My Star Wife is From Myriad Realms

Chapter 1142

Chapter 1142:

“Yes, the male **** is obviously holding a concert at a loss. This is burning money! How can other stars afford it?”

“Oh, how much will the male **** have to spend this time! How embarrassed we let the male **** spend money?”

“Haha, don’t forget, our male **** is the richest man in the world! This amount of money is nothing to him!”

“Our male **** is the richest star in the world! Haha!”

When the honeys were discussing this matter, they were undoubtedly very proud, because from this matter, many honeys could feel that Lin Feng cared about their honeys, and Lin Feng could open a fight for the wishes of honey. A concert that earns money and even subsidizes money is undoubtedly a great happiness for many honeys!

How can any other star like Lin Feng hold a concert that does not make money in order to satisfy a wish of his fans? No! So honeys naturally feel extremely proud.

While the honeys were discussing this matter, the major news media also quickly got closer and reported the news, and soon the news had spread all over the world. For a time, the music industry all over the world was shocked by it. .

The next day, Summit Entertainment planned an online event. The theme of this event was: Participate in the event and win Lin Feng concert tickets!

In this event, the official will ask some questions about Lin Feng. These questions include about Lin Feng’s music, about Lin Feng’s movies, TV series, and even about Lin Feng’s height and weight, etc. Gossip content, in short, all The content of the questions revolved around Lin Feng, and these questions were not the kind of questions that anyone on the street would know. They were all in-depth questions, and only a honey who knew Lin Feng very well could answer them.

After the official raises these questions, all netizens participating in the event will answer these questions in the form of quick answers. The system will determine their scores according to the speed and accuracy of all netizens answering the questions, and finally rank all participants according to their scores. , and the top 10,000 people can get 10,000 Lin Feng concert tickets issued by Summit Entertainment!

Planning this kind of event to issue concert tickets, of course, is also what Lin Feng meant. Xiaoshuowa novel network

The reason for releasing tickets in this way is to prevent those nasty scalpers from taking the opportunity to make ill-gotten gains from honey.

Because after planning such a ticket grabbing event, those who can successfully grab the tickets must be some **** honeys who can stand out among the tens of millions of ticket grabbers. Those scalpers who don’t know enough about Lin Feng will definitely not be able to grab these. Hardcore honey, so this will effectively prevent these scalpers from robbing votes.

And after these **** honeys grab the tickets, they will never sell them to scalpers, because for them, it is a great honor to get such a concert ticket of Lin Feng. This concert ticket is a great honor for them. It is extremely precious, no matter how much other people spend to buy tickets from them, they will definitely not sell them. If they do, it will be a kind of blasphemy to their idols! And their male **** Lin Feng is not allowed to be blasphemed by anyone!

On the day of the event, more than 500 million people participated in this online event. The popularity of this event once again caused a heated discussion on the Internet, and all the news media rushed to report it. Lin Feng’s concert has not yet started, and the ticket grabbing session is already so popular, it is really amazing! Looking at the whole world, only Lin Feng can have such appeal!

At the end of the event, the 10,000 spectators who grabbed the tickets were naturally ecstatic. Among the 10,000 spectators, in addition to Huaxia, there were some people from all over the world, some in the UK, Some are in the United States, some are in Australia… And after these audiences got the tickets, they naturally flew to the Shanghai stock market immediately. They were so lucky to get a ticket for Lin Feng’s concert, so they couldn’t waste it! Thousands of mountains and rivers can’t stop their enthusiasm to go to Lin Feng’s concert!

On the second and third days after the tickets were distributed, Lin Feng was busy rehearsing for the concert.

Lin Feng stayed in the company almost all day for the past two days, because the venue for this concert was set at Studio No. 1 on the first floor of the Summit Entertainment Building.

The No. 1 studio is very large, with 12,000 seats, and this time there will be only 10,000 spectators to watch the concert, so this studio is naturally enough to accommodate all the audience.

Because he was busy with the rehearsal of the concert, Lin Feng stayed at the rehearsal venue for two whole days. At night, he also fell asleep at the company for three or four hours, and then continued to rehearse.

I have to say that it was very hard work. If it wasn’t for Lin Feng’s high energy, if he were an ordinary person to rehearse with such intensity, he would have been exhausted after two days.

When the beauties saw it, they also felt very distressed for Lin Feng, and they persuaded Lin Feng not to work so hard in rehearsal. Of course, Lin Feng only promised the beauties verbally, and the result was how to rehearse or how to rehearse.

Although this concert is a concert not for the purpose of making money for Lin Feng, he will never neglect this concert because of this. He will treat this concert like any previous concert, because he knows how much this concert is looking forward to for those honeys!

During Lin Feng’s intensive rehearsal, two days passed quickly.

On this day, amid the eager anticipation of all honeys and the close attention of people from all walks of life around the world, Lin Feng’s “Online Interactive Live Concert” finally kicked off! ..

Chapter 1635 Peak TV Live Concert

The concert will start at eight o’clock that night, but in fact, five or six hours before the official start of the concert, that is, at two or three o’clock in the afternoon, almost all the audience have already come to the concert. The scene, has already sat down in the studio.

Those who came here today are undoubtedly Lin Feng’s most loyal fans. For them, they don’t mind waiting for a few hours at the concert venue. They feel that it is not boring to be able to wait for Lin Feng’s arrival here. thing, but a great happiness!

And before Lin Feng arrived at the concert, the fans at the scene were chatting in the studio, and it was quite fun.

In addition to the 10,000 spectators in the studio, many media reporters have already gathered outside the Summit Entertainment Building at this moment. The media already know the time and place of Lin Feng’s concert, so naturally it is impossible to let it go. This is my chance to interview Lin Feng.

Rough calculation, these media reporters gathered outside the Summit Entertainment Building, there are more than 1,000 people! Because these media reporters are not only Chinese media reporters, but also from the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Japan and South Korea… Almost all well-known media around the world have sent reporters to come, so it is not enough to form a lineup of more than 1,000 reporters. Surprised.

A concert can attract media reporters from all over the world, and only Lin Feng, the number one person in the global entertainment industry, has this kind of influence!

And here, apart from these media reporters from all over the world, there is no more honey to be seen, because at this time, except for the honey in the studio, the other honeys have already sat in front of the computer and landed on the summit live broadcast. In the live broadcast room of the platform, when Lin Feng appeared at the concert, where would he come here to contain Lin Feng?

Finally, after all the audience and media reporters waited for several hours, at 8 o’clock in the evening, Lin Feng arrived at the concert on time.

When Lin Feng’s car parked at the entrance of the Summit Entertainment Building, the moment Lin Feng stepped out of the car, these reporters who had been waiting here for several hours rushed towards Lin Feng like a tide.

All of a sudden, many microphones were handed to Lin Feng, and the reporters scrambled to ask their questions.

“Mr. Lin Feng, why do you hold such an unprofitable concert? Are you simply giving back to the fans? Or is there any other meaning?”

“Mr. Lin Feng, what special significance does this concert have to you?”

“Mr. Lin Feng, what song are you going to sing at this concert?”

“Are you going to sing a new song at this concert?”

Since Lin Feng announced that he was going to hold this concert a few days ago, he has been declining all media interviews. All the media reporters are waiting to ask Lin Feng with a lot of questions, so now I finally see Lin Feng, of course. Just threw all their problems over there.

It’s just that there are so many media reporters on the scene, so how can Lin Feng answer so many questions? When he finishes answering these reporters’ questions, the concert doesn’t even have to start.

Fortunately, with Hu Yifei, the ace agent, and many security guards to maintain order, Lin Feng was able to quickly deal with the media, and then entered the Summit Entertainment Building and went straight to the No. 1 studio!

After a while, Lin Feng walked into the backstage of Studio No. 1, put on the costumes for the performance, and after a brief preparation, he walked out from the backstage and boarded the stage of the concert. Lazy people listen to the book

When Lin Feng stepped onto the stage of the concert, a loud and pleasant accompaniment sounded throughout the studio. This piece of music was the accompaniment of Lin Feng’s “Nunchuck”.

When the fans at the scene saw Lin Feng appearing on the stage, the scene was suddenly a tsunami, and the whole studio was boiling!

“Lin Feng! Lin Feng!”

“Male God! Male God!”

All the honeys at the scene seemed to have negotiated in advance, and stood up one after another, making a uniform shout.

Although there were only 10,000 spectators at the scene, but listening to the enthusiastic shouts of these audiences, it seemed like hundreds of thousands of people had come to the scene!

Lin Feng stood on the stage, looking at the cheering fans under the stage, a warm current surged in his heart.

Compared with the concerts that Lin Feng has held in the past, the concert he is holding now with only 10,000 people attending the scene is an out-and-out “pocket concert”.

Of course, on the surface this is just a small concert with only 10,000 spectators, but in fact? In fact, at the moment on the top live broadcast platform, 1.2 billion viewers have been gathered!

1.2 billion! What concept is this? Which singer in the world has held a concert with an audience of 1.2 billion? No! And no one singer’s concert attendance can reach a fraction of this figure!

Looking at the whole world, which network anchor has 1.2 billion viewers online at the same time in the live broadcast room? nor!

Only Lin Feng could write such a miracle!

If it was replaced by another website, and more than 900 million traffic flooded in at once, the server of the website must have been hung up. However, Summit Entertainment has the world’s top IT team, so even in the face of such astounding traffic, the server of the Summit live broadcast platform is still very stable, and the website is still very smooth. As usual, there is no problem at all.

At this moment, these 1.2 billion viewers are gathered in a live broadcast room called “Lin Feng Concert” on the top live broadcast platform. They have also been waiting here for several hours, and finally saw their male **** appear on the screen. .

When they saw Lin Feng appear, all the audience in the live broadcast room were very excited. They couldn’t hear the screams in front of the computer, but they could use the barrage to make Lin Feng feel their enthusiasm!

As a result, the barrage flew wildly in the live broadcast room for a while, and the entire live broadcast room seemed to be boiling.

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