My Succubus System (18+)

231 & 232

Chapter 231 : Little Sister (1)
“You know I can’t speak.”
“A pity, I really want you to hear--”
“My voice.”

Her reply came in a series of echoing whispers, more loud than previously. Egolas surmised that this was because of their proximity, but then again he had no way to be sure. He wasn’t as learned in the ways of the ‘divine power’ as some. Truthfully, he could only use it for things like punishment and travel. Even then, in short bursts.

Egolas was aware of what kind of place this prison was. It’s walls flowed with Atma, making it one of the sturdiest places constructed in Adventia. If tales were to be believed, at one point a ‘God’ was sealed away here. Egolas wasn’t entirely sure how true that story was, but it sounded credible enough given the state of the structure.

Dozens of meters beneath the ground and sea level on an island in the middle of nowhere. To even find the place one needed a special charm which dispelled both illusion and confusion.

Using divine energy in the material to construct this place could already be considered overkill, no one confined here would ever be able to escape using brute force alone.

*Well, that may not be entirely true.* He thought. Regardless, he focused on the woman knelt, bound inside the cell. Hers held the most light, if Egolas had to guess why, most likely to keep a close eye on her.

“If I let you talk to me, the world might suffer.” His response came out more like a sigh than anything.

“But, I’ve been….instructed to be more accommodating to you.” Egolas could feel his jaw clench as he spoke. It nearly killed him inside to say the words. He could even feel his teeth grinding subconsciously.

“Oh? What will you do for me?”
“I have an itch that needs scratching.”
“Will you quench my thirst?”

Every voice was laced equally with a sugary sweet disposition and clear malice. He had no doubt that she would run if given the slightest chance, but not before she sucked him dry of all his life force.

He was sure this was the ‘itch’ she spoke of.

“Perish the thought.”
“No, my back -- it itches.”
“Scratch it for me, please?”

As if she could tell what was on Egolas’ mind, the blue haired succubus ‘spoke’ once again, her words telepathically echoing about the room. In response to this declaration Egolas simply stood stone still.

*Technically there is no rule against touching her. And she’s bound, her mana sealed. It shouldn’t be too much of an issue.* And yet the Angellus couldn’t bring himself to get past the sense of loathing which lingered in his being.

“I can agree, but only under one condition.” He finally said, resigning himself mentally to “being decent” to this particular prisoner.

“Do tell.”
“Do you want some special service? Hee hee.”

“No. I’d like some silence. So would the other prisoners. Keep your creepy whispering to yourself for a bit. Give them a break, you’re driving them insane. Hell, you’re driving me insane.” Egolas said, a hint of exasperation leaking through his words.

“I don’t mind the voices. They keep me company.” The only other female prisoner remarked. As Egolas called this woman was a psychopath, a homicidal murderer put away for her tendency to cut down normals. And devour them.

“Of course you don’t.” He replied, unsurprised.

“But, the other two need quiet. Which makes me the tie breaker. And I vote for some peace and quiet.”

“Asking a lot.”
“This is the only way I can stay sane.”
“You won’t take that from me, will you?”

The final voice had such a sickeningly innocent tone to it that Egolas felt physically ill.

*A monster disguising itself as something sweet and innocent. Hardly surprising.*

At least the door for negotiation was open.

*Negotiating with a prisoner.* Egolas sighed internally.

“Fine. What else do you want? And before you reply, know this. I will not remove your seals, nor will I remove your muzzle.”

“A story.”

These were her three requests, most of which were entitled to her anyway except --

“The last time your handcuffs were removed, you tried to murder someone. Which is why you are being restricted so heavily.”

“I won’t do it again.”
“But he was so cute.”

“You’ll find I’m not as kind as your past jailors. I was there, when you were cutting down people and taking lives like it was nothing. I lost a lot of friends, good people, to your insanity. Give me just one reason. One good reason.” Egolas had to stop himself, his fists had clenched up subconsciously. Before he knew it he had been consumed by anger.

“If you would just fuck me occasionally I’d be good. I promise.”

All three voices replied in unison.

“No. That’s not happening.” Egolas immediately replied.

“No fun.”

“I’ll let you stretch for a bit.”

“Finger blast?”
“Tongue action?”
“Even some anal would be good about now--”

“Fuck off. Stretch. Story. That’s it.” Egolas said, his response curt.

He moved his thumb downward, along the right side of the cell door, as he did so he infused his hand with Atma. A loud series of sounds, the shifting of moving parts interlocking, could then be heard. Moments later the door slid to the left, allowing Egolas to step into the cell.

There were half a dozen magical lamps lining the four walls of the room. In the middle was the succubus herself, confined on her knees. Her face was covered in a sort of half mask, this was used to blind her. In her mouth was a ball and gag, one that suspiciously resembled a sex prop.

Her arms were restricted behind her, at her lower back by metallic constructs which resembled ball shaped gauntlets. Finally there was a metallic and fabric crafted vest fitted around her. Looped through the back of this vest were several chains which led to a high point on each of the four walls.

At first glance she seemed to be kneeling, but the chains were hoisted with enough tension to relieve the stress on her legs.

*Some thoughtful consideration for a prisoner.* Egolas mused as he stepped around to the back of the succubus. Aside from the items used to confine her, she was completely naked. Stepping towards her rear revealed a round, plump ass connected to curvy hips.

Egolas could have sworn that she tilted forward to reveal a peek at her pussy lips, which bulged outward slightly as she did so. He dismissed it completely, focusing on the task at hand. First was to loosen the slack on the chains, then undo the binding that forced her hands behind her back.

All the while faint cooing sounds, the voices from the prisoner, echoed as Egolas went about his duties. Soon the young woman could stand on her own two feet, unsteady as she was. It seemed a long time since she’d be allowed to move under her own power.

Egolas could hear a loud popping sound as she stood up, it was the sound of her joints.

“Hurts so good.”

The voices mused as the woman began to stretch.

“Would be perfect if my hands were free.”
“So cramped.”

“Fine. But I’m warning you--”

“I’ll be good.”

And so Egolas removed the circular metal gauntlets, setting them aside for later. When all was said and done the succubus stood before him, still blinded and gagged but able to stretch her body for the first time in a long time.

“You’ve got thirty minutes.” He said, as he stepped backwards, keen to keep an eye on her as he left the room.

Rather than respond, the succubus immediately sat down and parted her legs. Egolas’ eyes widened as her left hand immediately moved between her thighs. He’d noticed it before, the copious amounts of nectar leaking from the Succubus’ body, but perhaps out of disdain and annoyance he ignored it.

It seems she wasn’t able to. Her two middle fingers quickly plunged into her body, causing her thighs to quiver erratically. She then proceeded to work them in and out, drool leaking from the ball gag in her mouth. She threw her head backwards and clenched her free hand as she began the work needed to make herself climax.

She went at it with such gusto, such focus and fervor that Egolas forgot himself for a time. He felt an involuntary reaction, one that both annoyed and disappointed him as he became aroused.

Chapter 232 : Little Sister (2)
There were faint whimpers from the succubus, despite the ball gag in her mouth. Faint traces of saliva dripped from her moist lips as she went about the work of self gratification. Egolas on the other hand was stuck in place, transfixed -- overcome by a sweet scent and the sight before him.

Even though he was mentally prepared, the scent of a succubus’ nectar still called to him. Before he could think twice a singular thought popped into his head.

*I want to taste it.*

He shook his head in defiance, finally managing to take a step backwards as the trio of voices echoed loudly all around. It had been less than a minute since she started her self pleasure journey, but it was all she needed to reach climax. Egolas’ throat went dry as a series of tumbling thoughts struck him.

*How long has it been since I’ve….* This was the prevalent thought that made him both uncomfortable and uneasy. He recalled the last time he’d been intimate with anyone. For an Angellus there was a certain prestige and enmity that made it difficult to “have fun”. This was largely due to their anatomy. To be sure, most Angellus identified themselves as male or female but in reality their gender was a matter of choice. This was due to their inherent nature as a futanari.

Even now he could feel the raging hard on and a flowing river pulling his senses towards a more carnal, primitive desire. Both demanded to be appeased, to feel satisfied. Gazing upon the succubus struck Egolas with a sense of admiration and longing. A sudden desire to be free of the mental shackles which bound him. At the same time he felt incredibly ashamed for thinking this way. Egolas knew that every particle of a full grown Succubus, every sinew and every centimeter of flesh served for a singular purpose -- a sexual predator.

Her eyes were made appealing, as were the well proportioned curves of her body. Even the vest which served to seal her mana and skills had been built around her breasts. The same breasts which heaved and shook as she came. There was a certain sense of relief that came over Egolas as she finished, for his temptation wouldn’t last long.

Or so he thought.

She showed no signs of stopping, despite coming to completion. Instead of the furious masterbation tactics she’d adopted, she now slowed her pace and methodically worked her fingers in and out in a strange rhythm. Egolas could clearly see the woman’s cheeks flushing from the act. Then she removed her fingers, bringing along with them a thick trail of clear fluid. This was the source of the sweet scent lingering in the room, like honeysuckle on a breeze.

Egolas’ words caught in his mouth as he made to speak.

“That’s enough! It’s time to stop.” This is what he wanted to say, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to say it. He’d promised thirty minutes, it wouldn’t do to go back on his word now -- not if he wanted some peace and quiet later.

He turned and began to leave, a feat that took a great deal of willpower in the face of his raging arousal.

“It turns me on. Please, watch.”

Egolas’ heart thumped loudly, it felt like it could jump out of his throat at any moment. His body was unbearably hot, sweat lined his palms. He had already taken to deep breaths to slow his heart rate and calm himself. He wasn’t sure if he could manage to resist the temptation he was feeling. He wanted to reach down, to join in. He’d been down that road too many times before -- the post nut clarity would be too severe, bordering on self loathing.

The series of voices continued to urge him on like a chorus mixed with the sounds of lust. Whimpers, moans and gentle provocations ultimately won him over.

“Fine.” He said, walking over towards the heated succubus. He then sat in front of her, carefully positioning himself in case she tried something.

*I’ll meet this dark desire head on, this is my tribulation.* He thought inwardly as he mustered every ounce of restraint within him. He watched the woman carefully, intent to fully burn the depths of her desire into his eyes. How long had she been confined in this place, unable to sate one of humanity’s deepest, most primal needs? Her hands explored her body intimately and without reserve. He watched as she pushed away the folds of her skin to reveal the delicate bud beneath. He observed the way she gently, sometimes aggressively stoked the fire to bring herself to orgasmic pleasure time and again.

Finally, after at least ten orgasms by his own count her fingers stopped. She bought her hands to her lips, eager to lick the juices from her own fingers as a low growl followed by a content expression spread across her mouth. It was plain to see that she had reached a new level of fulfillment. It was as if Egolas could see the afterglow settling upon the woman like a calm sea after a maelstrom.

He allowed her a few moments still to gather herself, his eyes darting from her breasts down towards her thighs and the hidden treasures between them.

“Are you done? Good..” He finally said, forcing the words out now that his own condition had settled from raging to manageable.

“For now.”
“Pity. Maybe next time you’ll do it for me?”

“Don’t hold your breath.” He replied as he got to his feet and walked out of the cell. Moments later he returned with two wooden stools, one for each of them. They both looked uncomfortable but it had to feel better than kneeling constantly.

“Something to sit on. Have a seat.” He said, guiding the succubus to the seat. He couldn’t help but notice the puddle of her nectar on the stone cell floor. For a moment he grappled with the most revolting of thoughts, fiercely turning away from it.

*Taste it.* The thought formed before he could even think twice. He admonished himself secretly as the succubus made herself comfortable.

“I like you.”
“Can we keep him?”
“Ha ha ha.”

“Ugh. Just what I need, a demented succubus with a crush.” He replied as he moved his own stool several meters away from the succubus. He watched her carefully and even left the door open during their interactions for one very simple reason. He wanted to see if she would try to flee. She had to know that the chains which bound her would prevent her from making it one step out of the cell -- and yet she attacked her other guards multiple times (at least this was what he’d been told).

And yet looking at the woman, she seemed less threatening than all the mischief he knew her to be capable of.

*I guess that’s the hallmark of a good psychopath.* He thought inwardly. Mostly he was surprised by the fact that she didn’t “speak” at all.

“Good.” He said finally as he shifted his position in the stool. He said this to mean “She seems as if she’s honoring her word.”, an intention that she swiftly picked up on.

“Demons don’t lie.”
“Well...we may deceive a little.”
“See? I’m being good.”

The deluge of voices echoed.

“Fine, so what do you want to know? You’ve stretched. You’ve...had your fun. Now what? A story? What kind of story?” Egolas asked.

The silent succubus cocked her head to the side and slowly moved her hands to a thoughtful position, her legs crossing as she did so. After a few moments of thought she finally responded.

“The outside.”
“It’s been ages.”
“Tell me something interesting.”

“That’s it? You want to know about the outer world? It’s...boring. As boring as usual. The same hustle, same grind. The same lazy adventurers shirking their duties. The same people doing the bare minimum to get by, the overachievers who feel they have to overcompensate for others. Quests, jobs, tasks and useless political undertones.” Egolas’ diatribe stemmed from his somewhat cynical view of the world at large. He had to admit, being an adventurer with hundreds of years behind his belt did cause him to be somewhat jaded with this sort of life.

Nevertheless she listened to him go on, as if soaking in every word. Eventually, seeing that the woman seemed genuinely interested, Egolas began to speak about things that happened personally to him. She especially perked up upon hearing about one of his latest encounters.

“A scuffle, with a succubus?”
“A little sister, tell me all about her.”

Despite his misgivings, Egolas was glad to find something she seemed interested in. After all, the sooner he helped her find some measure of contentment, the sooner he could get some much needed rest.

“Fine. Her name is Agni Heartfyre. And for a demon, she’s surprisingly sane.”

“Give it”

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