My Servant System

Chapter 874 873: Terracotta Grottos (27)

Chapter 874 Chapter 873: Terracotta Grottos (27)

?"Tch, who's grand idea was it to push forwards into this damn grotto?!"

My growl reverberated in my throat as I slashed down at the Ogre in front of me, scoring a deep gash across its chest and earning myself a second to leap back and away from its heavy tree trunk club, which crashed into the earth and sent rocks flying everywhere.

As soon as my feet landed on the ground again, I darted forwards and stabbed the Khopesh into the Ogre's chest, twisting the blade and rupturing both its Core and its heart, going for a quick, clean kill that ruined the gains instead of a slower, more material efficient kill that I would have preferred...

If we weren't currently surrounded by a horde of Goblins and their various evolutions, of course~!

"I do believe it was yours, Kat! Something along the lines of 'oh, but why shouldn't we use forwards some more before the day ends? We ONLY killed a damn Minotaur~'!"

Clicking my tongue, I ignored Satanya beside me as she darted past, her speed matching mine as we worked in tandem to cut down as many of these hulking, dimwitted Ogres as we possibly could, all while bolts of magic zipped overhead as the Crones and Mages engaged in a ranged magical duel.

"Besides, we took a vote and most of these dumbasses agreed with you! Maybe you should give me a listen sometime, yeah?"

My eyes met the rubies of Satanya as she shrouded her serrated longsword in fire, allowing it to become both a beacon and an incredible weapon as she plunged it into the neck of an Ogre, the various cuts and orifices on its body erupting with flames as she pulsed her mana inside.

"Now why would I want to do that?!"

Flipping the Khopesh over, I guided my mana into the inner crescent and launched a discus at the Hobgoblin leaping towards Satanya, slicing it in two and sending its corpse sliding along the ground, leaking blood and leaving behind bits of its intestines and other organs across the grass.

"Perhaps - just perhaps - because I utilize logic when planning things out?! Instead of 'blood looks pretty~' like a certain dog eared prick?!"

"Sounds boring."

"Oh for the love of..!"

Glaring at one another, we darted forwards again and slammed into another Ogre, startling it as our blades reaped it of its life in two swift slashes, our competition continuing on even though we were in the midst of combat; I still could remember this Demoness bitch pining after MY Jahi, and I wanted to make sure she understood why she was NEVER going to be picked...

On that same vein, Satanya was trying to prove to me why she deserved to be with Jahi and how she would earn it by being better than her largest obstacle - me.

Even as we continued to tally up kill after kill though, neither of us could bring ourselves to genuinely and truly despise the other even after all that was said, a begrudging respect and understanding of the others skills appearing as we fought side by side.

I still was tempted to plunge my Khopesh into her spine, and considering the way her hands strayed towards her daggers whenever we were too close to one another, it would appear the feeling was mutual.

However, we redirected that 'hatred' and used it to continue blitzing forwards, the two of us using our speed as weapons as we acted as the spear tip of our attack, penetrating deeper into the Goblin horde and working our way towards the towering musclebound Ogres and other Goblin variants that waited for us there, leaving the cleanup to the others and opening a path for the 'haft' of our spear to join us as soon as possible.

Jahi, Anput and a few of the other stronger Demons were a dozen feet behind, finishing off the Goblins that we left behind and following in our wake as we pressed deeper, giving Satanya and I freedom to attack as we pleased since they would clean up any mess we made.

Stabbing the Khopesh into the earth, I sliced it forwards and up as two Ogres and a spattering of Hobgoblins snarled and growled at me, their emerald skin covered in vines and wood that protected them somewhat from our attacks, but not well enough as icicles erupted from the earth.

Ripping my blade from the earth, I ran through the field of icicles and slashed at their chests, snapping the frozen spears and sending the monsters reeling from this sudden attack, which was one that would slowly claim their lives as the frost spread throughout their organs, attacking their Cores, lungs and hearts equally.

On the other side, contrasting me as much as possible, Satanya blazed through her enemies and used her flames to enhance her speed further to cut them down with precision and power, severing limbs and decapitating whoever she could before stabbing the remaining enemies and twisting the blade, going for clean kills.

Her Fire Mana consumed whatever it could and proudly made itself known through the heat and light, while my Ice Mana crept along slowly and silently, spreading itself far and wide to consume whatever was in its path in a grueling, agonizing death.

Each style reaped its own share of lives at the same pace, and we both couldn't help but glare at the other as we resumed our rush forwards, Satanya's serrated longsword wreathed in flame and leaving behind beautiful and flashy arcs as she cut and slashed in elaborate patterns, while my toothed Khopesh fell heavily upon my foes, going for brutal and bloody cuts as I tore them apart with brute force instead, enjoying the way the gore rained down around me as I killed and killed to my hearts content.

Behind us, Jahi led the others in a controlled, unified front that pressed our initial attack into a wide open incursion into the Goblin's territory, allowing us to break through their lines and head deep into their lands as we went for the jugular instantly, wanting to take out the strongest so that the rest would fall quickly afterwards.

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