My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.60: School News and Calm Airs

Sitting in my room I was wondering what else I could do. I felt like I did a lot in one day and this week was only getting busier with these school events coming up. Then there’s Kathy’s race coming up in another week, she looked excited to have me cheer her on. I know she’ll win, no one’s better than her when it comes to running, so I assume I can apply the same to her flying. She’ll zoom so fast that they’ll have to award her some mastery trophy or medal, heck I bet she’ll make a professional team if she wanted to.

Hm…… the school might’ve actually recorded her last race! Turning to my computer I pulled up the school’s web page. This was surprising! The page had moving slides, a 3-Dsih image made with a picture of the proud figure of the founder, a minotaur closer to the front. He was wearing a black suit with light gray patterns of a flower with antennae with orbs at the ends, His face was covered in scars and his eyes carried a firm gentleness, like he saw the world and understood no one could ever grasp it all. The page said he established the school over four hundred years ago, teaching many and cultivating many great minds that went on to change the world around them.

Above that was tabs and sections for education, clubs, events, holydays and holidays. There was even a section on convergence education, stating that the school aimed to help students and families understand their convergence, teaching respect and tolerance.  Then there was a part about finding your place in the world and passing trials before graduation. Whether that meant some sort of school event or more of a metaphorical sense, I wasn’t sure but both would make sense for a school. Doing volunteer work, writing reports, completing a self set goal or even bringing your skills beyond what you started off with.

Ah! Here’s the sports section! Forty meter jumps, disc throwing, tunnel ball and even back riding? Clicking on that one, I found that it was a sport that focused on teams of two. One being the mount and the rider…. Centaurs, achene, driders, false centaurs and a bunch of other four legged monster races. The riders were any humanoid that weighed at or below two hundred pounds and they would race through rough terrain, going around, through or destroying it . Heh! Looks like goblins love this sport and it seems like goblin jockeys are pretty famous. The main page for the sport had a goblin riding on the back of a giant crab? The goblin was even launching a fireball that even produced gold stars as she stood atop the huge crab. Oooooh! There was even a sub category of rider battles where goblins and shorter races would battle on the back of a running false centaur, trying to knock each other off.

The pictures even looked like something from a fighting game similar to Streets’ of Brawl. Shaking my head I clicked on the racing tab, it was weird seeing a sport that looked so much like a video game. But hey, everyone’s got their own thing. 

In the racing tab I went to flight and one of the first pictures was of the heroes who saved the city from that disaster. There was even a climatic picture slide of them pulling people from the rubble and eve one giving a baby to its mother. It even had heroes in a golden font behind the three as if it were a flag they stood under. These guys really were loved huh? Statues, special plaques and even at the top on the flight page. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a movie or two about them.

Doing some poking around I found where Kathy was and as suspected a video from last year’s race through the forest of void. It’s apparently a section of the forest behind the school that has narrow space and moving trees…………………………………………………………………………..

MOVING TREES!? Is this a magic?! But those trees behind the school are huge! Like sky scraper huge! You might as well tell me they move literal mountains while they’re at it! Looking through I all I could find was something about bonded pairs doing this. I guess they assume everyone would know. 

Sighing I turned back to the video, clicking play, a bunch of trumpets rang as all the racers lined up on a large jumping platform tower. There was several harpies, a familiar girl with a smug look and wings behind her back, a……..dragon?! She was a dark green color with darker scales on her back but instead of wings on her back they were her arms. Was she some other kind of dragon? Maybe she’s still here? Maybe I could ask her about how to handle these instincts or our culture! 

While I was wondering the possible questions I could ask her, a shot rang out, making the girls jump off the platform. Going from a dive with their wings closed for a few seconds before pulling them open and flying. But Kathy and that smug girl didn’t open their wings until they were a few inches from hitting the floor, zooming past everyone else like bullets. They flew and swayed side to side, avoiding oncoming trees, Kathy twisted to the side before diving again, just missing a branch that swung at her. She then opened her wings, gliding towards a branch and using it as a springboard and launched herself into the air. 

The smug girl flew over and under the moving branches like a dolphin jumping and diving into the water and creating a stream of bubbles that followed behind her. Every time she slowed down, a bubble would pop and the trapped air would push behind her, picking up her speed. Was the girl cheating? On camera!? And she’s waving at the camera too. No one seems to mind…. I guess magic counts as a physical attribute if no one’s making noise about it.

The race continued as Kathy and that smug girl were pretty much at each other’s necks, while the green dragon girl just flew through the thinner branches and crushed the thicker ones with her clawed feet like slightly melted butter. Every time she did this, I’d hear an odd moaning creaking sound which seemed to make the dragon girl more annoyed. Were those trees just really that hard to cut through? But I was able to cut concrete like it was mushy paper to me. Maybe dragons just have different strengths like the different monster races did. But then did that mean I wasn’t exactly categorized as a monster then? Like how the sprites aren’t either?

 While I was lost in thought I missed most of the video, only catching the parts where Kathy dodged the smug girl’s bubbles and confused the dragon girl into trapping herself in the fatter roots. Then where Kathy celebrated her win. Jumping in the air, fists raised high as she cheered. She looked proud at her win but instead of rubbing it in the smug girl’s face she walked up to her and offered her hand. The smug girl’s face cringed like someone offered her poop as food before shaking her head and putting on a smile as she reluctantly took Kathy’s hand. Kathy raised both their hands as if to share the glory of making first and second with the world. 

I wonder if that smug chick is the same one who spoke to me a while ago, she definitely looks like her and even carries herself like that girl did. If it was her then I hoped Kathy ran her through the dirt, she was begging to be put in her place the last time she spoke of screwing with Kathy.

The thought was making me more pissed to the point that seeing this girl made me feel like I was eating shit and biting into my arm for seconds. Closing the page I decided to figure out the difference between monsters, sprites and dragons. Sadly it was kind of a pain to find what I was looking for, every search either gave me random myths, a CGI soda commercial on a guy converging into a hot Oni girl or something on medical health insurance.

It was really pissing me off, just like in my original world the search engine was a pain to work with on certain specific topics! I don’t have the right word so I can’t find it! This really bugged me that my tail began swinging side to side while my wings fully pulled open, stretching out the muscles and webbed fingers. Strangely enough the action made my chest feel lighter, almost like I let out a deep breath. I’ve never felt like this before but then again I didn’t go for a full stretch either. Wondering what it was, I felt my mind sigh in relief as if it finally got out of a super cramped area. 

Turning back to my computer I typed in stress relief for monsters. This pulled up not only suggestions but even a chart of general actions to relax. And lo and behold one of them was wing stretching. Apparently it pulled the muscles outward which triggered the body to release oxytocin, the body’s stress relief hormone. Looking back at my wings I raised a brow, these things were more useful than just scaring me with falling. Feeling happy, I patted my left wing for calming me down. Heh, you still feel more like a big warm blanket to me, a stretchy leathery one but hey, these babies were starting to bring out some pros. Though dying from falling wasn’t going to be outweighed unless these wings also could magically make a bubble….shield…. 

That’s actually something to ask Mr. Argen about! Anyway, I looked at my phone, I wasn’t sure if I should but I had to ask Steph about her partner thing. But a part of me felt really bad, I didn’t want to just use her offer to relieve myself of my stupid libido problem. The thought just made me feel shitty. She was so nice to me, helping me keep my control and trying to pick up my mood at the Gato’s tail. Damn all of my new friends were super kind or supportive, even Emily helped me out. Okay! So she’s been a friend too, though I can’t tell if she’s trying to be my friend or just trying to get closer to learn more about dragons. But she is raised by succubi and knowing them, she could just be interested in me for her personal goal of, I guess education? I still wasn’t too sure what her goal was if I was honest.

Getting annoyed again I got up to change to run on the treadmill. I had to burn off whatever stress the wing stretches didn’t get rid of. And maybe figure out if Emily wants to be friends or examine my sweat for some cure or cancer or something.



Getting out into the hallway from the work out room, I saw mom with a big bag full of rolls of fabric in one hand, and arm full of a fabric mannequin and a large metal box with a handle. She had dragged it in like she was only holding a small dog but she soon stopped to take a breather, her arms going limp after putting her things down.

Shaking my head, I rushed over. " Hey mom! Let me help you out with those before you pop your arms off." I said as I grabbed the metal box and mannequin.

"It's ok, I don't want to bug you honey. Those aren't light pap-" She began to warn me before I lifted them off the floor like they were a couple sheets of paper. "-er...Right, dragon strength." She mumbled to herself as I held the mannequin over my shoulder from its metal stand like a buster sword.

"Where do ya want these, Miss." I said with a friendly voice.

She giggled at my response. "My, what capable strength! I bet all the ladies swoon at your figure!" She said playfully.

"Just trying to be helpful, little lady." I said returning a smile.

Following my mother, we ended up at a large door near the side of the house. She walked up to the door and was about to open it with a key when she stopped herself, a smile quickly growing on her face. putting away her key, she began to act surprised, patting her jacket and pants pockets in pretend fear.

"Oh no! It looks like I lost my key again!" She said in mock worry. "Probably left in the fridge! I know!"

She raised her small bejeweled wand in the air making a soft pink light glow from it. "I call upon all the powers that govern love, joy and cuteness!" She called in her best high pitched heroine voice while her wand began  blowing pink and blue bubbles shaped like hearts. She did a quick spin while mumbling some weird code that made her voice echo. "With this!" She waved her wand, creating a golden heart drawing in the air before pointing it at the door. Her wand began glowing brighter as wind started blowing, rainbows and more hearts erupting from her wand like wild sparks of electricity. "I shall light the way!" A powerful gust blew from her wand as the light flashed so bright, I thought I was going to go blind. 

I heard a weird sound softly ring as a huge red heart exploded, absorbing all the bight light. slowly, I blinked my eyes, the color slightly bulling between blinks. Maybe... blinking my eyes half way, my third set of eye lids closed, making any remaining light less intense than before. It's been awhile since I've used these! Sucks that color gets a little duller but hey.

Once all the bright light was fully gone, the door looked different. Instead of a single bland door matching the color of the walls with a knob stood a double door with a golden heart. It had a bright pastel rainbow that wrapped around the edges and swirled around the air like artistic cursive. carved into the golden heart was two girls in big poofy dresses and hair adorned with ribbons and twin tails or braids, they stood proudly on both left and right doors. Their hands reaching the handles which now looked like sliver scepters with a large gem with a pulsing heart shape inside them. 

This wasn't some light effect either, I poked the rainbow with my tail only to feel some moisture and I could feel the pulsing hearts producing heat every time they beat.

"without further adu-" My mother placed both hands on the scepter handles. "Welcome to my little world of imagination!" She pushed the doors open. wind gushed past us with the scent of mango and watermelon.

My mother's side room was a lot larger than many of the rooms alone! Somehow it had a wide window stretching from one side to the other like a studio or a large mansion, near the ceiling was a second floor balcony with gold railing shaped like hearts and stars. The ground level had several long tables covered in paper outlines, fabric cut into certain shapes, bottles of glue, several pink pumpkins with needles in them and even a pair of scissors. One even had a large sewing machine in the middle, it was pastel blue with clouds painted on it and had several nobs and buttons that gleamed with a purple light. Next to it was a box of needles that shined and glimmered, each one separated by color, red, blue, green and purple.

The walls including the balcony upstairs had several shelves, between every two shelves was either small cubby like drawers with polished red wood and yellow handles or a small desk with bundles of paperwork and shelf above it with several glasses of different shapes and colors all wrapped in gold wires and metal plates. The shelves themselves had books, a few empty cups of Cofa Ground, one even had rolls of fabric on a spinning dial to rotate between fabrics. 

But several shelves had many figures, toys, cups, bowls and an odd tv, each one had girls in similar poofy dresses to the ones on the doors. They all had wands with wings, hearts, stars or hearts while a few looked like the same character with a dress with ribbons, belts, pins and fancier hair styles as if this was a power up from their previous clothes. Each one was posed either in mid dance, using their wands or even flying on them like a witch, some were posed together.

There was even a few different ones, their dresses were black and white with small amounts of red or purple. the dresses were just as frilly as the others and even matched the cuteness they had yet the dark ones had web patterns, bat wing accessories, glowing red eyes, horns and tails or even clawed hands. One was even a dark armored arachne with sword like legs, her dress even had a black web like fishnet over another layer patterned with red butterflies and her smile seemed more wide, filled with lust (?), hunger maybe?

"What do you think of my secret base from the crazy outside world?" My mother asked as she stretched out her arms to present the room to me with a huge grin. I was honestly surprised she was able to hide a large room in the house.

"It's...How did you...Where did..." My brain wanted to ask all my questions at once but I couldn't figure out which to ask first. "It's really amazing." I said after clearing my head.

My mother came close after seeing me struggle with my answer and patted my shoulder with a big smile only a fan girl could possibly have. "Thank you! For that, I'll gladly tell you how this room exists here!" She raised her hand to point at the tall ceiling. "That's because it doesn't! It's actually near my home town a little ways away from this city." She said honestly which only drew a confused look on my face but before I could ask she put her finger up. "It's a little magic I learned from a dungeon I went to in my younger days." She happily announced. 

"So some sort of teleport magic?" I asked as I looked at the door for a portal surface like at the school, not finding anything.

"Nope! It's more like displacement! I had to learn some fairy magic just to pull this off." She motioned her thumb behind her to another door. "If you go out there then we'll be at my hometown of Starwbae. I can visit my parents, that taco stand I love or even see old girlfriends who still live there!" She cheered.

Curious and really excited to see another town, I made my way to the door with a hop to each step only to realize I almost took what I was carrying with me, I quickly put her her things down before zooming to the door. I was about to grab the handle when my mother stopped me. "I don't have my wallet on me so we can't go." She said with shake of her head.

"What do you mean?" I asked more confused.

She stared at me like she already told me, her eyes hardening into a leer before her eyes widened. "That's right! You weren't too interested in magic till now!" She said facepalming. "So the moment you leave this room, you leave our location and go to Stawbae. Meaning you can't go home the same way, you'd have to go back the long way. Sure it's not too far especially if you go by mana-train but it's a long walk if you don't." She explained.

"Oh...I see..." I slowly stepped away from the door like a robot learning emotions could hurt. I kinda wanted to see if it was true or not and look around a new town, for some reason new towns and cities were always fun to look at for me.

"It's alright, I've been planning on going back,  so how about we go this weekend. They have a special festival there on Saturday." She said trying to cheer my fallen mood.

My eyes widened at that. "Really?!" She nodded. "Alright! I could really use some fresh air!" I said with a huge smile on my face.  


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