My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1141

Chapter 1141:

At that time, Simon went for a walk with the camera, so in the video of the program, the audience could see a lot of pictures of the Loulan Palace, which made all the audience scream.

Finally, amid the exclamations and exclamations of the audience, the second issue of “Wilderness” also ended.

Of course, although the show is over, the online discussion about this episode has only just begun. There is no doubt that in the next dozens of hours, the topic of this episode of “Wildness” will always be entrenched. On the front pages of major online media, it has become the hottest topic on the Internet.

Many netizens said that after watching this episode of “Wilderness”, they must not be able to sleep at night because they are so excited now! So excited I can’t sleep!

While netizens were frantically talking about “Wildness”, Lin Feng had already returned to his room to sleep.

The next day, after Lin Feng got up, he didn’t rush to the company, but stayed in the apartment, turned on the computer, and played games for a while.

Although it has been two months since he has played the game, Lin Feng’s skills are not unfamiliar at all, and he still beats his opponents out in minutes.

After playing for more than an hour, Lin Feng turned off the game and browsed the news before turning off the computer.

I saw that the front page headlines of the major online media today were all about the topic of yesterday’s second issue of “Survival in the Wilderness”. The media praised the splendidness of the “Survival in the Wilderness” program, as well as the various things that Lin Feng made in this episode of the program. feat. Qiankun Tingshu Network

While watching these news, Lin Feng also saw the voices of many netizens. Many netizens said that the “Wildness” program is too exciting, but such a wonderful program is only broadcast once in half a month, which is very important to the audience. It is too tormenting for them, too cruel! So they hope that the frequency of “Wilderness” updates is faster enough.

When Lin Feng landed on his Weibo, he saw the same voice in Weibo comments.

“Male god, can “Wilderness” be updated faster? It’s only broadcast once in half a month, it’s really painful!”

“In the past, when Bei Ye was recording “Wilderness” alone, it didn’t matter if it was broadcast once every two weeks, but now it’s different. The two episodes are a hundred times more exciting than the previous “Wilderness”! So exciting! It’s inhumane to ask us to wait for half a month to watch one episode!”

“It is strongly requested that the update of “Wilderness” be accelerated! Everyone please praise me and let the male gods see it!”

After seeing such comments, Lin Feng felt that it was necessary to speed up the update of “Wilderness”, and for Summit Entertainment, it was not difficult to speed up the update of this show, so Lin Feng thought about it. After a while, he decided to update “Wilderness” every week from now on, and then he posted a Weibo to announce the news.

When netizens heard the news, they were naturally very excited.

“The male **** said that “Wilderness” is updated once a week! It’s amazing!”

“This is a great benefit! It’s really good!”

“The male **** is so considerate! We really didn’t love the wrong person!”

At this moment, Lin Feng continued to chat with the honeys on Weibo while watching the news on the Internet.

Anyway, Lin Feng has nothing to do right now, so he chats with the honeys on Weibo, and if he sees any comments from fans who are more interested, Lin Feng will reply immediately. The honeys are also pleasantly surprised to find that Lin Feng is replying to their comments. Suddenly, more and more honeys came to Lin Feng’s Weibo homepage and interacted with Lin Feng. All the honeys hoped that their comments could be replied by Lin Feng, that was enough to make them happy for half a year!

So suddenly, more than 100 million traffic flooded into Lin Feng’s Weibo homepage, and he almost overwhelmed the Weibo server!

And when the honeys were chatting with Lin Feng, the honeys also said that their biggest wish now is that Lin Feng can hold a concert! ..

Chapter 1633 One Yuan Concert

Because Lin Feng has not held a concert for too long, this is undoubtedly a torment for many honeys!

You must know that many honeys are die-hard fans of Lin Feng alone. They will only listen to Lin Feng’s songs and will only go to Lin Feng’s concerts. However, Lin Feng has not released a new song in the past few months. A concert, these diehard fans don’t mention how uncomfortable it is!

Hearing the appeal of so many fans, Lin Feng naturally couldn’t ignore their voices. He felt that it was time for him to hold a concert. Although in his current status, Lin Feng no longer needs to rely on concerts to make money, but he knows that his concerts are of great significance to the honeys, so even if it is not for making money, it is just to satisfy the honeys. He also had to hold such a concert.

But the problem is that with Lin Feng’s current size of fans, it is not easy to hold a concert.

Not counting foreign fans, the amount of honey in China alone is already hundreds of millions, and these hundreds of millions of honey are distributed all over the country. If Lin Feng wants to hold a concert, he must tour the country. After all He can’t just care about a part of the honey and ignore the appeal of the other part of the honey, can he?

But if he really wants to hold a national tour concert, it will take more than half a year to open dozens of provinces and cities across the country? Lin Feng doesn’t have so much time now to hold such a time-consuming and labor-intensive national tour.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Lin Feng finally made a decision: open an online concert!

The so-called online concert means that this concert will be broadcast live on the Internet, so that honeys from all over the country and even the world can watch it on the Internet!

Of course, the live broadcast of this kind of concert is different from some of the live concerts in the past. In the past, Lin Feng also did live broadcasts when he held a concert, but that kind of live broadcast is actually very rough, and this time, Lin Feng will do a real live broadcast. In the true sense of the live concert, his goal is to allow all the audience watching the live broadcast to fully experience the same passion as the scene. He wants to do a “lossless” concert live broadcast.

I have to say that Lin Feng’s idea is very bold, and it can even be said to be a little crazy. No singer has ever performed a live broadcast of his concert before, let alone “lossless”.

You must know that all singers have to sell tickets for their concerts. If the concerts are broadcast live on the Internet, how can they sell tickets? What’s more, if you really want to do a live concert, it will also require high costs and a lot of technical investment to be able to live a concert well. If the technology is not enough, the live broadcast of the concert Compared with the scene, the effect must be greatly discounted, and it may cause complaints from fans at that time.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that even those international superstars dare not do live concerts, which is obviously a thankless job.

But for Lin Feng, these problems are all floating clouds.

Lin Feng opened this concert originally to satisfy a wish of the honeys, not to buy tickets to make money, so Lin Feng didn’t care about how many tickets could be sold.

But then again, with the fan loyalty of the honeys, even if Lin Feng conducts the live broadcast of the concert, the tickets will definitely be sold a lot.

As for the shooting skills required for such an online concert, Lin Feng has no pressure, because Lin Feng’s Summit Group has sufficient funds and world-class technical talents, and the filming team of Summit Entertainment is enough to represent the world’s peak. Level! Xiaoshuowa novel network

So with these advantages, what is the big deal for Lin Feng to play a live concert? He can totally play it.

So Lin Feng immediately posted a Weibo, announcing the news to the honeys.

When the honeys heard the news, they were very excited, and the whole Weibo was boiling, and with the heated discussion among the honeys, the news was spreading to other online platforms rapidly.

“I heard that Lin Feng is going to hold a concert!”

“Our male **** is finally going to hold a concert! It’s amazing!”

“The male **** also said that this will be an online concert! At that time, the concert will be broadcast live on the Internet without loss!”

“The concert’s ‘lossless’ live broadcast? This is too awesome! Only our male gods can have such creativity!”

“This is not something that can be done just by being creative. If you want to do a live broadcast of a concert, you must need very advanced shooting technology to restore the effect of the concert scene, so ordinary singers simply can’t imagine it. Such a concert!”

“I think the only person in the world who has the ability to hold this kind of online concert is our male god!”

“Haha, after all, our male **** is the number one in the world’s music scene! What others can’t afford to play, only our male **** can afford to play!”

While the honeys were hotly discussing, the major online media around the world naturally also covered the news. This news undoubtedly caused a sensation in the global music scene, because Lin Feng’s idea of living the concert was too crazy. This is undoubtedly a big event for the global music scene.

Time Week in the United States immediately published an article on the Internet, expressing appreciation for Lin Feng’s idea: “Lossless” live concert, this is a very beautiful idea, I believe that with Lin Feng’s ability, he will be able to complete his work satisfactorily. This online concert will definitely become a milestone in our global music scene!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng’s friends in the music world also sent Weibo or their legs to congratulate Lin Feng, wishing Lin Feng’s concert a complete success!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng posted another Weibo, announcing that a total of 10,000 tickets will be sold for this concert, and the price of these tickets is all one dollar.

When the news spread, the Internet was boiling again. ..

Chapter 1634 Hot ticket grabbing activities

Soon, many honeys began to discuss this matter online.

“Fuck! The male god’s concert ticket is only one dollar! One dollar! It’s cheaper than cabbage!”

“One dollar ticket! The male **** can really play!”

“Haha, only our male **** dares to play like this! Only he can afford it!”

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