My Servant System

Chapter 875 874: Terracotta Grottos (28)

Chapter 875 Chapter 874: Terracotta Grottos (28)

?Digging the Khopesh deeper into the throat of the Ogre, I pushed the blade to the right and cut through the thick muscle of its neck in order to free my weapon, allowing me to push off of the Ogre's chest and avoid the crackling bolt of un attuned mana flying towards my back.

As soon as I landed on the ground, I took my eyes off of the now dead Ogre and traced out where that bolt was coming from, watching as it punctured the Ogre's chest and blew out its back in a shower of gore and shards of bone.

Finding the Crone who had cast that spell, I enhanced the Wind Mana around my feet and dashed towards the gnarled, hunchbacked Goblin evolution that was lifting its wooden staff high in the air, channeling the mana around itself into a new bolt and preparing to launch it at me again.

Sadly for it, the chaos of the battlefield made it impossible for the Crone to call for help, and it could only stare at me in surprise as I appeared in front of it, my Khopesh slashing down in a brilliant arc of blue and green as the ice laden edge sliced through the gnarled brownish green flesh of the Crone, bisecting it from the shoulder down towards its opposite hip.

As the two chunks fell to the ground with wet squelching, the Crone's staff exploded as the mana that had been collected around its tip was suddenly freed from control, the noise of the explosion drawing the attention of the nearby Hobgoblins and making them click their tongues as they approached me with their spears raised.

Before they could take more than three steps forwards though, a wave of flames washed over them and began to burn their flesh black, making them screech as their wooden armor acted as fuel alongside the grease on their skin.

It was my turn to click my tongue as I glared at the woman responsible, her lips curled into an arrogant grin as she flourished her flame coated blade and saluted me, only to step to the side to let my discus bury itself into the chest of the Goblin that was leaping for her.

"You have a peculiar habit of leaving yourself open, Satanya~! Might want to correct that flaw, hm?"

My grin matched hers as we stared at one another for a second longer, only for our eyes to be drawn instead towards the hulking blue skinned Demoness who stepped between us, her great sword clad in a harsh golden light.

"Will you two stop taking jabs at one another and focus on the monsters, please? We still have that big bastard to deal with!"

Pointing her sword at the gigantic mass of green flesh at the back, Jahi let out a huff as she raised her shield and deflected an arrow that arced towards her skull, the Demoness' raven black hair swishing behind her as she looked at both Satanya and I, those amethyst eyes filled with exasperation as we just darted forwards wordlessly again, slamming into the Ogres that remained near the giant Goblin monster in the back.

Parrying the rock blade of the Ogre in front of me, I let my eyes stray towards the monster behind as I appraised it for a brief moment, trying to figure out just what it was and what danger it posed to us as it continued to lounge around deep inside this encampment.

Far too fat to move on its own, the Goblin was a giant mountain of flesh and fat that just sat there, drinking whatever was in that chalice as it watched its inferiors protect it, the indifference in its hazy, lazy eyes rather surprising considering how many monsters had already perished at the ends of our blades.

Roughly ten to twelve feet 'tall', the Goblin was using its pudgy arms to lift up a large cauldron that it sipped from like a chalice, and its wrinkled green skin was stretched over some portions of its body to keep the fat in, giving it a rather disgusting appearance.

Leaning against a throne made from various monster hides and bones, the Goblin almost resembled a King overlooking its subjects with that 'regal' indifference, all while personifying the embodiment of greed, gluttony and sloth that such a monarch would undoubtedly hold within their heart.

Tearing a large gash open inside the Ogre's stomach, I let it fall to the ground and stare at its intestines as I moved on to the next, only to grit my teeth as the Goblin finally made its move... with minimal actual movement of any limbs.

"[Rog Ug-Bali]"

A deep, gravely voice filled the encampment, and not even a moment later a wave of mana rushed behind the sound, illuminating all of the other Goblin monsters and their evolutions in a haze of rich Nature Mana.

Glancing at the Goblin responsible, I saw it take another sip from its chalice like nothing had happened, despite there being a noticeable green glow to its eyes now, one that seemed far too sharp for a lazy monster like itself.

Three Hobgoblins - now enshrouded in Nature Mana - leapt at me with frightening speeds, their long spears and short rock knives glimmering with mana as they stabbed their weapons at me, their eyes crazed and their movements slightly erratic, like they were hopped up on far more adrenaline than they should be.

Altering the Ritual Circle on my free hand, I raised my left hand and shot out a barrage of ice slivers as long and as thick as my fingers, catching one of the Hobgoblins entirely off guard and blowing a large hole in its side, whilst the other two were peppered with a few shards each.

That didn't stop any of them though, and I narrowed my eyes as I switched to the outer crescent of my Khopesh and swatted their spears away, taking advantage of the now slower, and less coordinated Hobgoblin as I stepped to my left and avoided the attacks, only to then press my hand against the wounded Hobgoblin's head and send a barrage of slivers directly into its elongated cranium.

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