My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.33: A Mother’s Surprise

Welcome to another chapter in this strange world! Here I have the numbers for the Amber water stock. It seems like our supply is becoming far less then than expect Sir Yes, I'll have to find an untapped source soon. I won't fail you. But in the meantime, would you like a cola while you take your break?


“Speaking of how is it having a dragon’s instincts? Are they strong?” Emily asked as we walked through the empty rows of book shelves, there wasn’t anyone but us. “My mother tells me that a succubus’ instincts can be very strong, especially if they fail to feed properly.” She said with a tilt of her head.

”Well, I guess they can be strong in certain situations but if I’m calm they seem to leave me alone.” I said with a shrug. After that Emily stared at me like I just said something stupid. “Is something wrong?” I asked in a worried voice.

She instantly opened her mouth before shutting it again, after a moment longer she looked at me again. “That hard?” she asked to which I gave a hesitant nod. “That explains why you’re looking for info on instincts and magic. Standing next to you alone without a buffer is pretty hard. My hairs are standing up!” she said as she tried to show me her arm. She was way shorter than me so she was more stretching her arm to the sky. Seeing her determination, I focused my eyes, zooming in closer to see her hairs were standing up like needles.

Realizing my mana was probably pouring out made me slowdown in shame. I assumed that maybe Emily would get used to my mana after being around me for so long, I mean she wasn’t freaking out or being stiff. “Sorry about that, I thought you were used to my mana. You seem a lot calmer than other people.” I admitted.

“Oh that! Well you’re pretty cool for a scary dragoness and also-mainly because I have a scientific interest in you. I want to learn about your body’s functions and see what applications a dragon might have in the real world.” She said while looking at me. She really doesn’t kick around the bush does she?

“You don’t mince words do you.” I said half astonished. “So you’re saying that it’s your willpower that’s keeping you from freaking out?” I asked still worried I might be putting a mental strain on her.

“Nope. Desire!” she said as she gave me a toothy grin and stood proudly. “I want to learn all about a dragoness please.” She said in a playful voice.

My wings lowered at that. “Please just call me Oliver.” I said as I shook my head. “And are you sure my mana isn’t harming you mentally?” I asked as I looked at her.

She looked at me and shrugged. “I feel weird but I’ll live.” She said carelessly. This made me worry that she would do anything for science. The thought that this girl might try to talk to a kaiju while it stomped around made me stare dumbfounded at her.


As we walked, I noticed that this library seemed to go on and on. Just hundreds more book shelves after each turn of the head, each shelf had different shaped gems on the sides. I even looked up to see a several shelves that looked like holograms flying above us. One would sparkle before it descended to an empty spot, the hologram becoming a solid shelf, its transparent energy pulling away like cloth and fading away. There was also odd wisp like lights that flew to empty spots on the shelves, expanding until they were shaped like a book. At which point it would stop glowing and a real book sat on the spot. But the strangest thing I realized was how only the area around us was lit but the moment I zoomed in my eyes ten meters or so ahead I was met with a void like darkness. It reminded me of how videos of deep sea subs would only light up the area around them in the eternal night of the ocean. Why was the place like this? Was it saving power or was it meant to do something else?

After a while longer we came to a strange arch made of a blueish wood with black sheets of stone or metal bolted to it. The air around it seemed to glow a threatening red. I felt like a giant demon hand was going to reach out and grab us, pulling us to whatever this world’s version of hell was.

“Just a second.” Emily said as she rushed over to a jet black podium. It stood on a sharp looking pyramid and had box that curved in on itself. As Emily approached the podium a blue light in the shape of a rectangle flashed to life. She then reached into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a blue and red card which she placed gently on the rectangle. A moment longer and a soft hum range out, causing the black sheets on the arch to absorb the red air which seemed to charge them with a red hue. Then a red mist poured down from the top of the arch until the whole archway was filled in mist which began to turn to look more solid.

“Good. Let’s go.” She said as she moved towards the arch mist way.

As I approached it, I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. The last time I went through a magical surface I met a big smiling face, I wasn’t sure if I’d meet it again and I really hoped never to see it again.

“Let’s go Oliver, I want to recharge my batteries on some juice.” Emily said as she stood beside me. I took a breath as we walked into the mist wall.

It wasn’t as clumpy as the front door was but it still felt like sticky goo a sick person would shoot from their nose. The sensation made my body shudder in disgust as it oozed over every inch of my body.

Blinking my eyes I found that we were on the other side of the mist snot and in a completely different place. I was a large open space with rows of long tables with several people sitting at reading or drinking and stone or metal sheets that hung against a slanted wall. These sheets glowed like a TV but showed off the outside garden I went to yesterday. There was several large flowers and a forest of tall trees and behind that was a large snow tipped mountain.

“I love the Julius fruit shake they serve here. what about you?” Emily asked as I followed her over to small building that looked like a cottage with a large open window. But the widow was more like a store counter with signs in the back with labels and picture of drinks.

Quickly scanning the menu with my eyes zooming in, I found something call “Poper’s Boba washapple”. “Oh I’m a boba kind of guy. Especially the one that pop in your mouth.” I said coolly.

“Wow! You’re pretty daring to get some of that. It’s way too sweet for me, I’d prefer something more mellow and bitter like coffee.” She said with a shrug.

As we got closer I noticed that there were several glowing fairies manning the drink shop, several were flying around like caffeinated flys. The ones not glowing had oddly stylish clothes, one had flowing short sleeves and pink straps around the waist with a pink belt and skirt combo. while a different one had light blue suspenders that wrapped around her hips like a high cut swimsuit, connecting to a pair of baggy pants and a white form fitting long sleeve with boob window.

The moment I got close enough to see them normally without my eyes zooming in, all the fairies froze and stared at me. Some backed away while others tried to hide behind larger objects or ducted into little holes in the walls. Realizing that fairies spooked easily too made me stop moving, maybe that purple fairy was special or braver?

“I’m going to get a seat.” I said to Emily in a reserved voice.

“Wait! Don’t you want a drink?” she called to me with a confused face.

“Uh, just get me a poper’s boba.” I said as I handed her a twenty.

Walking away I was able to find a freshly abandoned table, well at least seven tables. Finding a seat large enough with a tail hole was a little harder, most of the surrounding chairs were way too small, lacked a hole or space for a tail. Actually all seven of the tables didn’t have what I was looking for so, I grabbed a large enough chair and rested my left side on the back of the chair, sitting on it sideways. As I waited for Emily to get finish up, I couldn’t help but feel people watching me, it felt similar to when I’m trying to wall the halls and people just line up out of my way. It was annoying to be seen as some walking death machine or some sex object to respect. Why can’t they just ignore my presence instead of making it a big thing?

“Oh hey.” Called Steph behind me. Turning to her voice, she slithered over to a chair next to me and flipped it around to rest her belly against it. “I lost you after we went through the door. Me and Belle were worried some weirdo did something to you.” Steph said as she looked around suspiciously as if the surrounding people would be brave enough to do anything.

“No, I’m fine. Just saw something that caught my attention.” I said trying not to worry her with any of today’s events.

She just stared at me, trying to read my face, I just coolly looked back. “Alright… but I’m your friend, tell me before you take off.” She said while her face still wore doubt. Did she not believe me?

“Well I ran into Emily-“ I began but Steph’s face suddenly looked worried. “Uh she found me reading, I mean and helped me pick out a few books. And now we’re here getting drinks.” I said trying to keep things calm.

“Wow… I did ask her to look for you but that’s interesting….” She said but mumbled most to herself.

“Is something wrong?” I asked worried.

“No, I just didn’t thing she would get close to you is all.” She said turning back to me.

The moment she continued, my groin felt tighter, as if my clothes shrank a size. My butt felt like something soft was squeezing it while at the front I could feel the fabric becoming more snug. The worst part was that it didn’t hurt! Why? Because m-my um…. My new sex was being softly caressed like living cotton was rubbing me! What the HELL! It was like someone was rubbing their fingers down there and trying to draw a mental picture! My back started to feel tingly and my uh chest weights felt weird, like they were staring to ache…

“Hey Steph!” called Emily with a big smile. Steph turned to give her a look making her freeze. “Oops…. I forgot to call you when I found him. He uh…” Emily looked at me and saw my shocked face slightly flushing face. “Oliver needed help finding a few books and I just um wanted to help him?” she said looking shyly at Steph.

“Emily, not to be blunt but I know why you didn’t call me. It’s written on your face.” Steph said pointy.

 “W-w-what uh ever do you mean….?” Emily said as her eyes nervous drifted over to me. My shoulders began to tremble but for an entirely different reason. I was trying to keep my mind focused as I was being toyed with!

“Calm down Emily. I know you wanted to study Oliver more and probably forgot to call me.” Steph said to her in a gotcha tune.

Without any reason my clothes stopped tightening and rubbing, it was like someone turned off the power. Whatever caused this left me feeling more anxious, who or whatever was making this happen could keep playing with me, turning this on and off at the worst times! And the worst part was that my body was just starting to warm up!

“Oh! Uh… I’m sorry about that. I was um, so caught up in trying to learn more that it slipped my mind.” Emily nervously admitted. Giving me a happy smile as if to say, ‘We fooled her!’, making my body feel tense at her obvious face. I would’ve shouted at her if I wasn’t trying to keep cool and not blow any cover I had with our secret.

Handing me my drink and change, Emily went over to sit next to Steph as she pulled out a small note pad and began to write something on it. For the most part I ignored her as the chilled boba seemed to calm my aching body and my overly active nerves. Thank god Steph didn’t look at me during that whole interaction, my face just started to cool down from blushing. The best part was the sweet flavor! It eased my mind as I focused on it. The boba ball part were a nice red color and popped in my mouth with the flavor of apple and strawberry while the milk tea was a mellow sweet taste with a smooth texture. My body started to relax from all the pressure that built up from whatever was messing with me…..

But what caused it? Is there a source or person responsible for-

“Hey Belle! Emily found Oliver. I think they’re getting close! Can you believe it! Oh, we’re at the sparkling inn.” Steph said as she held her phone to her ear.

“Oooh!” spilled out of my lips as the soft clothes started to rub and squeeze me again. My wings even half opened up in surprise, this made everyone at the table instantly look at me. Their eyes were bulging so huge that I thought they had balloons for eyes and it didn’t help that my pants started to press harder and even started drawing circles down there!

Instantly Steph got up, rushing over to me in worry. “Are you alright?” she asked as her hand touched my forehead. “You look flushed but uh is this your normal body temperature?” she asked looking intensely into my eyes.

The touch alone sent bolts of electricity through my body but coupled with her eyes looking into mine made me kinda uh…. Lean closer. Her eyes were just so deep and did they sparkle? My lips started to tremble as we were mere inches away, please- please – please, won’t you please? Just a little closer, just a slight turn or accidental nod. Her eyes started to grow, they looked like the depths of space, calling me closer and making my body start to vibrate and tingle everywhere. Steph began to slowly lean closer as her face was turning a delicious red hue.

“Hey! Why don’t we calm down!” Emily said in a scared tone, basically jumping out of her seat. The joyous rubbing and hateful prodding sadly stopped doing their magic making me tense up in frustration. Emily rushed over to me started to pull my arm. “I think Oliver just needs to wet his face!” She said while trying to pull me away from Steph.

“Sure… I’ll um, come too.” Steph said in a haze, her foggy eyes following mine.

“That’s fine! Could you finish my sweet PINEAPPLE drink?” Emily said as she somehow managed to pull me to my feet. After hearing Emily, Steph’s eyes seemed to get clearer as she looked over at Emily.

“But I want to stay here…” I said in a low angry voice. I needed to claim my sparkling gems. They were soooo beautiful!

“I um…” Steph began before breathing deeply. “….She’s r-right… I’m not going a-a-anywhere.” She finished after sucking in more air. Her eyes starting to regain their original clarity.

“No, I’m not going anywhere without my gems.” I said raising my voice to a sinister growl making both Steph and Emily shudder in fear. Looking at them I noticed that looked uncomfortable, fear was painted all over their faces. I… I-I, no. They’re looking at me, like. “Fine.” I said in a less growly voice.

I followed Emily to a small restroom for one person. I dropped myself on the small toilet, making it creak at my body weight.

“Here.” Emily said holding out a blue and purple candy with looked like a swirling mixture of color. “This should help you with your uh… desires… I hope.” She said mumbling the last part to herself.

Taking the shiny candy, I dropped it in my mouth, my teeth instantly shattering it as I chewed it. As I swallowed it, I could feel fresh cool water flow down my throat and into my whole body. Everything seemed less intense, my body slowly stopped tingling and my body ached less, I didn’t feel like I needed a new gem or fourteen anymore.

All that remained in my head was their faces filled with fear. I must’ve really looked like a monster to them. I was like a senseless beast. I… I didn’t want to be- I, I’m a monster. A storm.

Getting up from the toilet, I slowly walked over to Emily who was munching on something. “I’m sorry about that. I let my desires take over and I made you uncomfortable and scared.” I said looking her straight in the eyes.

Emily however couldn’t keep her eyes on me, instead turning away from me to hide her face. “I’m sorry too… the panties I gave you, I guess my mom put something extra into them.” She said in an awkward voice as if she was just reading a script. “I’ll go apologize to Steph too.” She said rushing for the door.

She was gone before I could stop her, this wasn’t going to be easy was it. Nope. I’m nasty and now Steph will learn about the book thing too. I wasn’t too sure which was worse, the indent with the book, wearing someone’s booby-trapped underwear or scaring my friends. I could remember the need to have gems burning in my body, I had to have them or else something bad would happen. To be seen as weak and empty handed.

One thing was for certain, these ‘panties’ were coming off. Locking to door I quickly undressed to find another pair of underwear drowned in my liquids. “Gross. I guess there’s little use for these too… commando it is.” I said to myself as I wiped off the drenched piece of fabric and dropped it in the same plastic bag they came in and sealing them in my shoulder bag.

Taking a breath as I left the restroom, I made my way back to Steph and Emily. Only to spot Belle who was patting Steph’s back while she held his tail with her own. Belle looked very stiff and his shoulders would rise every time Steph’s tail squeezed or even move. As I walked up to them I could hear Emily explaining to them.

“And that’s why he acted out. Every time we said the code words they would turn on or off. I’m sorry I put you through that.” Emily said in low voice and lowering her head.

As I got closer both Belle and Steph noticed me, both wore sympatric faces Belle looked like he did something wrong while Steph looked more worried. Before I could even open my mouth Steph spoke up.

“I didn’t think you were having that much trouble controlling your instincts. You seemed so much more in control and easy going with your convergence. I thought you figured out your new body.” She said while trying and failing to look me in the eyes.

“No, it’s not your fault. I lost control and scared you and Emily. I’ll work on managing it better.” I said with a low almost calm voice. “I’m sorry for putting you in an awful situation.” I added as I dropped my shoulders.

Belle didn’t say anything, instead he continued to rub Steph’s back as we spoke, keeping calm face. “Then we’ll figure something out.” Emily proclaimed as she grabbed both Steph and Belle’s hands, stunning both. “Let’s go figure this mystery out!” she cheered as she began to drag both Steph and Belle away.


'Hands over confectionery gift of welcoming' You ever come up with a super cool chapter name only to realize it doesn't fit your current chapter? Well I've been facing this beast for the past two weeks! it sucks because some sound like some secret boss or sudden twist material and I can't use any of them! Imagine a chapter called something like the 'downfall of mind' only to read it and find out there's nothing mind blowing or altering in it?

Anyway, this chapter hits Oliver pretty hard as he discovers even more about magic items. Emily's mother seems to be prankster, I guess succubi are really crazy to be like that! And poor Oliver ends up looking like a bad guy too! I'm worried that today was just too much for his heart to endure.

As always, Thank You for reading! I try to make each chapter have a hint or two for future chapters because why not have some little ideas that maybe someone will realize or solve on their own? Anyways, I hope your weekend is super fun and you guys get that one thing you had your heart set on. Maybe buy a good snack while you're at it!

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