My Sudden Monster Convergence

Musings of Others

Welcome to something extra! This is some small snippets of some characters' diaries/journal/recordings. Have fun.


First day of my ever changing life!

Today is the first day of school! I’m starting convergence class which means! The cuties I’ll met will eventually come out as even hotter monster girls! OH! And maybe one or two guys might converge into a mon girl too! OOOOOOH! Tomboy yes please! Anyway…. In class there were a lot of different and new faces and penny tooooo……..

There was a few converged here too! A very pretty lamia who I could definitely ask to be coiled up by. There was also a really cute Nya-jin too. Maybe she’s into athletic guys? I play a little b-ball so maybe?

I mentioned the cuddliness of lamias to our scary teacher and well…. He said I could pop because they used to hunt and choke their prey! I never liked the idea of my head being crushed soooooo, I might need to be careful. Penny even showed me a video of one crushing a wooden table!


So I asked penny if she knew anything about Nya-jins. She said I should ask Belle if I was curious but come on! I want to know because of her! Belle’s so cute and pretty and has huge green eyes, oh and that tail looks extra fluffy! But I don’t want to do something weird in front of her.

Also I saw some medics running down the hall right as I went into class. Wonder if someone fell over or an Oni fell on top of someone. Don’t ask why specifically.

Monday  weird life

Penny was acting weird today. Normally when I poke her shoulder she pushes me but today she screamed at me! was there something on my face? Maybe not? She said she saw a dragon inspector walking around. She kinda looked like she’d pee herself from how she was shaking. Anyway, she said that the air was so cold that her bones felt like ice and everyone ran to hug the walls like a flood was coming through. From what she said there’s a boss Dragoness walking around! Maybe she’s lonely? I know I would be if people treated me like that.

Well it turns out that the boss dragoness was actually a converged classmate! And they were a guy before this! And just like Penny said, the air felt super cold but also kinda like I was being told to lay on the floor? But her beauty melted the freezing air in my heart that i just had to welcome her uh him.

I tried to welcome them but I don’t remember taking a nap or even how cool I was as I welcomed her him. Penny told me that I made myself look like pink wax in front of Oliver. I guess taking a nap in front of them was a stupid idea. I know some mon girls hate showing weakness in a potential boyfriend but I’m sorry ok!

Tuesday   Is history!

You know I never realized that Penny REALLY loves tights. She wears them at home, at school and even when we go the game spire! But I don’t know why she’s does, she doesn’t have much to show off. She wears the really tight ones that looks like she just painted her legs and arms. Yeah she works out doing some parkour stuff but well…. I think she needs more protein if she wants to make any gains.

So today we learned about some hero and demon lord, I kinda tuned out my teacher after he said history. But then he mentioned the hero converged into a girl! Now that sounds awesome! I could imagine your best friend turning into a battle demon girl and how much they would try to keep their male self but also be super shy about being a girl! Cute! So Moe! Penny got annoyed when I mentioned it out loud. She shubbed me when she left like a grump. I don’t know why she’s so mad? She introduced me to this stuff in middle school, I thought she liked this stuff too.

Girls are way too hard to understand…………. So good thing her favorite game is on sale! Heheheheheheheh hahahaha! She’ll be super surprised when I pop out Precursor 3! She loves these bio antihero game series, body surfing with human surfboards, crazy powers and even the main character has dragon wings! She just loves this stuff!




 So I thought pg 24-27


You know how you wake up a day later and only half remember your day? Well, I just had a great time after school finished! I mean there I was walking down the hallway when the Orange dragoness comes through with her commanding mana, strutting that hot ass. Daring anyone brave enough to challenge her for a good lay. But I ain’t no idiot! No faun worth her white tail would serve herself on a platter like some roast pig! Sure I wanna have a tussle in the woods and mess up some leaf piles with a gal that hot but no way!


Shit! Writing about it, got me aching, I’ll have to bug mom again… if only those mana pills tasted better……….. Anyway, the point is, that dragoness is Felora’s Garden of dreams and I wanted in or some small taste. And a taste I got! Not from that round golden tush but from them succubi. See for some reason some joker thought it’d be funny to screw with our right to the goddesses’ harem of love and pleasure! I ain’t writing more about those wackos, thinking about them makes me pissed! I’d love to stomp their feet with my hooves too!


Any who, the succs are putting out! And in mass may I add. I can’t believe my luck, normally you gotta go to the Epulum to get ganged up on. I think that dragoness is a Saintes in disguise if they be celebrating her putting one of those jokes in their place! So that’s why I’m writing it down in my diary, so I don’t forget her gift to the whole school. And how good them demons gave. Don’t worry though, I went down making half of them moan like it was their first.


So there I was, in that hallway pile up when all them succs at the front rushed us. I saw one eye a pretty tall gob, her eyes glowing and he’s there getting hard! She comes in super close, rubbing her check against his and giving him the classic breathy, moan like talk, hand on his chest and playing with his nipples. The gob is butter in her hands as he nods his consent and that girl kissing all over his neck like he was her favorite flavor! Lucky bastard.


At that point I get some attention as one walks in front of me with a flirty smile on them plush lips. I know where you’re going. So I ain’t wasting time, I grab that hand, my tail fluttering as we hit a spare room with a mat, luckily not the one people converge on, those are too hard for what I have in mind. Luckily Fauns don’t gotta worry about pants, perfect for easy access! I just had to push around some fur, any knots would ruin the fun.


Anyway, after I’m set I turn to see my blue beauty has multiplied by three more!  Red, purple and white which I think are best types out there! Grabbing Big blue’s breast I got to work, she’s not even wearing a bra! Squeezing and circling my thumb around her nipple all while I glide my tongue across her long neck. Blueberries…..~


Red comes in snaking her hand under my shirt and starts rubbing up my stomach, every inch sending shivers and tingles, fuck! She pushes up on my tit, spreading her fingers over making my back pulse.


At the same time purple is pressing her hands on my thigh, sliding and drawing circles on my inner thigh, inching closer until she presses right in my pussy! My legs tightened as I moaned into blue’s neck, without waiting she opens my lips with two fingers and starts pushing her tongue in, tasting my depts.


Not wanting to be finished so easily, I grabbed her horn and pushed her deeper into me, my back shocking me as she started licking my walls.


That’s when I remember white and look for her but the girl’s sitting with her legs sprawled out as she’s pinching her nipple and pulling a perching she has. At the same time her tail’s tip is plastered on her pussy like a sticker buzzing, making white moan and her back arching and eyes rolling back.


While I’m watching, red already lifted my shirt and licking spirals on my tits sending pulses all over. She’s getting too feisty so I lower my hand and push two fingers into her, making red scream into my breast. Shooting numbing vibrations through my body and making me tremble. Shit! Fuck!


My whole body trembled as shocks of lightning blasted through my body, making a wild numbing and trembling encase my body and, well…. My stupid mana frenzied. Everything went blank with only the sounds of moans in the background. If only I didn’t have this issue then I would’ve seen everything, remembered what happened.

Oh well, if anything I woke up feeling great and completely on top of my mana levels! I wonder if any of the others will be passing out more treats!







A record of a certain magical Bull.


Ahhh. A nice tea really soothes the soul. Now if only Emily could take it easy on her written work, I’d be reading my new favorite book on that fox girl who’s figuring out magic in another world. It’s really good, I just got to the part where she lifts a whole whale mor out of the ocean and crushes a group of encroaching wights. I really want to know what happens in the next chapter but as I mentioned, Emily turned in a forty page essay on what was supposed to be a summary on the hero and the demon. How did she write that fast without hurting her hand? Could be some magic enchantment or something else. I might have to speak with her mother about this, Emily is too good a student to have an issue like carpal tunnel slow her down. Which means she might make it worse.


Well going through her essay is proving to be a lengthy endeavor. It seems like every page has a section filled with different hypothesizes or theories of historians and philologists. 


‘The espionage group, believed to be part of a human zealot organization, Soleil Aveuglant, was possibly the cause of continual wars, theorizes historian Jeanne Auclair.’ That part makes some sense but the next one makes me feel a little confused. 


‘The motivation for the ongoing conflict appears to be due to the group’s desire to set the world back to its origin. Texts found and translated by Thomas Slayer that read as, “The offshoots are expanding past a healthy number, the air is changing. Take heed my children, for if allowed to further propagate we may risk another Acribus reditus from the very world itself. The world must never see this, we must push back the hands of stone.” It seems there was an upheaval in their life to make then spend their time waring with monster kind.’


This is well written but Thomas Slayer was a crazed loom who started a death cult that attacked several civilian events. The creep even attacked hospitals that specialized in labor and delivery. I’ll have to talk to Emily’s mother about more than one thing it seems. I don’t want Emily getting into anything dangerous or could ruin her life. That reminds me of him, if only I acted sooner then he might’ve graduated a few years ago. It still bugs me at night from time to time…..well, no point in digging up the past. I have to just be more cautious.  


Just so Everyone Knows, the art is done by the character's perspective so it's supposed to look kinda bad. I promise you my art is generally better than this but as these are supposed to be doodles not something inked and colored. Anyway Have a good fourth of July!

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