My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.51: How Bees and Birds Fly

Waking up to sound of my phone ringing my ears off…..I’ll just need a few minutes! “Shuddd up!” I grumbled.


Pulling open my eyes I saw my phone buzzing its heart out like her boyfriend was coming over. Looking at it, 5 AM flashed into my blurry vision, followed by Kathy giving a wing cross. That arm sign she used to do back in middle school, air of peace. Maybe I didn’t hear your call? Slept right through it?

No…. Answering her call, I rubbed my eyes, she needed something important. “Yes-“

“Mark! It’s happened again! Another one of my girls got HURT!” She shouted into my ear making me wince. “That makes the fourth one! There’s no way that stupid molter isn’t behind this!” She sounded like she was going to kick someone off a mountain.

*YAWN* “Kathy it’s super early…” I grumbled before getting to the point. “….Is there any way to prove it?” I asked.

“MARK! I know she’s doing something! Have you seen her team?! THERE. IS. A. FUCKING. Wyvern in her team!” She argued in rage.

“Kathy, a muscle flyer can’t equal proof.” I began.

“Mark-I thought you’d be on my side!” She shouted with her voice cracking.

“Of course I believe you.” I said annoyed. “You need some other proof if you want to stop her and ultimately get her detained.” I argued back. “And rushing in without any evidence will just let her laugh it off.”

“DAMN IT!” She shouted. “You’re right…I was just hoping for some quick action…..but I guess I’m used to Oliver jumping in.” She admitted.

I sighed, of course Oliver would jump to action. He’d always come back with bruises and red knuckles. “Yeah but that’s exactly why we didn’t get him to help us last year. No matter how stubborn he is, her groupies would’ve put him down.” I reminded her.

“….I hate that we can’t ask for his help. I don’t like how she’s hurting my teammates just to get to me! Just go for me instead.” She grumbled.

“But you know that-“ I started.

“I know……. Dragoness Oliver would definitely burn half the school and melt the mountain too.” Kathy said in a sad voice. “Can we meet up before classes start today?” She asked in a softer voice. I frowned, I knew exactly what I had to do in this case.

“Alright….I’ll bring someone who knows their stuff. While I’m at it.” I said before getting up. I know she doesn’t like waking up this early so, I’ll start on breakfast first.



“So, Oliver how are you doing?” Miss Lavigne asked with a soft smile. She seemed in a good mood but her long horns where sending small zaps back and forth between themselves.

“I’m ok. But are you doing alright?” I asked while looking at her horns. They looked like a pair of tesla coils, tossing electricity at each other.

Her eyes followed my gaze, her eyebrows both raising. “This?” She motioned with her open hand. “It’s how I’m trying to keep myself under control. If you remember how I acted the first time we met, my hunger at how complex your mana was had me falling on my instincts.” She said but lowered her shoulders. “Even in all my control, this sadly is all I can do to keep my libido low. So this zaps the hunger out of me.” She said with a sigh.

“Would something like that work for my instincts?” I asked with an excited smile. Maybe pain actually was the answer?

She shook her head. “This only deals with the libido, not the instincts. It’s like taking painkillers for a huge cut in your arm. The pain goes away but the cut’s still there. We succubi have to train our willpower and manage it with our daily maintenance. Same like any other monster. Speaking of, are you ready for your flying class today?” she asked happily.

I looked away, turning to the window, watching the trees move along with the wind.

“I’m nervous of falling.” I finally said in a soft almost quiet voice. Maybe she didn’t hear me and I could just play it off as some other phrase?

“Well, you won’t be flying from the start and even then you’ll be in a controlled environment with teachers that know what to look out for.” She said calmly.

Remembering that even my friends were encouraging me to try, I sighed with a smile. “Alright, I’ll just take the punches and hope my instincts fall in line.”

She smiled at my response. “That’s awesome! I know it’ll be scary at first but before you know it, you’ll be begging for class to go on forever.” She said with a smile. She then wrote something down on her note pad before turning back to me.

“It helps to have both my friends and your encouragement.” I admitted with a small smile. It felt a little warmer to say that out loud for some reason.

Miss Lavigne nodded her head with a proud smile. “Yes, true friends will always help you stand up and face large challenges.” She said sounding extra excited.


After a little talk about the power of friendship or as Miss Lavigne put it, the power of building each other up, we changed topics to the blast that happened at the Gato’s tail.

“So Oliver, your mother tells me you were nearby the blast site. I can’t imagine how awful it must’ve been to experience that.” Her voice sounded mournful. Her eyes carried a deep emptiness that seemed to swirl in tearful pain.

I looked at the wall just above her head, not wanting to look her in the eyes. It made my heart burn and my back feel like a thousand needles, all stabbing and twisting. “I’m fine-I, just hope everyone caught up in it can recover….” I said sadly. I knew some wouldn’t and others would never see their family again, it just made everything seem like an excuse.

 “I hope they make it through too. But, right now I want to know if you’ll be able to make it past this?” She asked pointedly.

“I don’t know what you mean. I said I’m alright.” I said, slightly raising my voice.

“Well, what are you going to do when you get reminded of it and your instincts go into defense mood?” She asked.

“But I’m already trying to find ways to control myself and other ways to calm down.” I said getting annoyed.

“Alright. I just want you to understand if something triggers you and your thoughts line up with your instincts' intentions. Well, you’ll just act without realizing the difference.” She said, reminding me of something. That’s already happened a few times already.

“Fine… you have a point. I-it’s happened before.” I admitted looking at my hands and then this large chest. “Why does that happen?” I asked in a calmer voice.

“Simply because your instincts and you aren’t two individuals. You could call it similar to your one side of your brain communicating while the other side doesn’t have that ability. Therefore instincts are in short your brain’s improved ability to communicate with itself. In fact brain scans even found that the corpus callosum in humans becomes altered once they converge, actually most of the brain changes too. Certain areas become far more developed, packed with several more enhanced neurons. Some monster races even develop new hormone glands and robust receptors that they could actually survive shock and heavy injury!” She said with an excited face before stopping herself. “Sorry about that. These things are pretty exciting to me. As to why you might seem to follow your instincts without realizing it is because of a process called amalgamate.” She began.

“What but if my instincts are separate than why use that word?” I cut her off in confusion. That’s just a fusion of two seprate things!

“It’s just a term to explain your thinking and instincts acting as one. You agree with your needs and act on them. It’s like wanting ice cream when you know you’re on a diet, you miss the flavor and your first thought is to try and get more. Or in other cases your fear becomes so strong you follow it to protect yourself, freezing, fighting back or running. subconsciously you know you have to do something and since your instincts help you use and understand your body better, you end up falling back on it for support. So any time you fall back on or agree with your instincts, that’s called amalgamating.” She explained.

Ok, then it’s like agreeing with your impulses or your first thought then. But how do I keep from doing that? Stay in full control. “Alright but what do I do to keep from amalgamating? You mentioned succubi do willpower training? Would that help?” I asked hopefully.

“Well, you can’t stop from amalgamating. It’ll happen when your physical desires and thoughts match up but you can direct yourself away from doing anything crazy or dangerous. To do that, you’ll need to pay attention to your wants and passions. Create a reward system around that so you can use that to focus your thoughts. Now to realize that you’ve amalgamated takes a lot more practice but the easiest way to watch out for that is using your instincts. find something small your instincts want, that you could easily do and follow through with it. The more you do this the easier it’ll be to tell when you’ve amalgamated and then use your reward system to lead your actions.” She said with a thoughtful look.

“But you probably don’t want to fully try a succubus’ willpower training. It involves a lot of sexual situations and only feeding off small bits of that mana. I guess you could call it dieting. But I will suggest doing some sexual activity but if you get a few partners, you’ll have to make sure they’re physically capable or could at least heal themselves.” She said with a nod.

What? This is some joke right? No way would she be suggesting I actually become sexually active. And why did she say partners not partner? “Could I ask why?”

She smiled at me like a sweet summer child. “I guess Mr. Minnow hasn’t gotten to the sex ed part if you don’t know.” She tapped her nail on her desk. “Compared to average humans, monsters have a higher libido. Between each race, there’s different levels so some are more easily aroused then others.” She said reminding me of nagas. “it’s something you need to manage, otherwise it’ll slowly build up until you can’t take it anymore and act on your needs. You know, masturbating in class, accepting other’s advances or any other way to satisfy yourself.” She said listing them off on her hand.

That sounds really gross? The thought of becoming wildly horny that I beg for it didn’t lead me to feeling good. “Is that why you said partners then?” I asked with some hesitation. I don’t know how to feel about having more than one sexual partner. I know people did cheat or even had polygamy groups but I never wanted more than one lover.

“It’s something the incubi picked up from the lamia.” She said sounding a little annoyed. “Then the succubi took the idea and pushed it further in obvious ways.” She said which I picked up on. I mentally rolled my eyes, of course it’ll be sex, demons of corruption indeed. “For you, partners can help you out with your sexual needs and can’t judge you for it but the same goes for you.” She added.

So partners is a sex thing! But why did only succubi make it that way? Wouldn’t the incubi do the same?  “Maybe I can manage it on my own?” I asked hopefully.

She gave me a sweet smile like I was the cutest little girl she ever saw. “Yeah but you can’t hit all the right places and you’d be surprised how good being held feels after a session. And since partners are only ever people you really trust, it's a healthy environment to be in. You can experiment and learn many things about yourself you normally wouldn't.” She said with a smirk. But I just gave her a stern look. “Well, in my experience anyway. But yes you can, just remember that your body’s a lot more different than your male, human one. So you’ll need to test what makes you feel good and it helps if you go in a rhythm to build up a climax. Then it’s up to you if you need to go again or rest.’ She said.

I guess there isn’t a way to just not handle this. It’s either sexual relief or waking up to some orgy in the middle of the street. Fuck… this is just like Mark’s futa story he told me about in my other world, always building lust and burning with heat. But shit, I wish I had a dick! I’d be one rub session away from managing this stupid libido problem. Girls are just too extreme. “So what do I do? Manage it every day? Three times a day or something crazy?” I asked feeling defeated.

“Not really. Just twice a week should be fine to keep the levels down. You can do more if you want and drop the levels farther but I suggest making this a routine. Saves you the time so you don’t forget and makes it easier to handle your life.” She said calmly.

"Wait, what about pregnancy?! I don't want to become....swollen..." I say trying to look down at my stomach before quickly looking at the wall. The thought sending cold ice cubes down my back and hot tingles in my gut......gut? NO! bad instincts!

Miss Lavigne turned and opened a drawer before pulling out a small box. written on it was, 'Eliminator', it had a picture of a small ring with sperm and bacteria going through it but becoming vaporized on the other side. what? They have this!? does it kill viruses too? A magic world has stuff that doesn't just fuck with you?!

"This will pretty much solve that problem. just take out these two rings, the smaller one goes in the back where your cervix is and the other ring can be put anywhere outside or at your vagina entrance. It'll kill microorganisms between them and some viruses, so might want to check with a doctor to be safe." She said in a informative tone.

Oh..... I guess I'm pretty much good then. I honestly didn't know how to respond to that, my only out was just cut off.



“Come on Abby! I really need your help with this!” I begged my grumpy sister who was busy making a sandwich.

“No. I’m not even done with college yet!” She growled at me. “Besides Mark…..It’s too fucking early!” She whined while laying her head on the counter.

“But someone’s doing something harmful and I know you’ll rise to the occasion!” I tried to butter her up.

“Not interested.” She mumbled but turned her ear to face me.

“And you’re the bestest big sister ever!” I grumbled in a fake happiness. Which got her to slowly look at me. “I’ll get you some meat lovers and five cheese pizza.” I added, lowering my shoulders.

She looked at me with a big smile. “Hmmmmm….” She said drawing out her answer. “Nope.” She said with a chuckle. Pissing me off before she turned around with a wide smile. “Only if you wear a blouse and do half of my chores next month.” She said before trying to cutely poke her bottom lip.

Sighing I nodded. “Fine, I’ll wear your shirt and- wait! Next month is!”

Her smile grew larger. “Yup. Gotta clean that grime from all of dad’s failed experiments! Or do you want to rework our contract?” She asked with a devious look in her eyes.

“No…I’ll do it.” I grumbled. Stupid lazy sister.



After finishing my meeting I had to make my way to my new class, the flying class loomed just over the horizon but with the encouragement of my friends, I can’t let them down. Taking a breath to collect my mind before I made my way to my new class. Luckily it let me out of Jaque’s class for today but I’ll have to talk to Mr. Minnow about finding another teacher for mana and magic, then I can just drop Jaque.

Walking to and finding the flight hall wasn’t that hard to find considering that the walls had a feathery and bat wings painted in blue and green and a line directing you to the room. Once I was there, I could see that the walls were built like cylinder meeting up where the tall doors sat. the walls were painted a sky blue with a wavy green line going across one side to the other, there were even a few trophy shelves and posters too. One trophy had a ring with and a girl with wings on her back, flying a golden strecke around it. Another showed a weird frog with wings flying through an actual moving obstacle course, rectangles would stretch out of the trophy base while the winged frog flew around it. I also saw another trophy with a human with a pointed witch hat levitating with a glowing wand and several boxes and diamonds floating with them.

As I made my way to the doors, a tall man came out but he had a blue face with a green body along with a hairy cape. He noticed me and instantly his cape puffed up like it was alive and he made a soft clicking sound. He rolled his shoulders before waving at me.

“You must be Oliver the jeweled Dragoness. I’m Tavis the student instructor for your class.” He said with a doll like eyes and giving me a soft whistle. That was weird? Is this guy ok or did he hit his head? Well I better not be rude.

“Hello, you can just call me Oliver Mr. Tavis.” I said in a friendly voice.

“No can do Jewel, I can’t be seen disrespecting a dragoness.” He said with an almost growling whistle. “But I appreciate your friendliness and not asking about my race.” He thanked me with a couple of chip-chip sounds.

“Why not?” I asked with a head tilt.

“Many don’t want to upset any dragons that might be around so it’s better if I stay respectful.” He said with a soft whistle.

“Alright then….. So what should I be doing as a newbie here?” I asked, slightly bugged he didn’t want to be a little more friendly. But if I knew anything it was probably more politics that might threaten his future position as whatever he wanted to be. I sighed at that thought, politics were kinda boring and always created a bad environment.

“Thank you for understanding Jewel dragoness. So first I’ll be taking you to get some flight suited clothing and then a locker followed by joining the other new flyers today.” He said as he led me into the flight hall.

I wonder who else is learning to fly?

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