began to start cooking up a storm as I took those slabs of meat and bones and put them on and in pots, pans, skillets, and in the ovens, preparing many different types of meals to be partaken of when dawn rolled around and the sun was shining down upon this city once more.

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