My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.32: Shared Smiles and Cotton

Welcome to a new chapter! Yeah I- of course I turned it off and on! wha- No! I'm not sticking my hand in there! I don't want to lose a finger to- I- of course I love her bu- okay okay! I'll just try to remove the controller from her hands an- hey uh.... is it me or did it get a little hot in here. Oh hey babe when did you wake-wait why are you-sure I'll sit down and enjoy it! I haven't gamed with you in a long time!



Looking to the wall I came from I spotted Emily with a stack of books, one looked oddly similar to the book I dropped on the floor.

Did she see me! What did she notice! NO, NO, Please just don’t notice! I wasn’t- but I was… but I didn’t mean to! The stickiness in my tight pants made me worried that my little uh…. Jaunt with the book is visible! I felt completely naked in front of her, I must look like a pervert to sully these books.

She walked over to me but she stopped moving after a few steps, her body seemed to shudder. “Ooooohh.” She lightly moaned. “Eeeep!” she squeaked in shock, almost dropping her books as her legs trembled, her back became ridged and her face turn bright red. She was frozen for what felt like eons as she stared at me. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! SHEKNOWS! Without thinking I squeezed my thighs together to hide my obvious playing while my wings clung to my shoulders like a cloak to hide inside of.

Before I could run or die from shame she turned robotically and placed her books on an empty shelf and looked around until her eyes landed on the book I was reading.

“So that’s what an influenced orgasm feels like.” She mumbled to herself as she tapped her chin. “Oliver’s mana can induce more than fear into people around him. Meaning he can possibly commu- Ohhhh, uh… it’s still strong. Meaning he might’ve just…” she said in thought before turning to me with a studying eye. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-

Her eyes went from my face to my feet as if trying to see if post clarity me looked any different. Suddenly her eyes widened, looking back at me with worry. “You shouldn’t have used that book! Succubi use books like that to train their will power and to prank each other. It literally raises your libido!” She said in a shocked voice. Her eyes slowly leered at me as she and began to drool. “You must be pretty pent up if just touching the book made you like this.” She said while looking at me but her eyes seemed really focused on me. Was she really this curious about my body even after using a succubus book? I mentally cringed at what I knew she would ask next as she began to smile and look full of thought. “Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone about this.” She said with a happy smile before she zipped her lips. “You have my word as a future succubus, though I wish I could do a pact but I’m not even a horned demon yet.” She said with an annoyed face.

“I, uh…” I wasn’t sure how to get past this, all I wanted was to erase today or at least restart it, but then I might just repeat this again…. “Alright, I’ll trust you but please don’t tell anyone, not even me.” I said trying to set my boundary.

“But then I can’t make a pact when I converge….” She said with sad eyes. Why was this pact so important to her? It didn’t matter though, I had to get out of this now.

“Please… I don’t want to have to worry about this. Can we just move on from this.” I said as I rubbed my head and my tail swung at a low angle.

“Right- moving on! I’ll just take care of that book!” she said in a rush. She then ran over to the book but with each step her legs trembled as she held in a whine. Once she grabbed the book I dropped she put it back on the shelf and turned to me and gave a nervous smile. “Here. you might need this, I uh got them enchanted with my mom’s help. Heeheheh.” She said with a nervous laugh. She pulled out a small plastic bag out from somewhere and handed it to me. “You can go over there and change…. I’ll um put away my books over here.” she added before awkwardly turning back to her books on the shelf.

Without thinking I stiffly walked over to hide behind a shelf where she couldn’t see me, realizing what was probably in the bag. Before I could examine the contents of the bag, I looked around me to make sure no one was nearby but all I was met with was the empty walkway between the book shelves. It reminded me of going the restroom at night when I went camping with my family once. Quiet, no movement, just you and the world looking at each other.

Shaking my head I opened the bag to find a pair of pink panties with a little pastel blue ribbon tied into a bow at the front. Holding it up I realized they were a lot smaller than the pair I wore, they fit unfolded in my palm, were these child sized! I opened my mouth to tell her this but I stopped. I’m a guy…. Guys don’t normally talk about their um… underwear. Sighing to myself, decided to trust that enchanted meant they resize to fit me. Squeezing out of my pants, I was happy not to see a wet spot anywhere on them but looking down where my groin was. Well I could tell that they were a different story, I could feel the moisture and wet stickiness plastering my underwear to my va-uh body. Remembering that I was out in the open I quickly peeled them off but I could feel something thick and gooey as they separated from my body, making my face twist in disgust but my back tingled too. Grabbing them to toss in the bag, I could feel the wetness they absorbed, this all came from inside me. Dropping it in the bag I quickly tired on the pink panties not trying to think much about it. Surprisingly they fit pretty well, in fact they felt way softer than my own, and the best part, they didn’t feel super tight! Without wasting anymore time I squeezed my legs back into my pants.

Happy with my non-wetness I froze as I realized something, right…  Emily…

I took a deep breath before deciding on how to move forward, maybe my original reason might help? “So, uh… I found myself here by accident. I was looking to learn more about magic and monsters. Maybe…. you know something about it?” I asked her hesitantly as I walked back to her. I knew she loved knowledge but I wasn’t sure if I could handle the flood of info she might have, hopefully she would just focus on this instead of asking about the new apparel.

Her nervous face changed to one that glowed with excitement. “You must be curious how your magic differs from human magic.” She said tapping her chin again. “Then again you might want to learn more about dragon magic especially after what hap-er... Oh! Probably learning about their instincts might help but, there isn’t any works like that here, maybe some fictional ones but that’s all maybes and conjecture based on sightings and old texts.” She said with a huge smile on her face. I think she was enjoying this puzzle and it’s crazy how she could figure out exactly what I was curious about. I might have to be careful with her, she might even figure out I’m from another world.

Without missing a beat she pulled out two books and switched their arrangement while her hands pushed them back until a click rang out. The books glowed brightly until a small white disc appeared and small paper branch (?) maybe a tentacle stretched out, it had writing on it like the pages of a book. Then the words began to float off the branch thing, swirling in the air until a small two or three inch figure was formed from the words.

It looked like a stubby stick figure with a dress made of an E that attached to its right leg while it’s arms ended in little spoon shaped nubs, one was made of the letter D and the other was made of several C’s layered on top of each other. While the face was a continuous stream of text, the only word that repeated was the word food.

“Murr, epp, tuuuurra. Two emm ha.” Chirped the word person.

“Yup! I need the ones on generalized and reptilian. Then one on the mythics please.” She said with a cheery tune.

“maa, currrr ep, tu meeefp.” Said the small person while stretching out its hand? Emily then turned to a small wallet sized purse with a golden chain that hung on her shoulder. She somehow squeezed both her hands into it until her wrists were swallowed into it. I could even hear multiple things moving around inside of it, something sounded like a pile of boxes being knocked over, I also heard what sounded like marbles or pencils.

Once she found what she was looking for she pulled her hands out with a pop. What she pulled out was a large cookie with a large marble like orb pressed in the middle. “Here you go!” Emily said with a small smile as she handed the cookie over.

The moment the word person grabbed the cookie, words swarmed onto the cookie until they condensed into a small ball which then fell into the branch. The word person then clapped its hands as another branch uncoiled out of the white disc until it revealed three books. After Emily grabbed the books and almost fell over, the word person fell apart like a poorly made block tower. Its word body pulling apart and becoming one with the branch which then coiled back into the white disc.

“Here you go!” she handled me the books, one was larger and felt like stone while another was pretty thin like a small magazine. “So I got you two books on instincts and one on mythics and their reported magic. The fatter one explores instincts more on a cultural level while the smaller one explores reptile monsters instincts on a purely biological level. The last book focuses on the more powerful and rare monsters that have been spotted but mainly on their reported magic. Though some rare species can be spotted in the real world, they tend to keep their cards to themselves.” She then grabbed the small book and flipped over to a page with in it until she found something. “Here’s one that we might spot. The mighty griffon!” she said as her eyes sparkled as she show the page to me.

It had a large pair of black and red wings while it stood on its muscular lion hind legs. It had an oddly built chest like a man while at its elbows extended bird like talons. Its face didn’t look too different from a condor with slightly larger angry looking eyes. The feather on its head spread out into an odd crown at the back.

“Griffons are really solitary so it’s hard to find many. Some people say they have a secret society somewhere in the mountain ranges in western Aroa!” she said beaming up at me with big eyes. “Regardless if they have one or not, they hardly show off their magic.”  She said before pointing at a picture of spikes. “One of their attack spells transmogrify surrounding materials into sharpened spikes. Now you might be thinking, ‘but everyone can do something like that’, BUT! If you look closely that the material this spike is made of….” She said before giving me a moment to look deeper at the spikes on the page.

As I looked I noticed they were made of a red crystal, reminding me of a certain store. “Orichalcum?” I mumbled to myself in confusion. Why was that so special? The rose armory had windows and pillars made of it. And as far as I knew it wasn’t some metal from the gods like it is in games but then again it wouldn’t hurt to learn more.

“That’s right!” she shouted in joy. “Orichalcum is notorious for being difficult to shape, to the point you end up hurting yourself trying to sculpt it but a griffon managed to shape some into spikes, with magic!” She exclaimed. “The mineral just drinks mana like an ocean absorbs rain water, there’s no visual difference. How could they do it!? Is there something unique to them or did they figure out the best way to shape it? Is it some mana residue they produce and coat it in? Maybe they need to eat a certain thing like a bijoux roach?” she asked before stopping to lick her lips. Was she actually thinking of eating a bug! I mean sure lots of cultures do but the thought of me eating one makes my tounge want to rip itself out of my mouth.

“You know, the sprites have a little café on the Suas majorem level. Let’s go get something good!” Emily cheered as she motioned for me to follow her.

 I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get out of here on my own and the last thing I wanted to do was pick up another enchanted horny book so it wasn’t too hard to follow her. “Alright lead the way



Farther down the aisle behind the two, flashed four glowing figures which wore gentle smiles.

“Looks like I can’t discipline anyone today…” one said in a disappointed tone.

“Worry not, the dragon was able to break in without a pass. If she can do it again then weeeellll.” Another said with expectation.

“I might get to train another in the fine arts of book keeping! Maybe even break them in!” A third said in hungry elation.

“My, My! I can just hear the joy of my lord when I complete my task!” the fourth said with sultry voice.

All four’s lips stretched into large impossible smiles that even their eyes started to close.

Please come again! My trouble maker.” All four said at once.


So how are you everybody! Me? well I just chugging along on my little tugboat Trying to find the cube of eternity! with it I could print anything into existence, then I could make 1up shrooms and max that baby beyond 9,999! Maybe I'll print some floating house next with some force field. Or I could bring to life all the different characters from my favorite novels!

Um so this chapter is all about the surprise Emily encounter and how she learns about Oliver's condition! Of course it's a physical one! but I wonder how weird magic books get if they can make a dragon get heated under the collar? it is a magic book right? Also it's sweet how Oliver and Emily being friendly! I was begining to wonder if they were going to be friends or not.

As always, Thank You for reading! It's always fun to type up a new chapter and then realize that it needs more sauce at twelve in the morning. it's annoying sometimes but hey it gives me more to look forward to in the day. Anyways, I hope you have a wonderous day and night as the world bows before your awesome power! trust me! You're amazing, I know you'll get an even better life!

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