My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.60.5: Open Chat Circles The Class

“Alright class! Now that you’ve learned about how to approach a scared monster and human, I want you all to form one big circle! Today you’re discussing how you’ll help each other if you end up afraid!” Mr. Minnow told the whole class.

Moving my desk, I ended up with Belle next to me but instead of Steph or Emily on my other side, there was Valerie but with her hood down. Her face had gotten a lot redder and the whites of her eyes were now a dark yolk yellow. I guess she’s going to converge soon, probably tomorrow or next week maybe? But ignoring that, it was surprising that someone else wanted to sit next to me considering my weird mana release, making people scared.

“Are you going to be ok with my mana being the way it is?” I asked her without a greeting, I’d rather not make the girl faint or freak out in the middle of this group discussion. 

“Uh? I don’t mind it. Your mana feels a lot calmer compared to your first day as a dragoness. Besides! I-I want to get to know you better!” She announced suddenly. It seemed like she just threw this on the table but that was news! My mana was less mean in here!

“I don’t mind having a new friend but don’t force yourself if you’re uncomfortable about it.” I said trying to consider that she might just wanting a big dragon for protection. Small shy girl plus school setting usually equaled someone being mean to said small girl. But her face looked sullen at my response, ah, I might’ve said too much.

Belle nudged me, getting my attention. “What he means is, you’re welcome to.” He said with a head tilt and big smile, which brightened up her face.

“Thanks!” Valerie said happily as if we were going to see the premier of her favorite movie series.  She then turned back to Belle with a smile. “Dank u!” She said in what I assumed was her language or she likes saying thanks in a weird way?

Belle gave a toothy grin with a thumbs up. “No problem!”

Valerie turned back to me giving me a nod and even her eyes sparkled, making me give a smiling chuckle.

"So how's your convergence going?" I asked Valerie after she sat down in her seat. She tilted her head, looking at the ceiling in thought.

"My body feels sorta smooth but rough if you rub it the other way! And I think my normal foods are tasting a little bland? My mother said it probably in my head but I choose to believe I do." She said with a wide proud smile.

"Really? Are you excited about it?" Belle asked with a cheery look. 

"Yeah! I want to be just like my mom and dad and swim through the lights of blue." Valerie said with a big excited smile. "I'm going to learn lots here and then help make our store stand taller than before." She added with a proud nod like a king was knighting her.

"Oooh! If you need help let me know! Family should always be strengthened!" Belle said putting his hand on his chest with a serious look. 

"Gladly! And I'll do the same!" She said as she rubbed her finger on her forehead up to her hairline.

Once everyone formed the big circle, we all looked at each other, many waiting for the other to speak up. It seemed no one wanted to be the center of attention, I guess it hasn’t been long enough for everyone to be comfortable with everyone else. As much as I hate how people stared at me, I raised my voice.

“I’ve done some research and apparently stretching your wings helps lower stress. So I’d suggest anyone that converges into a monster with wings to do this while those who don’t, give some contact. Something like squeezing their arm.” I suggested in a confident voice. Everyone had their eyes glued on me, some were nodding, shrugging or thinking to themselves.

“But what if they don’t want to be touched?” Emily asked, turning her head in confusion and poking her lip with a pencil. 

“Well, I think presenting yourself as non-threatening would help.” Said Jean thoughtfully. “Then we could just talk to them if they didn’t want contact. My family tends to talk to each other when they’re sad or things go wrong.” He explained.

“I think if you want to approach me then you could say my first name to get my attention. It’s very personal to an artist. Oh! And maybe make a soft vibrating sound? That’s super calming for my mom and brothers.” Penny said coolly.

“The best way to help me if I’m scared would be some soft music, it kinda….makes me feel b-better?” Said the guy who tried to hit on me.

“My mom always wraps a warm blanket around me when I'm not feeling so good and sings to me. So a warm hug might help me out.” Said a girl with cute big eyes.

“You know, I heard some monsters love certain scents and my mother always seems to calm down when my dad wears a certain perfume. Maybe that might work for me?” Asked a wide eyed girl.

“Sure, but it could just trigger an opposite response and then you’ll be back to where you started!” Shouted a boy with red hair.

“That’s the point of testing it first, you soon to be marbled cat!” The girl said angrily at the guy as she looked away with a huff.

Looking over at Belle, we both shrugged at each other in surprise at the sudden argument. 

“They should just make out already.” Whispered a surprised penny.

“Yeah, then I could watc-” Her friend began before she gave him a stern look, making him change his response. “I mean so they could stop making a show of it.” His quickly changed statement brought a smile to Penny’s face as she nodded.

They pretty much went like that, each student mentioning their family’s solutions or how they wanted to be approached/helped. It didn’t make everyone super close but it did break some of the ice as they were baring their personal needs to others. I think maybe it was a good first step or a bad one depending on how my classmates decided to use this information. I personally wasn’t too sure about giving away anything big beyond the physical touch I mentioned, because as much as I wanted people to see me as just another student, I knew it wouldn’t be that easy. Considering how strong I was and how easily I can follow my instincts, I’d rather not say much until I know for sure how to handle this.

After some time discussing how to help calm each other down from fear, our teacher approached the middle of the circle. "Today, you've all learned about how to approach each other and even how to soothe your emotions! But you also learned about each other on a personal level, breaking some of the ice between you all! Remember to show respect to everyone and help each other and you'll find opportunities for new and amazing growth or change! Aim to not only understand but to help others understand, only then can you begin to improve the world around you!" Mr. Minnow said with a smile before his face become shrouded in darkness. "If I learn that you're using this information to stand above others than I shall personally train your body to pour out this negative actions out of your soul!" He warned the class as his muscles flexed, his eyes glowing red and the air around him growing a little breezier. 

The class all shivered, either hugging their own bodies or clinging to close friends and maybe lovers. Though I didn't see too much to worry about from Mr. Minnow's warning, my mind even chuckling at his adorable actions, I still tried to be respectful. Because I wasn't going to mess with people like that, I had enough eyes on me already and didn't need more than that.

Yet I felt a pair of small hands wrap around my arm and a body press into me. looking down I saw Valerie clinging to my arm, her body shook and trembled like she had a mean dog chase her. Seeing her fear, a jab of annoyance hit me as the air around me began to heat up, making it feel more like a warm blanket. The change in temperature made Valerie snuggle into my arm as her body stopped shaking. Good-

Suddenly I felt something softly poking into my other arm, turning, I saw Belle was leaning into my arm. His own body seemed to melt into the heat around me but I couldn't see his face from this angle so I wasn't sure if this meant anything or I was now their heater.


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