My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.52: Heroes, Suits and the Spiders Along the Way

Following Tavis into the flight hall I saw a large room with statues of a harpy, a bat winged man with large ears and a large armored beetle woman. Each one had a plaque that read, ‘The ones that moved mountains, ‘The three that became hundreds’ and ‘The hearts that pushed past breaking’. The statues seemed to breathe a sense of hope or courage, determined eyes, one had an out stretched hand, wings on full display.

“Wow.” Was all I could muster as I drank in the sight of the statues. This place is dedicated to them! These must have been important. Turning to Tavis. “What did these three do?” I asked with curious eyes, I loved how-how heroic they looked.

Tavis gave a small click clak sound. “They saved this city about ninety years ago. You see dragon’s point was part of a bigger mountain chain but a terra jolt blasted several of those mountains into thousands of boulders that crashed all over the city and surrounding towns.” He said with a soft clicking sound. “These three were the first to act as they flew from district to district, town to town. Saving anyone who was trapped or harmed. They encouraged anyone able-bodied to help in any way possible, getting even the most stubborn or fearful to move. They saved thousands.” He said before bowing his head.

“If you please follow me to the storage room, Jewel dragoness.” He said after holding his bow for a minute.


Following him down a curving hallway we came upon a sliding window and a heavy looking metal door. Tavis thumbed through a keyring before unlocking the door with a blur and gray key. Walking in, he check a clipboard and some plastic boxes a couple times, moving down the row of shelves until he pulled out one of the boxes. Opening it he pulled out a large white bag and handed it to me.

“This will be your uniform for class. It’s a protective flight suit that’ll absorb any blunt impacts but don’t try it out on any sharp surfaces. You’d need a flight team suit if you wanted that option.” He said with a low to high whistle.

“Flight team? Like my friend Kathy?” I asked while looking at the white bag.

“Ah, you know Sparrow Kathy. Then yes, they race across areas like dragon’s point and need the most protection, especially when they simulate disasters.” He said nodding his head.

“That makes sense.” I said realizing it probably had something to do with the three heroes.

“So back on topic, once you change in the locker, you’ll notice the inside is slimy or gooey, that’s so it fits to any body type and better absorb impacts. I’ll tell you the rest once the whole class is here.” He said with a low whistle while leading me to the locker room. We made a few more turns until ending up at metal door with a pink circle and triangle.

No, wait! ……………Yeah I’m a girl in body but I’m a guy! I was about to complain when I realized that guys would probably be looking at my body if I used the guys locker room. The thought sent a small shock up my back while my mind asked if being admired was so bad. I wanted to deny it but the attention I got from my friends and everyone else flashed in my mind.

Before I could do anything else Tavis handed me a slip of paper. “That’ll be your locker number and code for the lock. Now if it doesn’t open then knock on the side where the lock is and it should pop open.” He said with a small head bob but before he took off. “Also for legal reasons, I’m required to tell you, that you’re not allowed to touch others unless given consent without any kind of manipulation.  Oh yeah, female partners are fine but if you need to take the edge off, please use one of the private shower rooms.” He said with a soft clicking sound.

He left me as I stood there frozen. They allow students to do……IT!? In there? Why am I even surprised? Next thing I’ll learn is they fucked on the first lunar landing. Shaking my head, I walked in, at least you have to get consent first. The locker room was pretty large, probably for the taller students but I didn’t see any smaller lockers. I guess the smaller students used a different room, the lockers themselves were made of a blueish metal and had a large turning dial and a large keypad above it. There was polished wood benches next to each row of lockers and on the floor was A-2 painted in bold blue color.

There’s a lot of blue in one room. Maybe it’s a team thing? Or some color coding for other locker rooms? Looking down at the paper I began to look for my locker, D-2, D3225. Walking down the rows of lockers I turn the corner to D-2 only to come face to face with the large light brownish hairy legs of a giant spider ready to grab and eat me.

Without thinking I jumped backward to avoid its attack, it looked like a tarantula and if I remember correctly they like to grapple and paralyze their prey. I bear my claws in a very visible way to scare it from fighting me and stand taller while slightly opening my wings.

“Whoa! I didn’t mean to scare you! I just felt a powerful mana and froze!” Shouted a soft voice while the tarantula curled its front legs backward.

Looking upwards, I realized that the tarantula didn’t have eyes, instead the body of a girl in a red rubber looking suit with an odd teardrop like shape covering the chest and ribs. The girl herself had a rounded face, a small nose and slightly large almond shaped eyes with a second pair of smaller eyes above her brow. Her short curly hair was a honey brown and styled around her head to make her eyes look like puppy eyes. But for some reason her back legs were flailing in a circular motion, making the fuzzy hair sway around.

I stared at her for what felt like a long time while her back legs kept flailing like a speeding boat propeller all while the girl hid half her face with her hands.

“Okay…I’m sorry I spooked you, miss…” I began, trying to see if she would easily give her name or avoid the topic.

“I’m….” She breathed deeply. “Maria Berry Perez Garcia!” She shouted quickly before covering her face again. Seeing her act this way combined with how her face looked, I couldn’t help but see her like a naïve baby that needed protection from the world’s dirty reality.

“You weren’t going to jump me just now?” I asked tilting my head with a suspicious eye.

“W-w-w-w whaa! No way would I hurt anyone! I just scrunch up when I’m nervous!” She said raising her voice like a scared duckling while her spider half balled up, standing taller.

“Fine. Just don’t do anything aggressive. You can go do whatever you were doing.” I said while adjusting my balance but watching her. Luckily enough my locker was right next to me, that jump landing me right in front of it. But the annoying thing was, the spider girl didn’t leave, she stood there staring at me. “I said you can leave, I’m not going to attack you.” I said in slight annoyance. If she stayed there, I’d have to change in front of her.

“You’re……………..A dragon?” She asked nervously but her eyes were glowing with curiosity. Oh no. don’t tell me.

“Yes?” I answered starting to worry about something else.

She tapped her fingers with a small smile. “That’s so c-cool.” She said. “May I ask your name?” She gave a hopeful look.

“I’m Oliver.” I said while using the keypad to unlock my locker.

She didn’t say anything for a long moment, instead rubbing her two front legs with what looked like fluffy paws. “That doesn’t sound very dragon like.” She said innocently.

“That’s because I converged. I’m technically a guy…. So…” I said trying to hint to her to leave but she just stared at me intently.

“That makes sense… otherwise you’d changed your name to something more dragon like… thunderer or frost cutter.” She mumbled to herself.

“I’m trying to change here.” I said slightly raising my voice.

“That’s fine I don’t mind.” She said waving me off, not even looking at me.

“I’d like some privacy please.” I asked.

“Then just use one of the private shower rooms.” She said, pointing her thumb at a row of doors behind her. I was shocked how calm she was considering how most people had trouble talking to me but I realized that she was sorta vibrating in place.

“I see. Then I’ll go change then.” I said walking to a private room. She didn’t move instead turning into a statue.


Once inside I opened the white bag to find a red rubber like suit with a black inside. The front was teardrop shaped, it seemed to connect to a neck sleeve above the collar bone but looking on the inside, I could see it was just hallow. There was more of that black material lining the inside and it looked shiny like wet latex, poking it though, well it was more like some liquid that partially sticking to my claw like wet glue. But the moment I pulled my finger away far enough, the material pulled back into the suit, looking as if I didn’t pull at it.

This is, freaky. This really reminded me of those comics where a goo formed a suit around a person. I mean, I’m not too far off if you look at the whole thing, it was basically a body glove! But…I kinda like it? It was like a super hero suit! I could probably show off my muscles in a nice pose and the best part was that this suit covered my chest! No alluring looks from people!

Checking the bag, I found a letter that detailed how to put the suit on. Apparently you had to go nude in this, otherwise the Biofilm liner will pull your clothes and damage them. And in some cases give an atomic wedgie. Okay, I guess commando it is unless I want holes in my underwear and I’m not in the mood to try custom made lingerie. Maybe on another girl or a cute guy….. um- nope I wasn’t thinking like that!

Trying to ignore my thoughts I quickly changed into the suit but there was a slight problem-the suit hugged my body like a second skin! I can feel it in my ass and that sticky goo stuff is pressing on………my-uh, girlhood? It was like I was wearing tight spandex that I could feel the shape of my groin and rear! Why didn’t I have orange scales covering those areas?! My ass feels huge! NO, it feels like its being squeezed!

I tried to look at my rear but the movement only made it feel like I was being rubbed and pulled. “Mmmmmmh…” I softly moaned before I could even cover my mouth and my wings popped open while I felt a soft hungry squeezing down below. Even my mind was giddy and almost drooling.

Shaking my head. “No!” Quickly thinking, I realized I’ll have to promise myself a reward if I wanted to make it through the day. “If you behave then…………………………………………..” I took a deep breath. “I’ll check porn or some ‘creative’ art.” I said to myself, my voice filled with annoyance but excitement at the same time. But all that did was make my body softly tremble and the soft squeezing started tightening as a heat started spread across my body. “I need…” I breathed happily. My hand slowly lowered to my….gapping-needy, j-juicy emptiness. I was so lonely down there, just a nice poke or two wouldn’t make a wrong. Looking down to get a better look, my weigh-breasts presented themselves, I could feel a soft ache buzzing around my hiding nipples. Nobody would say I’m wrong to play with a couple of buttons either…..

My other hand slow glided over my smooth yellow belly, drawing the image of a toned beauty, the moment a finger touched my breast a wild shock oozed over my body. Quickly moving my hand to my nip-

*KNOCK-KNOCK* “Are you ok?” Maria called me from the other side. Oh how I’d love to pin her down and stuff her big mouth full of my breasts, no… I’ll feed her my beautiful womanhood. “We’re going to be late!” She called with a worried voice. Was she waiting for me? Even though my mana scares her?

A nail of guilt stabbed my heart. Maybe next time perhaps? Looking over to my bag I grabbed a candy and swallowed it, pouring a heavy load of water on my burning need. “I’ll be out soon!” I called back after my mind cleared up some more. What was I thinking? I can’t push myself onto a girl! But I CAN ask for a partner. Wait-No! You need to calm down instincts!

Pulling on the top half of my suit, I felt the goo material spreading over my weights like a soft wet glove. The sleeves went over my wrist and had gauntlets that started from my elbows and ending at my wrist. Wearing the suit I felt really protected maybe this is how those hero suits feel like?

Leaving the room I saw Maria waiting by another door. “Come on! You’ll be late!” She called before turning like a robot and slowly tapping the floor with her front legs like it was super-heated. She eventually pulled herself out the door as I got closer.


Walking into a large room that looked like a padded airplane hangar but the floor felt super firm, like layered heavy duty plastic. There wasn’t any windows but the lighting felt almost natural. As we stepped into the room, we met a small group of other students, one looked like a harpy but they had hands and had bright red feathers. There was what looked like a small gray imp, standing on long spider legs from their back? But he looked more like stone and had a tail that curled underneath their body. There was even a couple serious looking smaller arachne who quickly waved their legs at Maria. A few students had large bat wings but one looked like a fox, another had a wolf head and the last one looked like a fluffy raccoon with a dog like face.

As I approached the students with fur or feathers puffed up but all of them kept their eyes on me, they looked like they were worried I’d explode! Some even looked ready to run off, is the fox and raccoon students shrinking?

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