My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.70: Floral Skies; New Looks

“OK! so lets test these babies out!” Maeve shouted as she opened a gold heart pendant with a shiny green gem.

Phoebe stared at me, her eyes narrowing before slowly looking at a fern pattern bracelet with a cyan blue gem. “I guess you have some good thinking, the crowd out there might swarm us.” She looked at me before a thoughtful look at Maeve set off some lightbulb in her head. “Since we get two genders, I vote for a girl’s night out in these avatars.” Phoebe said with a smile.

“Why? I’m a guy, Phoebe.” I asked, feeling a little more confused than annoyed.

“Because There’s one place I want to go to with everyone and girls get the best spot!” Phoebe said, which made Maeve’s eyes widen before she began to nodded wildly. “Also there's some cool clothes you could try.” Phoebe added with a smile.

How did she figure out I like-wait is she just trying to….A thought flew through my head, ‘Phoebe wasn’t feeling super well last week’, also she did try to protect my incarnation…. I guess I can stomach it. “Fine…I’ll give it a try.” I said.

“OOhhh! You’ll love a run on the other side!” Maeve said with an excited look. “Well more with a couple of gals!” She added after a quick thought.

Looking down at my own gem attached to the back of my hand, I sighed. I tapped it making a box pop up.



‘Which Avatar do you wish to use?’



Pressing female, only to get a warning that the avatar is set to produce magic and abilities to the selected race. I kinda wanted to test it out first before I brought it out. But-pressing the continue, a blue liquid poured out from the gem quickly covering my whole body before I black screen for a moment.

blinking I look down at my to see a new pair of weights on my chest bundled in a red dress with slits for easy movement and patterns of gold rose thorns snaking their way down my dress while there was some thick padded cotton underneath it all. looking at my ‘hands’ or more correctly cream white paws, I flexed them, trying to get a sense of their flexibility. Although the paws looked like that of a big cat's fingers, they moved easily like a human’s, though some finer movements seemed a little harder without some focus. looking down at my new feet was a little different though, it looked like some furry cat boots, ones with moveable cat toes with exposed claws. I could even feel my weight shifting on something under my feet. it felt similar to my dino legs, just a little squishier? But it was a weird feeling to have both smooth skin and fur. Looking down at some exposed skin, I blew on it, feeling the cool air softly wipe over it and the goosebumps spiking upward. This's like real human skin! 

My ears twitched as I felt them quickly turn to the voices outside. “Wonder if we’ll see the heroes up close.” “Maybe I can get a photo of one?” “Mommy! Mommy! I want to be just like Phoebe!” 

“Wow! urrrr a churrrr!” Said an oddly pink lizard amphibian monster trying to do its best pirate imitation. It had large blue eyes that glowed like an ocean at sunset. But this one had it’s body curved like a shapely woman and only wore a dark green, maybe sage green, jacket that closed at the waist becoming almost a dress with pink bows. her whole body was covered in pink scales but transitioned to white around her hands and feet, which looked oddly human like. If you considered iguana hands human-like. She looked like a princess becoming a queen? like those figures my mother had in her sewing room maybe….

“You guys are so cute! I didn’t think we’d all go for something adorable!” Said a tall minotaur woman with thick brown curly hair with blonde highlights. She looked less buff than what you’d expect a minotaur to be, giving her a more innocent teenager look with her leaner body. Her horns exited from the sides of her head and curled upward, one had a red ribbon tied into a flower. and an additional, pink version of the flower ribbon on the other horn. She wore a pink blazer that only covered her chest with a red form fitting shirt tucked into a split skirt? It kinda looked like those skirts warriors would wear, split into three parts, two covered her thighs and one between her legs.

“What’s going on? Why are we color coded? And why am I in a dress?” I voiced my thoughts in surprise. I told Edmond to get me something masculine and battle ready clothes! Not something that could get in my way or something as colorful. or…..Looking down at myself again, turning my body and watching how the dress moved easily….Or pretty…

“Oops.” Maeve squeaked with a face that looked like she took the last donut.

“Maeve! Do you have an idea why this happened?!” I cried.

“I may ‘ave offhandedly said to my sis that we’d look awesome if we had a theme? also I wanted something like a dress….” She admitted.

I instantly facepalmed only to feel several soft and squishy things press into my face. whua? lifting my hand, I saw paw pads on them. This avatar has…I started poking them with my finger. Soft jello on jello….Oooooooh. I was so absorbed in feeling the soft beans that I didn't really care that two other hands started playing with the pads too.

“Wow. these arr so sssoft.” Maeve whispered in wonderment, still trying out her weird accent.

“Cat beans!” Phoebe cooed with a peaceful expression.


After some much needed poking, I eventually cleared my throat. “SO! That happened. Anyways….since your sister made our avatars have a connection, we’ll just say we’re good friends if someone asks. Oh yeah I’ve named my avatar Robin.” I said hiding my paw behind my back in an attempt to keep them from poking my pads.

“Sounds good. Well I’m Megan!” the tall minotaur who was Phoebe said as she threw her hair behind her back.

“And I’m!” The pink lizard leaned back while delicately putting her hand on her chin. “Feather!” Maeve said in a joyful voice. “Lover of all cute things and causal romantic. ”She added with a nod. 

“So what exactly do you want to do?” I asked Phoebe, now Megan, who was playing with her curly hair.

“Just follow my lead!” She said as she took both mine and Maeve/feather’s hand, leading us outside into a side alleyway on the side of the town hall.

turning the corner into a larger road shocked me. it was now dark out but many of the buildings were lit with glowing lights. some lights moved like snakes across roofing or around poles, flashing different colors, some made images of flowers of…roof had the lights move to make a video of my incarnation doing some weird cowboy esc dance…..Stop giggling Maeve!

flowers growing from corners of the roads were now seethrough and filled with some glowing orange liquid that bubbled and sizzled like soda. Sprites wore masks that looked like it was made from leaves and petals. Some looked like beaks and feathery eyebrows but a lot had a blank mask with four lines under the eyes or no eye holes. These people would nod at one another doing no other greeting an-

Wait, did that mask just move? Sorta like tv static or glitching like a broken game? Leering at the person, I watched their mask for any more movement, the person just stared back. when suddenly something bumped my arm.

Turning to my left,  Maeve shook her head. "You can't watch their transition. Only barely notice or catch glimpses." She said sounding sagely.  

"What?" That threw me for a loop. Where did this come from?

"It's something only fairies do during important events." Phoebe added. "The mask represents your core and every interaction adds something small but new to it." She gave a simple explanation. 

"Oh…is there a reason to wearing it?" I asked.

"Lots. Being a hero, a parent, a guy, girl, a knight or even a princess or legend." Maeve said with a proud smile. "It's about who you meet and who you choose to be with. Without others, you can't become a blazing spear."

"Come on. We can't force change in others." Phoebe began to lead us down a street into another, more busy one. 

But I couldn't help but watch them, those almost white masks. The masks looked paper thin, they were fragile, too weak. 


Turning the corner brought us to the town center. There were moving vines in the far back with what looked like carts sliding up and down the vines. One cart was launched into the air, doing several backflips before vines grew out of the cart and brought it back to sliding vines safely. 

In the middle town center was several people wearing armor made from shining leaves, others had huge purple robes and hats with odd numbered points. as in, they had one point, three or five, each of these points was covered in wraps, moon and star medals, cards with colorful animals on them. these people were glowing softly as the knights were lit on fire! but instead of freaking out, they reached into bags at their sides before pulling out a giant fish three times his size, the other pulled out a candy cane? it was red and white with a red ribbon but it was shaped like a scythe while the fish was shaped like a short sword and didn't flop around. The knights stared at each other as they prepared their weapons, the fire surrounding their bodies began to look like blazing wings and made their armor look like robes of fire! Besides the weird weapons, they looked like paladins summoning the power of their god.

It was filled with people that were floating on the orbs of light. Looking to the sky, I could see people inside the larger orbs eating or drinking from teacups. Above them was the sky crystal clear water but I saw several fairies, pixies, minotaurs and other humanoids swimming in it and some floated on the surface watching the town from below. I even saw a few glowing flower people gliding through the water like they were just flying, twirling through the water and making streams of bubbles behind them. I saw a pixie fly upside down over the water with a long silvery rope, just under the surface I could see a large fish big enough to eat twenty people, chasing after the rope with its jaw wide open. I could see some weird worms coming from its mouth, each one would squish and shoot at the rope just missing it. But behind it I saw a large boat following it, long thick ropes tied to the huge fish while more people were on it dancing in sailor uniforms, one was a pirate and one wore….some water? I couldn't tell all the finer details without my dragon zooming eyes from here.

Following Phoebe, we found ourselves passing a few stalls selling cups large enough to bathe in, each one filled with mountains of ice cream, cotton candy or lots of buttery corn. Another stall served bowls of rice or even a golden soup that smelled sweet and meaty while others served fish the size of four queen sized beds. I watched a little archane girl carrying a large stick with pillow sized cuts of meat over her shoulder, taking bites as she walked along and giggled with a lamia and churr.

Now that I think about it, everyone here is eating meals enough for five to eight people on their own! To my right I hear several people ordering seconds from a place that sells giant drumsticks as big as half a car. To my left is- is that a jello house?! There's two, one is being eaten by four people while the other is being used as a bouncy castle. The ones jumping on it try to do somersaults, a brown mole pulling off five before face planting into the jello. His legs wildly shaking before his body was sucked into the house and popping up in another area.

Right next to the jello houses was a stall selling belts, one was several colorful treads that made a rainbow belt, one was red and rope-like and another sparkled like salt or sugar. some were nibbling on the belts though one pixie’s face looked like it was being sucked into her mouth. I guess she got the sour belt?


After some walking we made our way up a hill to a huge mushroom that had some white gooey stuff slowly pouring out of white spots. It kinda looked like melted cheese that stretched like white curtains in arches that pooled into a white pond around the shroom. But it didn't really smell weird beyond a hint of freshly cut tomato in the air.

Phoebe turned to us, giving us an excited look that her eyes looked like stars. "Being in the Fairis land lets us get to one of the best shops! The cinnamon Emporium!” She said turning around with a smile only to frown. “Where’d you-Oh!” Looking down she smiled again. “Guess you’re shorter on a hill, hehe.” She chuckled to herself as she played with her curly hair.

“No, I think you’re just taller.” Maeve said as she looked up at her from below. The two just looked at each other with a dead expression like the other told a bad joke.

“Uh….?” I began before they started laughing at each other.

“Hehe, how do you get me like that!” Phoebe said as she hugged her sides.

“I think it was perfect to point out.” Maeve said as she pumped out her chest like a proud hero.

“Hahah! an-hehe-anyw-way! Ehm. So I managed to get us a reservation for our visit here. anyway this place has a special sale on this event open to those quick enough to get a rvsp. Oh! And pinepin, don’t touch the snow globes. Elementals are very tempting but they just offer exactly what you want.” She warned me before we stepped into the shop.

Only it was… a white room? There’s several floating glass orbs in the far back behind a white counter? I stepped forward a few steps only to stop as I noticed a white object standing in front of me. It was a table with a layered stand filled with cups, mugs and some odd egg. walking around it, I walked closer to the orbs only for some white rectangle to move in front of them. It seemed to be some shelf with boxes, bottles and figurines, ignoring the white shelf, I walked closer until I was at the white counter. The glass orbs were filled with different things, one was pale blue with white powder and several crystal like ice. Another was pink and filled with red lighting bolts that arced in every direction like a group of crazed worms, then there was one that was bright orange, red and then neon blue.

 It seemed to move like a blazing flame while slowly moving like super heated rock, I could feel warmth the closer I got to it, sending shivers down my back. My body loosened up, feeling a lot more flexible the closer I got. The fire within the orb danced like a beautiful woman, swaying, turning her hips and her skirt waving side to side. Inviting me to visit her with huge blue eyes and a smile a wife gave only to her husband. The inside of the orb moved to show a field of gems, jewels, gold and castles of red crystal. It was everything I could ever want, Just add my mother and brother and Life would be perfect!

The other orbs seemed to shake like wild animals, forming tornadoes, thick bolts of electricity that hit the glass over and over again, one began throwing rocks from within Itself at the glass like an army was trying to kill a monster. but my orb sat there patiently with a gentle flame within, like a cat waiting to go to bed with their friend.

“....c……co-” I could feel words easily forming in my mouth like I spoke them in a thousand past lives because that’s maybe how short it’s been to me?

“Whoa there miss. can't have you releasing the element of heat in our world. Rather not liquify the city with an ascendance.” Said a cheery voice before a white hand patted my shoulder.

the moment I was touched, color began to bleed into the white world like paper absorbing water, spots of color would expand outward. giving browns to the walls, tables and counters, a red carpet with a purple lion with bug wings, a blues and yellows mixed with others to make necklaces and glass bottles show their true colors. but the room seemed to fold in on itself in some places and spread out in others as the shelf with globes pushed farther back and shrunk in to only show two globes. the room was now round with a tall ceiling with stairs leading into a second floor.

“-I don’t understand! What do you mean she fell between dimensions? Robin was right here, Maly!” Shouted a very pissed Phoebe. 

“I am sorry! I-it’s crazy how she did it! WHATDOIDO?!WHATDOIDO!?”

“You can’t leave my friend to face the darkest pits of Durmanta! She or anyone else can’t live in that filter!” Ranted a worried Maeve.

“I know! but she should be fine! I-I think? I- Oh thank, figment! thank you-thank you-THANKYOU!” Someone rushed up to the person next to me. “I told you we needed to update our firmware! Especially when the red la-MRHP!” The person next to me covered the shaking girl’s mouth.

“Now, now. You know channeling fate isn’t simple or even neat.” He said in a calm voice. The shaking woman next to him drooped her shoulders as her messy red hair fell over her face. “Luckily I found her in our subspace room, nowhere near the filter and its grabby mittens.” The relaxed man said before straightening his pale red robe.

“She was where!” The woman began shaking again as her head snapped to the shelf with the globes. “Ok, we should have twenty minutes before it opens. Then we can make our way out through a displacement doorway. All evidence would be destroyed anyway so no need to-” She mumbled to herself before the man placed a hand on her shoulder making her jolt before a light swallowed her creating an odd ‘POP’ sound. she was there then she wasn’t, almost like she was erased from existence or teleported.

The man wiped his hands off before clapping them. “That sister of mine can really be a worry wart. Now then what wares are you interested in?”

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you have the best last few days of December before a new awesome year starts! Anyway, I'm bugging you all to let you know that I'll be taking the next two weeks off from posting to chill for a bit with family and edit some of the older chapters/ work on that collection of stories I mentioned a while ago. And I really want to catch up on some reading and finding new stories to read. but come the next Friday, after my break, I'll drop two chapters as a Little hello there.

Besides that, if you have any suggestions on editing my older chapters or think a specific chapter needs something, then let me know and I'll see if it's possible. beyond that have loads of fun, eat lots and spread a little fun or kindness if you can.

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