My Succubus System (18+)


Chapter 230 : Voices In The Deep (2)
“What happened to the good old days when you could just beat someone to keep them in line?” Egolas mused, though it was admittedly just dark humor. He was a highly principled man , thus doing something so abhorrent was far beneath him.

He turned to face the only structure on the deserted island. It was a large stone building located at the island’s center. It resembled a large spiral shaped shell of sorts. It reminded the Angellus of the Fibonacci spiral, though this portion of the structure was only a small section.

He walked inside, behind him the light of twilight had already dimmed away. It was fairly dark in the building itself, which made sense when you considered that the structure was subterranean in nature. Egolas followed a spiraling staircase, one only lit by magical crystals embedded into the wall. The crystals cast a bluish light, one that made everything seem somewhat depressing. This, combined with the darkness of the descent caused Egolas to feel something akin to workplace anxiety.

“There’s only four prisoners here. I wonder if He deems all of them important enough to keep alive?” Egolas mused aloud. Normally he preferred to keep his thoughts inside his head, but he’d taken to speaking to himself for one simple reason. He was tired of hearing ‘her’ voice. When he slept. When he woke. When he took a shit. It was constant and unyielding. Like the whisperings of shadow entities gnawing at one’s sanity.

It was no wonder the last few Angellus quit working this guard post. Egolas had only been here a few weeks himself and he was starting to feel agitated. He was always on edge, despite the fact that he held all of the power in the situation.

*This is ludicrous. I’m the jailer. Me!* He thought incredulously, his brow furrowing in disdain.

“A visitor?”
“Who was it?”
“Did ‘he’ come back?”
“A toy? New toy to play with?”
“Did I b-b-break you already?”

Egolas sighed, pausing on his current step as he heard her whisperings. He was only halfway down the spiral staircase and already he regretted leaving the surface.

“I should have taken a longer break. Ugh.”

The voices had a distinctly unnerving quality to them. First they always came in bunches, overlapped and in varying degrees. The fact that the spoken words were interlaced with magic didn’t help either. While all intention magic was blocked, the words carried enough energy to permeate through the halls of the prison. But more than likely, she was purposely targeting him.

“How can she even tell where I am? This is madness.” Egolas said, his pace increasing to that of a brisk walk. A few minutes later he was at the base of the spiral staircase and staring out across the expanse of the dungeon floor. The place was relatively small as far as prisons went. There was only room for seven cells, four of which were currently occupied.

Of those four cells, two people were currently in a form of stasis. Almost the instant he stepped out of the stairwell several more ‘voices’ assaulted his mind.

“Did you miss me?”
“Is it time to be flogged? Please say yes.”
“Hee hee hee.”

Normally Egolas would ignore the voices entirely but given a direct order from Zero, he decided against his better judgement.

“No and no.” He replied, and that was it. In response the voices grew in intensity.

“Oh? He’s speaking now?”
“He’s warming up to me.”
“Do you like me? Hmm.. I could use some attention.”

Egolas shook his head in disapproval and continued walking. The first cell on the right housed someone he’d put to sleep personally. The very first day of his arrival the man was practically begging to be killed.

“Please! Kill me! I can’t take it anymore! She’s in my head and she won’t stop! I’ll go insane if this keeps up!” The man pleaded from behind the thick door of his cell. In the end Egolas came up with this compromise, placing the man in a deep slumber.

He glanced into the cell and, after confirming the prisoner was asleep, Egolas snapped his fingers. A greenish light settled on the man’s body, covering him completely. Seconds later he stirred from his place of slumber, the floor of his cell. This was the same place he stood weeks ago.

“Are you feeling better now? You’re probably reaching your limit so it’s time to eat--”

“You fucking idiot! I told you to kill me!” The man shouted as he leapt to his feet. The speed at which he reacted was hard to imagine given the fact that he’d been asleep just seconds ago.

The crazed man threw himself into the door of the cell, clenching the bars fiercely as he did so. There was a crazed look in his eyes, one that even caused Egolas to pause out of concern.

“I can still hear her. Even in my sleep! Make it stop, please! I’m begging you. Or just let me go! I’d rather jump into the ocean and be eaten by Grimlock than take another night of this!” The man’s emotions burst forth like a shattered damn, it was evident that he was beyond his wit’s end.

And Egolas could relate somewhat. He wasn’t exactly sure how long this person had been imprisoned, but his sentence still required another two months. There was no telling how far she’d managed to unravel his mental state.

“I’ll..see what I can do. I promise.” Egolas said, he then turned and continued his task of checking on the other prisoners.

He awoke the other prisoner and though the woman did not complain, she did confirm it -- other woman’s words pervaded her dreams. She gladly took her meal, and walked towards a dark corner of her cell before she started to consume it.

“It’s not raw. Pity.” The woman muttered as she began to bite into some meat.

Egolas moved onto the only other prisoner who stayed awake constantly.

*Sadboy.* He thought inwardly as he spoke into the slit for the door.

“Are you still with us?” Egolas asked. He had to be very careful of what he said with this particular prisoner or --

“It should have been me.” A quivering voice echoed back. Egolas couldn’t see inside the cell, for the lights were off. They were always off. Only the sound of the man’s voice and the occasional eaten meal were reliable ways to determine that he was still present.

The man continued asking numerous philosophical questions. Apparently he was driven insane when his lover died during a raid.

“You. Why are you walking? Why are you still breathing when she is not? It should have been me. It--it should have been YOU.” The once quivering voice began to boom, shocking Egolas for the briefest of moments. It wasn’t the sound but the palpable aura of malice emanating from the confines of the cell.

Egolas tossed the prisoner’s food in and continued on his way. Finally he reached the seventh cell, the oldest and most sturdy one. This cell was rumored to have been constructed to confine a god for a short time. Egolas didn’t put much stock in that rumor since the person inside of it was great at being a pain in the ass.

“You don’t remember me, do you?” Egolas asked. He had no particular reason for saying these words, other than it was the first thing that came to mind.

“It took many people to capture you, and I was one of them.”

The voices, which normally spoke up ceaselessly, were deathly silent. Egolas gazed into the cell and took in the sight. It was the only one of the cells that was well lit. In the center of the room was a woman confined by a device that resembled a chainmail straight jacket. Her hands were positioned behind her lower back, bound by metallic gauntlets that covered them completely. These “gauntlets” glowed with magical energy, revealing several dozen complicated looking runes etched along the surface.

She knelt, face angled downward with a large helmet like device atop her crown. This “helmet” covered her face from the nose up, leaving no room for eye holes. That and a pair of horns which curved outwards from her temples. Her mouth was also gagged by something that resembled a sex prop, saliva seemed crusted along her lips since the object had been inserted so long. What little hair could be seen was ultramarine in color, long and flowing down her back.

Stripped naked, her ample and curvaceous body was laid bare. Egolas could even see her bush. The carpet definitely matched the drapes.

“What are you staring at Angellus?”
“Do you want a peek at heaven?”

Though the woman was bound and blinded a smirk formed, curling the corners of her mouth as a long, wire shaped tail flicked to and fro behind her. At the end of this tail was a heart shaped spade, a trait personal to specific demon types, namely -- that of a Succubus.

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