My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.42: The Mist of Beauty

 STOP! Before reading this chapter, you should know that chaper 41 was missing a part that I've since added. Please if you didn't read it, then I suggest you do or risk a slightly confusing start.

Walking into the brick sidewalk, people nearby froze or quickly made distance when they thought I wasn’t looking while others clustered into groups and began whispering to each other and taking quick peeks at me. “Dragon!” “Shh! She’ll hear you.” “Are they really taking action?!” “That mana is so demanding!”

Great, more of this. I sighed at their reactions which got Steph to give me an apologetic look.

“Sorry ab-“ she began.

“Nah, don’t worry about it.” I said, turning back to her with a forced smile. She didn’t look too convinced. “I can’t stay cooped up at home, that’d be boring. So what were you planning?” I asked trying to change the topic.

Deciding to ignore the people, she smiled. “Come on!” she waved me to follow. “There’s this nice lil’ shop, I want to show off.” She said with a cheeky twelve year old grin.

Luckily or annoyingly so, the whole street made way for the two of us, even the biggest or widest monsters would let us pass. Though many of them were sweating and one even hid behind a goblin and held him up like a shield.

Following Steph around the curving street, we came up to a small yellow circular building with several ivory colored windows with the name, ‘Naomi’s Magic’. That was a weird name for a shop that was selling… looking at the windows, I saw several mannequins dressed in pants that were either tight, baggy, black, blue or shiny. And wore crop tops, cotton sweater, hoodies or some nic-regular form fitting long sleeves. Wait…

“Welcome to Boutique da laa Naomi!” Steph said in a really bad accent and a huge smile. This isn’t what I think it is, not more clothes! Taking my silence as astonishment, Steph giggled as she led me inside. “Since you looked like there was a lot on your plate, I thought a nice distraction was in order!” She cheered.

“Distracti-“ I began, confused how any of that made sense.

“Ooooh! This cyan would go great with your scales!” she said, cutting me off and presenting me with a shirt. It had flowy/frilled short sleeves and looked like the fabric from the left shoulder went over the right side, consequently making a wide V-neck.

My initial thought was mentally scream, my second and stronger thought though was, well…how good would my mirror companion look in it? And finally my third was. “This crop top looks like a good match for you.” I said while pulling out a pale green top with flower petals patterns all over.

Steph’s eyes widened as her mouth hung agape. “You’re right! I was just thinking we’d get you a few things but…” she was lost in a sudden thought for bit before snapping her fingers. “How about you choose some things and make a few outfits for me and I’ll do the same for you?” She asked eagerly.

I wanted to say no and walk away but that second thought was way toooo tempting. “F-fine! Just… nothing super girly.” I said trying to keep from blushing.

“Don’t worry, your beauty is safe in my hands! Who knows, I might just boost it.” she said with a confident look.

“Ok- sure!” I said, quickly rushing off. It was making feel weird talking like that for some reason. “Beautiful? Me?” I whispered to myself with a weird grin on my face as I made my way to row of faraway clothes.


After a moment to recover, I found a black denim jacket and wondered what it might look on Steph. Well if she wears color close to white then it might work? But her yellow scales might look a little weird… what about styles then? She strikes me as someone that like somewhat mature clothes but she sometimes wears more colorful clothes too. Then there’s her figure and how she might do her hair plus any accessories that might go on top of it all. Looking at all the different clothes a smile slowly crept over my face.

“Heheheh…! I can’t wait to experiment!” I excitedly rubbed my hands together, much to the horror of anyone that stayed in the store.


“Hey Oliv- AHH! W-whua, uh….” After collecting enough clothes I managed to find Steph waiting by the dressing rooms. The only thing was, I um…looked like a walking mountain of clothes. “That’s a lot of clothes! I don’t thing even my tail could lift that much!” Steph said shocked.

“Is it? It doesn’t feel any heavier than a few water bottles.” Looking at the marvelous collection, I slowly realized that- “I guess I went a little over board…” I said tilting my head.

“That could be half the store…” She mumbled to herself. “How about you pick three outfits from your, um, mountain and get back to me.” She suggested. It kinda looked like she was afraid she’d be buried in the beautiful gathering.

“Your loss.” I said with a shrug before I went to figure out which to keep.


“Ok! Here you go!” I gave her my sadly malnourished selection of three outfits.

“Thanks! Oh! I think I like a few in here!” She said with a surprised smile. Did she think I wouldn’t figure out a good look? “These are for you!” She handed me a few clothes to look through, most of them had pants thankfully. “Now you try them on in that room and I’ll go into that one. Then we’ll both show off our choices together!” She said with a huge smile.

“Wait, I’m showing off now!” I was thrown for a loop, having completely forgotten why she gave me clothes.

“Of course. So hurry up and get changed.” She said leading me into the changing room.

Left in the room, I slowly looked at a few shirts and almost froze. Crop tops and shirts with wide collars? Sighing to myself, I changed into the first group of clothes with my back to the mirror. It felt weird, showing off my belly and the pants hugged my hips like a skinny jeans but were also baggy? Turing to my reflection, I saw my companion wearing a black long sleeve crop top and a pair of baggy white pants. She looked um… kinda hot? This look really gave her an hourglass look which I couldn’t look away from, she would turn heads and command attention with her presence alone. That sounds p-powerful…maybe i-it’s ok?

“Ok Oliver let’s see how we turned out!” Steph called, snapping my jumbled mind awake. Without thinking I threw open the door just as she did. She wore a red shirt that tied into a belt below her chest and opened up like a dress or skirt at the bottom with a black pencil like skirt with a silver ring holding the waist like a belt. “Wow! You look pretty saucy! I’m a little jealous.” She admitted with a satisfied face.

“Uh…. Y-you look pretty good too. Really mature or dignified.” I quickly shot back trying keep calm from the saucy comment. But despite my effort she gave me a knowing smile.

“If you liked that one you’ll love the last one.” She said as she went back into her room. Her words hung over me as if a mischievous boss would say, ‘just a small surprise on your desk’. Slowly turning around to check what she meant.


Once it came to the last outfit I stared in frozen fear, it was just a really long knit sweater. But what seemed like just a sweater came nothing for the bottom and there was a large gap like the designers stretched the collar. “D-do I have to try this? It’s got no pants…” I called to Steph.

“Yup! Trust me, it’s fun to try new things every now and then!” She called back trying to be encouraging. I really didn’t want to try it but as I looked up, I saw my mirror companion holding the sweater dress thing and well it um slipped on, totally by accident yup. Not because I thought she’d look cute in it or anything, it was just warm and soft!

Stepping out of the changing room in a sweater dress that clung to only my left shoulder and really showed off my right shoulder and threatened to show my chest if there wasn’t an oddly invisible strap that held it up. It was slightly baggy but still managed to show off my figure, luckily I had a tail that could hide my rear, this dress seemed to like showing off that area a bit more.

“Not bad.” Steph nodded her head. “Cute but also sexy.” She said eyeing my figure.

“Didn’t I say nothing g-girly?” I asked but mentally feeling fuzzy?

“You said and I quote, ‘nothing super girly’.” She said with a smile, obviously happy with her loop hole. “Besides don’t you like how cute you look?” she asked with a curious look.

“U-U-UH…” I was super lost, sure I liked being complemented like anyone else but I was wearing woman’s dress! Sure their clothes were more fashionable than men’s’ but I’m a guy! Sort of? But I kinda feel happy about this? Is it wrong to like something outside your gender? Men wear pink any don’t really care but….

“Whoa. Hey are you alright?” Steph waved her hands in front of me. “I didn’t think he’d be this weak to compliments….” She mumbled to herself before a sly smile formed on her face.

“So-how do you like your clothes.” I said like an overheated robot.

“Hmm? Oh! This outfit looks pretty great!” She said while doing a twirl in her slightly long skirt with pink hoodie and black jacket combo. “It’s simple and exactly me! I’m definitely getting this!” She cheered like she was getting a cotton ball kitten. “Also, don’t worry about the clothes I’m paying this round!” She decided suddenly.

“Wha-!” I couldn’t let her do that! That means-

“No buts! This is my treat! And this gives you a chance to explore a little.“ She said flashing a cheeky smile but muttered the last part.


Once finishing our little clothes shopping spree, we made our way to a little corner building with a single window door with curtains that seemed to twinkle and shimmer like the night sky. There was a single folded sign that read.

‘Let the future behold itself to you. Those that are blind, lost or fearful please step within these doors! For I the grand and true eye will grant you answers lost to you before you’ve yet become a wondering spirit.’

“Um… what is this?” I asked pointing at the sign.

“Oh, that’s just to drum up customers and get them to come in. no one’s going to visit her unless they get something.” She said with a whisper before leading me inside. "Welcome to grand Nana’s Emporium of TRUUUUUUTH!” She said while presenting the dark room and curtains. With that a small poof of smoke puffed in the back revealing a small woman bundled in purple robes like a ball and a large hat that looked more like a house. It was triple roofed with hanging little lanterns attached to the flat, curved roof corners. Her sliver hair was braided into circles and beads that pull into a large twisted ponytail braid.

‘Cough cough’ “I’ve got to stop doing that! But I do love the dramatic.” She sighed before looking up at me. “Ahh, this must be the beautiful dragoness you spoke of.” She opened her eyes which looked to budged outwards, almost like they would fall out of her head. “You were right young Stephany. They are very confused, lost even. Hmm, this traveler is indeed held within a den of pain.” She said more speaking to herself.

“Nana, would you please help my friend with your clairvoyance?” Steph asked with a worried look.

The old woman looked at me, suddenly leering at me. She looked really grumpy making her wrinkles more visable but she her face just got angrier for some reason.

“No, I will not help one rude such as her.” She said looking away and waving me off.

“Please! He needs your help!” Steph begged.

The old woman looked back at me with a sour face. “You will look ugly in your twenties, live a life chasing vanity and be used by those who you love.” She quickly said before looking away.

“That’s a little harsh. Hey Steph, it’s clear she doesn’t like me, it’s better I leave before I give her a heart attack.” I said lacing my concern with a shot at her age. The woman’s face twisted into a ugly sneer at my words.

“Nana you said you’d help when if I ever brought Oliver here! Are you breaking your promise?” Steph asked giving a hurt look. The stern look in the nana’s face softened under Steph’s begging eyes, oddly looking a few years younger.

“Fine I shall aid them but please step into my kitchen and grab yourself a soda pop while I speak with them.” She said shooing Steph away in mock grumpiness.

“Thank you Nana! I’ll bring more of your favorite pork meals.” She said as she left the room.

Once Steph was gone the ol-“Before you call me old again, I’d reconsider if you really want to understand your instincts or your true future.” She said coldly.

“But I didn’t call you old.” I said confused.

“Not to my face you didn’t but it’s written all over your's.” she snapped back. “Refer to me as Nangerine, Understood?” she demanded.

The o- her face getting angrier. “Ok Nangerine. You uh said you’d help with my instincts?” I asked hopefully. Maybe I’ll learn something, and if not then it was a fun distraction.

“Oh? Fun indeed.” She mumbled something to herself. “But I never said that! I thought those dagger ears of your’s were more than for display purposes.” She shrugged. “I guess I can’t always be perceptive. I’ll make sure to ask for more pork and extra liver from Stephany to boost my system.” She said to herself gleefully rubbing her hands.

“Okay? Then what exactly will you do?” I asked somewhat annoyed at her actions and words.

“Give the one thing a lost traveler such as yourself needs. Your soul has forgotten its mission but I carry the one glimmer you shall need.” She said while her hands disappeared into her robes.

“Like what exactly.” I asked getting a little more frustrated with her constant word play and jabs at me.

Stretching from her robe long spindly like arms curled around the whole room, blanketing the area in darkness and purple mist. The arms continued to stretch, spooking me into a statue, that’s when one large and spidery hand tilted down, hanging a few inches away from my face and another appeared palm up bellow it. The ring finger of the top hand bending down while the ring finger on the hand bellow bent up. Once the fingers touched a bright Blue gem that shimmered purple appeared.


Hello there! As you might’ve noticed, I've removed the smut tag and replaced it with the r-18 tag. Why? Well considering the story hasn't had a lot of sexual acton and I feel like I'm blue balling some people with small dips. What does this mean in the long run? Well nothing will change, there still will be sences of self discovery for oliver and other characters and yes there will be sex and other hot things.

Anyway, this chapter focuses Steph’s plans to get away from whatever's bitting Oliver and get him into a better mindset.

As always, Thank You for reading! Be sure to have lots of fun!

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